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Official Seohwa/용서/Yongseo Sweet Potato Couple Thread 1 ♥


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instead of working i rewatched the birthday epsiode,and back to spazz again at from page 1010, hahha crazy me. maybe i miss their moment. i think that is really important for their relationship. in their birthda. that is the first time Hyun really open her hear. it is so beautiful. i still feel that is the most beautiful moment.i cant get enough when Hyun started singing for Yong. how adorable it is. and all the MCs, totolly touched by hyun. yes, Yong birthday gift is deabak but the Hyun's gift for Yong is really reach to the heart of everybody at that moment.


they are really grown up, see how their apparance changes over half year.at that moment, Hyun is still so innocent. now she is more woman, hmm because she is inlove:-).i wish they go back to where they give the rings to each other. it is so meaningful


and i miss Seulong and Jinwoon, i really want them back for the mcs. i not really like the new Mcs.


i want their 1 year anniversary is go back to all memories play, or just simmple stay in the house and watching their journey together more than just do something fancy.


want to send a wish to MBC.


oh, i really want to concentrate on my work but somehow cant.hhhhhhhhhhhhh :crazy:


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Guest Seychan
































































































































































































































































soshisoshisoshi:  Nice to meet u. Thank u so much hihi Sorry u. I don't have the high-resolution version because I had cap Yong's pic from video not HQ :(( My lap had corrupted and I lost video HQ and cap HQ of ep 14 huhu. When I do it, I also can not find the HQ ver on internet. This pic is so small coz I'm afraid Yong's pic 'll break. Thank u for loving it :wub:

Oh, and apart from that, I'm planning to drop a message on WGM mission board. would you guys mind if I take your ideas to be posted by me, or perhaps you want to do it by yourself???
































































































































You can chingu. I also want to send msg on WGM mission board. Luvtokki too. I think if all of us send msg, wishlist will have more opportunities for PDnims to consider them.
































































































































linh80: I miss Jinwoo and Seulong coz they're close with YongSeo and support for YongSeo. They're so funny. Had they really leave WGM's Mcs? So sad for me.
































































































































I love ep 42 so much, the scene when Huyn buin talk with MIL, they're so cute and close. Look Huyn buin is so beautiful with her eyes-smile. I like her because she is a truly good girl in this generation and with her age. Really.






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Edit: jnj , do you like it? I keep promise with u and I'm so happy when made it :wub: Hope u like it *hug u*

































































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@mountainmadman, @eani_z, @sally7, @seychan - thank you!   You've answered all my questions!

@mountainmadman - wow!  You translated the whole song, fantastic!   And yes, the lyrics are nice!

One question, the part that Hyun comes in on the song is this - correct?

Saturday brunch

Dream-like times spent with you

Morning croissant

The sky inside the sweet coffee

A trip of only my own (Shall we take a journey)

Throw my heart into the glittering sunshine

A trip of only my own (Shall we take a journey)

Throw my heart into the glittering sunshine 


'YOU KNOW......

I WANT.....



Why wasn't there a camera on Hyun and Yong when they were doing this?!  Instead we get a shot of the front of the hospital?   Shoot the cameraman or film editor or PD who makes these decisions!   This would have been so cute and lovey-dovey, a perfect ending for this episode!

As far as my ideas for upcoming episodes, they all aren't just my ideas, I've heard a lot of people express these wishes before, so if a bunch of us hammer the WGM website with our wishes for YongSeo's future missions, I think they might listen!   So, let's do it!   The instructions on how to leave requests on the WGM website have been deatiled here - let's do it - hammer away!     


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something random

since in sync has already disbanded, yongseo might as well use this name

for themselves..not only do they walk in sync, their hand movements do too..

(sorry for bad quality)


what are u guys doing? seriously?

don't tell me u're just admiring the hippo! :rolleyes::sweatingbullets:



so random.



seychan, u kept your promise! thank u soo much! hug!

i not only like it, i love it, girl! :w00t:

to my goguma family at SPD, thank u for lending me your ears last night.

i felt much better talking to u guys. luv u all..muah! :wub:

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Guest uolam21
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































additional screencaps from episode 42...
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































i am wondering, how can we cope up with this couple?
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































they continually give us a new high, 
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































and they take us to a new level each time...
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































not that i'm complaining anyway... LOL!!!

































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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Guest nurunung








I've been lucker in this threed for alonggggggggg time. (i'm sorry for my bad english) I know YONGSEO COUPLE from my friends. at first my friend just advised me to watch adam couple (she is adam shipper), but I was interested to watch yongseo couple (because of yonghwa). and it turns out YONGSEO Couple very interesting, simple, unique, different, and and and ........... I do not know the right words that can describe YONGSEO couple. [so sad adam couple end :'( ]


i'm very very very addicted YONGSEO COUPLE. YONGSEO drive me crazy.


adam couple was soooooo funny, romantic khuntoria, yongseo couple is simple. somehow see the interaction yongseo couple makes me happy, laughing, even crying. and I am very happy to find a place that feels the same towards YONGSEO couple. *hug for you all*


I want to thanks everyone for translate, pic, video subtitles, fanfic, fanart, opinions, etc about uri YONGSEO couple. thank you soooooooooo much. :.90 degrees bow.:


I hope you all can accept me as one of goguma family. YONGSEO COUPLE FTW!




- ep 42 is soooooooooooooooo DAEBAK. i can't stop smiling ang rewathed again again and again. yong oppa, hyun unnie, thank you to make my saturday so wonderful. :D


- and , about hyun know yong's mom number [i'm so so happy with this fact]. in episode 5, yong called his mom to ask what they should inspect first to determine if it's a good house or not. i remember yong used hyun's phone. at first yong used his phone but eventually he used hyun's phone (i don't know why, maybe the batery is out). and hyun possible direct store phone numbers yong's mom. this is just my opinion. hehe. :)



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hey seychan... what pic did u post? i'm curious 'cause i can't see the pic that u posted >.<

jnj, those 2 last scenes in ur post... could u gimme the links to them? i'm not sure if i have them. thanks in advance~! ^^

sally7, thanks so much for the yongseo activities update :)

and thanks everyone for the update, trans & also for making this thread lively.


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Guest chandrawd












well Yonghwa, i got some advices for you.




Seohyun is smart, dilligent, polite, sing well, dance well (including ballet), tall, white skinned, kind, play violin&piano well, cute, sexy, beautiful.... what else??




Geez she is the definition of a PERFECT WOMAN.




So yonghwa, don't you ever dare think twice not dating seohyun! and don't you ever make some excuses that she's not your type!




Dang it man, she's perfect........ aiiisshhhh yonghwa yah why were you so coward? why don't you dare ask Seohyun dating and make her into your girlfriend, your real girlfriend? aiiissshhhhhhhhh (imitating jungshin chingoo)





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Guest yongseorockin




Finished watching both English & Chinese subs for this week's episode. 




Okkhun was the last to give his speech right?




*quoted image*






The english sub was mentioning about don't let a scandal erupt,




*quoted image*






However, the Chinese subs mentioned " Do not suddenly mention break up news". 




I am not too sure which one is more accurate. Just wanna mention the difference with Chi & Eng subs (:


Haha, Yong~ Please listen to your best buddy and yes, don't suddenly mention break up news. 






from what i remembered, don't divorce was inside the translation as well. so it was show all sides of a couple but without divorcing and don't let a scandal erupt. so the chinese and english translation tallies.




Perhaps you can try watching it again. I have watch the video to confirm again. In the mean time, thank you so much for the translator's hard work in translating. M3 and DDuk and all other translators!!




EDIT: I believe its just a timing error only. On which side I m not exactly sure.


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Guest ellaisha








Hello!~  For those who wants to watch the KRD subs of episode 42.  Here is the videos....stay tune for part 3 of the episode though.





YongSeo Ep42 part 1












YongSeo Ep 42 part 2







Thanks to KRD subs once again.







halu, i just want to ask if the yongseo epi 42 part 3 from kdr subs is not yet finish...just wanna know..thanks in advance





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Guest uolam21
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































this couple is making me crazy...
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































i just love them, period.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































no ifs, no buts, nothing...
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































and i guess i'm not alone!!

































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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Guest glitterspark
















it has been a while since i last posted something in this lovely haven...






firstly, i've seen many posts commenting on the tendency to 'over-analyze' our couple's every glance and movements.






You can rarely find heated arguments over a single action or comment related to a couple anywhere... not in dramas or even WGM. I have visited other WGM couples' threads at soompi, but nothing comes close to the in-depth analyzing our goguma experts have done.






I have thought- why? Why is that we are so smitten with this couple? They are only teenage celebrities engaged in a fake marriage on a show... But we spend hours and hours re-watching the episodes and making timelines, analyzing everything down to bits.






Perhaps the reason why is because yongseo is no ordinary couple... they don't openly display their affections, everything they do is sooo subtle. We need to look beyond the surface, rely on background knowledge, what their friends and members say etc...






Me, like the many other gogumas out there believe that yongseo is real. Our couple might not be as entertaining as other couples- but do relationships need to be interesting? Maybe both of them signed up for the show to hone their entertaining skills, but from how i see it, that objective isn't fulfilled. Yongseo clearly does the show at their pace, not caring much about what people say, not bothering about 'fanservice'...






That's why many people say WGM is dangerous... it creates a platform for idols to meet and have close feelings towards each other, then cruelly separate them. I'm sure those involved are aware of that 'd-day', but they are certainly not willing to let go after investing their feelings inside.






I find that yongseo have like a 'sexual tension' between them... it evolved from 'awkwardness' to a sort of tension- the quick intense glance, a slight brushing of shoulders, the subtle comment which speaks volumes... it makes me feel that the 'tension' that they create brings them to another world of their own. They seem to communicate through subtle things in their own language, that we outsiders have to carefully analyze to understand they meant.






Because of the unique-ness of yongseo, we have such a vibrant community... to feed our growing obsession and inquisitiveness. Translators (who are abnormally quick), expert anaylzers, hawk-eyed goguma FBI who spots things beyond the human ability, sharp and intelligent commentators, wise 'ahjussis' and 'ahjummas' who share their experience on relationships, and the talented fan-artists... I can honestly say, that no other thread is as hyped up as ours... Everyday, when i visit this place, there's always something to squeal with or ponder over.






Cheers to all gogumas~






EDIT: pardon me if you find that i'm rambling... it's 3:30 am in the morning for me :)



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aaaaw  uri yongseo is such a loveable couple.  I love love love the last part of the last episode.  I'm guessing it wasn't shot right after the busan trip, right?




was it really during their 300 day anniv?  Maybe we'll find out next week.




There are a couple things that I've been pondering:




1.  How many cameraman/vj do you guys think is filming them? Back in WGM season 1, which I didn't really follow closely,  I thought inside the couple house there wasn't any crew, but all the cameras are just mounted / fixed on the wall, and the filming crew are controlling the cameras from a room.  So you can imagine the couple could fell really comfortable and natural interacting with each other without a 3rd or 4th person in the room.   Correct me if I'm wrong, but I thought I saw one episode with Andy-Solbi couple where they kinda show the set up was that way.. But then, watching our goguma couple where the cameraman often shot a close up of each one, meaning they must be there all there time following wherever yongseo go.. wouldn't it be a little awkward for them to try to get closer?




2.  I also can't help thinking how the rest of SNSD members would be spazzing like us while watching the more recent yongseo episodes.. what do you guys think? Would seohyun get teased by her unnies at home?  Do they watch the episode together and spazz together ? :P  Same thing with the CNBlue members - but I think SNSD would be spazzing more hehehe



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Guest kaydee_






ah, i feel like i'm kinda late for the spazz party. but anyway, this episode is just super that i don't think anyone would mind spazzing about it all over again, right? i think i've watched the 2nd part for over 10x already and i still can't get over how comfortable they are with each other. it's such a far cry from what they were when they first met. i get that awww-the-kids-are-all-grown-up feeling watching them. this is so random, but i noticed when yonghwa was going to wake seohyun up, there was an indent on the bed like someone sat there recently. my delusional goguma is telling me that maybe yonghwa sat there and watched her sleeping. haha! but, there are a million reasons why that indent was there, of course. i just let myself be carried away by my delusional self for a few moments.




another random thing, apart from the banmal song used as a bgm, am i the only one who smiled when jackson 5's blame it on the boogie played? haha! i feel old.  


i don't think i've ever really posted what i thought about the couple since i am a newbie at this thread and all. so, here goes my essay which i'll put in a spoiler if anyone cares to read it. :)  edit: i think i should do a warning: it's 4am and i think i may be just rambling. haha!


this is actually the first time i've ever watched a korean reality show (being influenced by my sister who began following korean stuff during her summer vacation) and i was quite shocked at the concept of we got married. i concede that every reality show has played with both the participants' and viewers' emotions but, the extent that this one is doing is quite puzzling to me. so, you could say i was very intrigued by it since i am actually quite the newbie when it comes to reality shows having only watched singing competitions, skipping the emotional parts and just watching the performances.






anyway, we started around august and picked the yongseo couple to watch since we're familiar with both of them (yonghwa from you're beautiful and seohyun, of course, from snsd). the first few episodes were really toe-curling for me, feeling second-hand embarrassment on how awkward they looked. i could only imagine how they felt at that time, when as just a viewer, i was feeling very awkward. but we pressed on, saying that it's good that they started out like that as it can only get better, right? and so far, they've been meeting our expectations in every episode that comes.






at first, i felt for the people involved since they would be put on this emotional roller coaster for everyone to see. i was quite scared for them, thinking what would they do and how would they handle it. i find the show quite dangerous, lines are easily blurred and i feel like someone would end up being hurt at the end, considering the amount of emotional investment they put in it, acting like a married couple and all. but, i chose to forget all of those at the meantime and just enjoy the ride. i didn't think it'd be quite healthy for me to think about them so much. haha! and from what i have seen, they've been holding up quite well, especially for extremely busy idols.






i find that they complement each other very well, from their looks and how they handle each other. with yonghwa silently guiding seohyun, and seohyun actually taking the reins and trying to break from her shy shell. honestly, i don't think that they are really dating irl but there is an immense attraction and tension between them that can't be ignored. in the recent episodes, i am thinking that something has happened off-screen that would've been a turning point for them to resolve some of that tension between them. and my delusional self would like to think that someone might have suggested that let's take this chance and see what happens. haha!






ah, i sometimes hate what these two make me but you know how you can't help it when something just clicks? in my opinion, yonghwa and seohyun have very, very good chemistry which was just undercurrents in the first few episodes and i think is just beginning to show. i don't think that we've really seen how much they fit each other.






i had promised myself that this should be the last wgm i should watch because it makes me crazy. haha! but in the meantime, i shall just enjoy the ride with the rest of you, while trying to keep myself too emotionally involved with them. :)







edit2: and i just remembered, when i was watching, i was thinking that maybe yong has gastritis. i had that and my stomach hurts especially when i don't get to sleep. plus, we all know that idol eating habits are not that good, with their schedules and all. probably, with just the exception of seohyun. lol. 



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Guest street.k2































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Vote Yong sing
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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Hi, everyone! Just coming out of my lurker mode to say that I totally love yongseo couple and to share my first ever  fanfiction:






 The art of love :




























I hope you enjoy reading it and if you have the time, please leave an comment in order to tell me what should I improve.


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Guest fabiistar07








ah, i feel like i'm kinda late for the spazz party. but anyway, this episode is just super that i don't think anyone would mind spazzing about it all over again, right? i think i've watched the 2nd part for over 10x already and i still can't get over how comfortable they are with each other. it's such a far cry from what they were when they first met. i get that awww-the-kids-are-all-grown-up feeling watching them. this is so random, but i noticed when yonghwa was going to wake seohyun up, there was an indent on the bed like someone sat there recently. my delusional goguma is telling me that maybe yonghwa sat there and watched her sleeping. haha! but, there are a million reasons why that indent was there, of course. i just let myself be carried away by my delusional self for a few moments.




http://www.soompi.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=330795&view=findpost&p=16879110'>*quoted image*




another random thing, apart from the banmal song used as a bgm, am i the only one who smiled when jackson 5's blame it on the boogie played? haha! i feel old.  




i don't think i've ever really posted what i thought about the couple since i am a newbie at this thread and all. so, here goes my essay which i'll put in a spoiler if anyone cares to read it. :)  edit: i think i should do a warning: it's 4am and i think i may be just rambling. haha!




this is actually the first time i've ever watched a korean reality show (being influenced by my sister who began following korean stuff during her summer vacation) and i was quite shocked at the concept of we got married. i concede that every reality show has played with both the participants' and viewers' emotions but, the extent that this one is doing is quite puzzling to me. so, you could say i was very intrigued by it since i am actually quite the newbie when it comes to reality shows having only watched singing competitions, skipping the emotional parts and just watching the performances.














anyway, we started around august and picked the yongseo couple to watch since we're familiar with both of them (yonghwa from you're beautiful and seohyun, of course, from snsd). the first few episodes were really toe-curling for me, feeling second-hand embarrassment on how awkward they looked. i could only imagine how they felt at that time, when as just a viewer, i was feeling very awkward. but we pressed on, saying that it's good that they started out like that as it can only get better, right? and so far, they've been meeting our expectations in every episode that comes.














at first, i felt for the people involved since they would be put on this emotional roller coaster for everyone to see. i was quite scared for them, thinking what would they do and how would they handle it. i find the show quite dangerous, lines are easily blurred and i feel like someone would end up being hurt at the end, considering the amount of emotional investment they put in it, acting like a married couple and all. but, i chose to forget all of those at the meantime and just enjoy the ride. i didn't think it'd be quite healthy for me to think about them so much. haha! and from what i have seen, they've been holding up quite well, especially for extremely busy idols.














i find that they complement each other very well, from their looks and how they handle each other. with yonghwa silently guiding seohyun, and seohyun actually taking the reins and trying to break from her shy shell. honestly, i don't think that they are really dating irl but there is an immense attraction and tension between them that can't be ignored. in the recent episodes, i am thinking that something has happened off-screen that would've been a turning point for them to resolve some of that tension between them. and my delusional self would like to think that someone might have suggested that let's take this chance and see what happens. haha!














ah, i sometimes hate what these two make me but you know how you can't help it when something just clicks? in my opinion, yonghwa and seohyun have very, very good chemistry which was just undercurrents in the first few episodes and i think is just beginning to show. i don't think that we've really seen how much they fit each other.














i had promised myself that this should be the last wgm i should watch because it makes me crazy. haha! but in the meantime, i shall just enjoy the ride with the rest of you, while trying to keep myself too emotionally involved with them. :)




















edit2: and i just remembered, when i was watching, i was thinking that maybe yong has gastritis. i had that and my stomach hurts especially when i don't get to sleep. plus, we all know that idol eating habits are not that good, with their schedules and all. probably, with just the exception of seohyun. lol. 




i just want to comment on the picture you posted, i didn't notice that before




but it doesn't look like Yong sat there because then there would have to be a dent where his legs were as well




and also, that dent is too small, so i'm guessing it was his hand that left the dent




maybe he wanted to get a closer look at Hyun buin and couldn't resist and leaned to see her :wub::wub:




another thing ... i don't think i'm the only one that loved the ending of this epi







"you know .. i want .. to get get get your love"




how can they only show a hospital at that moment!!




ahhh chinchaa!, i really wanted to see them sing it, it was just so random and cute, especially that Hyun followed her husband in singing it




She even followed him on when they were writing in the ground, when Yong seobang went to help her finish he sarted doing it with 2 feet, then Hyunnie quickly changed her technique to match Yong's :wub: hehe








ellaisha the subs for part 3 aren't up yet ^_^





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Guest athrun_azzoe






YEAH!!! the last episode is really daebak!!! can they be any cuter than this?




jung yong hwa.. aigoo, why are u being like this? u make our delusions :lol::lol:




and seohyun is really beautiful even when she just waked up. I really love this episode




and also regarding holika thai conference when he said he is single, I dont really disappointed.




my close friend has a similiar story just like yongseo couple. I'll put it on a spoiler ^_~




In school I have one close friend. she had a relationship with a boy whom I know well too. if my friends ask her whether they're dating or not they always refuse it. but I know their relationship is more than just a date because I'm her best friend. they do that because they dont want others know about their relationship. I dont really know why they cover up their realtionship like that.




they even didn't talk at school. but whenever outside the school, they will always together. It really reminds me on YONGSEO. they dont talk outside WGM filming or on a music show. but maybe they have a relationship more than just a date and dont want media know it because of WGM rules aren't allow a real date. but who knows? kekekeke







ps: sorry for my poor english. I just really want to share my thoughts about our beloved YONGSEO ''a




YONGSEO jjang!!!!


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I've watched this episode at least 5 times a day since the broadcast and aside from turning into a pile of goo, as I watched the episode for the last three, four times I suddenly felt a sudden sadness overwhelming me. I'd like to elaborate that so if anyone's not in for an essay about Seohyun's connection with my own life then you can skip my post.
















































As someone said before, we viewers root for the couple we can relate to the most. Just like in movies and dramas we emphasize with a certain character more because we can understand where that person is coming from. I've followed WGM since the beginning of its run and even more than Shin Ae (whom I adored), I've come to love Seohyun in a whole different way than I initially thought I would.
















































Seohyun and I are alike, but in a different way - I won't even dare to dream to be even close to the person that she is. She handled life way better than I did when things shifted from its place. She's had her struggles and I've had mine - none of these struggles could be told. But we did find comfort in a world where those feelings got translated into spoken words - books. The way she handled worries and took care of her burdens; that's how I did it as well. And seeing her on this episode, I felt like watching myself - that one day that I lived without a worry, with only smiles, blue skies and starry nights. And a hint of sadness. Like we've both found our childhood again. A fortunate and certainly a blessing thing, but it's also sad to even think that neither she nor I have gotten the chance to live that day until later in life. It's heartbreaking to think that such an amazing girl has lost many things in order to gain what she wanted. And it's sad that it was like I was watching myself.
















































The way she spelled out Yong.Seo in the sand reminded me of the many nights I took off to see the sunrise all by my own at five in the morning. I felt refreshed each time, yet each time looking back I got overwhelmed with the pain of how lonely I was - Me, watching the sunrise. Alone. I chose a life, though in a less dramatic way than Seohyun did, that didn't allow me to have what most girls had during their childhood. Friends, boyfriends, smiles and just carelessly having fun. Being myself. And Seohyun... Seohyun looked like a child playing, unconsciously catching up the years she lost. The way she peered over the field, it shook my soul real hard. And I actually broke down crying. I still am as I'm writing this.
















































And I'll be totally honest - I did not find Seohyun beautiful at all. She was pretty, but not gorgeous. I did not fall out of my seat when I saw her. But maybe it's because she's never really shown us the real Seohyun - the one who doesn't hold back, thinks of her image or is composed and calm in every situation. The one who jokingly puts up an overly proud attitude, the one who smiles without knowing and the one who bursts out laughing out of nowhere - I find her the most beautiful when she's like that. A true natural beauty and it's evident in this episode.
















































The whole point of this post is... just that I'm thankful. Thankful that I have found smiles, laughter and myself in this lifetime and can relive the days I missed. And thankful that Seohyun has found someone who has given her that. We're not related, we don't know each each other, we'll probably never meet and she's on the other side of the world. But I felt my heart watching her and I'm forever grateful to Yonghwa that he brought out the real Seohyun for me, for us, for everyone to see. Because that's how lovely she is.









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Guest lovelybee
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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but i can't understand at all what they say??
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Could Anyone  help to translate for me ? please....tears.gif

































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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