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[Drama 2010] Bad Guy/Bad Boy 나쁜남자

Guest denzai

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Guest kittrose

big sighhh*** i just watched 12 raw..didn't understand anything at all, but i really liked the beginning (JI & GW moments)..giggless..the scnene with TS-JI-GW there was kinda confusing?? this is how JI's character makes her more unpredictable more than ever..who was she siding with?? geee, i havta wait a day in order to understand what happened..this licensing politics really kills me, but i'm thankful @ viikii, for subbing this drama, otherwise i would be totally stuck..gaahhhh..


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Guest kittrose

i'm kinda disappointed that TS got to meet JI's mom before GW..i mean, i know GW has met the sis - WI, and both have a special 'brother & little sis relationship', but this link hasn't been connected yet with JI..so i'm hoping that WI will play the cupid between JI unni & GW ajusshi..aaahhh the possibilities...

has anybody noticed how each lives in the character is opening up like a chapter in a book @ this point?? everything is getting revealed so fast..'cos why did they have to shorten the episodes..grrrr

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Pictures from episode 12...

On webplayer:



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End of Episode 12.

Pictures from the preview:




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Guest NlCKl

gals, ep 12 - raw version is up at tudou.

below is the link:

Bad Guy E12 Raw - tudou link


thanks for the link :)

i watched epi12 and seems to have an idea on what happened

although i can't understand the talkies

now that i've seen the teaser for epi13

can't wait for tomorrow !!!

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Guest sujusarang4ever

ahhhhh! ep 12 was soooo goooddddd! cant wait for tomorrow!!!!! Jae In will finally find out about his revenge! woot woot! the ending of ep 12 was EPIC!!!!!!!!!!


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Guest hypergurl0901

can someone please translate the preview for me. Thank you. I can't wait to watch the next eps. >< JI finally get to know GW's motives.

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Guest gjane

Loving every song <3 Mucho thanks for the link!

I'm so hung up on this drama that I know i'll be in pain for the next 10 days when I'm travelling and unable to watch :( I'll be trying to sneak a way to see it, though, of course! Bad Guy fighting!

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Guest charleen

Wow episode 12 was really intense and I'm really impatient to watch it again with eng subs (tomorrow with viikii, I hope ;))

As much as I love GW/TR couple, I found a bit inappropriate to kiss at home the day they buried the older brother :blink: but as usual the scene was hot and well acted

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Guest hellafresh

What exactly am I leaking? Just one small part?

The biggest part in the story has already been leaked weeks ago.

Where can I read that?


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you know that investigator GW is always contacting... my , he must be getting paid A LOT, or really good friends with GW to be doing all of this =]


man... they should totally cut monae out of the show. shes too bloody annoying


... NOOO i don't like the last part of the preview T_T I know GW doesn't mean it, but he's probably just saying that so she can get away from him before it's too late >.>

i'm soooo hating the mom and her terrible throat hurting screams. You know that dream GW was having of someone strangling him ( and we find out from the preview its the evil mom).. do you think it really happened?

and a question: is TS not the real biological son of the mom? thats why she's always thinking he's just here for the money???

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man... they should totally cut monae out of the show. shes too bloody annoying

I agree that she's annoying.  I'm surprised she hasn't thrown a real temper tantrum like a two-year old and thrown things.  I think she's done the OPW bit.  Ahhh ... what else can you expect from a love-struck teen-ager?!

GW's memories of his past gets to me every time.  I'm just sitting here watching.  And, before I know it, tears are coming out.  Frankly, both GW and TS had hellish childhoods.  Grown-ups ... pffft!

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Guest belva

Omg I totally didn’t expect that I would cry so much in this episode! I think it might be because I’m able to connect with Gun-wook very well now, with all his past revealed, his relationship with SY etc etc. Every single time his eyes are brimming with tears, mine would too (it wasn’t to this extend in previous episodes).

Madam Shin was so good in this episode that she totally blew me away. The funeral scene was very nicely filmed too as we see how each member of the Hong family react to the loss of a family member, it all felt so real.

And I totally love it when GW helped TS in the office. Bromance in the air :wub: The way GW looked at TS seems to be of sympathy and understanding.

Here’s a Tudou link with Chinese subs: http://www.tudou.com/programs/view/Tqt6UUsvSa8/

I translated some important points based on Chinese subs, might be erroneous as my Chinese is not up to par. I don’t usually watch it with Chinese subs but this episode have lots of important points that I was dying to find out so…

Translations in the spoiler box:

Mo-ne – Gun-wook confrontation

GW told MN that he was emotionally shaken by Tae-ra because she resembles a Noona that he knew when he was a kid. Saying “I know I shouldn’t be like this but I’ve forgotten and got emotionally affected.” He then goes on to explain that he crossed his line and said stuff that he shouldn’t, but that is all there is (to their r/s, and why he said what he did in TS’s office). After some prompting by MN, GW then look at TR and said “Used to a life where she hides her own feelings, forgotten who she really is, the Noona I used to know was like this too”.

Gun-wook, Jae-in and Tae-sung scene

GW gave a face of disgust after hearing JI telling TS that she knows he has been suffering from SY’s death.

TS: Of course it’s been hard (aka I’m suffering).

GW: You shut up. Is this the place you’ve found after receiving the remnant?

(The remnant is the piece of paper he got from the police officer that reads “I’m sorry. It is too hard for me without TS” – Note that the police officer had torn off GW’s name that appears at the beginning before giving it to TS.

I suppose this sentence meant “is being with Jae-in (another woman) the right place to be after knowing that Sun-young died because of you?”)

TS: What did you say?

GW: Have you forgotten what you’ve done?

TS: What do you know to talk like this?

GW: A woman died because of you. Did you forget about that so soon? Will Jae-in be next?

*TS gave GW a punch in the face, JI stops GW from fighting back.

JI: Shim Gun-wook, it doesn’t mean the sorrow is not there if you can’t see it. The way sorrows are expressed might be different from you. Look at Tae-sung, causing mistakes by being rebellious. Don’t you feel anything after seeing this? Don’t you know that person is behaving like this because of his sorrows?

GW: Are you crazy?

JI: Apologise. Aren’t you the one in the wrong? The person he loves is dead and you only know how to say stuff like this? You don’t even know anything…

GW: Don’t know anything? *laughs Do you know why I’m like this?

JI: You are talking nonsense because this doesn’t concern you.

TS: That’s enough. I didn’t do any good either.

JI: Shim Gun-wook. In future, don’t go harassing TS.

Scene between Madam Shin and Male secretary

Mdm Shin: That kid… Are you sure he’s dead? Did you see his corpse with your own eyes?

Secretary: Although that’s not the case, but what I’ve heard was exactly that.

Mdm Shin: That means he might still be alive. We wouldn’t know what he would do to us if he’s still alive.

Secretary: What are you worried about? He just came to the wrong household when he was young. I think you’re overly concerned.

Exchange between GW and his assistant regarding Hong Tae-gyun

Assistant: He died of a car accident while he was drunk driving, but a woman he was with survived. This grave incident wasn’t what we had planned. Something unexpected happened.

GW: Not everything goes according to plan, accidents can happen.

Assistant: I only wish for Hong Tae-gyun to get the punishment he deserves.

GW: You mean you didn’t wish for his death?

Assistant: When I know the reason behind my brother’s suicide, I did want HTG dead. But that was just a passing thought, I didn’t really mean for him to die. What about you?

GW: There’s a period of time I wanted him, no, I wanted every member of Haeshin group to be dead. I had immense hatred towards them when I was young. I held a knife in my heart. But now… the knife, the hatred, they had disappeared. I’m just watching their misfortunes from the sidelines. What’s gonna happen next?


JI: I hope the person that I like isn’t a bad guy.

MN to TR: You acted all high, graceful and refined. Now you explain to me!

TR: My heart doesn’t follow what my mind commands. I don’t know what to do either.

Madam Shin: How dare you! Do you know who I am?! What do you take our Haeshin for!

*Splashes water at Gun-wook

JI: Will you hold on to me? Please hold on to me. If not can I hold on to you?

GW: If I need to, I can even make use of you and discard you.

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@Belva:  Thank you so much for the spoilers. 

It is heart-wrenching to know that one human being can treated another human being and especially a child, in such bloodless and cruel ways.  Madame Shin needs to crawl back under the rock from whence she came.  The human race will be better for it, if she did.

So, she's rich.  But, who made her rich?  She didn't earn it with her own two hands.  All the people that she denigrates and look down upon made her rich.  (Just like what Makino said to Domyougi.  hee, hee.)

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Guest itsonlykat

Download OST:

MF Folder Download

1. 가끔은 혼자웁니다 / 김연우_3:36

2. 가시꽃 / 정엽_4:13

3. 고해요(feat. Ben of BebeMignon) / 4MEN_4:25

4. 어디에(Orchestra ver.) / 美_4:08

5. 혼잣말 / 정엽_4:21

6. 웃지마울지마 / 4MEN+장혜진_5:03

7. 몰랐었어 / yelocloc_4:17

8. 웃지마울지마(male ver.) / 4MEN_5:02

9. 기다림은 상처만 남기고 / BMK_3:57

10. 바보 / 백주영_3:08

11. 슬픈여자 / 서윤_3:32

12. 어디에(Piano ver.) / 美_4:04

13. main title / 작곡:김지수 편곡:김지수_2:15

14. sub title / 작곡:최성욱 편곡:김지수_1:57

15. 회상 / 작곡:정예경 편곡:정예경_3:00

16. 사랑하는 사람에게 / 작곡:김지수 편곡:김지수_2:40

17. 아주 옛날에 / 작곡:김지수 편곡:김지수_1:54

18. 흉터 / 작곡:김지수 편곡:김지수_1:54

19. 향수 / 작곡:김지수 편곡:김지수_2:31

20. Tatoo / 작곡:최성권 편곡:최성권_3:02

21. 스턴트 맨 / 작곡:박준수 편곡:박준수_1:26

22. Dogma / 작곡:박준수 편곡:박준수_1:07

Thank you cutegirl and holden for the OST!! Can someone please translate the names to English? Thanks! :w00t::wub:

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Guest winnter

Auntie Mame i agree (and nice reference btw :P). Madame Shin blows me away every time she appears because someone is always being hurt by her. she amazes me with how completely heartless her actions and words can be. not to mention her extremely high pitched screaming (i admit it makes me laugh a little :/).

thank you belva for the translation (your chinese is fine! :P) and Luv for the screencaps! its much appreciated. after seeing how sad Tae Sung looked during his scene with Gun Wook and Jae In i i had to watch that part from the raw myself. now i realllyyy cant wait for subs :S and can i just say how adorable Tae Sung was when he met up with Jae In's family?? gahhhh

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TaeSung + JeIn = should be over.

judging by episode 11. BUT the writer made ep 12 for them as... hopefully recovery? gahh after the fight they had, it's too messed up for them to be together.

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Torrent Link E12 (TP & Khai & FULL / 450p & MHaN & SeSang & TOP & HAN & HAN / 450p & Khai / 720p & HAN / 720p):












The 720 p HAN seems to have a problem with it's tracker:(

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