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Joo Won 주원 [Drama- The Midnight Studio/ 야한(夜限) 사진관]


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Happy 2014th page for the year 2014!!!! Still on a high from Cutie's win!!!! ^^ I'm gonna start my year rewatching KBS Drama Awards and staring at Cutie some more! Hahahaha!

Happy birthday @kinkipeifun !!!

Happy new year Cuties!!!

Happy 2014th page Joo Won soompi!!!


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Good morning all!!!

I've just woken up and i'm still feeling on a high from last night! i woke up still beaming proud of JooWon!! ^^ hehe

i must confess that its beem about 8 years since i've followed the live broadcast of awards ceremonies. last time i was following the live awards was forShinhwa and now i'm doing it for JooWon!!! hehehe

Have a lovely day of a brand new year girls!! :)

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I slept at 2am and woke up at 6am, smiling. As i thought to myself "why am i so happy?" it dawned on me: 4 AWARDS!!! Those are pretty great awards, come to think of it. I mentioned before that they were 'side-awards', apart from the acting awards. But these side awards DEFINE his ability, and ability defines his popularity and mark of a strength as an actor.
Best Couple: shows how well he works with his colleague, especially a female. He shows strong chemistry with his co-star and brings out the best in each other in the relationship. The characters complete each other. Since they have a love-line, without the chemistry, the drama's storyline is affected somewhat. Their relationship strengthens the drama.
Most Popular: this award is very significant for Joowon. This category is mostly catered for idols/newbies who cant really act but have a huge fanbase. Some young actors receive this award first before they started receiving anything acting-related. However, this is the opposite for Joowon. He won Best New Actor in 2011, which helps him gain recognition in 2012, thus the popularity. He has won this for 2 years in a row, along with two great actig awards in the same year. This shows that he is not just a popular actor, but a DESERVING one at that.
PD Award/Best Actor: AWESOME!!!! out of sooooo many actors in 2013, Joowon is recognized as the best actor, beating out the likes of Jisung and other senior actors. I think he is very surprised and extremely happy that he wins this. The fist-pump!!! So adorable~ It's like he's saying "yes, i did it! I proved to them that I can act, and they recognized me for it. Yes!" not many people will get recognition like this, especially someone who is as young as Joowon and has only been active in the industry for about 4 years. It takes a long time to get attention from PDs and he did it within a short time. I am very proud of this award.
Top Excellence: no one will ever dare say Joowon didnt deserve this. Given his past roles and experience, he deserves this more than anyone else. His characters have always been very different from one another, but none has ever been more challenging. So many criticisms, such hardships, hectic schedule, a lot of research and hard work, etc. But he didnt mention ANY of these in his speeches. He thanked people for being with him and providing support. But he teared up when he mentioned about better facilities for Autistic people and also when he wishes for more children hospitals. THE BEST SPEECH OF THE NIGHT! it wasnt about himself, but it was about other people.

Joowon, I love you. For being YOU, for having faith in yourself to challenge difficult roles and for putting your trust in yourself and those around you to help you grow. I cant promise that I will be here with you forever, but I can promise to stick by your side for as long as I can. :x :x

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Guest mymoon89

Missed a lot last night, but now I'm super duper happy. Joo won deserved 4 awards, no he deserved even 1000 awards.. ;))Wish he'll choose another amazing projects this year. Happy New Year cuties..  :-* :-*
Thank you for all updates, I start first day this year with big smile.   :-/ :-*

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Guest noogoosaeyo

Happy 2014!!!! :) 
I was hoping for Joo Won to win daesang too. I thought I'd be depressed if he wouldn't get it but no. He looked so much grateful so I guess, that helped to lessen the pain, hehe. Happy for him! He still owned the night, even though he didn't get daesang. Wishing him another good year this 2014!! ♥♥♥

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farbarri said: I slept at 2am and woke up at 6am, smiling. As i thought to myself "why am i so happy?" it dawned on me: 4 AWARDS!!! Those are pretty great awards, come to think of it. I mentioned before that they were 'side-awards', apart from the acting awards. But these side awards DEFINE his ability, and ability defines his popularity and mark of a strength as an actor.

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ecs707a said:

ezze said:

omg yuna won I love her!!

Okay, non sequitur alert...

I read this and was like, me too!  Wait, what?  I have no reason to like her; I mean, she seems nice enough, and cute for sure.  But why would I have that reaction?  Then I remembered this from last year's KBS Drama Awards:

She clearly approves of the epically bromantic moment unfolding right in front of her.  How can I not like her?  So thanks @ezze for being the impetus for my trip down memory lane, lol.

Okay, tangent over...

Happy new year, all.  It's still 2013 here, but I'm headed out soon for some New Year festivities.  Hope 2014 is a good one for everyone.

There is something so alluring about Yoona that I can not find in other actresses. Her smiles look genuine and absolutely beautiful. Not a fan of her musics and I am aware of her insufficiency in acting department, but she has improved a lot and I am enjoying her current drama

She and lee Seung Gi are together now. :P I am so happy.for a different reason.

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I slept at 2am and woke up at 6am, smiling. As i thought to myself "why am i so happy?" it dawned on me: 4 AWARDS!!!

Those are pretty great awards, come to think of it. I mentioned before that they were 'side-awards', apart from the acting awards. But these side awards DEFINE his ability, and ability defines his popularity and mark of a strength as an actor.

Best Couple: shows how well he works with his colleague, especially a female. He shows strong chemistry with his co-star and brings out the best in each other in the relationship. The characters complete each other. Since they have a love-line, without the chemistry, the drama's storyline is affected somewhat. Their relationship strengthens the drama.

Most Popular: this award is very significant for Joowon. This category is mostly catered for idols/newbies who cant really act but have a huge fanbase. Some young actors receive this award first before they started receiving anything acting-related. However, this is the opposite for Joowon. He won Best New Actor in 2011, which helps him gain recognition in 2012, thus the popularity. He has won this for 2 years in a row, along with two great actig awards in the same year. This shows that he is not just a popular actor, but a DESERVING one at that.

PD Award/Best Actor: AWESOME!!!! out of sooooo many actors in 2013, Joowon is recognized as the best actor, beating out the likes of Jisung and other senior actors. I think he is very surprised and extremely happy that he wins this. The fist-pump!!! So adorable~ It's like he's saying "yes, i did it! I proved to them that I can act, and they recognized me for it. Yes!" not many people will get recognition like this, especially someone who is as young as Joowon and has only been active in the industry for about 4 years. It takes a long time to get attention from PDs and he did it within a short time. I am very proud of this award.

Top Excellence: no one will ever dare say Joowon didnt deserve this. Given his past roles and experience, he deserves this more than anyone else. His characters have always been very different from one another, but none has ever been more challenging. So many criticisms, such hardships, hectic schedule, a lot of research and hard work, etc. But he didnt mention ANY of these in his speeches. He thanked people for being with him and providing support. But he teared up when he mentioned about better facilities for Autistic people and also when he wishes for more children hospitals. THE BEST SPEECH OF THE NIGHT! it wasnt about himself, but it was about other people.

Joowon, I love you. For being YOU, for having faith in yourself to challenge difficult roles and for putting your trust in yourself and those around you to help you grow. I cant promise that I will be here with you forever, but I can promise to stick by your side for as long as I can. :x :x

I couldn't agree more @farbarri !

Aside from the awesome thank-you speech, he managed to squeeze in the causes that the drama was 'fighting' for.

And I am still amazed at how consistent Cutie is. He always, if not the almost always, introduces himself first each time he receives an award and bows before making his speech. It always warms my heart as I feel he knows that not everyone knows him and so he introduces himself. I can't actually explain what I mean with this but I hope you guys get me!

Aish, camping out here and partying

late last night then waking up early to check for more Cutie goodies! Uh-oh I am definitely afflicted with Joo Won love sickness! ^^

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