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Official Seohwa/용서/Yongseo Sweet Potato Couple Thread 1 ♥


Recommended Posts

Guest MountainMadman

Thanks to zealous for the tip...

우결마치고간만에추어탕집..ㄱㄱ 오늘은 용서.쿤돌 영상보고 너무 웃어서 주름이깊어졌네요..토욜닥본사!.....V587~! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! 즐거운하루되세요!

Finished WGM filming and eating at the Chueotang (a soup made of white-nose loach) place...watched the YongSeo.Khuntoria cuts and ended up with smile lines after laughing so much...don't miss Saturday!.....V587~!!!!!!!! Have a nice day!

Oh, and BTW:

Is anyone here an expert at dealing with Photoshop? If you are, drop me a PM...I have a favor I need to ask.


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Guest gita_23
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































hi goguma family :)
































































































































































































































































when i found some pictures of johnny depp, then i remember about yonghwa. :) 
































































































































































































































































johnny depp like to wear glasses just like him. i'm curious if yong duplicates Johnny deep style since he is seohyun's idol  B)i'm sorry if anyone ever give this pictures already. i cant stand myself not to share this pics :sweatingbullets:just enjoy it :)

































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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Guest karen90611






Found this from MC Kim tweet, is this related to YongSeo.


Cuz when I try using "Google uncle translation", make no senese.. hehehe







FR baidu

I don't know whether you understand chinese……


the studio recording has finished,YONGSEO and WENNIE were so funny today that i  had a wrinkly face,let's watch it Saturday ! v587 ! have a nice weekends!

(PS: forgive my poor english^)



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so yong and the cn blue brothers are heading to thailand...?
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































yong has black hair now. omg. emo hair. i love it :wub: hahaha...
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































hyun and snsd unnies are still in japan...?
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































so mc kim's tweet didnt really reveal much... (sigh) fine, fine, we'll wait till saturday!
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































just a random thought.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































when the "cd" for yong's single of "a song for first time lovers (banmal song" came out. and the back cover was of cats. did anyone else think of their cups? lol. i'm not sure why i'm just now saying it. i guess cause i dont remember seeing anyone posting it. but just something i thought about. (sigh) i think i'm going to go have a marathon now...

































































































































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Did anyone watch NAN with TOP & GD???































































































































































































there's this topic where GD mention bout "Dating rooms" in Inkigayo...































































































































































































Did Yong knows bout it..































































































































































































Think so..;) (cross my finger for this...)































































































































































































watch this...































































































































































































(Bonus for VIP ;))































































































































































































NAN with eng subs






























































































































































































































































































































































































Yong question start part 5 --> minute 5































































































































































































Q bout Inki start part 6..--> must watch. Yong seems to know it.. hehehe














































































































































































































































































































Yong reaction...













































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































The Place in Q...










































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Q for all;































































































































































































Did u guys think, he did practice this method or used this rooms????






























































































































































































































































































































































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Guest Tofu_Cloud
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Did anyone watch NAN with TOP & GD???































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































there's this topic where GD mention bout "Dating rooms" in Inkigayo...































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Did Yong knows bout it..































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Think so..;) (cross my finger for this...)































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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(Bonus for VIP ;))































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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i thought That was quite random but then i found yonghwa yay!! :D
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































but thanks soo much!! and Yes i love GD!! he is the only big bang member who writes his own songs.

































































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YOONG~~~~ and brother has safely arrived in Bangkok^^
































































































































































































































































































































I'm glad that yong hair not that Black... just Dark browns....

































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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YOONG~~~~ and brother at Tailand aiport  ^^
































































































































































































































































I'm glad that yong hair not that Black... just Dark browns....
































































































































































































































































*quoted image*































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































those pics are old and were taken in November.
































































































































































































































































Yong's hair is black. he dyed it yesterday in a salon.
































































































































































































































































(EDIT:: ah. I see you've updated with the pics from today's Thailand Trip. Yep that's now his new hair color :)
































































































































































































































































which makes me wonder....
































































































































































































































































SNSD currently promoting RDR in Japan with MUStation appearance on the 28th.
































































































































































































































































will Hyun's hair color be changed to black to fit the Black Soshi concept?
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































and something from dcmarried
































































































































































































































































Grandpa Yong & Grandma Hyun 60 years later 




























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































MC Jake just retweeted a cute YongSeo MV which also highlighted MC reactions































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































here's the tweet
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































& here's the MV Gogumas should watch:






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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Something random again...














































































































































































Reading the tweets about Seohyun and Kyuhyun's duet yesterday, I recalled one particular segment in Inkigayo when Sulli said something about Yonghwa and Seohyun's duet. I remembered Yonghwa saying "yes, yes we did (talking about the duet). our sweet voices really matched well together, better than anyone else's." And after saying that he became so shy. hehehehe. It's like he's telling every person who had a duet with Seohyun (including Kyuhyun) that no one can best their duet. I haven't watched Seohyun doing a duet with other guys but I know that Yonghwa was right when he said that their voices matched well.
























































If your'e interested to watch/rewatch the segment here's the link in sweet potato days.









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Guest Tofu_Cloud




















How are you guys watching Sweet Potato couple, when after Episode 20+ they ask you to pay 9.99 a month?
















I prefer Twidvid cuz its soooo fast compared to dailymotion!
















It says "need to download twidvid pro to continue watching"
















i guess i reached my limit video viewing..
















how are u guys watching the mid episodes?
















Sweet Potato couple jjang!!!
















I would love to have a best friend like Seohyun!



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Guest mach8infinity




How are you guys watching Sweet Potato couple, when after Episode 20+ they ask you to pay 9.99 a month?


I prefer Twidvid cuz its soooo fast compared to dailymotion!




It says "need to download twidvid pro to continue watching"


i guess i reached my limit video viewing..


how are u guys watching the mid episodes?




Sweet Potato couple jjang!!!


I would love to have a best friend like Seohyun!






hi there,


you can actually go to the video section under the sweet potato days blogspot (just google for the url) and scroll all the way down. they have links to the snsd seohyun forever facebook page for you to watch the episodes. yup hope this helps.


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YongSeo sponsored pics from WGM 































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































compiled by

Emotional @dcmarried




























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Yonghwa likes to wear lots of stars & stripes 
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Seohyun likes to wear lots of polka dots & bow details
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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I'm going to share something that just happened a few minutes ago. (This is another random post of mine)








































I got back from university and went straight to dc married to check for updates. Then there's a post where she/he shared a link from Yonghwa's dc gallery containing CNBlue's airport photos today. I am really nonchalant about Yonghwa's new hair (I don't get the hype, guys >.<) and I was talking to myself why others were so happy about it (okay, he looks younger and all). And whenever I see Yonghwa or CNBlue's picture, I'm forcing myself not to look at Yonghwa's left hand (really) so this time isn't an exception. But when I clicked back to the other tab (where the airport photos were), coincidentally the first time I saw was a left hand with a familiar ring on his ring finger and seriously, I was like 'I didn't mean to! I didn't mean to!' like I totally made a big crime of seeing it. Okay, I was acting like a fool.








































Hah. Thought I had to share. :P





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Guest smurfs888
































just some random thoughts..

































 I got back from university and went straight to dc married to check for updates. Then there's a post where she/he shared a link from Yonghwa's dc gallery containing CNBlue's airport photos today. I am really nonchalant about Yonghwa's new hair (I don't get the hype, guys >.<) and I was talking to myself why others were so happy about it (okay, he looks younger and all).




































sorry to cut your post.. that statement you said about "he looks younger" made me think about a funny thing.. I just kinda got remembered by what that gagman said to Yonghwa in Gag Concert about the reason why Seohyun couldn't speak banmal to Yong is because he looks "old"...
















maybe cause of that he dyed his hair? to look "younger"?
















This is just a random thinking of mine.. but if it really is true I'm gonna be so excited! w00t.gifwub.gif
































EDIT : by the way I am LOVING Yonghwa's new black hair.. He looks great! And he cut it shorter too! I like his short hair lol! 

















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Now that Yonghwa's hair is black again...let's see Seo Joohyun in black hair.
















































credits as tagged








































Reminder: THIS IS JUST A FANMADE PICTURE. I know it looks real and all.
















































































Of course, Yongseo fans were present at the airport












































credits: dc married





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wow, yong really look younger in black, and his face became more shiny, it's soo white ^^ and i can't help notice jonghyun behind so handsome, really lucky hyun to have handsome husband and bro in law..maybe when get back to korea hyun will go to the salon and ask for matching hair colour??? who knows









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This topic is now closed to further replies.
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