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[Drama 2010] Bad Guy/Bad Boy 나쁜남자

Guest denzai

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Guest tron4U

The ending was what I expected. Although, I haven't seen a series with such tragic for a long time. It does make sense for the series to end the way it did. The character did evolve. Unfortunately that Monet has to turn out that way. Unforgiving just like her mother as well as selfish. Must be in her blood. Although, I do like the actress. Overall, it is an ok series. The shortness did not make a difference. In a way, that is ok...

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Guest snyder

what i think:

yeahh. i agree with most ppl. i hope they hadnt cut this short...

i think there are parts in the story that are just too illogical...

i think the part where madame shin kicks gun wook out just coz he's the real tae sung is silly since she then brings back home another kid... i hope they've expanded more on that... i think this storyline is half-cooked... i hope they give more evil-lic brains to madame shin char.. this part just made her look like a brainless mad rich ahjumma who only knows how to kill off people... if i were madame shin, i'd make sure the kid i bring home wasnt the REAL tae sung in the first place... i mean, if im planning to do something evil, i'd better double check first before i go with the plan right? well, i guess i cant complain much since they shot this overnight...

and yes, i think someone here posted how she/he doesnt "feel anything for jae in"?? i have to say i cant agree more. her char has lots of loopholes. one think i dont like about her is the fact that she's soooo indecisive. her char has lots of indecisivenesss!! hell, i dont even think she's even sure if she's a golddigger herself!

personal opinion: jae in's char is just flat confusing... if she were a golddiger, she should stay true to tae sung. not swaying off here and there once in a while, swinging between two men easily like that. i'd prefer it if she honestly admitted she's a golddiger in the very start and focuses her way into joining haeshin family... she hates it when ppl call her golddiger, but when gun wook gives her the opportunity to get close to tae sung, she jumps right in! when madame shin scorns her for dating tae sung, etc; i was like "go for it!" (very unusual case for me since i always root for kdrama leads)

looking from another perspective, i think the writers here want us to sympathize with her char, so they mold her into an innocent-golddiger???? i guess they must have thought ppl wouldnt like it if their leading lady is a pure wicked golddiger. god, i wish they hadnt done that. i way prefer if she's a PURE golddiger from the start and gradually changes for the better coz of gun wook. more char development here for jae in! dont just show her as a char that's just THERE to make a romantic storyline with gun wook!!!

sorry for anyone who's rooting for jae in... no offense.. :rolleyes:

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Guest snyder

does anyone realize how kim nam gil isnt talking much in the last 2 eps?? :unsure:

i wish he'd say something when tae ra comes to his house to talk about "them". it just sucks to see how tae ra is pouring her heart out while gun wook is just sitting there blankly... no comment there?? no sorry? i wish he'd said something to comfort her... i know sorry wouldnt fix all the damages, but damn, that'd have been nice to see him having heart-to-heart talk with tae ra..

i think he only talks to jae in and mo nae in the last ep... the rest are delegated through a "media" (if u knw what i mean)

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Guest M!sS DantE

WHAT THE F U C K I N G ENDING !!!!!!!!!!!!!!



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Guest belva

Wow I cried a river for the finale.

I don’t exactly hate the ending. I knew GW was gonna die eventually and I knew MN was up to no good once I heard her saying “I wish I can kill you and noona” to GW. I’m actually relieved that no one knows he is dead because I can’t bear to see anymore grieve in the show. As for JI’s character I thought it’s good that at least GW had someone who he truly love and who loves him. It will be far too lonely for him if there isn’t even someone like JI to love and be loved.

I think the reason why it ended like this with the evil (Mo Ne and Madam Shin) getting off well, the director is really trying to show us the ugly side of power and money, of humiliation and desire. I remember the previous interview with the director that he mentioned something like this. Ok I’ve found the interview.

For everyone who hate the ending, is mad, pissed, or think the writers are on crack, read this interview of the director Lee Hyeong Min, translated by atel in this thread:

Your previous project was the movie, <Heaven’s Postman>, so it was thought that your next project would be another movie as well. The idea for <Bad Guy> came from the classic, <The Red and the Black (Le Rouge et le Noir)>. How did it come about?

To be honest, wouldn’t you say that the dramas I’ve worked on had pretty stories? But this is different. It’s a really gritty story about desire. Korean society is serious but I’ve always wanted to do a drama like this. You could say that it’s a similar story like <Couple’s Clinic Love and War> . I’m planning to tell a story about people’s desires, about people’s humiliation.

It appears that unlike from your previous works, this drama will be one that will leave a rather different impression. You, yourself, must feel some pressure. What is the reason for working with that kind of pressure and telling this kind of theme at this time?

I think of this story as being immensely real. People don’t say it, but people already know it is that kind of theme. Possibly, depending how far I go with it, I would even get criticized for it. That’s because it’s an intense thing to provoke people’s desires and humiliations. It can be thought of as being dirty, or they can see it as their own stories. The people who have enjoyed my works up until now may even get surprised. The anticipation is great because I’ve always wanted to do this kind of story.

For those who are really pissed off by the ending, perhaps you should have read this before you start the show. You’ve been warned.

So yes, this is definitely not a happy ending in every sense. It is a really harsh one in fact. But nevertheless I truly enjoyed the ride, up till the very last second. Maybe if everyone can have an open mind while watching the finale, you will be able to appreciate this work as well. Though not enjoy it. If you know what I mean.

A case in point... when did he write Jae-in and Won-in's names on the paper crane? When Gun-wook went to their house for the first time after the incident at the police station? But I thought it is a more effective plot device than the kiss to drive home the fact that Jae-in and Won-in have walked into his heart.

I believe he wrote it when he visited their house, and it is very interesting to only reveal this in the finale. I totally love the fact that he wrote down their names on the paper. I agree that that is a more effective plot device than their kiss.

Mo-nae is totally heading for self destruction. You can see it in her face. Nobody shoots another person and continues living her life like nothing has ever happened. She has changed.. into a colder and meaner version of Madam Shin and might rival her in the future. Her eyes no longer radiate the same innocence and naivety she had in the past. Like Tae-sung, she has also grown up from this ordeal but her growth is stunted.

The clock continues to tick... the people continue with their daily lives... the Earth continues to rotate on its axis... nothing in this world stops moving just because a person is dead. It's a sad and cruel fact of life. You don't have to accept it but that doesn't mean the world must accept your version either.

Exactly my thoughts! Though I couldn't have described it as well as you did. Really love reading your insights, thanks for sharing them. And please do make another post instead of editing your previous if you have more to say :)

Where did he get the time to mail those packages to TR and JI? He wrote so much in them in such clean writing etc. What, did he find an extra hour before he died to go to the post office to buy a box and all that? It didn't make sense, even if the ending worked in a tragic kind of way.

I was wondering about this too but came up with an excuse for that, that maybe it was actually done by GW's assistant on his behalf. Or maybe I'm just being defensive.

The only thing I felt left unanswered is whether MN knows that she shot her own brother? I’m suspecting she knows but like Madam Shin, she's become a little loony and don’t care as long as she has her revenge.

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I commend KNG, OYS and KJW for their superb acting..also the mom ( i don't know her name)

ALthough it was a sad ending still it was well acted by the cast. Applause to KNG and OYS for their good chemistry during their scenes!!!

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i didnt seen ep 17 coz no sub. i knw  everthing by reading here. i salute of OYS, KNG n Mrs shin char. they are very powerful on their on role in defferent way. OYS u're the best in every sad or happy scene..impatient 2see u in new drama - & she is very natural beautiful right :phew:

hands up!!! i agree

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My opinion of the EP. 17:

TS: I liked it, he has evolved and continues with his life. I'm glad you do not run with JI because she does not deserve it.blush.gif

IJ: anything I did not like, do not play that role in the drama. Do not see the sense in her performance. The kissing scene with GW, is the excuse for the firing of MN, because it makes sense that kiss with JI-GW relationship throughout the drama.:sweatingbullets:

MN: Oh!Oh!I have nothing to say about this EP.17, ?!?!?!?fury.gif

Madam Shin: OMG! She is really crazy! jejeje!:wacko:

And then my favorite characters and why I have continued to the end of this BAD GAY:

TR: She has kept the intensity in this EP.17. For it has been interesting to see the end, as would be meeting with GW. OMG! that expression! like crying!, as interpreted!, She is fantastic!:lol:

GW: He's incredible! His expression! He not to mention excited!. :wub: It has been noticed in the EP.16 and 17 the lack of scenes with him, (KNG !!!), and military service still has not lowered the quality of interpretation. He is impressive!. I guess it was the fitting end, but the way he dies I do not like!:tears:

GW-TR:::: pair si the best Kdrama 2010:wub:

KNG and OYS have made a great performance!!:w00t:

(Sorry for the followers of JI ... do not mean to offend, just my opinion ...:phew: )

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Guest melane

So it finally ended yesterday...I could'nt watch it yet but from everyone spoilers, I can tell that I won't like the ending!

I guess KNG's anticipated departure for his service military rushed the ending...

I have liked this drama in average: TR an GW chemistry was amazing! even if it wasn't the best drama I'd watched for sure!

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and yes, i think someone here posted how she/he doesnt "feel anything for jae in"?? i have to say i cant agree more. her char has lots of loopholes. one think i dont like about her is the fact that she's soooo indecisive. her char has lots of indecisivenesss!! hell, i dont even think she's even sure if she's a golddigger herself!

personal opinion: jae in's char is just flat confusing... if she were a golddiger, she should stay true to tae sung. not swaying off here and there once in a while, swinging between two men easily like that. i'd prefer it if she honestly admitted she's a golddiger in the very start and focuses her way into joining haeshin family... she hates it when ppl call her golddiger, but when gun wook gives her the opportunity to get close to tae sung, she jumps right in! when madame shin scorns her for dating tae sung, etc; i was like "go for it!" (very unusual case for me since i always root for kdrama leads)

I think her character is somewhat realistic. I think you've described a lot of (Korean) girls. Girls who want to marry into a wealthy family, become financially stable and buy whatever they want but they want love as well. They won't admit it or won't realize it, but ultimately, most do--whether unintentionally or intentionally--seek money. People are indecisive and imperfect. Jaein wasn't exactly swaying back and forth. She initially considered Gunwook as a friend only, but later grew to like him albeit in jealous ways. in the end finally chose Gunwook after learning about the truth and no matter what, she rejected Taesung because that was the growth of her character. In the beginning she chose money but now she chose love over wealth.

Not the best drama, probably because of the cliche plot and scenes, but not one of the bad ones I've seen.. some characters are quite interesting.

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Guest snyder

how to say??? Sorry to all fans of bad Guy, but I really think Bad Guy is just Bad Bad Bad Drama. I feel sorry for Oh Yeon Soo, Kim Jae Wook, and Kim Nam Gil. they did good jobs !! but the script and editor is too bad.

yeah, the script is not so good... maybe they kinda rushed it??? hahahha sweatingbullets.gifsweatingbullets.gif

i wish they'd hire japanese scriptwriters for this series, i think they'd set a whole new diff level... maybe someone like hisashi nozawa? or higashino keigo? (try google their names) i think japanese are good in creating suspense or revenge stories. its their thing! japanese dramas are always dark and twisted, for better or for worse :rolleyes:

if it has to be korean, i'd definitely choose lee kyung hee (MISA, WISFC, thank you) --> my fav scriptwriter :wub:

directing is not a problem though i'd prefer a dark and suspenseful angle... maybe the kind like the one in japanese series koori no sekai (dark-style-directing). i think this drama's directing style is more of melodramatic rather than suspenseful... :unsure:

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Guest snyder

I think her character is somewhat realistic. I think you've described a lot of (Korean) girls. Girls who want to marry into a wealthy family, become financially stable and buy whatever they want but they want love as well. They won't admit it or won't realize it, but ultimately, most do--whether unintentionally or intentionally--seek money. People are indecisive and imperfect. Jaein wasn't exactly swaying back and forth. She initially considered Gunwook as a friend only, but later grew to like him albeit in jealous ways. in the end finally chose Gunwook after learning about the truth and no matter what, she rejected Taesung because that was the growth of her character. In the beginning she chose money but now she chose love over wealth.

Not the best drama, probably because of the cliche plot and scenes, but some characters are quite interesting.

i think you got a point there blush.gif but i still think han ga in's performance isnt as strong as it should be, be it weak script or not

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i think you got a point there blush.gif but i still think han ga in's performance isnt as strong as it should be, be it weak script or not

I agree with you here though. Her acting wasn't very strong in this drama. I don't remember her performance being this weak either. Maybe because she was gone for so long, idk. Now that Bad Guy is over, I'm anticipating Lee seunggi/Shin minah's new drama lol

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My opinion of the EP. 17:

TS: I liked it, he has evolved and continues with his life. I'm glad you do not run with JI because she does not deserve it.blush.gif

IJ: anything I did not like, do not play that role in the drama. Do not see the sense in her performance. The kissing scene with GW, is the excuse for the firing of MN, because it makes sense that kiss with JI-GW relationship throughout the drama.:sweatingbullets:

MN: Oh!Oh!I have nothing to say about this EP.17, ?!?!?!?fury.gif

Madam Shin: OMG! She is really crazy! jejeje!:wacko:

And then my favorite characters and why I have continued to the end of this BAD GAY:

TR: She has kept the intensity in this EP.17. For it has been interesting to see the end, as would be meeting with GW. OMG! that expression! like crying!, as interpreted!, She is fantastic!:lol:

GW: He's incredible! His expression! He not to mention excited!. :wub: It has been noticed in the EP.16 and 17 the lack of scenes with him, (KNG !!!), and military service still has not lowered the quality of interpretation. He is impressive!. I guess it was the fitting end, but the way he dies I do not like!:tears:

GW-TR:::: pair si the best Kdrama 2010:wub:

KNG and OYS have made a great performance!!:w00t:

(Sorry for the followers of JI ... do not mean to offend, just my opinion ...:phew: )

sad ending...some of us are aggravated becuase there's no justice in the end but who would have thought that the ending would be like that, right??!! bad guy has it strengths and loopholes but we still love the cast for their extreme effort to make the audience sympathize with their characters.

I personally love Oh Yeon Soo's portrayal of TAE-ra-- during the first and second episode her character is just so so but as we continued to watch the remaining episodes she's becoming more and more interesting. A story won't be as good as it is if actors don't interpret their characters carefully. I think she is a smart actress. she's amazing!! hope too see more of her in the future.

I love Kim Nam Gil..i mean he is the bad guy you know. he's so talented and charismatic all throughout the show. We love him when he's trying to protect JI. We somehow hate him for his cruel revenge to the HONG's (although it MRS. SHIN's fault). We also find him sexy when he's trying to win tae-ra's affection. WE felt bad that he's character suffered so much..He was able to make us feel that way..Isn't he amazing??!!! he deserved an award here...

Kim Jae Wook was also good in his scenes. This guy has so much potential. I hope he gets a lot of offers in the future.I think whenever he cries he has this deep aura that he's going to be big in the future...I just love that at the end he moved on with his life..hope to see more of him in the future.

MRS Shin was good as well. She's scary. We hated her the most bec her acting was good!!!

good OST!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I personally love Jung Yeop - "ALONE"


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Guest belva

Some gifs and pic via KNG's cafe:







As much as I got really sad seeing GW being mentally unstable (thought it ended up to be a pretense), I love the KNG cuteness overload :wub:

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Guest denzai

[REVIEW] TV series "Bad Boy" - Final episode

"Where am I heading toward -- heaven or hell?" The narration, spoken by character Gun-wook (played by Kim Nam-gil) as he fell into the water in the first episode, was repeated at the last moment of his life which eventually ended with a suicide. However, the person who ruled the world of "Bad Boy" was actually Lady Shin (played by Kim Hye-ok), not Gun-wook. Lady Shin was the first and last person who set it up so that Gun-wook's life would solely be focused on revenge, and the mirror who reflects the twisted world inside "Bad Boy" as it is. The moment she says, "It is me who won" as the trial ends and lets viewers know that Gun-wook is really the character 'Hong Tae-sung,' Gun-wook's 'revenge fantasy' -- which had been made up of artificial things, or 'images' -- is shattered in that one moment. Perhaps he had already died at that moment, before he was shot by Monet(played by Jung So-min)'s gun and left to take his own life. Jae-in (played by Han Ga-in) came to Gun-wook too late to save him from the scar that had long ago been formed in Gun-wook and from the emotional hurt that wounded him deeper than the scar.

The premiere episode of "Bad Boy," which ended with Gun-wook slowly falling into the water after looking as if he had descended from the sky, was a preview of the entire series. Claiming that he was going to find his 'real self,' Gun-wook suddenly appeared on the scene one day, started his revenge by captivating everyone and was destructed by one single person who had known his true identity. The excessive amount of images and symbols, comparisons and metaphors which had been shown during the hours of his revenge have also hidden behind a glass mask, which is almost visible yet invisible. All that is left is the emptiness felt by people who ended up losing Gun-wook. Thus the tragic death of this man, about whom almost everything is unknown, is quite suitable to be the ending of "Bad Boy" as all that was left of the show were images and no drama. Where did Gun-wook, who charmed everyone but ended up destroying himself, head toward -- heaven or hell?

- Written by Yoonina (TV critic)

Editor : Lynn Kim lynn2878@

<ⓒ10Asia All rights reserved>

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Guest alloo

I have a question .. WE SAW GW in EP 16 crazy in the hospital , is that real ? or he was just pretending ??? and what's the point of pretending ???

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