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[Variety] Good Sunday - Running Man 런닝맨

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TBH, I am also very disappointed with the latest RM episode with the theme 'shooting the chess'.  After waiting for a week to watch one of my favourite shows, it's sad not to see any exciting action/games among the members.
Even if they run out of ideas, how could they have an entire episode with selecting members and shooting the chess only. Also, the editing was lousy.    8-|

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How do you guys feel about another member joining Running Man? Personally, I think it would be a good idea. I love and appreciate the bond that all of the running members have, but a new face would be like a breath of fresh air. It would mix things up and a new process of understanding, connection, and new "characters" would appear! If there was a new member and the games were concentrated between the members, then I think the ratings would go up all by themselves. The question is who? What do you guys think?

Possible New Member:

As of watching episode 209 and beginning to become a fan of Eun Ji Won, he would be an awesome choice! I loved his clever way of attempting to cheat out the Running Man team. His character could clash and perhaps renew Kwang Soo's character as a betrayal icon and not to mention, he's adorable. The cast also seems familiar with him. @craptelly What do you think? You seem to be a fan of him and more than likely know more about him than I would.

Sidenote: Choosing the right person, I believe is the key. Choosing the wrong person could possibly have the reverse effect.

Games: The latest episodes range from good to okay to ehh, but the beginning episodes are far more superior. It was funny to see the cast members become family and push boundaries between each other. (Biting Noona!!)

Name Tag Ripping Game: I don't necessarily suggest the name tag ripping game every episode. It is entertaining and still will be, but the members are practically experts at it. They don't really have that same fiery spirit that they had before when it comes to this game. Instead of running away and trying to hide, they face one another and get it over with all together if that makes sense. They use the same techniques of banding together against Jong kook and him standing in the corner as always. New guests really are no match.

Bells Hide and Go Seek: I love this game!!! It requiress hiding, suspense, and it's just awesome in general. (Except the latest suzy one. That one lacked suspense. It was more about getting everyone in a small time frame than honing into where the members were hiding, what they were feeling, and the uneven teams was a total disadvantage.) Perhaps,upon reflection, this game is also at the end of its time.

Episodes with 3782738292 Guests: To be honest, these episodes always seem to be less than satisfactory. I feel like real fans of Running man watch for the members and the occasional guest as brownie points and the appearance of several idols/actors at the same time is more of a marketing tool for fans of those specific people. In the minimal time frame that a Running Man episode has, it's unsatisfactory for everyone when each person gets so little air time or when someone gets none at all!

Ddakji/algakki: I don't prefer epsiodes like these. Even if Suk Jin won (yay!), it wasn't all that entertaining.

Overall, I think the PD's need to rethink and do something different. I know it's easier to say than do, but it's necessary if they intend to raise the ratings. Some of you may say that they have with all these mini games and such, but those are a mix up when it comes to laugh factor. What do you guys think?

End Note: This post may have sound harsh and made me sound less of a fan than I am, but I assure you I am a HUGE fan of Running Man. Constructive criticism was my goal in this post. I just feel as though Running Man is facing a crisis. The rating are always last and the episodes/games/characters aren't as good as they use to be or well enforced. I'm afraid of cancellation. However, regardless of the ratings and the small qualms I have, I will watch til the end. I'll appreciate all episodes and watch it even if I don't prefer the formatting or games. I hope you guys don't misunderstand this post. Let me know what you think!

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Hello again!!! :D
I think what RM lacks at this point is the ability to be spontaneous and be able to do something unexpected. This is the first ever K-variety that I have ever encountered and at the time it got me so excited because I didn't know what was the next thing that would happen.. but now, things come off as very easy to predict and so the games have become boring and the reactions sometimes appear forced.

Eun Jiwon once said that what real variety needs is spontaneity. The thing though is RM is limited to the games given to them by the PDs. They don't have the space to explore the possibilities. Also when some guests aren't that into variety and aren't active... it ends up boring. :( 
@ErikaJ Hi! I'm so glad you're starting to like him! He's really an awesome person.. :D I enjoy watching Jiwon coming in as a guest from time to time and I would love it if he could come more often.. The thing though is I doubt he will ever join the show as a permanent member. After all, he originally came from 1N2D and is mostly involved in the Kang Line.
He was asked once in a talk show why he doesn't do outdoor variety anymore and if he would ever go back to 1N2D. And he answered that, "It's because the person who once led me isn't there anymore."
Jiwon is pretty close to the RM members however. :) He has worked with them a lot previously so there isn't any awkward moment with him there.
Jaesuk - Come to PlayJongkook - Escape from Crisis No. 1Gary - The MovementSukjin - Star Golden BellHaha - I don't recall these two directly working with one another but I know they are good friends
He hasn't worked with Jihyo and Gwangsoo yet.. but in that safari episode, he worked nicely with Gwangsoo that he didn't even hold back back then. XD

A lot of PDs acknowledge his variety skills.

:D He wasn't just known as the nation's choding but as a genius too. He's the only one that Kang Hodong feared in 1N2D cos Jiwon fights back to him and he is way too unpredictable. And he thinks so fast too. That's why in the RM E141, Jaesuk was teasing Jiwon cos Jiwon used to claim he has an IQ of 160. LOL He doesn't care much about consequences too so he does whatever he wants and doesn't mind his image too much. That's why he got the nickname Eun Choding. Cos his personality truly is child-like.

I wish Jiwon could come and join again with fewer to no other guests... And though I don't see it anymore.. with more than 1 episode. :)


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craptelly said: Jiwon is pretty close to the RM members however. :) He has worked with them a lot previously so there isn't any awkward moment with him there.
Jaesuk - Come to PlayJongkook - Escape from Crisis No. 1Gary - The MovementSukjin - Star Golden BellHaha - I don't recall these two directly working with one another but I know they are good friends

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Guest yayahime

@craptelly i agree with every of your words,, jiwon is raised by papa bear hodong and i prefer him to stay in kang line,, :)

i know this show is scripted since a long time ago, but i dont care as long as they can bring me laugh,,

@themarchioness wasnt it mc mong??

I love rm and i hope they will do better

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@themarchioness Yes.. but he was only a guest for only a few times. He was a special guest for the first few episodes and then after that he only appeared once in a blue moon..

Yeah Baby Bear ♥ Papa Bear tandem.. aww I miss those two!!

I would love to see Jiwon and Seunggi together as guests in a Running Man episode. :D

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I've recently been watching 2N1D and I can see why they're doing so well in the ratings. They concentrate more on the cast interaction in which RM has been lacking lately. RM has been going overboard with the numof guests lately. Like the last episode there was barely any interaction with the cast.

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As others have already said, the Running Man PD Group are really going to need to step up their game a notch if they want to recapture the glory days that they once had in the past.
Personally, I think Running Man was its best during 2011-2012.
I think the big problem is that they're trying WAY TOO HARD to come up with original ideas. Why is that a problem you ask? Well, probably because instead of focusing and strengthening the aspects that have made this show so endearing with us fans, they're instead wasting their time and everyone else's energy in trying to come up with ideas that are completely off the wall at times.
What's worse is that the episodes themselves suffer from this "trial and error" route that the PD's have been using for their ideas. Seriously, who the heck wants to see the Running Man group do some of the most boring things known to humanity?lol

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considering Jiwon's haircut from the link, that's around the time he became part of The Movement. :) But yeah, these guys are good friends that perhaps even go way back than that. I'm just saying how he's somehow connected with the members and how he has worked with the guys. You're right.. that reminds me, Jiwon hates running the most and he's known to be the least athletic out of the 1N2D members.

klentsaid: I think 1N2D (season 1) is second only to Infinity Challenge in being the best variety show to have ever come out of Korea. 
I think it's the other way around. :)) But then again it's subjective.  Ratings wise, 1N2D S1 was always mostly leading, averaging at 30%.. It only gets lowered down to around 27% cos they take the average with the other Happy Sunday show.

I think one thing that could help Running Man is to keep things simple. I feel like they're trying their best, spending their time on these extravagant sets and games but then it doesn't always deliver.
Anyways... Running Man, fighting!

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@craptelly Oh I see! I mean RM is all about running so I guess he's not a good choice! Lol but if spontaneity is what RM needs, who else would you reccommend as a possible new member? Also, about the kang line and yoo line, why does that matter? I'm just curious because there are multiple examples where co-hosts from both of their "lines" are hosts on shows from the latter. Some examples include Eun Ji Won with Come to Play and Noh Hong Chul with 1N2D. Can you explain to me the different line concept?

@herolee10 If you read my previous post, I think they want to refrain from reusing the same ideas because they get old too. The members are experts at the games that they used to play every week. It's enjoyable, but doesn't have the same effect (in original formatting) as it once did at least in my opinion. Just imagine it being played every week with the same type of outcomes and alliances! As also mentioned in my previous post, the members aren't as passionate as they used to be when it comes to games like the name tag ripping. For this reason, I believe that's why the producers are trying new things and playing the trademark games every once and a while to keep it "fresh" if that makes sense. As for the formatting now, I don't think multiple different mini games are the answer either, but trying new things is a must. If the producers can figure out another large and brilliant game like nametag ripping, it can expand their trademark games and give it a new feel. If not, they could always resort to playing a few staple mini games over a stretch of episodes (as they did in the beginning of RM) such as the Tea Time or Catch the Theif. All of these random mini games sometimes can throw the audience off when there are also a dozen other people playing a dozen other mini games in the same episode, but then again I really loved the toast segment in episode 206. The PD's have good ideas, but sometimes the balance of games between members or the editting can be lackluster. One thing for sure though, they're doing the right thing by looking for new concepts, but they just haven't found the jackpot yet.


1N2D Parallel: I think the key to season one's success is the fact that the episodes were more focused on the members themselves and their genuine interactions and bonds that they created with one another. The sense of family and brotherhood was there and the same type of feelings are existant in RM too, but in smaller doses and pieces. (Most notably in gifs provided by OTP tumblrs~Thank you!) Running Man also does have a certain amount of, for a lack of better words, "fake" interactions that many fans are turned off by. I am pretty neutral when it comes to MC , but there sure are some extreme fans and antifans on both sides. It's hard for the PD's to please everyone, but this aspect does make a substantial amount of fans feel as if it is an ingenuine relationship used as a tool for both Ji Hyo and Gary to recieve air time. However, on the flip side, there are people who watch RM for MC and their interactions with one another. The point is, if the producers changed the formatting and focused on the family aspect the members have with one another, the ratings would surely increase! I mean there are entire tumblrs dedicated to pointing out even the smallest of unnoticed interactions between them! What are your thoughts?

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ErikaJ said: @craptelly Oh I see! I mean RM is all about running so I guess he's not a good choice! Lol but if spontaneity is what RM needs, who else would you reccommend as a possible new member? Also, about the kang line and yoo line, why does that matter? I'm just curious because there are multiple examples where co-hosts from both of their "lines" are hosts on shows from the latter. Some examples include Eun Ji Won with Come to Play and Noh Hong Chul with 1N2D. Can you explain to me the different line concept? @herolee10 If you read my previous post, I think they want to refrain from reusing the same ideas because they get old too. The members are experts at the games that they used to play every week. It's enjoyable, but doesn't have the same effect (in original formatting) as it once did at least in my opinion. Just imagine it being played every week with the same type of outcomes and alliances! As also mentioned in my previous post, the members aren't as passionate as they used to be when it comes to games like the name tag ripping. For this reason, I believe that's why the producers are trying new things and playing the trademark games every once and a while to keep it "fresh" if that makes sense. As for the formatting now, I don't think multiple different mini games are the answer either, but trying new things is a must. If the producers can figure out another large and brilliant game like nametag ripping, it can expand their trademark games and give it a new feel. If not, they could always resort to playing a few staple mini games over a stretch of episodes (as they did in the beginning of RM) such as the Tea Time or Catch the Theif. All of these random mini games sometimes can throw the audience off when there are also a dozen other people playing a dozen other mini games in the same episode, but then again I really loved the toast segment in episode 206. The PD's have good ideas, but sometimes the balance of games between members or the editting can be lackluster. One thing for sure though, they're doing the right thing by looking for new concepts, but they just haven't found the jackpot yet. ---------------------------------------------- 1N2D Parallel: I think the key to season one's success is the fact that the episodes were more focused on the members themselves and their genuine interactions and bonds that they created with one another. The sense of family and brotherhood was there and the same type of feelings are existant in RM too, but in smaller doses and pieces. (Most notably in gifs provided by OTP tumblrs~Thank you!) Running Man also does have a certain amount of, for a lack of better words, "fake" interactions that many fans are turned off by. I am pretty neutral when it comes to MC , but there sure are some extreme fans and antifans on both sides. It's hard for the PD's to please everyone, but this aspect does make a substantial amount of fans feel as if it is an ingenuine relationship used as a tool for both Ji Hyo and Gary to recieve air time. However, on the flip side, there are people who watch RM for MC and their interactions with one another. The point is, if the producers changed the formatting and focused on the family aspect the members have with one another, the ratings would surely increase! I mean there are entire tumblrs dedicated to pointing out even the smallest of unnoticed interactions between them! What are your thoughts?

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craptelly said: @klent 

considering Jiwon's haircut from the link, that's around the time he became part of The Movement. :) But yeah, these guys are good friends that perhaps even go way back than that. I'm just saying how he's somehow connected with the members and how he has worked with the guys. You're right.. that reminds me, Jiwon hates running the most and he's known to be the least athletic out of the 1N2D members.

klentsaid: I think 1N2D (season 1) is second only to Infinity Challenge in being the best variety show to have ever come out of Korea. 
I think it's the other way around. :)) But then again it's subjective.  Ratings wise, 1N2D S1 was always mostly leading, averaging at 30%.. It only gets lowered down to around 27% cos they take the average with the other Happy Sunday show.

I think one thing that could help Running Man is to keep things simple. I feel like they're trying their best, spending their time on these extravagant sets and games but then it doesn't always deliver.
Anyways... Running Man, fighting!

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Cha Tae Hyun Tells BFF Kim Jong Kook to Cheer Up as Ratings Remain Low for ′Running Man′


In regards to Running Man′s low ratings, Cha Tae Hyun told his best friend, Kim Jong Kook to cheer up. 

On August 29, Cha Tae Hyun attended the production presentation for his new movie Slow Video at the CGV Theaters in Apgujeong. 

With his movie about paying attention to people through CCTV, Cha Tae Hyun was asked to say something to someone who hasn′t had his attention for a while. 

"I haven′t paid attention to Kim Jong Kook in a while. I′ve been taking care of Hong Kyung Min so much, but Kim Jong Kook′s situation isn′t all that great either."


"Just like how it was for me a year ago [on KBS′ 1 Night, 2 Days], in the three broadcast stations, [sBS′Running Man] is falling slightly behind," said Cha Tae Hyun. 

"But I can′t really give him words of comfort...this kind of relationship has been continuing for three years now. It′s so uncomfortable," added Cha Tae Hyun, as Running Man and 1 Night 2 Days are competitors in the same time slot. 

When a reporter asked if this is his way of telling Kim Jong Kook to cheer up, Cha Tae Hyun replied, "Yes. Cheer up! We also endured it and it′s a bit better now. Who knows how long this will last." 

The actor also stated, "When he was doing well, I′m sure he felt the same. When we meet, we say good things to each together, but really it doesn′t matter, because every Monday, we′re both checking the ratings." 

Slow Video is about a man who can see things in slow motion. He later gets hired at the Korean CCTV Control Center, receiving strange missions to fulfill. It premieres on October 2. 

Photo Credit: Kim Byung Kwan

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Personally, I think with the older games, they've explored almost all possibilities that can be done. When they do old things, people complain, when they do new things people complain. So it's almost a lose/lose situation for them.

I think for them to go forward, they HAVE TO try new things to see if they'll work or not. If it works then they can always revisit it later and start changing it up. Some of the games can only go so far in concept while others have been explored in several different ways. Namely name tag.

I mean lets look how they've done it

Regular team vs team
Attacker vs. defender alternates
Multiple team
Complete mission first
Last man standing
Last man standing with Super powers
Figure out how to eliminate
Find the name tag
Time travel
Double Spy
Triple spy
Timed release
1v1 with next player coming out after elimination
1v1 with director
Fastest time
Eliminate the target

If they wanted to they could just be doing the original variation over and over again. But then it'd end up just like any regular sports game. It'll get repetitive. Only instead it's the same people playing each time. It changes up when there's a guest but again, that only goes so far.

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@ErikaJ Well... I think the Line concept isn't anything strict... but it's some sort of a rivalry between the two highly popular MCs in the country. It isn't anything serious, more like a healthy rivalry between Kang Hodong and Yoo Jaesuk (both are really, really awesome in their own ways). Now with this rivalry, lots of celebs are asked as to which line do they belong... it isn't anything set in stone. But people do have their own pick.
Celebs can join any show they want, it really doesn't matter. But with Jiwon he's worked so closely with Kang Hodong most especially with 1N2D so he has created a bond with KHD.. It's more out of loyalty than anything. Though of course Jiwon is still absolutely free to work anytime with YJS. Although I don't think it would be something like a primetime variety show like Running Man (as a permanent member).. That's just me though... My take on how I see things based on reading and watching stuff.. :D

If I remember correctly, Jiwon became a part of The Movement because of Bobby Kim. Jiwon has known Bobby Kim since he was in Sechskies and Bobby Kim also wrote songs for them while Jiwon did a featuring for one of his songs back in the 90s. These two have always been good friends and Bobby Kim has always supported Jiwon as a hiphop artist right at the get go.

I used to watch Running Man before whoever their guest may be. As I've said, it's my first encounter to Korean variety.. but as time went on, it just doesn't give me the laughs that I used to get when I started watching. So now, I just watch when the guest/s interest me enough to watch it.
I remember it's always been the running that excited me the most. For me, I used to consider it as the main highlight of the show.. especially that bell hide and seek.. 
I just don't see the point in these big sets and complicated props when they hardly bring the laugh... perhaps, it's just really not my thing. Cos I'm the viewer who prefers the interaction and the humor of the players.

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Agreed. I initially got invested into this show because I really enjoyed the interactions that took place between the cast members, along with the "unique" variety personas that each member brought to the show.
There are times where I feel like some of the new ideas hinder this factor. Personally, I believe that Running Man's greatest strength is the bond shared and displayed between its cast members and the intensity/comedy that can take place whenever all of them are challenged physically and mentally (at the same time).
They should lay off on doing games where the cast are separated from each other for a majority of the day, let alone revolving entire episodes on games that are really..really..boring to watch.
I know you can't always have them doing the name ripping-bell chasing games, but I do believe that there are other options out there than the ones that the show has been taking at times as of late.
Create games that will BEST DISPLAY and utilize what each member brings to the show. Hell, stir the pot a bit and modify on how some members are like in their variety personas.
I mean Ha-Ha went from "Pororo" Kid-Movie Time-Playboy-Dirty Player throughout the time span of the entire series.
Change things up a notch. Instead of always doing the Monday Couple thing with song ji-hyo and Kang Gary, let one of the other (few) remaining members get love lines of their own.

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i think if RM staff starting to return to the earlier theme like the theme they used in the first or second ep just for an old time sake it would be great... not for permanent theme but like for once in a while... than trying to came up with new game that well truthfully the game recently is not so great but thankfully the chemistry among members is still great and the guest involvement is still great...

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