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Joo Won 주원 [Drama- The Midnight Studio/ 야한(夜限) 사진관]


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26 minutes ago, kittyna said:

lol - You make Nae Il sound like a pet puppy! Which, actually, might not be too far from the mark

HAHAHA, he actually compares her to a puppy in the drama, anyway I think he got use to her real quick and will have no issues in isolation with her, on contrary they'll lean on each other during self-isolation, with Nae-il's bright personality and Yoo Jin's hygiene practice,they'll be fine. :smiley:

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So, I've been a bit quiet lately, working up ideas for another character themed list (i.e. what I used to call rating/ranking lists, except the actual ranking thing has gone out the window by this point :P) inspired by some of the things I've been chatting about with you folks lately.


In the meantime, though, some more goodies!


1. More behind-the-scenes pics from Alice (JW seems to like taking these monitor photos a lot)



2. A short video message in support of frontline workers/first responders (at least I think that's what the translator meant by "first runner" - if I'm wrong, please let me know)



3. More love from fans



4. The Final Preview for my upcoming Seolleim in Salzburg fic! I wasn't planning on posting this at first, but it wound up so cute and fluffy that I figured anyone who wanted a pick-me-up in these trying times might want to see it:



Finally, after more than a month, Eomma’s package arrives.


Nae Il takes the cardboard box from me the minute I return from the post office. Holding it up at eye level, she looks skeptically at it, her brows knitted together in thought.


I let out a short laugh at her comical expression. “I know,” I quip wryly as I take off my shoes and set them aside. “I was thrown off by the size, too.”


She steps back to let me pass and gives the parcel a careful shake. “There’s gotta be more than just a video in here. I just know it.”


“Well,” I answer, gesturing towards the living room, “why don’t we go and find out?”


Nodding, Nae Il hurries to set down the box on our dining table before dashing past me a second time into her room. As the crafter between us, she is the one with a pocketknife and not me; and that is exactly what she is holding when she returns.


My eyes flicker down at the box. “Do you want to do the honours?”


She doesn’t need to be told twice, kneeling on her chair in order to get a better angle as she cuts through the thick layer of packaging tape. The flaps on the box have also been glued down for greater stability; they give way with a satisfying tearing sound when Nae Il levers them open with her fingers.


Immediately, her eyes widen.


“Omo, omo, omo….” Gasping in delight, she reaches inside the package and pulls out a thin box of orange-flavoured chocolates. “I haven’t had these in ages!” As I look on in amusement, she immediately tears off the plastic film and helps herself to one of the individually-wrapped candies, handing me a piece as well. “Try it, Orabang; you can only get these on Jeju-do.”


I take the candy, shoving it in my pocket to enjoy later. “Jeju-do?”


Nae Il nods, unable to speak with her square of chocolate already in her mouth. “Mm.”


Shaking my head in bewilderment, I check the return address on our package, wondering if I’d somehow managed to confuse a care package from Nae Il’s family for the thing I was expecting from Eomma. But it’s definitely Eomma’s address in Seoul that’s written on the label, so just what exactly is going on?


Before I could say anything, though, a folded sheet of paper breaks into my line of sight, Nae Il waving it just inches from my face. Realizing it is probably a message from Eomma, I take it from her, borrowing the pocketknife to break the seal.


Dear Yoo Jin-ah, Nae Il-ah,


Mianhae. It took me ages to track down the copy of Fantasia you asked me to find, and once I found it – as I’d guessed, it was shoved away in a storeroom at your uncle’s place – it turned out to be a VHS. I doubt you kids would have the right player for that, though, so too bad on that one.


“Aish….” I smack myself mentally for my own stupidity. Of course that would be a problem – why hadn’t I guessed?


But you know me: I’m not the sort of person who’d just give up without a fight. So I asked around for a bit – and guess what? Nae Il’s family has the DVD.


Nae Il, who’d come around to read the letter over my shoulder, now dives into the box, yanking out the disc in a flurry of excitement.


So that’s the copy that I’m sending you, along with some other things that Nae Il’s parents threw in as well. I think you two will like the scrapbook in particular; funny what sorts of things turn up when you start to look.


The rest of Eomma’s letter consists of the miscellaneous updates and bits of gossip that are characteristic to all her messages. I hold off on reading those for the time being, instead choosing to watch Nae Il as, gasping audibly, she now pulls out a large spiral-bound book nestled at the bottom of the parcel.


I push the box of chocolates and the DVD off to one side, giving Nae Il the space to place the book reverently on the table.


“This was the scrapbook I made in my first year of primary school,” she explains, opening the book to its title page, where her name, age, class, and school have been written in by her teacher. “I had no idea Eomeong still held on to it, though.”


I answer with a nod. “Eomma said that there’s something here that we’d like, so” – I wave one hand at the page in invitation – “shall we?”


Turning the book so that I could see it right-side-up while she sees it upside-down, Nae Il slowly flips through the pages.


This scrapbook appears to have originally been a photo album: the kind without pockets, where each large page is coated with a mild adhesive and covered with a thin plastic film to protect its contents. Inside, Nae Il had lovingly placed mementoes from the first few years of her life, most likely in accordance to certain assigned themes: baby picture; family portraits; photos of her parents, grandmother, and childhood pet dog; pictures she’d drawn in kindergarten along with her graduation certificate; newspaper and magazine clippings about current events. However, what catches my eye the most are the short notes – written on pink patterened paper in Nae Il’s clumsy childish hand – interspersed throughout: captions and responses to the images featured on each page.


We work slowly through the scrapbook, both of us so fascinated that even the display on our phones showing us it’s time to start preparing dinner fails to rouse us from our seats. As with any collection of old memories, this book conjures up story after story in Nae Il’s mind; she regales me with them, peering eagerly up at me through her eyelashes with each one to see whether it elicits the smile or laugh she wants.


By now, we have reached the halfway point in the book, when Nae Il has finally started her piano lessons. Here, we find photos of her at the studio, her stern-faced teacher at her side, as well as ticket stubs and programmes from small local recitals in which she’d performed.


I offer her a fond smile. “You must have had dreams, then.”


“I did,” Nae Il answers, the easy manner in her voice reassuring to my ears. “Back then, other than Abang’s ranch, the studio was my favourite place to be; I used to love just sitting there before my lesson, picking out what I could remember from the pieces I’d heard on the radio.” A pause. “I didn’t know anything about ‘stardom’ or ‘prodigies’ yet – to me, it was just fun, and I had no idea that the things I thought were easy were so…out of the ordinary.


“But that’s all old times,” she says with a dismissive shrug. “I’m glad that I can come back to just playing for fun again now.”


The page after this clearly marks it as the end of the school project: a sheet of paper stuck inside shows her grades along with her teacher’s comments. However, Nae Il continues to turn the pages, revealing that even after finishing the assignment, she had kept adding to the scrapbook on her own: for the remainder of the term and then into the summer. There are pictures she drew, school quizzes in which she got perfect marks, photos documenting her various craft projects and a family trip to Disneyland in Japan.


And then, something that makes both of us stop in our tracks.


“Ya, Seollebal,” I burst out, staring wide-eyed down at the page that’s just been revealed. “That’s – that’s me.”


The picture is printed on a page cut out from a magazine about fifteen years ago. In it, I am standing on an auditorium stage along with two other children, each of us juggling a framed certificate and a small plastic trophy in our arms, mine evidently the largest of the three. A black concert grand piano looms behind us, hinting at the occasion for the photograph.


“How did you come by this?” I gesture down at the attached article describing the competition. “You weren’t one of the winners here, so….” One corner of my mouth twitches up in a teasing smirk. “Ya, have you been stalking me all this time, Seollebal?”


“Ani,” Nae Il quips back at me, just as good-naturedly. “I’d completely forgotten about this until now, so us living next door and meeting each other at Haneum is still pure coincidence. Or Fate – whichever you prefer.”


I make a face. “Let’s just keep it at ‘coincidence.’”


“Geu rae. Arasseo.” Trying to think back to the past, her brow furrows, and she scratches her head. “If anything, I guess that I saw it at the studio – they used to have issues of this magazine out by the entrance for parents to take.”


“Well,” I answer, pointing out a closed envelope that has been slipped in beside the clipping, “let’s see if that tells us anything.”


Carefully, Nae Il pulls back the plastic film and takes out the envelope. She opens it up and empties its contents on the table beside the scrapbook: a series of hand-written notes, each one folded into a rudimentary heart with a date written on it.


I bite back a sudden urge to laugh as I pick up the earliest-dated heart. “So what was this about ‘pure coincidence,’ Seollebal?”


Pouting, she snatches it out of my hand. “It’s not what you think, Orabang,” she whines back at me. “I used to fold all my notes like that.”


“Ara, ara – if you say so.”


Satisfied that I’m not about to push this any further, Nae Il finally unfolds the note and starts to read aloud: “Dear Orabang–”


She stops abruptly, and the two of us gape at each other across the table in slack-jawed astonishment. Then, at the exact same moment, both of us burst out laughing.


“Ya, Seollebal,” I blurt out, just barely audible over her peals of laughter. “Jinjja?!”


She shakes her head, waving her head to signal that she still can’t talk. Once she does settle, however, she brushes away the laughter-induced tears with her finger and resumes reading:


Dear Orabang,


Is that OK? Can I call you that? You are older than me and you are a boy. Eomeong says that having a penpal this summer will help my writing. Even if it’s pretend. I saw that you play piano like me. You won a contest. You must be really good.


I steal a careful glance at Nae Il, but she doesn’t notice and keeps going:


I play piano too. It’s a lot of fun. Seonsaengnim says that I’m getting a lot better. She says that one day I can win a contest, too. Just watch, Orabang. I’m coming to kick your butt.


I let out yet another snort of laughter at the ending, while Nae Il averts her eyes, her cheeks turning red. “Well, Seollebal,” I point out wryly, “you certainly had a way of putting things.”


“Geu rae,” she says sheepishly. “I guess so.”


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While brainstorming continues for my next character themed list, I decided to try something different this time around. This time, rather than just giving my take on things, I want to precede that by asking what you guys think.


So, this time, my inspiration comes from this exchange with @kireeti2:


On 4/15/2020 at 11:11 PM, kireeti2 said:

But in case of Yoo Jin before Nae-il he was living an isolated life so he'll do fine. Even living with Nae-il he won't be facing issues like Tae Hui does because all he has to do is feed Nae-il and put her to sleep or he will practice music with her, in either case Yoo jin will do better in self-isolation :smiley:


On 4/16/2020 at 11:21 AM, kittyna said:

lol - You make Nae Il sound like a pet puppy! Which, actually, might not be too far from the mark :lol:


On 4/16/2020 at 11:55 AM, kireeti2 said:

HAHAHA, he actually compares her to a puppy in the drama, anyway I think he got use to her real quick and will have no issues in isolation with her, on contrary they'll lean on each other during self-isolation, with Nae-il's bright personality and Yoo Jin's hygiene practice,they'll be fine. :smiley:


Since we were already comparing Nae Il to puppies, I figured we could take this a step further. So, I want to hear your answers to this question:


If any of JW's drama characters were animals, what would they be and why?


I'm personally challenging myself to cover all eight, but you don't need to - even if you just have an idea for one, please share!

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15 hours ago, kittyna said:

If any of JW's drama characters were animals, what would they be and why?

I hope you were referring to all types of animals, not just the domesticated one's like Dogs, Cats and Hampster

Gu Ma-Jun - Jackal, due to his cunning and shrewd behavior in the drama(A typical villain)

Han Gil-ro - Bear, because he is carefree and bears tend to  enjoy their life without  any responsibilities and care in the world

Lee Kang-to - Black panther or  Leopard, given his speed and ability to jump

Kim Tae-hyun & Hwang Tae-hee- Wolf, given that his nature is to protect anyone who he thinks belongs to his wolf pact.

Park Si-on - Bunny, Because his timid nature and bunny's tend to be friendly with children just like Si-on.

Cha Yoo-jin- German Shepherd, due to its calm and caring nature, and also they are very resourceful and take care of themselves even if they live on they on just like Yoon-jin.

Gyeon Woo- Labrador Retriever, because just like him Labradors likes to socialize and are known to be ladies man like Gyeon Woo

15 hours ago, kittyna said:

So, this time, my inspiration comes from this exchange with @kireeti2:

I am happy that I was able to inspire someone, especially a creative writer like you, its truly a honor to me:thumbsup:

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19 hours ago, kireeti2 said:

I am happy that I was able to inspire someone, especially a creative writer like you, its truly a honor to me:thumbsup:


You're welcome! Coming up with stuff to post is never just a one-way street :) 


And I love your ideas here, by the way - so I'll do responses first, and then share my take.


19 hours ago, kireeti2 said:

I hope you were referring to all types of animals, not just the domesticated one's like Dogs, Cats and Hampster


lol - That's what I was thinking, too. I tried doing it with just domesticated animals...then got stuck halfway. :P What can I say? Some of these characters are pretty wild. :D 


19 hours ago, kireeti2 said:

Gu Ma-Jun - Jackal, due to his cunning and shrewd behavior in the drama(A typical villain)

Han Gil-ro - Bear, because he is carefree and bears tend to  enjoy their life without  any responsibilities and care in the world

Lee Kang-to- Black panther or  Leopard, given his speed and ability to jump

Kim Tae-hyun- Wolf, given his nature to protect anyone who he thinks belongs to his wolf pact.

Park Si-on - Bunny, Because his timid nature and bunny's tend to be friendly with children just like Si-on.

Cha Yoo-jin- German Shepherd, due to its calm and caring nature, and also they are very resourceful and take care of themselves even if they live on they on just like Yoon-jin.

Gyeon Woo- Labrador Retriever, because just like him Labradors likes to socialize and are known to be ladies man like Gyeon Woo


What's really interesting for me is that some of your choices are similar to mine, but some are also completely different. There are even times when I thought of an animal you suggested...but for another character. I guess it depends on 1) what parts of the character's personality you want to focus on; and 2) what aspects of the animal's nature you're thinking of.


I wasn't expecting the bear, for instance - does that have to do with how bears are perceived in India? Just wondering, since where I'm from, I'm used to thinking of bears as mostly solitary animals that are extremely dangerous when they're protective (the whole Mama Bear idea).


Point is: I think you wound up noticing things that I wouldn't have thought of, and that's what makes it fun :) 


Given all that, in chronological order, here's what I have:


1. Gu Ma Jun - Leopard (Aggressive, territorial, solitary)


Given Ma Jun's willingness to resort to unscrupulous measures to get ahead, I think a wild predator would suit him best. In this case, I chose a leopard because not only are leopards skilled predators, but they are also solitary animals. A leopard, once it has caught its prey, will lug the carcass up into a tree to eat in relative peace - as other animals nearby won't be able to come in and steal its food. And that really reminds me of Ma Jun's desire to claim and protect what he thinks is rightfully his (i.e. his inheritance and his "father's" love), as well as his general distrust of others (especially Kim Tak Gu).


2. Hwang Tae Hui - German Shepherd (Loyal, protective, hardworking)


Tae Hui's self-proclaimed nickname in the police force is "Dog Tae Hui", and there's got to be a reason why the German shepherd is generally thought of as the ideal police dog ;) Intelligent and extremely loyal to its owner(s), a German shepherd will attack aggressively if provoked, but will also scale right back in response to a command from people it trusts. It is also highly skilled at tracking and guarding tasks. All of these, I think, are reflected in Tae Hui's job as a police detective, but also his love for his family and friends: he's just as eager to catch the bad guys as he is to shield and protect the good guys, and all he asks for is some love in return.


3. Lee Kang To - Falcon (Bold, decisive, fast)


Is it cheating to include a bird on this list? Well, birds are animals too, and this really was the first thing that came to my mind. In particular, my inspiration comes from the Peregrine falcon specifically, because of the way that it hunts. It takes a lot of commitment and courage to be able to just go into a free-fall to strike a target like this falcon does, and that reminds me a lot of Kang To's boldness both as Sato Hiroshi and as Gaksital. He thinks fast and acts fast, almost to the point of being just a tad reckless; but somehow, he almost always manages to hit his mark.


4. Han Gil Ro - Golden Retriever (Friendly, trusting, playful)


If a Golden retriever runs up to a stranger or intruder, it's more likely out of delight at the chance of making a new friend than any need to drive them away. Which just about sums up Gil Ro's outgoing and exuberant personality...and his complete unsuitability for a job in the NIS. Gil Ro is a very genuine person who wants to open up to the people around him, but that also means that he's prone to trusting others too much and getting himself hurt in the process. He doesn't take any sort of dishonesty or betrayal well, and that's ultimately what strains his relationships with his parents and girlfriend the most.


5. Park Si On - Rabbit (Gentle, inquisitive, timid)


Not only did Si On have a pet rabbit growing up, but it's also a good match/fit for his personality. I see rabbits as generally meek and gentle animals that are also naturally curious, and I see all of those traits in Si On's character. He's gentle and kind, and eager to observe and discover more of the world around him as long as nothing happens that startles or frightens him. In those cases, he gets really nervous and skittish like a rabbit - however, I would argue that he learns to rise to the challenge instead of running away over the course of the drama.


6. Cha Yoo Jin - Persian Cat (Quiet, observant, aloof)


Personally, I associate dogs with extroversion and cats with introversion, and out of all the cat breeds out there, the Persian (and their variations, like the Himalayan) is one of the most wary of strangers. When meeting someone new or introduced into a busy or bustling environment, it prefers to watch from the sidelines rather than get out there and explore; however, towards the people it trusts, it's very sweet and affectionate, preferring gentle touches and play. As for Yoo Jin, he's got a natural charisma that makes him a good leader, but he also has this more vulnerable "you can look at me, but don't touch" side to his personality.


7. Kim Tae Hyun - Raccoon (Clever, resourceful, secretive)


If a raccoon is determined to get into your stuff, there's no real way to stop it: these clever animals have learned to knock over garbage cans and even pry open animal-resistant latches. Determined and highly intelligent, the raccoon is also constantly on alert for potential threats and will run away accordingly - chances are, you'll see evidence that it was there but you won't see it as it's already disappeared into the shadows. This reminds me a lot of Tae Hyun's strong survival instincts and his ability to adapt to any situation or challenge that's thrown at him.


8. Gyun Woo - Owl (Intellectual, observant, refined)


Because of its silence and its tendency to look and listen carefully before acting, the owl is often associated with wisdom. I see this in Gyun Woo's intellectual/bookworm side, where he prefers to take in everything that's happening around him, consult his books and the teachings he's learned in the past, and then think carefully before taking any sort of action. However, when hunting, the owl is also stealthy: able to fly in silently and take out its prey when it's least expected. Gyun Woo is also like that, as he prefers to act in a more behind-the-scenes fashion, only revealing himself and his role when the coast is clear, the bad guys have been caught, and righteousness is restored.


And so that's mine :) Agree? Disagree? Feel free to let me know your thoughts!

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26 minutes ago, kittyna said:

I wasn't expecting the bear, for instance - does that have to do with how bears are perceived in India?

Yeah, because of jungle book:D,I kind of grew-up watching it, so, I thought bears would be like that lazy, I think bears are perceived differently in Canada ,right? My apologizes if I had offended:sweatingbullets:.

29 minutes ago, kittyna said:

What's really interesting for me is that some of your choices are similar to mine,

Wow!!!! It is like 3out of 7 are similar choice, we even choose similar breed of dogs:lol:


31 minutes ago, kittyna said:

Is it cheating to include a bird on this list?

Yes:tounge_wink:, I was kind of shocked when I saw the Falcon name on the list and started to question my knowledge on animal kingdom. For a second I thought falcon might be an animal, so, I had to google search it. But,  it does make sense according to the characters.


33 minutes ago, kittyna said:

Gyun Woo - Owl (Intellectual, observant, refined)

This one suits much better(also "wise"), but still his character has some clumsiness, I think owls were not all wise from the beginning, so, he would kind of shed his clumsiness with time. :smile:


34 minutes ago, kittyna said:

Cha Yoo Jin - Persian Cat (Quiet, observant, aloof)

And also high maintenance cost,  he spends a lot in drama and also makes other do his work. :thumbsup:

43 minutes ago, kittyna said:

Point is: I think you wound up noticing things that I wouldn't have thought of, and that's what makes it fun

And also you pointed out things I have missed because ever one has their blind spots:grin:

46 minutes ago, kittyna said:

Kim Tae Hyun - Raccoon (Clever, resourceful, secretive)

I might have to disagree with you on this one, I still think he is like a wolf in the pact, his loyalty is the main driver of the story in the drama, so, I would like to go with my option on this :smile:


48 minutes ago, kittyna said:

Gu Ma Jun - Leopard (Aggressive, territorial, solitary)

I think I would agree with you on this also, you were spot on, I have totally missed his other traits and focused only on his cunning nature, I think it is because of his portrayal as his villain made focus only on his negative aspects:smiley:

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51 minutes ago, kireeti2 said:

Yeah, because of jungle book:D,I kind of grew-up watching it, so, I thought bears would be like that lazy, I think bears are perceived differently in Canada ,right? My apologizes if I had offended:sweatingbullets:.


lol - Why would I be offended? We're just taught to be cautious around bears around here. Not that I'd likely ever come across one outside of a zoo, since I live in a major city, but we know to be careful if we go hiking or camping or something. It's not like Canadians think bears actively attack people - they don't - but that you have to be careful not to startle or frighten one.


By the way, I did think you were referring to The Jungle Book by your assessment, but I wasn't entirely sure. And now I've got the song from the Disney movie stuck in my head :P 


51 minutes ago, kireeti2 said:

This one suits much better(also "wise"), but still his character has some clumsiness, I think owls were not all wise from the beginning, so, he would kind of shed his clumsiness with time. :smile:


lol - Owls, in my opinion, look both wise and dorky at the same time. So it still works. :) 


51 minutes ago, kireeti2 said:

I might have to disagree with you on this one, I still think he is like a wolf in the pact, his loyalty is the main driver of the story in the drama, so, I would like to go with my option on this :smile:


I'm with you, too, especially if we focus on Tae Hyun as a team player or in his relationships with his family. This is purely just a case of us focusing on different parts of his personality.


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32 minutes ago, kittyna said:

And now I've got the song from the Disney movie stuck in my head :P 



32 minutes ago, kittyna said:

We're just taught to be cautious around bears around here

Yeah, very different from "The Jungle Book" version, I think they are  more aggressive in nature:P

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By the way, while I was working on my own list, I stumbled across this site here: Animal in You In some ways, it's similar to the MBTI-type page I use for character design, so I think I'll work through it and see what animal profiles match with different characters here.


There is a quiz, which should make this easier, but it's glitching for some bizarre reason. So I'll just do this the slow way: by reading different profiles and using my own judgment. I mean, I do have time to kill during this whole "stay at home" situation, so why not?


This time, though, I'm going to be doing 9 characters instead of 8 - because I just feel like throwing Seol Nae Il into the mix, too. After all, she was the one who started this whole animal business. ;) 


So here goes!


Gu Ma Jun - Porcupine (Somewhat of a bully, but that's only to hide his actual low self-esteem and lack of confidence. Often ends up hurting those he cares about or who care about him due to his standoffish, prickly temper.)

Hwang Tae Hui - Wild dog (Despite being quiet and introverted, he is ultimately driven by his desire to fit in with a group - his family, his friends, his colleagues, etc. Can be extremely focused and determined when on a case, but needs the freedom to investigate it however he wants.)

Lee Kang To - Wild cat (Prefers to forge his own path rather than simply doing what he's told, so he will lash out with a violent temper if pushed into a corner. Possesses great street smarts and is capable of adapting to his circumstances.)

Han Gil Ro Otter (Playful, clever, friendly,  but easily distracted - he prefers to just live in the moment, so he does need strong guidance and encouragement in order to stay on task.) 

Park Si On - Mole (Curious and intellectual, he pursues his interests with extremely single-minded determination. Can be really shy, skittish and private, but also craves a deep emotional bond with others.)

Cha Yoo Jin - Swan (Elegant and a natural magnet for attention, his calm exterior hides a strong work ethic and more than a bit of emotional turmoil. A very faithful and empathetic friend and romantic partner - although it takes others a while to notice due to his aloof persona.) 

Seol Nae Il - Cottontail rabbit (A kind dreamer with great people skills - but can be easily intimidated by new challenges and difficulties. She might be very social and outgoing, but much prefers to be a follower rather than a leader. Her cuteness is her strongest weapon.)

Kim Tae Hyun - Wolf :P (A natural and confident leader and team player, he is extremely loyal to those he cares about. His rough edges and sharp tongue can be off-putting for some people, but he ultimately craves stable loving relationships.)

Gyun Woo - Owl (Intelligent and thoughtful, but stubborn in his opinions, he is well suited to intellectual pursuits and teaching others. He is a very responsible worker who prefers to wield most of his influence behind the scenes - a personality trait that is absolutely essential for marrying a princess.)


Okay...I will admit some of these were tougher than others (with Hwang Tae Hui being the hardest - 50 profiles, and he didn't really fit any of them :P). Despite all that, this was fun for what it was...but I think I prefer my actual version better ;) 

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On 4/21/2020 at 2:21 AM, kittyna said:

Lee Kang To - Wild cat (Prefers to forge his own path rather than simply doing what he's told, so he will lash out with a violent temper if pushed into a corner. Possesses great street smarts and is capable of adapting to his circumstances.)

I think Badger suits him more, due to his aggressiveness and impulsive decision making, even heroes have some flaws too. https://www.animalinyou.com/animals/badger/

On 4/21/2020 at 2:21 AM, kittyna said:

Park Si On - Mole (Curious and intellectual, he pursues his interests with extremely single-minded determination. Can be really shy, skittish and private, but also craves a deep emotional bond with others.)

I would like to also differ here, for me  I think Cottontail rabbit  suits him more, due to his cute personality,  gentle nature and  caring personality. https://www.animalinyou.com/animals/cottontail/

I do agree with rest of the pairing :thumbsup:

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@kireeti2 Thanks! Kang To was another tough one, and I agree with you re: Si On (I kept going back and forth between the Cottontail and the Mole there, depending on which side of him I wanted to focus on).


I think I still like my first one more, though (i.e. the one I just came up with without any outside sources). The one major drawback from this site was that there was a ton of...non-personality-related things in there? Like, bits about physical appearance where I was like, "Um...what?" or sexuality where I was like, "Heck if I know!" So yeah, fun as the site was to read, it wound up a bit weird in the long run. :P 


Not a whole ton to share today, but JW did share a shoe pic in his Instagram Stories:



Also, if anyone is a bit bored and is just looking for something to browse through, there's this site that I just recently found out about: Korean Dramaland. It features some (not all) of the filming locations in a number of dramas, including a number of JW's. So if anyone's curious about, say, what locations were pieced together to create a workplace, school, etc., this can be a fun place to start.

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1 hour ago, kittyna said:

Also, if anyone is a bit bored and is just looking for something to browse through, there's this site that I just recently found out about: Korean Dramaland. It features some (not all) of the filming locations in a number of dramas, including a number of JW's. So if anyone's curious about, say, what locations were pieced together to create a workplace, school, etc., this can be a fun place to start.

Wow!!! They shot  lot of Korean dramas in  handful of locations, guess Kdrama is also small a world, just like ours:joy:


1 hour ago, kittyna said:

@kireeti2 Thanks! Kang To was another tough one, and I agree with you re: Si On (I kept going back and forth between the Cottontail and the Mole there, depending on which side of him I wanted to focus on)

I would also like to thank you for introducing the site, we can also know which type of animal/bird personality we have by answering few questions honestly, I got vulture, can't say I am surprised:joy:

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2 hours ago, kireeti2 said:

I would also like to thank you for introducing the site, we can also know which type of animal/bird personality we have by answering few questions honestly, I got vulture, can't say I am surprised:joy:


I got the quiz to work - once. I tried it out on myself, thought it was fun, decided to try it out on the characters...and I haven't been able to get it to work since :tounge_xd: If I had, using it would have been a lot easier :sweat_smile:


But anyway, when I did it myself, I got the Penguin. And, well...it's not wrong.


2 hours ago, kireeti2 said:

Wow!!! They shot  lot of Korean dramas in  handful of locations, guess Kdrama is also small a world, just like ours:joy:


I know, right? It's fascinating once you look at it. I do know that the interiors of K-drama houses tend to be sets built in a studio (hard to find an apartment with enough space for all the equipment, staff, and actors to fit comfortably), but it's interesting to see where the exteriors came from.


I think the bit that surprised me the most this time was Nae Il's Cantabile - like, I'd figured that a number of the campus buildings must have been in the same general location, but I had no idea the apartment building was from that complex, too. (If you click this second link, go to the bottom of the page and select "Naeil's Cantabile" for more specific info - there's even bits on some of the products/brands featured). 


Mind you, I did realize a long time ago that the apartments themselves were most likely studio sets (most obviously when they literally re-use parts of Yoo Jin's apartment for that one scene inside Yoon Hoo's). And, of course, even though they don't say it on the site (since they didn't get around to doing it for Yong Pal), there's overlap here too with that huge mansion. ;) 

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So, it looks like poll-type activities don't really work on this forum :P Not until things get buzzing here again, anyway - we seem to have more lurkers than posters here, and that's fine.


Given that, let me just wrap up the tournament poll I'd started as-is and call a winner (sort of).



Who will do best in self-isolation? You decide!


Rules/Parameters for self-isolation (since everyone's context is different, this needs a standard):

1. The character can either live alone, OR with family, a partner, or roommate(s) - use your own drama knowledge and imagination.

2.  The character is only allowed to go outside for essential purposes (e.g. getting supplies, going to work if you deem his profession to be an "essential service", etc.). If he does go out, he does so ALONE.

3. Any other communication/socialization with people outside of the character's residence (e.g. with friends, colleagues, etc.) can only be done remotely (e.g. via telephone, online, letter-writing, etc.)

4. There is limitless access to in-home recreation and entertainment (e.g. books, TV, streaming movies or music, crafts/hobbies, musical instruments, etc.), but assume ALL public recreational facilities (e.g. malls, restaurants, entertainment venues, sports facilities, etc.) are CLOSED.




1. Who do you think will do best in self-isolation?

a - Hwang Tae Hui

b - Cha Yoo Jin


Loss of income vs. Being on the front lines. That seems to be the ultimate crux of the matter here. So, on the one hand, Cha Yoo Jin gets to actually just stay at home - save for short essential errands like grocery shopping - but no matter how strong his finances are to start with, the complete lack of income and job insecurity many musicians face at times like this will be worrisome. On the other hand, Hwang Tae Hui still has a job and an income, but that's because he's a police detective who still has to go all over Seoul on his cases - with elderly parents and grandmother at home, what's that going to do to his peace of mind?


Point is: if I think about this in a way that actually corresponds to what we are facing in real life, this gets really complicated. But that being said, my vote is still going to Yoo Jin because, for the most part, he'd actually be safe - with the knowledge that most of his and Nae Il's safety is actually under his control.


And that, my friends, means that Cha Yoo Jin is the ultimate winner in this poll. :love:


However, even though the actual tournament-style poll is done, I want to throw in a quick bonus. Not a tournament, just a simple question: looking at all eight drama couples, which in the pair would do better?


Same set-up from before, just without randomized options (since we're doing this drama by drama):



Who will do best in self-isolation? You decide! (Couples Edition)


Rules/Parameters for self-isolation (since everyone's context is different, this needs a standard):

1. Assume that the couples already live together (either married or just cohabiting). However, you can also consider whether they would separate in times like this (e.g. self-quarantine, splitting off to work/live in different locations, one person moving back in with family, etc.). Couples may also be part of a larger household.

2.  Assume that except for front-line workers (e.g. healthcare workers, law enforcement, etc.) characters can work from home.

3. Any communication/socialization with people outside of the characters' residence (e.g. with friends, colleagues, etc.) can only be done remotely (e.g. via telephone, online, letter-writing, etc.)

4. There is limitless access to in-home recreation and entertainment (e.g. books, TV, streaming movies or music, crafts/hobbies, musical instruments, etc.), but assume ALL public recreational facilities (e.g. malls, restaurants, entertainment venues, sports facilities, etc.) are CLOSED.


So here goes! You can let me know either as a public reply or a DM:


1. Who do you think will do best in self-isolation?

a - Gu Ma Jun

b - Shin Yu Kyung


2. Who do you think will do best in self-isolation?

a - Hwang Tae Hui

b - Baek Ja Eun


3. Who do you think will do best in self-isolation?

a - Lee Kang To

b - Oh Mok Dan


4. Who do you think will do best in self-isolation?

a - Han Gil Ro

b - Kim Seo Won


5. Who do you think will do best in self-isolation?

a - Park Si On

b - Cha Yoon Seo


6. Who do you think will do best in self-isolation?

a - Cha Yoo Jin

b - Seol Nae Il


7. Who do you think will do best in self-isolation?

a - Kim Tae Hyun

b - Han Yeo Jin


8. Who do you think will do best in self-isolation?

a - Gyun Woo

b - Hye Myung


Personally, I think taking the girls into consideration might just make this more challenging ;) Again, this isn't a tournament where we try to find a winner - just a questionnaire that you guys can complete whenever you want.


Have fun!

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4 hours ago, kittyna said:

1. Who do you think will do best in self-isolation?

a - Gu Ma Jun

b - Shin Yu Kyung

Shin Yu Kyung- Obviously Yu Kyung would do well in self-isolation because of her resilient nature and maturity. Gu Ma Jun will throw tantrums even if slightest thing doesn't go in his way. :P

4 hours ago, kittyna said:

2. Who do you think will do best in self-isolation?

a - Hwang Tae Hui

b - Baek Ja Eun

Bark Ja Eun- She'll use this time to work on her drawing skills and take care of her mom(I mean Hwang Tae Hui's mom) and Grand mother. Or if we consider scenario where she lives with her dad, she'll do the same thing, like taking care of her dad and improving her drawing skills.


4 hours ago, kittyna said:

3. Who do you think will do best in se:Plf-isolation?

a - Lee Kang To

b - Oh Mok Dan

This one is tricky one not because the female lead dies in the end, but both the characters would like to help others at the time of pandemic. But I'll go with Oh Mok Dan, because she is less impulsive and sensible.


4 hours ago, kittyna said:

4. Who do you think will do best in self-isolation?

a - Han Gil Ro

b - Kim Seo Won

Kim seo won- Because Han Gil Ro is kid like a kid who likes to go out and party with his friends even at the risk of getting infected, where as Seo won, would use be looking after her mom and dad, and also his little brother


4 hours ago, kittyna said:

5. Who do you think will do best in self-isolation?

a - Park Si On

b - Cha Yoon Seo

Park Si On -  Si On character is more suited in self-isolation, because of his lack of social interaction, he'll probably even enjoy it by studying all the books in medical field about humans and animals. :joy:

4 hours ago, kittyna said:

6. Who do you think will do best in self-isolation?

a - Cha Yoo Jin

b - Seol Nae Il

Cha Yoo Jin - It's like flip-flop of Gu Ma Jun and  Shin Yu Kyung couple, where male is mature and female lead is not:P

4 hours ago, kittyna said:

7. Who do you think will do best in self-isolation?

a - Kim Tae Hyun

b - Han Yeo Jin

Kim Tae Hyun- Because Han Yeo Jin spent most of her life in induced coma so, I think it'll be hard for her to go into self-isolation again.


4 hours ago, kittyna said:

8. Who do you think will do best in self-isolation?

a - Gyun Woo

b - Hye Myung

Gyun Woo- He'll spend his isolation time by studying and play with his dog, and Hye Myung will probably have hard time because she'll miss sneaking out of palace and eat spicy chicken feet at a local restaurant. :P


For the sake of contest I did choose a character, but I don't think none of them would be able to cope with self-isolation without each other, I would like to make a suggestion for  you is to make it into a couple contest where we can evaluate which pair will do a  better job of handling self-isolation. :smiley:

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3 hours ago, kireeti2 said:

For the sake of contest I did choose a character, but I don't think none of them would be able to cope with self-isolation without each other, I would like to  suggest you to make it into a couple contest where we can evaluate which pair will do better in self-isolation. :smiley:


That does sound interesting - I, too, have my own ideas on this, so I'll have to think about it. It'd be a new poll, though, rather than just modifying this one.


However, unlike just looking at characters individually, there are some real-life factors I'd have to take into consideration in designing a tournament-style poll for relationships. Reality is, the current pandemic has drawn a lot of couples closer, but has also put a lot of them under considerable strain: domestic violence rates have gone up significantly all over the world, and I imagine we might also see a spike in break-ups and divorces as well. And while all of these characters are fictional, I - as a (hopefully) responsible content creator - will need to think about how best to phrase my questions/parameters so as not to cause offense, trigger traumatic memories, etc.


Again, this doesn't mean I won't do it - simply that I need some time to figure it out. :blush:


3 hours ago, kireeti2 said:

It's like flip-flop of Gu Ma Jun and  Shin Yu Kyung couple, where male is mature and female lead is not


As I was thinking on my own responses, I did notice that some couples had similar dynamics - more on that below.


So here's my answer to my own question - again, anyone can still jump in at any time, since there's no elimination process here.



Who will do best in self-isolation? You decide! (Couples Edition)


Rules/Parameters for self-isolation (since everyone's context is different, this needs a standard):

1. Assume that the couples already live together (either married or just cohabiting). However, you can also consider whether they would separate in times like this (e.g. self-quarantine, splitting off to work/live in different locations, one person moving back in with family, etc.). Couples may also be part of a larger household.

2.  Assume that except for front-line workers (e.g. healthcare workers, law enforcement, etc.) characters can work from home.

3. Any communication/socialization with people outside of the characters' residence (e.g. with friends, colleagues, etc.) can only be done remotely (e.g. via telephone, online, letter-writing, etc.)

4. There is limitless access to in-home recreation and entertainment (e.g. books, TV, streaming movies or music, crafts/hobbies, musical instruments, etc.), but assume ALL public recreational facilities (e.g. malls, restaurants, entertainment venues, sports facilities, etc.) are CLOSED.


So here goes! You can let me know either as a public reply or a DM:


1. Who do you think will do best in self-isolation?

a - Gu Ma Jun

b - Shin Yu Kyung


Both Ma Jun and Yu Kyung are rebels at heart, so it'd be pretty hard to get either of them to just stay home simply by telling them to. However, Yu Kyung is still ultimately more level-headed and better able to focus on the bigger picture, which works to her advantage. 


2. Who do you think will do best in self-isolation?

a - Hwang Tae Hui

b - Baek Ja Eun


I'm going with Tae Hui for this one, but I will say that I think it'd be close (almost a tie). I think it depends a lot on which version of Ja Eun we're talking about: the one we see in the beginning of the drama, or closer to the end. The earlier Ja Eun will lose this, hands down: she's such a bubbly social butterfly that even chatting with her friends online wouldn't cut it. However, we do see Ja Eun becoming more mature due to her experiences on the Ojakgyo Farm, and I actually think she'd be fine spending time with the ducks, her art, and her new extended family: helping out with chores on the farm, playing with her niece and nephew, or chatting with Tae Pil about the latest fashions.


3. Who do you think will do best in self-isolation?

a - Lee Kang To

b - Oh Mok Dan


lol - actually, @kireeti2, I think Mok Dan's the more impulsive one out of these two :P She's the sort of person who just races out to help with little regard for her own safety and surroundings: why else does literally every single antagonist (Kang To included, in the earlier episodes) resort to tracking Mok Dan's movements in order to locate Gaksital? So while she's definitely more idealistic than Kang To, and more likely to have clear black-and-white morals compared to Kang To's shades of grey, I actually think Kang To would do a better job thinking about the needs of a group or community due to his experience as a team leader in the police.


4. Who do you think will do best in self-isolation?

a - Han Gil Ro

b - Kim Seo Won


Both characters are kids at heart, but when push comes to shove, Seo Won is just that much better at taking care of herself and others. However, she'd have a rough time of it keeping an eye on Gil Ro: he's liable to either go completely stir-crazy and try to sneak out OR end up all pouty and sad-puppy-like.


5. Who do you think will do best in self-isolation?

a - Park Si On

b - Cha Yoon Seo


I just want to point out very quickly that although Si On and Yoon Seo live separately in the drama, I do think they'd move in together in an epidemic-type situation: since they're both doctors at the same hospital, it's likely Si On would move into Yoon Seo's place rather than risk bringing anything back home to his mom (after all, the worst thing that could happen to Si On and Yoon Seo is that they infect each other, and that's just as likely to happen at work as at home). That being said, I think that Yoon Seo edges out Si On just slightly here: even though she's more extroverted and would miss going out with friends, she would also do a better job handling the mental and emotional stress doctors are facing at times like this.


6. Who do you think will do best in self-isolation?

a - Cha Yoo Jin

b - Seol Nae Il


I think I've said numerous times before why Yoo Jin would win this one, no contest. However, I do want to take this moment to point out that the actual dynamic between Yoo Jin and Nae Il is an interesting one: because even though Yoo Jin is extremely introverted, he'd still volunteer to be the one to go out in public when necessary, while Nae Il, the extrovert, would be staying at home all day with her music and sewing projects. Writing it out like this, it doesn't sound like it'd work, yet somehow...it does.


7. Who do you think will do best in self-isolation?

a - Kim Tae Hyun

b - Han Yeo Jin


This one's yet another almost-tie for me. However, I chose to go with Yeo Jin simply because, well...she'd better be the one who manages to stay put. With her frail health, having Yeo Jin lose patience and go out would be disastrous - and I think both she and Tae Hyun would be aware of that. Self-isolation in such circumstances would be different from the forcible confinement she'd faced before: that first time was because her brother was trying to hurt her; but here, if Tae Hyun insists on her staying home, she'd know he's asking out of love. As long as she can work from home (and we already see her doing so in the drama), I think Yeo Jin will be fine - whereas Tae Hyun would be stressing out about his patients while he's at work, then her while he's home. He'd say he's fine, but he'd actually be worried.


8. Who do you think will do best in self-isolation?

a - Gyun Woo

b - Hye Myung


Again, I think this one is no contest: Gyun Woo would win this one easily, simply because he's far more likely to be content with indoor pursuits. Hye Myung gets stir-crazy even in the best of times, so being ordered to stay home would be a burden. Mind you, I still think she'd listen - since she knows it's for the good of the people, whom she cares about so much - but it'd still be hard for her to keep herself occupied.


By the way, what I'd said about similarities between couples? That's here - Gyun Woo and Hye Myung's dynamic reminds me a lot of Yoo Jin and Nae Il's :) 


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13 hours ago, kittyna said:

By the way, what I'd said about similarities between couples? That's here - Gyun Woo and Hye Myung's dynamic reminds me a lot of Yoo Jin and Nae Il's :) 

It's like if Nae il is princess in Joseon era, minus the craziness and feisty behavior of Hye Myung and Yoo Jin is a scholar in the same era, minus the introvert nature and with more humility :joy:

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So, @kireeti2, after thinking about it for a bit, I don't think I can do a tournament-style poll on the JW drama couples in good conscience. Talking about which ones would do well in circumstances like ours is one thing - and I'm definitely happy to discuss that - but the thing about a tournament or elimination contest is that you also have to think about the opposite end of the spectrum: who's not advancing and why?


Normally, I might be okay with doing something like that, but the recent mass shooting here in Canada makes me want to err on the side of caution. (If you click the link, you'll find an article pointing out that one of the survivors of the attack was the gunman's girlfriend - which means that I cannot rule out domestic/couple violence and abuse as a factor.) I know I'd said I could figure it out, but that's before this news article came out, prompting me to change my mind.


So, instead, let me do it like this: which couple (or couples) do you think would do best in self-isolation? No ranking - just a simple list.


11 hours ago, kireeti2 said:

It's like if Nae il is princess in Joseon era, minus the craziness and feisty behavior of Hye Myung and Yoo Jin is a scholar in the same era, minus the introvert nature and with more humility :joy:


As in,  Nae Il is less crazy/feisty than Hye Myung, and Yoo Jin is less humble than Gyun Woo? :P Maybe - although I actually think they'd both be pretty close to a tie on those fronts.


Also - I'm currently in the last stretch of writing for the upcoming fic. It's just about wrapping up the last scene, editing, and then posting. :) So stay tuned for that!


And in the meantime, check out this post here:



Fun fact: JW actually worked with both Kang Ha Neul and Jo Jung Suk (among others) in Spring Awakening, meaning that their friendship goes way, way back. 

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On 4/24/2020 at 8:07 PM, kittyna said:

Normally, I might be okay with doing something like that, but the recent mass shooting here in Canada makes me want to err on the side of caution. (If you click the link, you'll find an article pointing out that one of the survivors of the attack was the gunman's girlfriend - which means that I cannot rule out domestic/couple violence and abuse as a factor.) I know I'd said I could figure it out, but that's before this news article came out, prompting me to change my mind.

Oh dear:cry:, I totally forgot about this indicdent. Mass shootings are kind of rare in Canada, so, when I read it in news I kind of assumed that it was in USA .I hope you and your family/friends are safe and doing okay :anguished:


On 4/24/2020 at 8:07 PM, kittyna said:

know I'd said I could figure it out, but that's before this news article came out, prompting me to change my mind.

It's okay, I think we don't have do contest for couples. It would be tough for us to figure out the winner, because the pairing and characters are such that they make all the couples near to perfect. So, I think all them will do excellent job in self-isolation, because they have each other to rely on . :grin:

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