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Official Seohwa/용서/Yongseo Sweet Potato Couple Thread 1 ♥


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Guest MissBarbietch_0106










Never tired to make caps, they just too beautiful.. GOSH!


















So here we go..
































































Ps: I Put 11th Feb 2011 as their wedding date (their 1st Anniversary)




























































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some gogumas would have the same explosive look as MC Jake while some

would follow Na Young's look...shy and looking delusional..


so...yong indeed has thoughts abt hugging hyun,

since he said that he was waiting for a while..

but after hugging her, he felt good and because she didn't resist,

he now aims for the mouth.. :lol:

*have i nothing better to do? no, i don't...kekeke*

@MissBarbiech..waiting for yet another of your fantasy fairy tale..

@Kasia, tks for yong's inki pic. he wears it like 24/7...

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Even though i am a guy i still cant stop smiling throughout the episode phew.gif
















































Hope i am not too late to spazz =p
















































this episode is toooo good not to spazzzzzzz~
































































































this is the part where they are sitting down together and eating 
















































when suddenly seulong (pardon me if i spell wrongly vicx.gif) talk about kiss after one year already.
















































seeing how seohyun replied.
















































MY guess is that SIL also always tease her regarding the topic of kissing with yong~ w00t.gifwub.gif
































































































This is the part where seulong asked the photographer whether they have a scene whereby they are doing some shot where they look like they are kissing.
















































Looking at seohyun shocked face when the photographer has already plans for they to have a scene taken as though as they are kissing w00t.gif
















































and of coz there are other fav moments that had been already shared by some of the gogumas here already.
















































ps: though there are a few misspelled words in the videos.
















































Nevertheless a BIG THANKS YOU to Tetsuya9 for taking your time to sub it. (living in GMT+8 here too)
















































and of course not forgetting  Juhee , M3 and Dduk for translating these for US (gogumas~)















































































































<3 <3

















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Guest sally7
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































This week episode is the best, lot of sweetness
































































































































































































































































































































































































thank you yongseo for shared sweet moment with us
































































































































































































































































































































































































It's hard to choose capture so I upload them all
































































































































































































































































































































































































take your risk

































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































the girl blush so hard after give scarf for yong
































































































































































































































































































































































































"it's ok hyun we're understand. don't worry, express your feeling more"
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































preview next week
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































calendar update
































































































































































































































































































































































































they meet almost everyday at last week of their year(2010)
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































all calendar
































































































































































































































































































































































































Big thank to juhee for this week translation
































































































































































































































































































































































































take care everyone

































































































































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Guest nafa_yongseo
































































































































































































































































quoting a long post then right after making a one lined post it breaks the rules of writing one liners
















































































































































































































































every post should be as if you're contributing something to the thread whether it is a graphic or a simple thought about the episode...































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































ohhhh...ok... i'm sorry coz i don't know this rule... thank you so much for your reply...i will never do it again...

















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Guest vanilla88






Annyong Goguma family!!


Waoww..I Love love love this episode soo mucchh!!


I want to spazz a lot about yesterday epi but i have one thing want to ask urgently..


I'm just watching Inkigayo today MC cuts..


My link


Maybe someone can share translation with us? because i hear related with Yongseo couple..



Yong was acting like a child then sulli said that he is choding..



then jokwon said something about uri kyoron *we got married* and popo and so nyuh si dae..



Aigooo..^^ :wub: :wub:


So happy and still in Gochun right now..


Thank you for every goguma here..Tetsuya & Juhee! gomawo..


And @bee_ichigo : I've seen your FMV.. yeah J-Rocks for the background! thumbs up for u! w00t.gifw00t.gif



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Guest nafa_yongseo
































































































































































































































































quoting a long post then right after making a one lined post it breaks the rules of writing one liners
















































































































































































































































every post should be as if you're contributing something to the thread whether it is a graphic or a simple thought about the episode...































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































ohhhh...ok... i'm sorry coz i don't know this rule... thank you so much for your reply...i will never do it again...

















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Guest x_fei*



hi guys, a lurker finally posted to ask something here |D

first of all, the wedding photoshoot episode was craaaaazy.

I couldn't help but smile widely from ear to ear, and spazzed like there's no tomorrow lol

I really like the elementary student concept <3

can't wait to watch next week's episode! wonder what did make Seobaby upset :s

so, onto the question |Dv

by any chance, does anyone know the title of the song they use in the forehead-kissing scene?

I'm really sorry if this has been asked before. I did backtrack the topic (15 pagess x_____x) but I can't seem to find the answer.

thanks in advance for any help! ^^


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They kissed, kissed i am telling you... LOLOLOLOLOL...




It was awkward and shy, but all of that added the feeling of real instead of reel.




Yong was being the gentleman from Busan, asked Hyun whether he should really do it or not. Such a a considerate man he is.




And Hyun, the shy bride, like any other girl who met a man, being friends and end up falling in love with him, shyly said yes and nodded her head to answer his question, giving him a sign that she want it as well. ( the last part is my imagination :P )




And when he did kissed her forehead, he quietly said to her, Seo Joo Hyun, I'm sorry. IMO, he is not sorry for him taking her first kiss/peck from a guy, but he is sorry because it was shown in public without privacy or whatsoever. Every girl have a dream, being kiss by her dream guy in the school or park. Well, i guess this should do for now... I hope that it may blossom into something more in the near future..




And that bring us back to the last 5 minute of this week's episode. Hyun kept saying she was cold, and it did look like it was a cold night. Yong being a man, maybe thought of her feeling cold statement, was a small clue, that maybe she wanted him to hug her or maybe grab her hand and put it in his pocket like before. But Hyun is always the shy girl, can't say it out loud what she wanted to say, and kept turning around and around. Until Yong finally step forward and give her a back hug, that he thought she want and we all know he wanted to do that from the first time she said she felt cold.




She squealed a bit and he let her go, and in the end she told him what she wanted to say in the first place.




A hand knitted scarf.. A very long hand knitted scarf. I wish he put the scarf around her neck too, like he did it in Busan, she did said she was cold right?? XDDDD




Anyway, after i watch this week's episode, i really wish for them to date for real, cause no other man could be that considerate, patience and playful at the same time. And it wasn't on Yong's part only, Hyun also try to be better, by seeing and feeling how much effort he gave to adjust to her, she try to reciprocated his effort with her own way of saying thank you for being the man that you are, thank you for being such a good friend first, oppa second, boyfriend third, fiance fourth and last but not least husband fifth.




Am i making any sense here?? If not, just ignore the delusional me and continue to spazz cause i myself can't stop spazzing since yesterday... The buzz will hold until next Saturday and until then.... :wub:





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What an episode?!! I really loved every single part of it. It was fun and they were awkward again but in a very funny refreshing way. I love it when Yong made Hyun decide if he should really kiss her and I love it when Hyun gave her first kiss to Yong. I remembered the interview for the Trax MV when they said that there was supposed to be a kiss scene but she declined and they joked that she was reserving it for Yonghwa. I guess they were right. I made some pictures inspired by this two sweet moments. I hope you guys would love it as much as I do.
































































































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Guest Seychan
































































































































































































Thank juhee for trans and tetsuya for your subbed video. I can't do anything for helping u, all I just can do is thank u guys so much.
































































Thank u angels.disguise for ur answer. @x_fei*  the song playing when Yong kisses Hyun, is Hocus Pocus by 투엘슨(2lson). Like it. it really suits the scene and make it more romantic...































































































































I love all of beloved ep. Full of happiness & sweetness. From the big thing to little things. I love all. So touched and excited. My heart is duguen duguen when I replay & replay this ep, best ep for me.
































































I scream and I smile and I laugh and I cry when I stream and replay & replay this ep, like a crazy girl. Because I'm so happy, so so happy. Uri YongSeo, be happy together, make me cry because I'm so happy...
































































I have cap so many many pic more than anytime I had cap. Because this ep is so deabak <3 so many scene & unforgettable unfmemories for YongSeo & for us - Goguma shipper.
































































I pray 1000 times everyday to the day I can see wedding's ep but this ep, I love the scene when they walk toghether. Best scene I love
































































Yong keep saying "I was waiting for a while, since you kept saying it’s cold, it’s cold." lol he said as he held her just because she was cold, but in fact he had wanted to hold her for so long. And now it's time he can do it :wub: Look at his face, OMG, he was so happy and nervous because it's the first time they hug
































































































































How close they are. So close and happy :wub:  Yong's smile is priceless. He was so happy so happy. And he can't stop putting his hand around Huyn's back.
































































































































When he's choding and joke. Huyn become angry lol and Yong immediately pulled her hand back :wub: so cute, like "Sorry baby, i'm just kidding" with his smile, widest smile. How happy he was.
































































































































I love Yong's smile. I love Yong's widely smile. Because he just have widely smile when he's really so happy .  Huyn's so busy with her busy schedule. I don't know how to knitt but I know my friends had knitted scraf for her bf. Must be very patient and meticulous with every nose. I can see some errors on the scarf but it's still very beautiful, absolutely beautiful than any other scarf .
































































































































































































When he know Huyn's gift, his smile & eyes are brightly. Their eyes can't hide anything, so happy together. He was so moved & happy. He immediately pulled her into his arms. He was so moved
































































































































































































He can't stop putting his hands on Huyn's back, around her back. :wub: I love it the most, sometimes hug more meaningful than a kiss, simply like a boy putting his hand around your back, you not only feel love, but also the close and sheltered, protection. :wub: I can't count how many times Yong putting his hand around Huyn's back. Love love love































































































































































































































































































































































































Yong is so cute. Love him so much. Love Huyn's scarf so much. I like this color. Yong is so cute because of Huyn, her scarf and love around us :X
































































































































































































His face & reation - it's a group of love, flattery, tenderness, happy & flirt. How happy the are
































































































































































































The wedding photoshoot's scenes. i love when Yong ask Huyn "SeoHyun should I really do it?" :wub: He always respect, concern for her feeling... OMG Uri dream boy.... I swear I want Yong for my own so badly. They look at together and Huyn nodded gently with her shy smile but she can't hide how happy she was :wub:
































































































































She always trust in Yong. She smile gently. She was so happy
































































































































Look at Yong's face. He's so nervous but He's happy, totally happy. Love them so much
































































































































































































My tears had dropped when this scene come. Because I'm so happy & touched. They're so beautiful and good together.
































































I love Yong's hesitation because it's the Huyn's first kiss, Huyn's reliable nod because she trust Yong, totally trust him. This time will be unforgettable moment.... *touched again* *replay this scene 10000 times - poor my laptop*
































































































































































































How hurt Yong was lol and Huyn immediately soothe it with her hand & her wide smile. So cute
































































































































































































































































Wa, Yong is a real man hihi love the way Yong grabbed Huyn's waist & lift her up, very strong and masculine. Yong choding turn into Yong manly.
































































He was a little worried and nervous, but he could not hide his happiness. She was surprised and slightly embarrassed, but she's happy. They're happy together :wub:
































































































































































































































































The last photo, how happy they are :wub: Yong was happy with shyly smile & Huyn look at him and have her wide smile. How happy she was.  
































































































































my longest post in history because I love it all.
































































Thank WGM, PDnims, thank you for letting them take wedding photoshoot now, not anytime else. When the time came, when they're full of sweetness &  happiness. When they were still the shy, hesitant but above all, they are happy together. Happy coming out of gestures, eye-ship, their bright smile. They are happy because today, Yong is the handsome & caring groom just for Huyn and today Huyn become beautiful & sweet bride just for Yong....






























































































































































































































































Make me remind of my father's words (he's so romantic lol), sometimes he say with my mother make she smile happily:































































































































 "I still remember the day when I propose you and you say yes" ...♥
































































All are happy, caring, sharing, nervous, warmth. Everything is LOVE.






























































































































































































































































Happy when see them, a little love grown each day, very strong and sustainable. ♥
































































YongSeo couple, how much I love you ♥
































































































































































































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Guest chandrawd
































































































hey SALLY7 can i have all month Yongseo filming&airing calendar? pleaseeee pleaseeee you can email me at


































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Guest missi

Hello kind Goguma Villagers,

Time to spazz again for the EPIC EPIC Episode. 

Three things that I have to spazz immediately :

  • Yonghwa and Seohyun sure have a lot of supporters in their own little circle.
      - SNSD SILs and Cn Blue BILs (of course). How big Jungshin’s smile was when he watched his hyung getting shy and nervous.
      - The old MCs that have been following their journeysince the beginning (how epic MC Jake’s spazz in the back hug scene was :lmao,MC Misun that looked like a proud mother seeing her daughter grows beautifully from a girl to a woman now, MC Nayoung that in her unique way knows that these two young people adore each other, Seulong that always try to push their boundaries of closeness, and of course Jinwoon being a good sport that he is).

We know Yonghwa and Seohyun felt uncomfortable hearing Nayoung and Seulong’s kiss suggestion. But I looked it that they just want to help these two young people to grow even closer that they already were because I think Nayoung and Seulong felt that these two adore each other. Remember that this photoshoot was taken in December 28 and I believe the last episode that they watched was episode 37 (the Christmas episode). They have not seen Busan episode and beyond yet and how Yonghwa and Seohyun grew even closer since Busan. So yeah, that’s my take of their “little”suggestion :XD

  • About Yonghwa’s “objection” to the kiss scene, I agree that he’s being his gentleman and ever considerate-self. But what my extreme fangirl side in me tell, maybe there’s something more than he’s being a considerate gentleman.     We know how patient he is with Seohyun since the beginning. Even Seohyun repeats it in recent episodes. She has told MIL (and us the viewers) in     her own words that he matched his pace with her pace. I’m a female, so please kindly correct me the males of goguma villagers, but doesn’t it seem that     Yonghwa has long term kind of plan for being in a relationship with Seohyun or at least he wants to be in good term with Seohyun even beyond WGM (whatever relationship it is that he has in mind I don’t know of course. It could be just best friends for all I know) ? From what my male friends told me, they are being in their considerate-self if they are truly care     about the person and want to be in good term with the said person. So maybe it’s better for him to be very careful towards something that he thinks Seohyun will feel uncomfortable. And don't forget, he's the one who keeps pushing their relationship boundaries (mildang, meeting his old friends, hinting of skinship)
  • With this episode, we already have two gifts from Seohyun to Yonghwa that scream commitment. The couple ring (which he proudly fleshes it like he is already taken kekeke) and now the knitted scarf that she made by herself. Like all of you already have said, knitting is time consuming and must have full dedication to finish it.

And now for the random things that I love in this episode :

  • LOL at Jonghyun and his everlasting love to food (JH to SL : Wow, Hyung, is this     pizza ?) hahahahaha…
  • Can I tell again that I adore Seulong and Nayoung ? LOL at their mouthwash comment.
  • Jungshin and his “it’s Yonghwa Hyung’s first kiss also” comment….hahahahhaha…his face when he said that is LOL. 
  • Yonghwa’s ponytail hahahaha. I think whoever arranged that ponytail can be the inkigayo stylist kekekeke.
  • And maybe Yonghwa can guess that Seohyun will give him a scarf because Seohyun herself said “Why don’t you go around with a scarf ?” during their walk to     the park and she kept hinting about the cold weather. But who knows that he maybe indeed has insider informant from Hyun's camp ? See my point 1 ?? kekeke

Woowww….it’s long. My undying thank you to Juhee for the translation, Lalacakes for the summary, Tetsuya for the subbed video, all the screencapers, all the gif makers, and to all of you whose posts are always an enjoyment to read. And get well soon Dduk and M3. 

Oh…and thank you kay77, nikijenlo, vmasterpiece,yongseorockin for the lyric translation of Imagine. If Yonghwa is indeed the songwriter, see my point 2 ? Doesn’t the lyric scream that whoever wrote the lyric is imagining what it’s like to spend his life with his loved one ? :XDDD. But if it’s Jonghyun who wrote it, well, I can dream that the song is dedicated to me hahahahahha…So I will spazz anyway. It’s a beautiful song no matter who the songwriter and the music composer is. I'm waiting for CN Blue come back.

Thank you.


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Guest uni343ver




















































































































I want to share what I thought captured my attention. I love every scenes in this episode, however I LOVE LOVE the scarf scene the most. But don't have any caps or gif to share:sweatingbullets:










































































































































































































































































































































You can see Yong tried to hold in his smile/laugh. 























































































































































































































Hyun is so cute and beautiful here. One look and you feel head-over-heels for her too. 







































































































































































































































































































































Yeah Yong, Keep staring... We stare too.























































































































































































































We stare at you staring at her.







































































































































































































































































































































Pika-Pika-Chuuuuuu (Pokemon reference)























































































































































































































Kiss ya- Kiss ya- Youuuuuu 























































































































































































































(yeah, I'm speaking nonsense again)






































































































































































































































































































































See the light smile? That means "YES! SHE'S MINEEEE"







































































































































































































































































































































OMG...These two pics below remind me of my HIGH SCHOOL PROM days.






















































































































































































































































































































































































































































HIGH SCHOOL SWEETHEARTS    :wub:   :wub: :wub:    :wub:


















































































































































































































































































































































































































































Here are some things I don't think were shared before:






































































































































































































































































































































I think the spicy rice cakes they ate got to HYUN...she was sticking her tongue out.:P:P:P:P












































































































This happens to me when the food is too spicy.







































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































edit: how can I forget to give thanks to the AWESOME  translators and subbers...























































































































































































































right now I'm not in the state of mind to remember any names...SO SORRY...mainly it's because it's past 2am here and I've been watching the recent episodes like 20 times already.




















































































































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Guest just_a_dream
















































annyong Gogumas!.
































just finished watching the subbed videos 
































(BTW, thanks to juhee and tetsuya of sonems for the hardwork. Get well soon M3 and dDuk, too.) 







































































point 1.
































now as i was soo absorbed on the last 8minutes of the episode, there's this thing that bothers me.
































well have you noticed that Seohyun says something at 10:06 like "I really because you I think I'll catch asthma"..If however I understand this right, she's saying something like "It's really, because you think that I'll catch asthma".(correct me for this though)..from that, Yong then answers "cough?"..so as i analyse these two conversational phrases, maybe Hyun caught a cough and Yonghwa was like telling her that it may get worst and turns to asthma..







































































point 2.
































then there's another thing that Yonghwa said also "Why do from me would you catch a cough?" and Hyun answered "Because I......" and Yonghwa filled it "that you worked on the handmade scarf"..
































thus my hypothesis on this is that..
































*Hyun may had caught a cough because of knitting the scarf. and maybe when they had a conversation about her cough, Yong asked those people closed to Hyun the reason why she caught a cough and someone did tell him that it's because of her knitting the scarf at times when she should be resting. 







































































and also there's that line Yong said "you really think I wouldn't know? who else in the world would know your suffering."..which means he's really taking monitoring SeoHyun seriously, that's why he's that updated to whatever may happen to Seohyun even though their not always together. such a boyfriend attitude there Yonghwa-ya..wub.gif







































































and just want to share this, while i am watching the episode, my brother sat beside me and join me watching..while we're halfway, he just randomly said "now, they've become my top idol ever"..weeeeww..am so happy for that..







































































note: i don't know how to post and quote juhee's translations, but the above quoted thing is juhee's credit..gomawo..







































































btw, mianhe! if i can't explain it through caps or whatsoever, haven't been able to learn it till now..thanks to those who shared their really nice caps, gifs, wallies and others..thanks to those who posted their POVs also, your feeding me well..kkkkk...






































































































byebye (Yonghwa's style)
























































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Guest yongseorockin


@luvtokki Oh my! U totally said out what I felt. The teasing and joking sometimes goes a little too far. But I still love the couple none the less. This is just speaking from personal experience. Sometimes I really feel YongSeo are like my parents. My Dad is a choding like him too. And when he jokes, sometimes it can irritate the hell out of me. To be frank, I m like the parent rather than the child. But I can tell my dad loves my mum a lot even after over 30 years of marriage. So I forgive him for his chodingness (but secretly i wish he can grow up a bit and understand serious situations from non-serious one. it can make people frustrated at times. which happens often.)(My mum is a more calm person and likes to read lots of books too. but I think because of my dad, she is also a choding. In conclusion I have choding parents.)

Anyway I hope Hyun buys more self-improvement books for Yong. So Yong can improve himself. Perhaps when he sees the video he will reflect and become a better person. Yup but besides that, I hope they dont care on the audience too much and focus on being themselves. Thats most important.

(sorry if i sound contradicting. I have mixed feelings about it coming from personal experience and watching.)

@d3j1k0 Thanks for agreeing with me. I don't really know how this would feel because i feel its their right to be human and fall in love, and not be subjected to fan's every whims. But I think fans should read this. I think its does not necessarily apply to only one religion but its applicable for all. I think a non-possessive fan should be this:




Love is patient, love is kind.

It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud.

It is not rude, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs.

Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth.

It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres.




~ bible quote (but i m not christian or catholic. i just think its applicable in general.)




EDIT: @Just_a_dream thanks for giving your opinion. Helped clear up some of my doubts. I didn't understand what they were saying at all at that part. I was confuse and wondered why the sentencing is weird. Thank you! :lol:




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~Expect the Unexpected~ part 1
































This is this episode quote for me. Why? I will let you know in my post. Pls pardon me, I'm really gonna write a long post about this episode with a lot of thoughts and spazzing moment that lingering in my mind which I couldn't help myself but to share with all of you here. Here it goes~~~
































Seulong & Na Yong apperance. Undeniable, their attandance during the wedding shooting really brings a lot of fun and they were indeed the joker around. Bobo suggestion, haha, DAEBAK!! Just see below screen cap, Hyun, Yong and JungHyun expression right after Seulong suggestion of bobo. Hyun~ shy expression, trying to cover it by a laugh; Yong~ "seems like" annoying expression--> just to cover his thought of "oh, Seulong ah, why you wanted to say it out so straight forward. Although I really wanted to do it, pls don't say it out. This will make me & Hyun shy & embarrassed"; JungHyun~ Haha, great!! "Seulong-hyung-brave-to-bring-it-up, since-non-of-us-brave-to-tease-our-hyung" expression.
































































When Seulong teased them about the gargle after ate thingy (hinting them about the kissing scene), haha (I love you Seulong, you are the man!!), Yong & Hyun exchanged a glance, I found this glance is like a mutual understanding between them. Something like Hyun think "oh no, not again" (very embrassed) and Yong think "never mind, just let him teased as much as he likes", haha.. what a meaninful glance.
































































Oh, about Yong's first kiss, I don't think it would be his first kiss since he had a girlfriend before, I mean, come on, I don't think guy can
































resist not to kiss his gf, right? Group photo, I don't understand why both of them would exchange a glance again? But anyhow, I just found it sweet.
































































One more, exchange glance again right after they heard the photographer planning on a kissing scene. The glance--> same like the above mentioned and  "oh no, seems like we really have to do it".
































































I just like every little movement they have, every little eyeship just to found out what the other party will think after listenning to the suggestion and opinion. It is really a mutual understanding between them to seek for the other party's feeling and opinion, the TRUST and the feeling of each other existance is there.
































Angel on the cloud with her man. I can't find a word to describe how beautiful these scenes are. "Would you marry me?" "Yes, I do"...
































































Lovely forehead kiss. This is very meaningful scene to both of them. Yong is such a gentlemen and I really could not believe how a 22-year-old guy can be so thoughtful, mature and gentlemen. He always respect and care about Hyun's feeling, asked her permission for kissing her forehead and even said sorry after he did it. Hyun, really a grown up girl, she nodded as permission is granted. This is really not the Hyun we know from early episode. I'm really grateful she have develop feelings for him throughout the year and this is really what she wanted "if he came slowly it would be fine". This scene is so beutiful.
































































Pink lady Hyun & pink bowtie Yong with gogomas. I like this concept. It is a semi-casual attire with a elegant plus a bit playful photoshooting concept.
































































The luckiest groom & happiest bride in the world. Yong's tough and manly pulled Hyun in his arm, melts me...haha, Oh!! he's so man. What is your imagination with below screen cap? He seems like going to blow air on Hyun's ear and kiss her haha. I wish he can be like that, hehe...
































































Haha, ok, back to the topic. Haha, you can find Hyun's shy smile to him and then she look at the camera with the shy smile again then look at the photographer and smile shyly. I bet, although she looked shy, her heart is fluttering inside with Yong's sudden brave and manly move. Girls like it.
































































hehe.. I never saw Hyun's smile like below screen cap before (especially the 1st & 3rd cap). Her smile is so so so genuinue and full
































of joy and happiness. This is a true smile when you smile truly from your heart.
































































When Yong had Hyun in his arm, and lifted her up. Yong just like the luckiest and happiest man in the world (seriously, he must yell out loud to the word). He got his angel, the angel only for him. I could not find any shyness in this scene for both Yong and Hyun, the lifted up process is so natural, so happy and so easy for them. Wondered did they do it before? off cam? hehe...:P
































































Back to school with little Yong & little Hyun. Hyun is so cute in her small size uniform, and Yong so cute with his ponytail even the photographer teased him looked like Sailor Moon haha..
































































Hyun's first bobo. Even tough it was just a soft lip picked on Yong's cheek, I already considered that as her first bobo, hehe... I'm so glad to see how Hyun willing to give her first bobo to Yong (even though she hesitated awhile in the first place). How funny is Yong's expression, when he keep on saying "no, I won't grant the wish" "don't do that please", but he is grinning and smiling all the way, hehe...
































































OK, now the photoshooting done... I guess I would just continue the next part in my next post... I'm afraid that some of you might get bored keep on reading the long post.. see you in my next post. Coming up soon~~~ :wub:

































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Guest BigSmileAgain


SNSD’s Seohyun didn’t want to kiss ‘The Trax’

              The Trax recently featured a true goddess for their comeback mini-album - SNSD’s Seohyun was chosen as the model for their album cover and music video.    Members Jay (vocal) and Jungmo (guitar) revealed behind-the-scenes details about the filming through an interview with Sports Korea:





I was extremely embarrassed at first because we had a kiss scene planned for the movie, but she continued to reject it. She’s a very polite girl and I’ve known her since we were little, so I guess she felt awkward about it. It’s not like I can force her to do it (laughter). We just kept joking it off, saying it’s because of hubby Yong (
CN Blue’s Jung Yonghwa)

Credit : Allkpop


Yeah I know everyone here think in the same way...If Seohyun dont want to do, she will reject it... BUT with Yonghwa ^^ when he asked her that do it or not kiss scene at her forehead. She closed her eyes and nod her head...CUTE...and same when she had to kiss Yong's cheek...She's just reject with soft voice and shy but she did it...lol... She keep her first for him.




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Guest YongSeo
























Hi gogumas!!!!








My heart is filled of sweetness. Can;t stopped smiling like a fool. Watching this episode repeatedly has driven away all my troubles, my worries etc. I think this episode has allowed Yong to see things clearer - to see what Hyun really wants, what is her feelings towards him etc. Can we expect more skinships in the coming episodes?? Lol...








What puzzled me is why do they said that they have been together for more than a year? I thought their anniversary is on 11 Feb 2011. 27 Dec 2010 is not even a year.








Oh.. btw, do u think it's time to update our avatar photo to the latest wedding photo?? =D









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Guest MissBarbietch_0106










Their Thoughts/Minds Conversation (Yong-Hyun) on the Kiss Scene Photoshoot:












Yong's Thought: See FanBoy, She even giving "THIS" to me, HA!











                           (with his proud/arrogant face) LOL :lol:











Hyun's Thought: Of course i saved and give "IT" to you, i even didn't give a chance to











                           TRAX Oppa,you should be grateful, you know. :wub:


















(This and IT means THE KISS)















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