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[Drama 2010] ATHENA : Goddess of War 아테나: 전쟁의 여신

Guest Lilazinprincess

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Text previews for this week:

Episode 13 (24.01.2011)

손혁의 사진을 조사하던 정우는 손혁과 다정하게 사진을 찍은 소녀가 혜인이라는 사실을 알고 큰 충격에 빠진다. 정우는 혜인에게 이 사실을 묵과하지 않을 것임을 전하고, 이에 혜인은 깊이 가슴 아파한다. 소리 없이 종적을 감춰버린 혜인, 혼란스러운 가운데 혜인의 행방을 찾아 헤매던 정우에게 걸려온 뜻밖의 전화!

Google translation: Woo pictures were investigating sonhyeokui sonhyeokgwa fondly the pictures were taken of the fact that Hye girl falls for a big shock to know. Hye Jung Woo to the fact that you will not tolerate the spread, this deeply painful Hye. The human voice with no longitudinal Hye, chaotic wandering of the Hye-Woo to find the whereabouts of an unexpected phone ringing!

Episode 14 (25.01.2011)

정우가 없는 사이에 몰래 혜인을 빼내온 손혁은 아테나를 떠나겠다는 혜인의 마음을 돌리려고 애를 쓴다. 한정필 암살 현장에서 총을 들고 있던 혜인을 목격했던 정우는 큰 배신감에 사로잡히고, 그런 정우에게 용관은 혜인을 직접 잡아올 것을 명령한다. 한편 아버지의 죽음으로 재희는 슬픔에 빠지고, 정우는 이를 안쓰러워 한다. 그리고 철영은 기수에게 모두를 충격에 빠뜨릴 비밀스러운 임무를 지시하는데...

Google translation: Between Sorrow not have anything to sneak sonhyeokeun Hye Hye're off to Athens will try to turn the hearts. Hanjeongpil had a gun in the assassination scene was witnessed Hye Woo caught up in a big sense of betrayal, then a gardening Woo and Hye is ordered to catch it yourself. Meanwhile, the death of his father the sad and Jae Hee, Jung Woo it will feel sympathy. And a shock to both the rider puts cheolyoungeun secret mission to the instructions...

Oooh nice! He seems like a really nice, friendly guy. Now I'm tempted to follow him on Twitter! :D

Ok, I'm following him already. Weee! He has only 60 followers?? He needs more publicity! :P

waiiiitt... from the spoiler for episode 14... does Jae Hee's father die?!?!?!

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Guest cyonink

Hi Cyonink, yes, it's him. I'm soo surprised + happy (of course!) today that he replied my twit. Here's his reply. ;)

*quoted image*

I haven't watched the ep til 12. Right now, only ep 9 but I hope he got more scenes on this drama. ;)

So nice indeed; and as Naddification said he does seem friendly. Pity I don't have a Twitter account I would have definetely followed him.

He does make himself noticed in the drama even if they gave his character such an ugh name as Randy.

^_^ thanks for the news

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Guest creaturedreams

Jung Woo Sung sent to ER after injuring his leg during ‘Athena’ filming -

Actor Jung Woo Sung suffered a leg injury during shooting of SBS drama ‘Athena: Goddess of War‘.

Jung and another actor, Jung Chan Woo were involved  in an accident where the van carrying them crashed. Jung Woo Sung  sustained injuries on his right leg while Jung Chan Woo had an injury to  his head. Both were rushed immediately to the emergency room for  treatment.

They were filming a shooting scene, which was a part of the episode  that was set to be aired on the 25th; At this point, it is unknown when  they will be able to continue shooting the drama, meaning that episodes  planned for the 25th and beyond might not air as scheduled until the  actors regain their health.

Source: AKP > Newsen via Nate;

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i hope Jung Woo Sung and the other actor recovers quickly

they work so hard trying to film the action scenes....

I wish they take their time to recover and don't feel so pressured to return to the set...we could wait a few weeks.

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Guest naddification

@ turtletyper & samara34 : Based on the really confusing Google translation, it could either refer to 1) JH's father dying or 2) JW's father's death and the mystery surrounding it? I sure hope it's not the first one!! If SH is the one who kills JH's father....I will DEFINITELY NOT want JH to be anywhere near him.

P.S. Is there anyone who is able to provide a clearer translation for the text previews? Thank you!

@ cyonink : Yeah!! The name 'Randy' just isn't cool and charismatic, unlike Sean Richards! He really looks like a doll, doncha think? Is there any possibility he might end up with JH? *wiggles eyebrows*

@ inception. : Thanks for sharing this news! Oh dear... Really hope both of them are fine now. May they have a speedy recovery!!

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Episode 13

손혁의 사진을 조사하던 정우는 손혁과 다정하게 사진을 찍은 소녀가 혜인이라는 사실을 알고 큰 충격에 빠진다. 정우는 혜인에게 이 사실을 묵과하지 않을 것임을 전하고, 이에 혜인은 깊이 가슴 아파한다. 소리 없이 종적을 감춰버린 혜인, 혼란스러운 가운데 혜인의 행방을 찾아 헤매던 정우에게 걸려온 뜻밖의 전화!

Jeong Woo is falls into utter shock when he finds out that the girl standing next to Son Hyuk in the picture is Hye In. Jeong Woo contfronts Hye In about his finding, but tells her that he isn't going to tell anyone and Hye In is saddened that he has found out. Hye In was able to hide her identity quietly, she is perplexed by the unexpected call from Jeong Woo.

Episode 14

정우가 없는 사이에 몰래 혜인을 빼내온 손혁은 아테나를 떠나겠다는 혜인의 마음을 돌리려고 애를 쓴다. 한정필 암살 현장에서 총을 들고 있던 혜인을 목격했던 정우는 큰 배신감에 사로잡히고, 그런 정우에게 용관은 혜인을 직접 잡아올 것을 명령한다. 한편 아버지의 죽음으로 재희는 슬픔에 빠지고, 정우는 이를 안쓰러워 한다. 그리고 철영은 기수에게 모두를 충격에 빠뜨릴 비밀스러운 임무를 지시하는데...

Son Hyuk, who was able to take Hye In without Jeong Woo knowing, tries to convince Hye In to change her mind about leaving Athena. Jeong Woo, who feels betrayed by Hye In because he saw her pointing the gun at Hwang Jung Phil, vows to brings back Hye In himself. Jae Hee is depressed because of the death of her father and Jeong Woo feels sorry for her. Chul Ryung asks Ki Soo to do a task that will shock everyone...

Originally posted by naddifcation & translated by LolliDoAlittle

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wow. unbelievable. they're really gonna make JW like this? like, really? wow okay i don't even know what to think about his character right now. aren't they supposed to make it so that we can cheer him on? at this point, i wouldn't even blink if he got killed. ugh.

i hate him so much right now. because of his stupid love for HI, JH's dad is gonna die. first, he dumps her for his job (which he sucks at and obviously doesn't care enough about) and now this?

if JH doesn't get a happy ending then im done w/ the writer(s).

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wow. unbelievable. they're really gonna make JW like this? like, really? wow okay i don't even know what to think about his character right now. aren't they supposed to make it so that we can cheer him on? at this point, i wouldn't even blink if he got killed. ugh.

i hate him so much right now. because of his stupid love for HI, JH's dad is gonna die. first, he dumps her for his job (which he sucks at and obviously doesn't care enough about) and now this?

if JH doesn't get a happy ending then im done w/ the writer(s).

I'm with you 100 percent! It was a right thing for JH to break it off with SW. So far, he is the worse character in this whole drama, irrational and love crazy. With JH's father dead, she will truly be all alone now.  Feel so bad for her.:(  Hope that there will be more on scene time between JH and SH. I want a happy ending for JH and SH otherwise I'm never going to support any drama by this writer again.. fury.gif

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Adding on to what inception posted about the accident:

Athena accident puts broadcast at risk

by javabeans | January 23, 2011 | 3 Comments


An on-set accident for Athena: Goddess of War has sent its lead star, Jung Woo-sung, to the hospital and has producers worried that this week’s episode might not make it out on time.

The accident has been described as a “serious car wreck” that occurred on January 23 during an action shoot. The scene involved actor Jung Chan-woo (playing Athena agent Chul-kyu) being hit by a car while trying to shoot Jung-woo (Jung Woo-sung) in an underground parking lot.

However, the car slipped during the shoot, and both actors were injured while hustling to avoid being hit — Jung Chan-woo injured his head, and Jung Woo-sung his right knee. They were taken to the emergency room for treatment.

Although the situation is still being monitored, it’s being reported that it’s likely Jung Woo-sung will not be able to return to filming right away — or possibly at all — which puts the entire production into emergency mode. The drama was unable to complete its filming for this week’s broadcast of Episode 14, which means that Tuesday’s episode may be postponed while the actors heal. Beyond that is a question mark.

Missing a broadcast due to an accident isn’t exactly common, but it’s been known to happen in extreme circumstances. In 2008, Painter of the Wind delayed a broadcast when Moon Geun-young broke her nose while filming, and in 2009, Gu Hye-sun’s car accident delayed an episode of Boys Before Flowers. In both instances, the dramas whipped up a hasty “special” to broadcast instead.

Via Mk.co.kr, Hankook Ilbo

Article courtesy of dramabeans: http://www.dramabeans.com/2011/01/athena-accident-puts-broadcast-at-risk/

I hope both Jung Woo-sung and Jung Chan-woo are okay! I know the broadcast may/will be delayed, but the actors' recovery is more important and they should get all the rest they need.

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Guest naddification

Wow thank you so so much LolliDoAlittle!

WHAT? He isn't going to tell anyone about HI?! And why should he bring back Hye In by himself (again)? Just leave her be already! This is really annoying. Gosh, didn't think I could dislike the main lead THIS much. Nsdwewdffmcawmkcpascnu!!! "JH is depressed ... and JW feels sorry for her." Yeah, feeling sorry for her sure helps a lot *rolls eyes*

So does this mean it is HI who kills JH's father? I feel SO bad for him and JH! Ahhh omg. Even though JH's father is with Athena, he's such a caring and concerned daddy who looks out for his daughter's well-being. Now JH will be all alone, cos not even JW will care much about her since he is so caught up with HI :( And as for SH... I still have a not-very-good feeling about him being with JH, but I do foresee him being the one who will help comfort JH and make her feel better. That means more SH-JH scenes to look forward to! :)

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Guest simpleandclean99

Thank you for uploading this!!! i can't wait to watch it. I loved watching Iris although the ending was sad for me TT_TT

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Guest kayana20

How is it JW fault if JH father dies? I cannot stand that man for breaking them up coldly the way he did but also he is selling his country out and lying to his colleagues. Sh was using him all along regardless and I expected that Sh would use JH to get at her father even if he has feelings for her. They are not on par with the one's he has for Hi sadly which is just pathetic to me. When you love someone you don't treat them like a machine or make them choose between love or dying for a debt.Yes Jw is stupid as all can be but he always gets the job done regardless but the fault should be with NTS for not hiring people with brains or loyalty. I truly believe someone else is working with Athena and when we find out we will be shocked. Director Kwon wants Jw to carry on his dad legacy and so far JW has failed but with the death of KMG on his chest no one is standing in his way to bring down Athena and Sh. Especially since the gloves are coming out for HI.I cannot wait and while at it how come Jh isn't wondering about Sh like she does HI? The truth is right in front of her but she fell for him so fast she cannot see that love is just a pawn to some people and it's too sad too see that some people can make the same mistake twice.

I pray they are okay and take it easy. I care more for their health than to see an episode on time. Get well soon to both of them.

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i blame him because from what i gathered through that text preview, it was HI who pulled the trigger. she would not be freely walking about if JW had gathered his senses and reported what he knew to the NTS. i'm more on the "i'm mad that JH will be sad" rather than "omg HI killed the dad" kind of thing right now. yea, NTS sucks at choosing their field agents, but seriously? JW should just stay out of these things completely cause he's not making things better. i don't know why he even stayed with NTS after breaking up w/ JH because he's no help. and no, JW doesn't always get the job done. he wasn't able to save Dr. KMG., he broke the code (that states that you're always supposed to report to NTS even if an agent's life is in danger), he gave up the SNC (him being able to get it back, after he saved the oh so important HI, doesn't excuse his action).

also, what do you mean? about JH not suspecting SH like she does HI? she's always suspected him. she's been investigating his background and past all this while. the one night stand only happened because she was drunk and unhappy.

"The truth is right in front of her but she fell for him so fast she cannot see that love is just a pawn to some people and it's too sad too see that some people can make the same mistake twice." this sentence also applies to JW, except that he made the same mistake like a gazillion times.

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I sad to hear that the cast members have been hurt.

I would expect that Athena should have been very close to the end of filming since they started filming way way in advance! Like , haven't I heard news of them filming 3 months ago at least?

I hope they get well soon!

And what this I hear about Hye In Killing Jae Hee's dad?! Thats really terrible , and if Son Hyuk ordered it , that would be even worst! Wherever this drama is going , I guess its good that the ending is unpredictable .

So they'll not be showing episode 14 this week but push it to next week? And they are showing Soo Ae's history? I'd rather watch the history of Son Hyuk :/

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Guest naddification

Climax of the episode:

The NTS agents (JH, JW and Junho included) find out that JH's father has been part of the enemy all along. He tries to kill himself by eating pills but JW stops him. JH looks really shocked and devastated upon finding out about her father. Later on, while JH and her father are in a car, someone from Athena (who's hiding in a building) shoots her father. From what I saw, the shooter is definitely not Hye In. And the thing was, they only targeted JH's father. They didn't shoot anyone else. But OMG my heart just shattered looking at JH cry for her father!!


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