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Official Seohwa/용서/Yongseo Sweet Potato Couple Thread 1 ♥


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i'm also fan from THAILAND ^________^

่ีjust want to shared some mews from GOGUMA army 

now they are having dinner at SOM-BOON-PO-CHA-NA which is the original THAI FOOD restaurant 

and they confirm that our YOng wear his ring-ding-dong *quoted image**quoted image* with black hair

happy to see you guys


@SINGLE_LADY_YONGSEO.. thanks forthe  wonderful information. hope they had a blast dinner and tommorow's schedule is presscon followed by a dinner party? will be waiting for more pictures! and 3days more before saturday! pali!!!we cant wait any longer! may you enjoy the rest of your week!

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Guest anne0129
























To zealous, just wanted to comment on your query as to why Yong hopped on the car first before Hyun when his friend Jinsuk picked them up to meet up with their friends. I'll just present a theory of mine, for me I think the reason why Yong was the first one to get in the car was due to the fact that in between the seats at the back of the driver was a partition that, meaning if Hyun was the first one to get in the car she would have to maneuver over to the other side and I think Yong thought of just be the one to hop to the other side rather than Hyun.....if you will watch how Yong got into the car you will notice that he had to raise his leg to move to the back of the driver's seat. I don't know how to explain it better. As for the walking....after the MIL meeting when they were walking towards the beach, you will notice that they were walking in proper side walk...meaning that the side walk they were strolling on were wide enough for 2 people to walk side by side without little to no danger of a car swiping them and causing an accident. In Japan when they were walking the streets it's usually because there is no proper sidewalk or the sidewalk is so narrow only one person can walk at a time. Again, I don't know if I have explained it properly but I hope you get what I am saying...Sorry for my bad english.
































Sorry I topped the page with nothing to share so I'll just post the link to goldenjyh...To see the new look of Yong Nampyeon and see if you can spot the ring-ding-dong too.





















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Guest raia1303









to answer zealous' question on why yong was the first one to ride his friend's car, for me, it's his friends car, so it would just be proper for him to ride first than seohyun. it's just a way for him to be the go-between/common person/middle person between his friend (Jinsuk, im not really sure about the name of the friend) and seohyun. but this is just my opinion, and i think anne also has a point, yong was just making sure that seohyun will not have a hard time in getting in the car. 





by the way, i love the new hairstyle of yong! hoping hyun sees it soon! wub.gif



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Guest vero_vero






yong bought hyun hunter boots? Wow he's really a royal boyfrend.kekeke.it's really not cheap gift,it cost around $120-$150 i think. And fannacc said he buy another boots and cape for hyun right?? He's really take care his buin :)



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Guest kasia3goguma
















Just found on dc married ! It's new ! I guess it's a fanmeeting... And of course ring ding dong ! :D Plus You can see really clearly and well Yong's new hair ;)









































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kun_cheero thanks for sharing that beautiful picture of yong... (sigh) yea i love the emo hair :wub: haha.








































































aneng LOLOLOLOL you are hilarious. i know exactly what you mean too. :lol:








































































kasia3goguma thanks for those pictures! wow... i'm in love all over again! hahaha. i cant stop saying that i know.
















































































































































well this is old news too. but i finally downloaded some cuts from the 20th Seoul Music Awards, and as i was watching the shinee cuts i kept looking at yong of course (just to let you guys know i love both shinee and cn blue wholeheartedly :D).








































































here is a cap of him covering his mouth. lol. its funny cause his all smiley smiley and then coughs and quickly covers his mouth because i guess he noticed the camera. and so we get a flash of ringdingdong~ how appropriate is it that its with a close up of shinee :wub:
















































































































































this next cap probably has been posted before, but i just wanted to post it again ;) when asked who wanted to win the "big" bonsang (i'm not sure what its originally called) no one raised their hand, so our yong jokingly raises his hand. lol. its cute. and its also true. i'm sure he really does want to win it, but for the fun of things he raised his hand anyways. love him... and i wonder if hyun was laughing at him too..?
















































































































































the next two caps are of yong with his cn blue brothers. its funny because i had remember seeing the fancams posted up about how silly cn blue was, and i thought i'd share a few moments that were actually captured on the live broadcast, haha.
































































































































































































































































































since i love shinee and cn blue so much... and since yong and onew are my biased, and i would totally ship them (squeals!!!) here is a very bad cap, but i love it nonetheless~!
















































































































































i guess they were talking and yong leaned in closer to onew AHH! :w00t: i love it. lol























































































































































































































thanks thanks to everyone who has shared pictures of yong with his new hair!! lol








































































okay... well thats it for now. have a goguma day and night everyone!









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Guest soshisoshisoshi




Ok, so CNBLUE are in thailand for a fan-meeting right?? I thought they are having concert again :phew:. Hey, Yonghwa looks different now with black hair. Maybe in a few days we will see Hyun with black hair...... who knows!


Ok, something random. You can skip it if you want......................... So today I bought GOGUMAS because I'm curious of the taste of it. I went to the supermarket, and since the supermarket is big, it was a little bit hard to find the place where they put all the gogumas. As I was walking and talking by myself "gogumas, gogumas", I don't know because I said too loud or something, suddenly one of the clerk (who seems to be in her 50s)  approached me and said "you are looking for sweet potatoes right? you must be a die-hard YongSeo fan". that really SURPRISED me! I mean out of nowhere this clerk asked me that question. So then she showed me the place where they put all the gogumas and I took some. Then before I went to the cashier, I asked the clerk "You must be a YongSeo fan too!", and she replied "Yes, just like you..... they remind of my first love". Then I went to the cashier and went home with excitement! After that, I cooked the gogumas the same way Seohyun cooked it for Yonghwa............. Okay enough blabbering!! (sorry guys :sweatingbullets:)


so right now I'm eating GOGUMAS + listening to Yonghwa's "For First-Time Lovers" + spazzing in YongSeo thread (LOL PERFECT COMBINATION)..... here's the pic




mmmmm.... I never knew that GOGUMAS are sooo delicious :wub: :wub:



I'm sorry if I didn't have anything to share, just want to blabber since this is the perfect place to share something about this  :lol: :lol:



EDIT: kun_cheero , thanks for the enlightenment. Suddenly I lost track of their activities.....





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Guest Lildedprinxez

Did anyone watch NAN with TOP & GD???

there's this topic where GD mention bout "Dating rooms" in Inkigayo...

Did Yong knows bout it..

Think so..;) (cross my finger for this...)

watch this...

(Bonus for VIP ;))

NAN with eng subs


Yong question start part 5 --> minute 5

Q bout Inki start part 6..--> must watch. Yong seems to know it.. hehehe

Yong reaction...

*quoted image*

The Place in Q...

*quoted image*

*quoted image*

*quoted image*

Q for all;

Did u guys think, he did practice this method or used this rooms????

Ohh I love your posts! They reveal something. :))

I guess GD now a lot of Secret Rooms eh. hmmm..

Did yonghwa also use this room? :))

FUNNY!! My mind is getting somewhere again.

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Guest street.k2































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Vote Yong sing



































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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Just a quick question to experts.  I just mixed the banmal of song of yonghwa and seohyun with yonghwas for first time lovers. the problem is I don't know where to upload it so that I can share it with you guys. It's not that great but it's something I made for my fellow gogumas here. I tried to mix seohyuns voice with yonghwa's single but find it hard for the songs have different beats. The banmal song of yonghwa and seohyun is much much faster than yong's single. So where can I upload the audio clip? that is if you guys would want to hear it...








































































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the ring ding dong!...he looks good on black again.. these pictures are really daebak!.look for the other pictures at
































































































































cr: Golden정용화

































































































































































































































































































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Hi Pangg...just want to make a correction on the post you made with Yong raising his hand... If I'm not mistaken, it was posted a couple of pages back, the reason why he raised his hand was because the MC asked the audience if there's anybody who believes that SNSD deserves the award? and when no one answered or raised hands, Yong did, thus the MC jokingly replied that there's no need for him to raise his hand if he wants to be excused (interpreted as going to the restroom) hehehe... I hope you're not offended by this, but, at the same time, you might have the right comprehension of what you've read than the one I had. blush.gif

















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Guest dada2803
















Hello Goguma Village ^^














[RUMOUR] Tomorrow CNBLUE will sing "BANMAL SONG" in Holika Concert  too :wub:.
















SO HAPPY!!  I hope our dream will come TRUE!! ^^
















from : Thai goguma fan.




























sorry for my bad English :sweatingbullets:
















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Guest smurfs888









I got excited after reading your post lol that clerk is so random! I wish I had an experience like that sometime in the future.. I'm pretty sure I'd be hanging my mouth and have a silent moment before I'd regained my conscience w00t.gif then I'd spazz with the clerk before I go...




And to add something.. Gogumas are surely delicious! I've never really liked gogumas before I watched yongseo like now when everytime I watch their ep I'd be craving for gogumas afterwards laugh.gif This is the power of Goguma Couple! 






lastly, this is CN Blue-related so I'll put it inside spoiler




is anyone here buying the "Listen to the CNBlue Shibuya Concert DVD in yesasia.com? I've been searching for it but then when it says the dvd is for region code 2(japan) I got confused. Does it mean the dvd can only be played in Japan or something? I'm trying to ask this at the CN Blue thread but somehow I can't post anything there.. maybe cause I'm a new member? hopefully someone can help me with this..  




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soshisoshisoshi post reminds me of my recent trip to Korea.

while shopping and sight seeing, all i can think of was to look out for goguma!

and when i did see any food made of goguma, i would excitedly pointed to it and

exclaimed "GOGUMA!!!! GOGUMA!!! GOGUMA!!!"

thinking back, its kind of embarrassing now..kekeke

goguma cake, goguma chips (matang)...i crave for them now...

SO...the precious is back! hahahaha

is it yongseo's new year resolution to wear them again? i hope so..

i've yet to see clear fancam of hyun in jpn concert.

see if she too wears the precious.. :phew:

and i thought i'm over with this precious thing..but i guess not.

a gollum will forever be a gollum.. :rolleyes:


tks everyone for posting the boys pic in Thailand.

i'm so used to see yong with colored hair, i've actually forgotten how he looks

like with a black hairdo..

he just looks.....different! younger and fresher? hehehe


something i found at allkpop, abt MTV Daum Music Festival.


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Guest lovelybee
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































From yongseo real love story thread @wgm.pantip.com someone said that CNBlue had rehearsal Banmal Song for tomorrow concert in Bangkok Thailand
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































How great to be true!  Waiting for tomorrow news from THAI fans.

































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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Guest kasia3goguma
























LINK ! ! !
































































I don't know korean, but does it have sth to do with preview? I mean I don't think that we've seen this scene before...









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Hi Kasia3goguma....thanks for sharing those photos...is that inside a clinic or something?  Hyun looks so cute on the 3rd photo.




One thing I've noticed, the clothes they're wearing, If, I'm not mistaken, I think there were photos taken at their home with them wearing it, but, those were never shown on tv yet.....maybe it's up for showing anytime soon.





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