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[Variety] Good Sunday - Running Man 런닝맨

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Guest freesiaflower

Thanks to Icoris, Sunny_dance and Famiamia for the song titles! ^_^

One of the good things of watching RM is that I get to hear very nice songs which I've never heard before, know great singers I've never known before (e.g: Leessang). I never knew that Korea Hip Hop is sooooo good!!! B)

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Guest famiamia

@aurora82 my pleasure ^_^ I was looking for Drunken Tiger song when I just got lucky to come across that song. LOL :lol: It's quite an addictive song though.

@freesiaflower Agreed! I love the Running Man hip hop special. I never know Korean hip hop is so awesome! Plus, all of them look really down to earth. I always thought that hip hoppers are a heavy dresser with a lot of bling bling accessories, looks like a gangster and etc. But Korean hip hoppers are different. Their hip hop music have a lot of RNB feelings into it. Feels good hearing it ^_^

@marcusfenix If you wanted to listen to all korean hip hop songs in episode 59... you need to wait for iSubs to finish subbing that episode. They are the best in soft subbing. Most of the songs in each episode will be listed completely at the top of the episode. However... it will be quite a longggg wait as they didn't even release episode 53 yet ^_^

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Guest freesiaflower

@freesiaflower Agreed! I love the Running Man hip hop special. I never know Korean hip hop is so awesome! Plus, all of them look really down to earth. I always thought that hip hoppers are a heavy dresser with a lot of bling bling accessories, looks like a gangster and etc. But Korean hip hoppers are different. Their hip hop music have a lot of RNB feelings into it. Feels good hearing it ^_^

I agree with what you said. I never like hip hop songs before as they're too 'heavy' for my taste. Korean hip hop songs sound much soothing and I like the way their hip hoppers dressed.

Waiting for the chinese subbed ep 60! Oh Gary Gary Gary....

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Guest chopper!

the last ending scene, i'm so confused right now lolss with the ominous music and gary just walking with the captions saying "no way.." did he trick them when they tried to trick him but in actuality he really did trick them? LOLL confusing much, yes.

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Guest coffeebeanie

Can anyone explain what happened at the end of the Gary Show?

Because when it was time to go, they showed Gary walking a bit funny, like there was something more that was going to happen.. But I didn't understand what.. So is there another reversal?

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the last ending scene, i'm so confused right now lolss with the ominous music and gary just walking with the captions saying "no way.." did he trick them when they tried to trick him but in actuality he really did trick them? LOLL confusing much, yes.

Can anyone explain what happened at the end of the Gary Show?

Because when it was time to go, they showed Gary walking a bit funny, like there was something more that was going to happen.. But I didn't understand what.. So is there another reversal?

read here http://kpopfever.com...ens-believe-so/

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I agree that Gary was the one that fooled everyone and the final scene copyng "Usual Suspects" and "Scary Movie" just proves me that he got what he wanted, not only he tricked the cast but the viewers and maybe the crew?

Well, maybe next week we will get a answer but the limbing foot it just don't match but then again he maybe be just did that thinking he tricked everyone for being a spy...my head hurts @___@ Yeah, next week i think we will get it if the parody was because of him being just a spy or making everyone think he did not know they knew XD

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It might be possible Gary knew.

During the beginning of the final mission he noticed that he members were suspiciously gathering together. He said something along the lines of "I'm not that stupid you know".

Another part of me thinks he didn't since his panicked state was so hilarious it seemed genuine.

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Guest famiamia

I didn't watch the episode 60 yet. But when I read the review here Running Man - TruGary Show ... I am confused as well. LOL. So is there any continuation for the next episode? I believe there is right? I don't think the writer will let everyone confuse like that.

But if Gary actually knew what was happening from the beginning... this is indeed super daebak.

Gary no longer has an innocent image then. LOL.

He is indeed a spy then. :lol:

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