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Joo Won 주원 [Drama- The Midnight Studio/ 야한(夜限) 사진관]


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ctfrsgp said:
@manyearsago yes dear. tatz my fav bookstore too. itz probably the only one here where we can get the latest chinese and jap mags (recently korean ones though the selection is very small).

nope, I'm not working part-time writing k showbiz news. I'm jus a normal OL who has to deal with tons of paperwork and keep myself busy at work by "fighting and putting out fires" in the office :)) Like mrdimples I got my supply of the korean and sometimes Jap showbiz news and gossips fr the internet. Oso i like to read those entetainment news in mags and watch them on cable tv. I oso like JYJ and started paying attention them aft PYC's debut on the small screen in SKKS. I prefer JYJ over the current TVXQ and PYC when he is in his singer role.

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@mojobobo, mojobobo,  Look!!! It's a sexy shapely thigh, isn't it? How can you not let @mrdimples look at his thighs? It is such a waste of screenshot if you trash this.

Look! Look how tight the jeans hug every curvaceous curves the thigh had...

And... and... how can you not imagine how your fingers will respond if you run them on the tight muscles that are hidden on that tight jeans.... starting from the knee ..... up? Where? where? God knows where your hands will travel up.

And those creases that accumulates in between the upper yummy thigh and the more yummier bubble butt... it surely will titillates your imagination how good your hands will fit there in that place... oohh....

Don't worry mojobobo... I am sinking the abysmal moat and still seeing clearly how those thighs and bun looks like.... glowing heavenly hot and spicy.... >:) >:)

Your cannons keep missing me. Maybe they are also looking in the other direction. ;)) ;))

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Joo Won

Loving Him For The Man He Is And The Man He Wants To Be


I have segmented this into parts:

  1. Joo Won, the Good Son, the Good DongsaengJoo Won, the ActorJoo Won, the Hoobae, the "Dongsaeng", the Oppa
  2. Joo Won, the Man in Variety
  3. Joo Won, his Real and Reel Loves
  4. Joo Won, the Anatomy of a Man
  5. Joo Won, the Boy, the Man and His Dreams

    Part 3 - Joo Won, the Hoobae, the "Dongsaeng", the Oppa.

    In so many Bridal Mask interviews which I have translated, I come across this most often, that Joo Won places a lot of emphasis on his relationship with people around him, be it his co-stars, fellow actors/actresses or the production staff. 



    One of the first BTS I have seen of him was of Baker King. He was so cute and pally with Yoon Shi Yoon; he really struck me as totally different from the man we see on screen. Of course, we can say the same for most actors. Most are nice off screen whether they play the protagonist or antagonist. But for Joo Won, the difference seemed starker because he is in real life such a puppy and full of aegyo, whereas onscreen, his charisma just rocks.


     In Ojagkyo Brothers, he got along infamously with his 3 brothers. And as he said in the recent interview, he said they were like real brothers. [insert picture of Joo Won and OB brothers] And it also didn’t surprise me that his onscreen “grandmother” was genuinely fond of him enough to hit him playfully and shared with him a mug of coffee. 


    The first time I learnt of Joo Won’s innate ability to get along with his sunbaes was the Baker King Special where I found it so amusing when Jun In Hwa who played Ma Jun’s mother said that Joo Won was really affectionate and would grab her hand, called her like his real mother and “eyesmile”. It was endearing to see both on them on that show. In the recent interview where Joo Won spoke of how veteran actor Kim Eung Soo encouraged him and praised him, it struck me because this was the same guy who made not too flattering remarks about Jung Il Woo who starred with him in the Moon That Embraces The Sun. Besides the veterans, Joo Won is also known as the “Hyung Lover”. He has built very solid relationships with many of the older guys like Uhm Tae Woong, Jung Woong In, Shin Hyun Joon and Park Ki Woong. The latter two call him their beloved dongsaeng. I think he is the type who does not have the alpha male attitude and there is no clashing of egos when he gets together with other men. He just behaves like the younger brother, totally in admiration and awe of his hyung. Probably, it is a projection of his real behavior with his own brother at home. Everyone just wants to take care of this maknae, like in the hilarious tussle between Sung Shin Kyung and Uhm Tae Woong in 1N2D episode 402. I know many of these guys like Shin Hyun Joon, are really veterans; I wonder whether they have such close relationship with another younger actor besides Joo Won. I say these because sometimes while the show is being aired, fellow actors and colleagues camp it up for the camera but in Joo Won’ case with his “hyungs”, it seemed 100% genuine. I think Joo Won still maintains a very close relationship with them after the respective shows ended. Also, as a veteran, you’d probably see through who is fake and who is genuine, so I find it very amazing that these veterans take to him the way they do. 



    Bridal Mask had many BTS and I could sense that in the beginning Park Ki Woong was not that comfortable with Joo Won hugging him. He looked as if he was tolerating it. And I was right because later in an interview after the show ended, he said he is the type that does not get close to another person easily and not comfortable with physical touches. He went on to say that gradually over time, he got ‘infected’ by Joo Won’s aegyoness. And in the last BTS, he was the one who hugged Joo Won, not wanting to let go.

    577065_418369288226432_1809090254_n-1.jpJoo Won also places a lot of emphasis on creating the right atmosphere on the set. I think by this, he means that everyone get along and work well together. And it was especially important for the actors and actresses. I remembered him saying that he learnt a lot about acting during the filming of SIU. I was kind of expecting him to elaborate on the acting techniques taught by the veterans. No, instead he said he learnt that creating the right atmosphere was the most important. I thought something must be lost in translation but it subsequently popped up so many times that I believe that it was exactly what he meant. Well, he must be doing it right because, he has such chemistry onscreen with his co-stars, female and male alike. I loved his scenes with Park Ki Woong in Bridal Mask; it was like watching 2 highly skilled and esteemed chess masters playing their top class game.


    Of course, how could I forget Joo Won’s chemistry with his female co-stars?  Although Baker King was his first role and Eugene was his noona, I think their chemistry beat Eugene and Yoon Shi Yoon couple or Yoon Shi Yoon and Lee Sun Ah couple. Although I could not fathom Eugene’s character in Baker King and her choices, I just threw logic out of the window whenever this Joo Won and Eugene came on screen. This dysfunctional couple was so much more sizzling hot.

    imagesqtbnANd9GcR7eP5oqhUCRA2HK2Fw6kF9MgIt was in Ojakgyo Brothers that Joo Won became one of kdramas’ most desirable boyfriend. He and Uee’s chemistry shot through the roof. They really looked and acted like a real couple in love. And it made a shipper out of die-hard cynic like me. I have never shipped an onscreen couple before. Every weekend, Ojakgyo fans glued their eyes to the screen, totally soaked in the sweet romance of Tae Hee and Jae Eun. Joo Won had said that Uee was initially apprehensive about him because he was the notoriously strict sunbae in Sungkyunkwan University where they both studied. Later, she was surprised to find out how different he was on set. I am sure Joo Won made her feel totally at ease and comfortable in no time. She was bantering with him and treating him like a peer.

    imagesqtbnANd9GcQFIQ4rj3xV1GROSKjtTRC4trimagesqtbnANd9GcRxl8oXrOSBvpZH1cUiCQNmVsJoo Won’s magic with his female co-star continued in Bridal Mask, he managed to make viewers believe that he and JSY as Kangto and Mok Dan could stay faithful as childhood loves. Despite Bridal Mask not focusing on the romance aspects and there were little action between these 2, viewers were still so enamored with their love story. I think Joo Won’s secret lies in immersing himself into the role to the extent that he becomes the character. So when it came to love, he would ‘invest his true feelings’ towards the girl. I always laughed when I remember that Jung Woong In, the actor who played his eldest brother in Ojakgyo Brothers, said that when the actor Jung Suk Won who acted as Taehee’s(Joo Won) rival in love, came on the set, Joo Won was genuinely jealous. He asked Woong In why the must new guy appear and snatch away their Uee? 
    img-905085417-0001-1-1.jpgimg-905085222-0001-1.jpgWhen I thought Joo Won would never looked better with another girl, other than Uee, I was wrong. It was not love at first sight for this couple but things changed. My heart almost burst, seeing how perfect Kangto and Mok Dan looked so beautiful and happy in their wedding shots. Their love story did not have the benefit of a fully fleshed out storyline nor lots of good kisses and other romantic gestures. I said it before and I will say it again here, this is one couple that made love just by holding hands on screen. Perhaps it was the secrecy of the act (hiding their romance from Shunji) or the pureness of their love, somehow the mere act of them reaching out their hand to each other, and grasping each other’s tightly, electrified the air. In the beginning like Park Ki Woong, I could see that Jin Se Yeon was not that comfortable with Joo Won yet, she spoke to him in honorifics. But in the BTS that followed, she was obviously very comfortable with him, she spoke to him in banmal and he was always smiling and goofing around her. Sometimes I wonder who is the younger of the two. No wonder in one interview, she said despite their age gap, she sometimes felt that she needed to protect Joo Won. I had a side splitting laugh when I read that.


    imagesqtbnANd9GcT0aUS_atp85yrdVES3X9LB8HHX58Km72-1.jpgMost of the time, when he was not goofing around and playing aegyo with his co-stars, Joo Won took really good care of his onscreen love. I remembered in Ojakgyo Brothers, he would button up Uee’s winter coat and placed a heat pack into her hand. When she got emotional filming one of the last scenes and cried, Joo Won wiped away her tears.The most memorable was the Bridal Mask BTS of episode 17 where they were shooting the duel between Kangto, Mok Dan versus Jun, and Rie in the garden. Joo Won accidentally poked the end of his iron flute near Se Yeon’s eye. He took one look and in a flash, he scooped her into a tight embrace. I think that BTS set sail a thousand ships. Afterwards he kept fussing around her and checking if she was alright. 



    Joo Won said in the recent interview Celebrity Topic, that between a male and female co-star, the most important is care and he must open his heart to his co-star, only then can he and his partner bring beautiful love to the audience. Well, we have clearly witnessed how he does it and certainly the results are a testimony to his method. Love lines and make outs matter less when you are able to convey love, concern, tenderness, sacrifice, hurt and desire with your eyes, gestures and every part of your body. 



    credits: photos from coolreborn, DC, joo won facebook pages, Joo Won Tie Ba on Baidu, King and various web sources
    quoted articles from lyrayoo's tumblr(@lyra_brillantez) and joowonenglish.wordpress.com

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@aisling unni, I have a favor to ask you ........ I love a scene in ojakgyo brothers with our cutie. Can you do this scene as a gif please ?but I don't know what episode it is .... it's when uee and joo won are in a bookstore and uee is upset because she think that joo won  don't want to get married.I want the moment when uee is about to leave the bookstore... when joo won bites his finger. ( I remember that I was shocked by how beautiful his hands are ♡ )
thank youuu ♥

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ctfrsgp said:

This "granny" is retiring both from here and the new drama thread. i'm really upset with myself now for being such a "busybody". instead of improving the situation i seems to hav make it worse

@ctfrsgp: Awww... Come on now unni. Don't do that. You can always be in here. It's all peaceful here at Joo Won's thread. No need to be upset. Remember Joo Won -ah will not want us to be divided. Take your time to cool off, it's just a spur of the moment and we can all forgive and forget it. We will not want to see our cutie cry because of what is happening in the new drama thread huh. Like Joo Won, lets strive to be better and besides... we still need you for your video looking-up expertise. I will be seeing you around... huh? Ok Unni-moat pal?

@coolreborn ssshhhhh...... :-$ dun disturb me... your furture SIL is now attending a class conducted by the Ultimate Master Green-Monster on how to sulk and stay grouchy :-L

His teaching is interesting but too "deep" that i cannot understand

BTW, i met someone at class who remind me of my baby bro and his fav hyung


hey sis, u gotta use better and more moaty pics of Mr Hwang to lure me out here. me now going back to class. afterwards I go home Zzzzzzzzz

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