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Joo Won 주원 [Drama- The Midnight Studio/ 야한(夜限) 사진관]


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28 minutes ago, kittyna said:

because the musical character (King George III) is one of the villains in his original context, so I was just like, "Wait, what?"

She did acted like a villain in first half. She was the main reason why Hwang Tae hee was not able to go with his mother. I am doubting her love for Hwang Tae Hee, but it sort of felt more like obsession than love. And she sort of act according to the situation and only exercise her authority when she is certain that she is able to exercise it.

28 minutes ago, kittyna said:

By the way, that emoji is supposed to mean "Please", like I'm asking or begging for something (at least, according to the menu), so....

In a toxic group they use it to mock others,so I apologize for applying same logic here:sweat_smile:

28 minutes ago, kittyna said:

I think the only other one that surprised me was Choi Min Hee

I saw the music video again and I think she does not fit the description. Here is my new choice: Jung Da Yeon for 1. "Prima Donna" from The Phantom of the Opera.

Thanks for pointing out, I was sort sleepy while I was giving my choices :sleepy:

Do point out the characters if they don't fit the musical, thanks and sorry for rushing in with my choices :sweat_smile:

28 minutes ago, kittyna said:

some sort of pre-broadcast special - does anyone know more about this?

I think the the special episode "The beginning of Alice" was broadcasted on 6:30 Pm Korean Standard time, we can only hope if some fan had recorded it and upload it ion his/her Instagram account. I think VIKI website might upload it, since it has license to air Alice drama.

Few shorts from special broadcast , like they are taking inspiration from GOT, where they interview each actor and ask them about their character(this one is Joo won's)


Kim Hee seo's short from interview. I was able to get hold of more Kim Hee seo's shorts than Joo won's

In this picture it is sort of clears the issue that if joo won can pull off a high student look or not and I might add, it looks so cute that Kim Hee Seo was hiding behind him, they do look like god friends and I know a lot of Mom and Son who are good friends, so I am relieved that they have good chemistry. And they both have separate love line, like Joo won's character has a love angle with Lee Da In's and Kim Hee Seon's character has love angle with Kwak Si-Yang. So,I guess there will some romance between the above mentioned pairs:heart3:


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1 hour ago, kireeti2 said:

Few shorts from special broadcast , like they are taking inspiration from GOT, where they interview each actor and ask them about their character(this one is Joo won's)


Here's some more info about what he talked about.


I didn't know that he was that invested in having Kim Hee Sun play the female lead, so I certainly hope that works out. For those who don't know, JW's got a bit of a track record for his own co-star choices not going over well with fans (Level 7 Civil Servant and Nae Il's Cantabile); from what I've seen, that doesn't look like it'll be the case this time around, though.


I also found this snippet from Park Jin Gyeom's birthday song (second clip in this post). It's cute how he just stops halfway and says to his mom, "Come on!" (like - "Come on, aren't you supposed to sing, too?"). And can I point out that for JW, it was probably a bit of a challenge to sing in a monotone voice?


2 hours ago, kireeti2 said:

In this picture it is sort of clears the issue that if joo won can pull off a high student look or not and I might add, it looks so cute that Kim Hee Seo was hiding behind him, they do look like god friends and I know a lot of Mom and Son who are good friends, so I am relieved that they have good chemistry. And they both have separate love line, like Joo won's character has a love angle with Lee Da In's and Kim Hee Seon's character has love angle with Kwak Si-Yang. So,I guess there will some romance between the above mentioned pairs


And speaking of Kim Hee Sun's cuteness, she's slated to guest on an upcoming episode of Master in the House.



Does that mean JW will also guest in a variety show sometime soon? I hope so!


2 hours ago, kireeti2 said:

She did acted like a villain in first half. She was the main reason why Hwang Tae hee was not able to go with his mother. I am doubting her love for Hwang Tae Hee, but it sort of felt more like obsession than love. And she sort of act according to the situation and only exercise her authority when she is certain that she is able to exercise it.


Ah...I see what you mean. To be fair, I do think Tae Hui's grandmother has her flaws, but I didn't really think of any of the major characters in Ojakgyo Brothers as villains. Maybe it's because it's a very human sort of story, where - with the exception of the police chief - everyone who does make bad choices at least started off with good intentions.


As for the grandmother's relationship with Tae Hui specifically, one thing I can critique is that she unintentionally puts a lot of undue pressure on him to act like his father's replacement. Like, I can sympathize with her desire to have someone who reminds her of her deceased son by her side, but by taking Tae Hui for herself rather than letting him go with his mother, she ends up...causing emotional trauma for him in the process of healing her own? Does that make sense?


She also makes the wrong assumption that just because Tae Hui doesn't fight back or resist, he's actually okay with being away from his mother. My guess is that she (and the rest of the family) are far more used to kids who just flat-out say what they want or don't want (i.e. the other three brothers), so when he's quiet, they assume that Tae Hui's fine when he's really just given up.


As for my own picks for the Musical/Drama Character Challenge, I'll come back to those in a later post - still trying to figure out some choices.

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4 minutes ago, kittyna said:

I also found this snippet from Park Jin Gyeom's birthday song (second clip in this post)

It almost felt like Park Si-on alternate life, if his mother left his father instead of him. Like, this is how he would have celebrated his birthday with his mom.

@kittyna Perhaps, you can use this Alice story as an inspiration to write a fan fic series of Park Si-on's school and college days with his mom and the chief doctor helping them financially :wink:

6 minutes ago, kittyna said:

I didn't know that he was that invested in having Kim Hee Sun play the female lead, so I certainly hope that works out. For those who don't know, JW's got a bit of a track record for his own co-star choices not going over well with fans (Level 7 Civil Servant and Nae Il's Cantabile); from what I've seen, that doesn't look like it'll be the case this time around, though.

Now all he had to do is act with Kim Hye Soo, then he'll complete list of working with all the top Kim actress:smiley:

8 minutes ago, kittyna said:

And speaking of Kim Hee Sun's cuteness

Speaking of cuteness, Joo won is also cute too in his school days character

Joo won school uniform shots


9 minutes ago, kittyna said:

Does that mean JW will also guest in a variety show sometime soon? I hope so!

I doubt it, we can't be sure until he shows up in the variety show, rest is speculation

13 minutes ago, kittyna said:

Ah...I see what you mean. To be fair, I do think Tae Hui's grandmother has her flaws, but I didn't really think of any of the major characters in Ojakgyo Brothers as villains

I sort of see his grandma as amoral, just like a king or a state. It's like in the musical, the king is doing everything within his power to keep the colony under the crown rule and every state will do the same thing to quill a rebellion in a region. So, I thought the only character which has done within her/his power to keep the status quo or get her way

31 minutes ago, kittyna said:

causing emotional trauma for him in the process of healing her own? Does that make sense?

Sometimes I am confused by these question marks. Like, I am in dilemma that is the question is directed towards me? Should I answer it Or You are questioning yourself:sweat_smile:, just like Alice synopsis, it is baffling :tounge_xd:

Aw, I really missed his "Balli or Palli", I don't know the actual spelling. It was good to hear it again from joo won's mouth :blush:

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7 hours ago, kireeti2 said:

Perhaps, you can use this Alice story as an inspiration to write a fan fic series of Park Si-on's school and college days with his mom and the chief doctor helping them financially :wink:


Don't worry - I still haven't forgotten the whole "Park Si On befriends a school nurse in his student days" concept :P It's just on a back burner while I keep working on Seolleim in Salzburg.


7 hours ago, kireeti2 said:

I sort of see his grandma as amoral, just like a king or a state. It's like in the musical, the king is doing everything within his power to keep the colony under the crown rule and every state will do the same thing to quill a rebellion in a region. So, I thought the only character which has done within her/his power to keep the status quo or get her way


For me, I didn't think she was so much amoral, as possessing a double moral standard: looser/more lenient when it comes to her family (most notably her sons and grandsons), and harsher when it comes to anyone she sees as outside of that - Including, as it were, (grand)daughters-in-law. That's not unusual in East Asian families, especially in an older generation. So while I could say that there's much to be desired in the grandmother's attitude towards first Tai Hui's mother and then Baek Ja Eun, I'm also not entirely fazed by it either. It isn't right, but it is understandable.


7 hours ago, kireeti2 said:

Sometimes I am confused by these question marks. Like, I am in dilemma that is the question is directed towards me? Should I answer it Or You are questioning yourself:sweat_smile:, just like Alice synopsis, it is baffling :tounge_xd:


lol - When I do that, it's my way of showing that I'm hesitant or unsure - just trying to show what my actual inflection would sound like if I'm speaking out loud.


But anyway, I'm actually here for my take on Group Four of my Musical/Drama Character Challenge. Before I begin, though, can I say that my own decision to rule out the second leads really limited some of my options here? Like, there'll be moments when I'm like, "This person's perfect...wait, they're second lead, aren't they? Damn it!"


So, with that being said, here's what I did manage to figure out :) 



1. "Prima Donna" from The Phantom of the Opera 


Yeah, basically just screwed myself over right out the door, because my first thought was (obviously) Chae Do Kyung from Nae Il's Cantabile, what with her whole fit about another girl getting cast as the lead in Carmen and all that. But while that's technically allowed, based on the parameters I set for that drama specifically, it's also something of a cheap shot.


So, instead, I tried to think of someone else who's got a large ego, who's more concerned about reputation than actual talent (or lack thereof), and who has a dominating/domineering presence that's got everyone fawning around her (even though they actually secretly dislike her). And somehow, thinking in that direction, I wound up thinking of the Chairwoman of the Board (who's unnamed, unfortunately) from Nae Il's Cantabile instead. She's someone who's supposed to have an understanding for the arts and music, but who's actually more preoccupied by Haneum's reputation and whether it could produce a star (like Cha Yoo Jin) who'd draw in media attention and financial investment. Bonus here is that most of the faculty is aware of this, but only Stresemann is brazen enough to call her out on it to her face, since he's the only one whose career doesn't hinge on her will.


2. "You'll Be Back" from Hamilton 


And this is the second time that my whole "no second leads" rule came back around to bite me - because my first instinct was Han Do Joon from Yong Pal. :P My mind then went to the secretary from the same drama, but...he's more a sinister sort of antagonist, whereas the King in Hamilton comes across as more comical.


So I'm switching to another drama altogether with my response: Kimura Kenji from Gaksital. Here, I'm thinking of someone who thinks he's got a lot of power, but who actually doesn't (constitutional monarchy - look it up), and someone for whom the stresses of maintaining that power/position have started to impact his sanity, leading to the slightly maniacal massive mood swings we see in the song.


3. "The Schuyler Sisters" from Hamilton 


Answers got easier for me from here on out, thank goodness :) And it's here that I actually wound up thinking of Choi Min Hee from Nae Il's Cantabile. Here, I'm inspired by Angelica's spunky - almost to the point of sassy - personality, her relative lack of interest in romance, and her desire to be treated as an equal by the guys rather than as a young girl in need of sympathy or protection.


4. "Anybody Have a Map?" from Dear Evan Hansen


I actually have one answer for each mother. For Heidi (i.e. the mom whose son has anxiety), I thought of Yang Sun Young from Nae Il's Cantabile, because we see in the drama how she's got a generally cheerful personality and outlook (the whole pep talk in the beginning of the song), but also how she has no idea how to get through to someone as withdrawn as her son is. Bonus here is that Heidi is also a single mother whose failing marriage left her son with serious abandonment issues (her husband left and she was too preoccupied with her own broken heart to be there for her child). Not that that could have been gleaned from this song, but I'm just throwing that out there.


As for Cynthia (i.e. the mom with the rebellious son), I thought of Seo In Sook from King of Baking, Kim Tak Gu, because there's a similar dynamic between her and Ma Jun, where she keeps trying to tell him what to do (for his own good) and he just keeps brushing her off. Which, if you'll remember, leads to her, "Ma Jun-ie, neo!" catchphrase ;) 


5. "Through Heaven's Eyes" from The Prince of Egypt


Maybe this is too obvious, but I'm going with the Priest from Yong Pal, because I see him taking a similar role in Han Yeo Jin's life - and, in my fics at least, in Kim Tae Hyun's as well.


By the way, yes, this does count as a teaser for what else I've got planned after finishing Seolleim in Salzburg ;) 


6. "The Life I Lead" from Mary Poppins


lol - @kireeti2, you already picked my intended answer, and unlike the next one, I don't have any good ideas for a backup. So Cha Dong Woo from Nae Il's Cantabile it is :) Mostly because he's just that Type A of a personality, and is also generally preoccupied with his own work.


7. "Gaston" from Beauty and the Beast


I, too, thought of Ma Su Min at first, but I actually was able to find an alternative this time. If you will permit me the gender-swap, I actually wound up thinking of Gyun Hee from My Sassy Girl, because she's got that same sort of blind loyalty for Jung Da Yeon that we see here. As far as Gyun Hee's concerned, there's nothing that Jung Da Yeon could do wrong (at least until the end of the drama), and she takes her admiration to the point of siding with Da Yeon against her brother's interests - or, if nothing else, she ends up convincing herself that being with Da Yeon is what's best for him.


8. "Blankets and Bedding" from Come From Away


In all fairness, @kireeti2, I think you beat me on this one :P I really do think the ICU nurse from Yong Pal is a really strong fit, since she's got the perfect mixture of compassion, hospitality, sass, and resilience that we see in Beulah's character here (and, as it turns out, in subsequent numbers). However, in the interest of having someone different, I think we can also consider Kim Mi Sook from Ojakgyo Brothers as an alternative - she and the ICU nurse have similar personalities, I find, with Mi Sook just being a little bit more of an ahjumma about it.



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40 minutes ago, kittyna said:

Seo In Sook from King of Baking, Kim Tak Gu

I thought of choosing her too. But I was like, it would be a common answer, so dropped it

48 minutes ago, kittyna said:

lol - @kireeti2, you already picked my intended answer

I sort of tried really hard to not pick the similar choices, but few characters are unique :wink:

52 minutes ago, kittyna said:

because my first thought was (obviously) Chae Do Kyung from Nae Il's Cantabile, what with her whole fit about another girl getting cast as the lead in Carmen and all that. But while that's technically allowed, based on the parameters I set for that drama specifically, it's also something of a cheap shot.

My first choice was her as well, but like you I also thought it would be an obvious one with no creative benefit

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And we have love angle between Park Jin Gyeom and Kim Do-yeon. Since there is no second lead drama here, I am onboard on this Kim Do-Yeon and Park Jin-Gyeom ship :cutekitty:

I don't know if their chemistry is good enough to get a "Best couple award", which is sort of second most common awards Joo won got for his dramas. Like, he good already 2 awards in this category. And I think this is Lee Da In's first role to have a love angle, in her past dramas she sort of played characters like sister to male lead or to antagonist. I think visually they make a good couple, but we need to still wait for their interaction in drama with each other and given that they are school friends in the drama, we will be able to see lot of screen time between these characters:yaaa:

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After watching trailer, I am left more questions than answers, like, I saw Kim Hee Seo from 2020 and 2050 in same frame. I think Kim Hee Seo is playing two roles, one as Park Jin Gyeom's mom from future and other as a professor in her early 30s, I think the assassin character is also Park Jin Gyeom's mom

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2 hours ago, kireeti2 said:

After watching trailer, I am left more questions than answers, like, I saw Kim Hee Seo from 2020 and 2050 in same frame. I think Kim Hee Seo is playing two roles, one as Park Jin Gyeom's mom from future and other as a professor in her early 30s, I think the assassin character is also Park Jin Gyeom's mom


The character bios (on SBS's website) and these trailers seem to be taking us around in circles regarding Kim Hee Sun's roles. :P 


And it looks like we're not the only ones who are confused - I'm getting the sense that the assassins from 2050 are after Yoon Tae Yi either because they think she's Park Sun Young (who's connected to that prophecy about the end of time travel) or she'd become her, and that's why Park Jin Gyeom has to keep her safe now in 2020.


Going from this trailer, though, it looks like there's gonna be a ton of action here - and it also looks like Alice is going to be one of JW's darker dramas to date. But again, we'll have to see.


Some more stills


Some screenshots of mini-Jin Gyeom - Is he doing what I think he is with that dragonfly, though??? :cries: If so, I think the similarity to Park Si On ends here.

10 hours ago, kireeti2 said:

And I think this is Lee Da In's first role to have a love angle, in her past dramas she sort of played characters like sister to male lead or to antagonist. I think visually they make a good couple, but we need to still wait for their interaction in drama with each other and given that they are school friends in the drama, we will be able to see lot of screen time between these characters


Lee Da In did have a love line in Hwarang, but both she and her in-story boyfriend were supporting characters.

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44 minutes ago, kittyna said:

If so, I think the similarity to Park Si On ends here.

I think we might get to see Park Si On side in High School Life of Park Jin Gyeom, like apart from Autism condition, I sort of feel like both have lot of similarities, like, spending time alone, no friends, outcast and bullied by classmates


49 minutes ago, kittyna said:

But again, we'll have to see.

Yeah, me too. The trailer sort of disappointed me when I compare with teasers, like, I felt like teasers gave me more excitement than this trailer. I guess it's because of the background music, it failed to pump in excitement, the action scenes looks promising though, especially the agent from "Alice" looked like they are packed with some serious future weapons.


53 minutes ago, kittyna said:

e assassins from 2050 are after Yoon Tae Yi

Speaking of Assassins, do you have any idea, who was  that Kim Hee- Seo's character? Who was having dual fight me someone ? Is it Yoon Tae-Yei Or Park Sun- Young ?

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10 hours ago, kireeti2 said:

Speaking of Assassins, do you have any idea, who was  that Kim Hee- Seo's character? Who was having dual fight me someone ? Is it Yoon Tae-Yei Or Park Sun- Young ?


I can't say for sure, to be honest. We see Kim Hee Sun's character(s) both using and being threatened by the same futuristic gun-like weapon in different scenes - and the character who is shown using the gun is also the one shown during the duel with the sword (which I assume is the scene you're referring to - forgive me if it's not, as there are a TON of fight scenes in this trailer). 


That being said, like...that doesn't seem to fit either Yoon Tae Yi or Park Sun Young, given what we know of their personalities and stories so far. So...yeah, definitely confused now :P 


10 hours ago, kireeti2 said:

I guess it's because of the background music, it failed to pump in excitement, the action scenes looks promising though, especially the agent from "Alice" looked like they are packed with some serious future weapons.


To be honest, there were moments when the music sounded a lot like this motif from the Star Wars movies, so I think they were aiming for less action/excitement and more dramatic pathos (and vague sci-fi vibes) this time around.


10 hours ago, kireeti2 said:

I think we might get to see Park Si On side in High School Life of Park Jin Gyeom, like apart from Autism condition, I sort of feel like both have lot of similarities, like, spending time alone, no friends, outcast and bullied by classmates


But at least Park Si On wasn't ever mistaken for a psychopath - which seems to be what happened to Park Jin Gyeom, with the whole "classmate's suicide being mistaken for murder" bit. 


I'm also honestly starting to doubt whether what Park Jin Gyeom has is actually apathy - I'm more inclined to think of his condition as a form of reduced affect display, where someone has difficulty processing and expressing emotions, but doesn't necessarily lack emotion or empathy in and of itself. Because from what I can see, it does look like he's capable of feeling emotion, but that his ability to express it is impaired. 


I will concede, though, that we are dealing with a completely fictional condition caused by radiation sustained in utero - so, really, anything that the screenwriters say about Jin Gyeom's situation goes.

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3 hours ago, kittyna said:

To be honest, there were moments when the music sounded a lot like this motif from the Star Wars movies

Star Wars? I guess that's why trailer was boring to me:tongue: I am one of the few who is not into Star Wars franchise

3 hours ago, kittyna said:

But at least Park Si On wasn't ever mistaken for a psychopath

How about the Moms of the patients in the hospital? They sort of accused Si-On of being mentally unstable and danger to their kids safety. It's like they were indirect calling him a psycho


3 hours ago, kittyna said:

which I assume is the scene you're referring to - forgive me if it's not, as there are a TON of fight scenes in this trailer). 

Yeah, it's really hard to tell apart the scenes of Kim Hee Seo's character.:sweat_smile:

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On 8/12/2020 at 5:19 PM, kittyna said:

Hey, @flutterby06! It's been a while! :heart3:


Hey @kittyna, it's really been a while. I alsmost forgot how soompi operates!

Now that Alice premier date is coming I had to show up. Glad to see you're here. 


On 8/13/2020 at 9:27 AM, kireeti2 said:

I guess we are in for another stellar performance like "Good Doctor". Apart from the similar first name "Park", I think detective Park Jin Gyeom and Dr. Park Si-on have lot of similarities. Like, not able to read the situation in the room, brutally honest behavior and sort taking things for their face value


Really Excited for Alice. Joo Won says it's a Humane Si-fi drama, Good Doctor was a Humane Medical drama. So looking forward to it.


And Joo Won says Hi through SBS..


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6 hours ago, kireeti2 said:

How about the Moms of the patients in the hospital? They sort of accused Si-On of being mentally unstable and danger to their kids safety. It's like they were indirect calling him a psycho


My understanding is that they thought he'd be incompetent - i.e. not capable of making sound medical judgments - but my memory is also fuzzy on this, I'll admit.


5 hours ago, flutterby06 said:

Hey @kittyna, it's really been a while. I alsmost forgot how soompi operates!

Now that Alice premier date is coming I had to show up. Glad to see you're here. 


Same. Generally speaking, the site still operates as usual, except for one thing: we can't embed Instagram posts anymore. So if you see something on Instagram you want to share, do it as a link rather than directly copy-and-pasting it onto your post.


7 hours ago, kireeti2 said:

Star Wars? I guess that's why trailer was boring to me:tongue: I am one of the few who is not into Star Wars franchise


lol - I never got around to watching the films, so I really don't have an opinion here. But I do know people who are fans, and so far like what I've heard of the soundtrack.


We also have a greeting from the entire main cast of Alice



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48 minutes ago, kittyna said:

My understanding is that they thought he'd be incompetent - i.e. not capable of making sound medical judgments - but my memory is also fuzzy on this, I'll admit.

I forgot why did we label Park Jin Gyeom as a psycho in first place?:blink: Because in trailer there is no sign of aggression in his school life, except being different and inability to show his feelings. And I can only imagine a scenario where he was accused of throwing his fellow classmate off the ledge is because he was the only one on the roof. And also, his aggressive behavior was elevated only after his mothers death and his quest to catch her killer made his behavior worst.


48 minutes ago, kittyna said:

We also have a greeting from the entire main cast of Alice

It is interesting see that both the main leads were wearing white outfit, contrary to rest of the cast members. Is it a sign that they both will die in the end? Or run away together to another time period? :scream:


So, SBS is trying different sorts of promotions for "Alice". This video is better than her first one and I didn't understand the whole video, but it sort of Yeonwoo explaining her relation with other cast members, about "Alice" drama shooting and about her character and her character's relation with other characters

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1 hour ago, kireeti2 said:

I forgot why did we label Park Jin Gyeom as a psycho in first place?:blink: Because in trailer there is no sign of aggression in his school life, except being different and inability to show his feelings. And I can only imagine a scenario where he was accused of throwing his fellow classmate off the ledge is because he was the only one on the roof. And also, his aggressive behavior was elevated only after his mothers death and his quest to catch her killer made his behavior worst.


The reason why I think it's possible for Park Jin Gyeom to be mislabeled as a psychopath is because one of the major signs/symptoms of psychopathy is a lack of empathy for others or remorse for one's actions. In comparison, aggressive behaviour actually isn't necessarily present - but that does tell me how pervasive the stereotypes are ;) So, given that he's at the wrong place at the wrong time when the girl falls off the roof, and everyone knows that he was there, his relatively flat reaction would be extremely unnerving for his classmates and their families. And since I don't expect the general public in his community to understand why Jin Gyeom is the way he is, my assumption is that they'd jump to the conclusion that he's psychopathic/a menace to society/etc. 


Again, this is not what I think about Park Jin Gyeom as a character - in actuality, besides apathy, he doesn't exhibit any of the other symptoms associated with antisocial personality disorder (the clinical term for what's colloquially called sociopathy or psychopathy). However, his impaired ability to express emotions can (and most likely will) be read by others as a lack of conscience, and his classmate's death (whether by suicide, or accident, or a combination of the two) will consequently be read as a sign of violent behaviour. And, with that established (albeit inaccurately), I can see people assuming he'll exhibit the other signs/symptoms as well.


This video lays out the symptoms really well - and, combined with what I've just said, I hope it shows the really awkward double-bind Park Jin Gyeom ends up in.



And this TED talk shows just how hard it is for a person to rid themselves of a "psychopath" type label once people assume that's what they are.


1 hour ago, kireeti2 said:

It is interesting see that both the main leads were wearing white outfit, contrary to rest of the cast members. Is it a sign that they both will die in the end? Or run away together to another time period?



Who knows? I actually didn't think all that much on that and just took it as coincidence/what their stylists happened to choose/etc.


Personally, I'm okay with either option you brought up as an ending for Alice, so I'll just wait and see.

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Some new action shots from Alice


Also, we now know at least some of the artists who will be doing the OST - I wonder if this means that JW won't do a song this time, or if (like with My Sassy Girl), he's planning a surprise.


And we now finally have the photoshoot video with English subs - Looks like you were right, @kireeti2, about the clothing choice being deliberate; it turns out these were the same outfits they wore in their individual character posters. I still don't know whether the difference between Kim Hee Sun and JW compared to the others is just to showcase them as the leads, or whether there's a greater story-related significance, though.

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Hello everyone! I finally reactivated my Kocowa account and am ready to watch Alice. :P I don't have much to say except that I am excited to see Joo Won back on the screen after so long. I am looking forward to discussions about the airing episodes.

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10 hours ago, kittyna said:

Looks like you were right, @kireeti2, about the clothing choice being deliberate; it turns out these were the same outfits they wore in their individual character posters. I still don't know whether the difference between Kim Hee Sun and JW compared to the others is just to showcase them as the leads, or whether there's a greater story-related significance, though.


Maybe, I think the ending would be bitter-sweet, like they will meet and get separated. Since, Park Jin Gyeom's mom dies and bringing her back alive is next to impossible and her doppelganger may not be his mom and completely different person. So, Park Jin-Gyeom makes peace with it and try to live a happy life which is his mom's wish, since she risked her life and mission to give birth to him


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Another set of cast interviews:



By the way, is it just me, or is JW actually in-character for a good chunk of his segment? Like, he's clearly just his normal self in the intro and outro, but once the questions start coming...I feel like he's doing so as Park Jin Gyeom, going by his facial expression, tone of voice, etc.


And also, Preview/Teaser 1 of the upcoming finale to Seolleim in Salzburg is now ready!



“What’s going on, Orabang?” Nae Il asks, trotting along beside me as I make my way through the bright and spacious lobby of the Wiener Konzerthaus.


I answer without even breaking my stride. “What do you mean?”


“I know you decided not to hang out with Milch and Yoon Hoo-sunbae because you wanted some time to practice alone before your concerto tonight,” she says, still following me closely as I now begin to head up the main red-carpeted staircase for the Grosser Saal. “But that doesn’t explain why you asked me to join you as well.” She mulls over her own question for a moment, then perks up with an eager gasp. “Is it because you want us to have some time together?”


“Not in the way you’re thinking, Seollebal,” I retort, coming to a stop just outside the entrance to the auditorium. With no performance happening inside, the modern glass sound-blocking doors have been left open, but the white inner ones are still closed. Smiling fondly at Nae Il, I reach in to turn the latch. “This is purely about the music.”


Both of us have seen photos of the Grosser Saal before, but nothing could have prepared us for the sight of the real thing. It is, as befitting the name, a large cavernous auditorium, its walls covered with deep red brocade, the gallery above our heads crowned by enormous white and gold columns that reach all the way up to an artfully decorated vaulted ceiling.


Even I, who has seen countless such concert halls in my life, find myself gaping in awe for a second before, settling my expression into something more neutral, I make my way towards the stage at the far end.


Already, it is set up for tonight’s concert: the orchestra’s chairs and music stands fanning out from the conductor’s podium, in front of which is a large black concert grand. The stagehands have also kindly left behind the small portable set of stairs; they will be gone by tonight, but for now, it appears they have been kept here in anticipation for the final rehearsal later this afternoon.


Reaching the bottom of the steps, however, I glance back over my shoulder to spot Nae Il still only halfway down the length of the vast hall, her feet firmly rooted in place.


“Ya, Seol Nae Il,” I call out. “Gwenchana?”


“I…I’m just wondering, Orabang,” she says hesitantly, her voice still carrying over to me due to the room’s strong acoustics. “How – how many people does this auditorium hold?”


I turn all the way around to face her. “1,800.”


Her jaw drops. “Mwo? I…I thought the auditorium in the Mozarteum was big for seating 800, but this!” She turns around in a circle, taking in all the empty seats around her. “This…this place seats almost two thousand people and we’re performing? Here?”


“Geu rae,” I answer, finally returning to her side with a fond smile. “I know you’re more accustomed to smaller concert halls, Nae Il-ah, but this is the only one in the Konzerthaus that could handle a piano concerto – and chances are, even with the Festival happening in Salzburg right now, there should still be enough locals and visitors alike here for us to get close to a full house.”


Noting the way she pales in response, I reach out and take one of her hands in both of mine. “Gwenchana, Nae Il-ah. This is why I wanted to bring you here: so you can get used to this space and the idea of playing here without anyone else but me to see.” Letting go, I gesture at the entire auditorium with a sweeping hand. “So walk around for a bit. Explore this place as much as you want. Get to know every inch of it until it becomes just like anywhere else.”


She answers with a shaky nod, turning to walk along a random row of seats as I return to the stage. A glance out of the corner of my eye as I sit down on the piano bench reveals that she has come to a stop by one of the chairs, running one hand along its polished wooden back before reaching down further to feel its velvety upholstery.


Nae Il looks so wistful – the entire scene so dreamlike – that I’m tempted to keep staring at her forever. However, that’s not something I could actually afford; I wasn’t lying when I said I wanted time to practice.


I don’t always get the chance, but whenever possible, I try to be able to spend some time alone with the instrument on which I’m set to perform. Despite some overarching similarities based on the manufacturer – Steinways like this one, for example, are designed with a clear and bright sound, perfect for ringing out over an orchestra – each individual piano has its own unique colour and tone. As a solo pianist, it is in my best interests to work with the instrument’s idiosyncracies, adjusting my touch and technique in order to bring out the sound I want to achieve – and I’d much rather do that now than during the hectic bustle of the full rehearsal.


Focused as I am on the music, I can’t see if Nae Il reacts when I start to make my way through several different excerpts from Paderewski’s Piano Concerto in A-minor. Knowing her, she probably does: stopping in her tracks to glance over at me, maybe even tapping along with her fingers on the backs of the chairs. But given that, it takes several minutes before I’m suddenly aware of a presence behind me.


“What is it, Nae Il-ah?” I ask, my hands going still as I peer at her over my shoulder. “Is something wrong?”


She shakes her head.


“So, what’s the matter?”


“I’m just wondering,” she says, one finger tapping her chin in thought, “if it would help me more to play something.”  


Because performing in Salzburg (which, ultimately, is still a small town) is one thing, but performing in Vienna is quite another ;) 

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1 hour ago, kittyna said:

s it because you want us to have some time together?

Lol! :joy: Nae-il and her romantic thoughts are just predictable and fun at the same time

1 hour ago, kittyna said:

if it would help me more to play something.”  

What would help? More exploring? :confused:


1 hour ago, kittyna said:

Another set of cast interviews:

There was this scene where Joo won knocks-out on the table with bottles of alcohols(I actually don't know the reason for that), but it reminded me of his interview, where he mentioned getting knocked-out with just a sip of a beer when he wanted to drink with her mom. I sorted of drawn parallel to his real life situation with the scene from Alice, like Kim Hee Seon's character is mom to Joo won's character, it's like his real life incident being made into to drama scene :joy:

Now that I have mentioned this drinking scene with mom, which brings me to a question.  Is it normal for kids regardless of gender to have drink with their mothers in East Asia? Is it a recent phenomenon? Or is it traditionally and culturally accepted norm?

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