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[Variety] Good Sunday - Running Man 런닝맨

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Guest smileychick1430277358

Hello~ I'm new to this post and I'd just like to say that this is one of the only shows I really like. Usually, shows like these have highlights, then get boring, but this show remains interesting all the way through. Even though many prefer "Hot Brothers" I don't really see why...."Hot Brothers" just repeats the same things every week...o.O lol

Anyways I'm so glad I can talk to other people about this show here!!

I love it when Jung Yonghwa comes out! He's so funny and really good at this game lol. I miss Joonki though :(

Hopefully he'll come back after drama filming gets less busy ^^

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Guest mictralala7

so far it's been good. running man sounded so interesting at first. but as episodes progressed it sometimes becomes repetitive and bland. (don't get me wrong, i love it. it's hilarious.)

just read about running man as the variety to avoid. it's kinda sad to hear but celebrities need to remind themselves that it's a fight to have airtime. they have to jive with the cast, be witty, and so on (it's truly difficult). from what i've noticed, celebrities gotta speak loud and react even louder to get noticed on the show and get your deserved airtime. the MCs won't always back up the guest because they have a storyline going which makes it twice as hard for the guest. my suggestion is to ride with the flow even if the guest has no idea what's going on.

sometimes the episodes feels lacking because it's only 70 minutes and the PDs try to fit everything there. the difference between 1D2N and Running Man, editing wise (from what i seen and observed) that 1D2N knows how to make a transition between each scene and make use of which parts of the recordings mesh well. Running Man the other hand, lags on not-so-important scenes and instead of summarizing it they show the whole part which consumes most of the time.

i'm no professional critic. but these are the things i've observed and noticed. but no matter what, i love RUNNING MAN and it's too funny and entertaining to pass up. :D

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Guest nicha1980

according to DC YJS , Lizzy ( afterschool) and Jang Dong Min will be the next guests...

I think there'll be 3 guests (?) but they didnt montion another guest...

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yeah agree.. they chose the wrong member.. maybe jessica is the only one free tat day...

anyway,u shud go try watch infinity challenge,i can guarantee u will crack a lot.. its seriously damn funny and the chemistry between the member is damn solid and its very real variety,not scripted much...

i dunno y,but is inviting guest really important... y cant they do a show with fixed member like 1n2d and infinity challenge and work on their chemistry... even the other happy sunday show from kbs,qualities of man/qualifying man,its pretty funny and entertaining because the chemistry is damn strong and the members are very comfortable with each other..

I agree 100%

After FO 1 ended, I tried watching Infinity Challenge, turned out it's so much fun.

IC is really a unique, DDD and fun to watch.

and from then on I watch IC regularly and it goes for RM too

(But when I tried watching 1N2D, didn't like it. I don't get it, what's so funny about it. Maybe I'm in for YJS line not KHD line :lol: )

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Guest jayparkluv4eva

lizzy is next guest?yay!!

not a fan of afterschool BUT lizzy is funny..i hope she can show her true self..

its funny even juz to hear her speak..she's from Busan n her satoori is pretty thick

Busan people are jjang!!haha!!

i love running man even more these days..i think inviting guest is fine BUt

i think they shud exchange the members every week..i love the first few episodes where they juz randomly

create a team n named them like adult team-kids team..its funny :)

no need to compare this show n family outing coz its totally different..

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Guest stawbewii

The guests are Yoon Doo-joon (B2ST), Lizzy (After School), Jang Dong-min.

I'm looking forward to it!!

Still no Song Joong-ki due to conflicting schedules with his drama filming tho :(

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Awesome! I can't wait to see the 3 of them! So awesome ^^ JDM is hilarious, Doojoon is beastly + Lizzy is so cute! <3

Huge spoiler on Running Man, on KJKGlobal's wordpress! YOU'VE BEEN WARNED ^^


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Guest icedevil0289

just finished ep.6 and I love this show. Stil waiting for the rest of the episodes, besides ep.8, to be subbed.

and omg, yeah doojoon will be on RM. I'm excited. Though I'm bummed that joongki won't be there again. I saw a pic of him celebrating his birthday and he was with haha and gary i think, so I think he was filming there and perhaps will be back soon. So he hasn't been on since ep.10, and missed 8 and 9, right?

another question, are they not doing the photozone part anymore? That was my favorite part watching gary always end up in the pics with that peaceful expression.

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Guest serendipityyy

The guests are Yoon Doo-joon (B2ST), Lizzy (After School), Jang Dong-min.

I'm looking forward to it!!

Still no Song Joong-ki due to conflicting schedules with his drama filming tho :(

yay :) i love the upcoming guests. i've always found JDM to be pretty funny and lizzy has her pusan dialect + quirky sense of humor.. and not to mention DOOJ <3 i'm a fan haha

its weird because i think one episode is too short but two episodes are too long.. i don't know if there's a compromise.. i miss the golden pig searching too a little bit. maybe thats just me?

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Thanks for the info guys

I guess no matter who the guests are, I'm looking forward to watching this.

Can't wait to see DongMin and DooJoon<3. I'm also a fan of Lizzy, she's cute (if only YongHwa do one episode with Lizzy, both are so funny with their busan dialect, Jaesuk likes teasing them in HT).

I hope RM crew will do lots improvement.

its weird because i think one episode is too short but two episodes are too long.. i don't know if there's a compromise.. i miss the golden pig searching too a little bit. maybe thats just me?

yes, I also feel the latest episode (ep.11) was too short while the previous had 2 episodes. that's kinda weird.

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Episode 9 Part 1 of Running Man has been subbed by KJKGlobal ^^

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If they cant beat Qualifying man... they gotta change.. bring back Family Outing . with the original members.

i do miss original family outing talks and chemistry between members.. but sadly it has became stale b4 they got canned... most of the time i was only watching for the dumb brothers chemistry.. daesund and jys were so fun to watch..

running man sometimes is fun to watch for the games also,especially hide and seek but dun think their ratings will improve,the format doesnt allow it to have big special episodes to attract more viewers... in a way its very similar to FO... punishment in morning and stuffs..

qualifying man is really good,can say almost as good as 1n2d, the pd and writers are good and always comes up with new ideas.. the recent choir episodes really interesting,involving alot different people(singer,actor,fighter,comedian) so its kind of refreshing for the viewers to watch..

i wish they wont do all the filming at night all the times,the cast looks so tired and no energy at times,boring for the viewers as well... the renting of big famous place which is free only at night is restricting this show...

yay :) i love the upcoming guests. i've always found JDM to be pretty funny and lizzy has her pusan dialect + quirky sense of humor.. and not to mention DOOJ <3 i'm a fan haha

its weird because i think one episode is too short but two episodes are too long.. i don't know if there's a compromise.. i miss the golden pig searching too a little bit. maybe thats just me?

same here... some episodes feel way too short but some are way too long with 2 episodes especially when the casts were tired and boring...

not sure if they can do 1.5 episodes...

i love lizzy too~~~

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