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Official Seohwa/용서/Yongseo Sweet Potato Couple Thread 1 ♥


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Guest fabiistar07








in fact i have all the episode kept haha




cant help falling in love with them *quoted image*




otherwise i would not be here *quoted image*







Do you have the link to DL ep.33 subbed?




I'm trying to DL every episode, but i'm missing 33 and i can't find it anywhere -_-





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Guest archiehon
































































































































































































































































































































He...he...he... its funny that a lot of us are thinking about the same thing while watching that show (oh my school). isn't it a coincident tha everyone related to Yong (Simon D and Hong Ki) agreed to announce their relationship but those related to Hyun (Eunhyuk and Minho) disagree to go public with their relationship?

































































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Hello, goguma villagers!I
























































































I'm kind of sad that WGM will air on Chistmas Day, because I won't be able to watch it, as I have to celebrate with my whole family... I guess I'll have to wait Sunday evening or Monday to watch it. My heart hurts ;_;
























































































I can't wait to see what will be the mysterious mission... Haaaah, sounds exciting, right?
























































































Only a few more days before Christmas! <3 I hope that Yong & Hyun will be able to exchange presents!
























































































Oh, by the way! All the supermakets are filled with exotic food for the end of the year parties, so my mom bought sweet potatos! We will cook them tomorrow... Can't wait to taste it! hehe
























































































Have a good evening!
























































































Oh, and I posted a new one shot! Check it out please <3
























































































Bad Girl, Good Girl









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I'm in the mids of my midterms but I just needed my daily dosis of YongSeo before heading back to the books. The thread has been really slow lately, but at this time of the year it's expected. So many things to do and there's Christmas and New Year as well!




















My best wishes to all of you from all around the world and thank you all spending this wonderful year with your fellow Goguma's. We don't know much about each other; what our real names are, where we all live, what color hair each of us has, what our favorite music is and so on. Still, I feel great happiness in this forum whether lurking or posting - they are the ones that connect us. There's so much love for this couple from the moment they began their journey and I can only say we've all been blessed to be able to witness it; from the first stolen gazes to holding hands to their hearts that has opened for each other slowly with time. We lucky bastards get to see all that! And yet... we can't help but be greedy and want more :lol:




















Before I go, I just have to post this. Maybe it's been shared before, maybe not - I'm way too tired sleeping only 4 hours a day to get up at 5 and catch the earliest train to even have my brain function outside of my academical duties. So please don't mind. I'm sure the ones on the same boat as I am with the midterms/exams/schoolwork will understand. Heh.




















I mentioned earlier that my favorite moment was Seohyun's frozen reaction - wrong. THIS is my favorite moment ever, ever, ever, ever, ever of solely Seohyun on WGM as I re-watched and re-watched this episode. Can't believe I didn't catch it the first time.




















When Yonghwa was singing the guide song (the glibberish English) after they received their mission, Seohyun's reaction was like this when he first sang a line:








































But then... just a second later, her expression changes to this:








































It was like time stopped at that very subtle, gentle moment to watch just her.





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Guest CheriMerci
































































































































Hi! All






























































































































I'm so happy to see these pics. Yong's fan took some photos of SeoHyun and Hyun's fan took some photos of YongHwa as well. :wub:
































































Goldenjyh.blog.me, Jennifer kojimom.blog.me and Seople, Thank you so much for love and all shared pics of YongHwa and SeoHyun.
































































































































Cr : as tagged
































































































































































































































































































































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I want to clear some things up about my ‘Jinwoon’ post, the one that I wrote about Jinwoon’s comment on the 2AM CD to Hyun –

First of all, I don’t pretend or claim to be an expert on anything that happens on WGM.  Anything I post is an opinion or a point of view, I just base what I say on what I see on WGM, and watching just about any other news I can find that pertain to Yong, Hyun, SNSD, CB Blue and any other K-Pop idols that touch Yong’s and Hyun’s lives in any way.   But like the rest of you, I’m only seeing what has been released for public consumption, and I don’t think any of us on this blog site will know the whole truth except for Yong and Hyun!

Like a lot of you, I’m a little obsessed with what happens to these 2 wonderful young people, and I don’t like anything that could get in the way of their developing relationship, because they seem perfect for each other, and I don’t want either of them to be hurt or damaged in any way because of their filming on WGM.

As far as Jinwoon is concerned, I’m sure he is a fine young man, also.  I’ve watched him on WGM from the start, when he grudgingly watched Yong and Hyun’s relationship grow.  I think over time he has realized that Yong is good for Hyun, and he has been amazed by how much Hyun has grown in her social and dating skills because of WGM and Yong’s patience and constant attention.

I think over time he has grown to like Yong, also.  In recent filming of music shows and award shows, it has shown Jinwoon reaching out to greet Yong, and at the GDA openly kidding around and teasing him about Hyun.  Jinwoon has been laughing more often at Yong’s antics and his ’choding’ behavior.   Lately, I sensed he has been cheering more for YongSeo as a couple, as opposed to only supporting and cheering for Seohyun, as in earlier episodes.

But, and here comes the but, he has openly had a crush on Seohyun since the beginning of WGM, has  stated in a past interview he has a likeness of her as a screensaver and uses her name as the password on his computer and has recently stated she is still his ‘ideal type’.  Every time I see him on a music show or an appearance where 2AM and SNSD are together, he is always glancing/staring at Seohyun.

This is a guy with a serious crush!   It’s got to be hard on him to watch Yong and Hyun together on WGM, especially lately since they have become much closer and are acting like a real couple.

And believe me, when a guy has feelings for a girl like that, no matter what his feelings for the current guy she is dating, he will do whatever is in his power to capture her heart.  I don’t think Jinwoon is necessarily mean, sneaky or duplicitous, but he is a guy whose heart yearns for a certain special girl.

I hope Jinwoon gets over it, and that he finds another woman who will satisfy his yearning, but until that happens, Yong needs to watch out and be aware of Jinwoon and his feelings for Seohyun.

As far as the ‘mystery’ mission, I hope it has nothing to do with kissing.  I think that first kiss and many more after it should be saved as something special and private between Yong and Hyun, without any cameras rolling.  When they are comfortable with it, then they can share a peck on the cheek or a quick smooch with their public for special occasions then all right, but I think that is too personal to share on a TV show with millions of people watching.  Sorry!

I’m curious about Seohyun’s dumbfounded reaction to the ‘banmal’ songs lyrics.   She says something like ‘I’ve said that many times already’.   Does she mean to Yong?  That she loves him?  Or is she saying she’s said that phrase in her performances of ‘OH’?  ‘Oppa, I love you’ – but not directly to Yong.  Was that her indirect way of avoiding the question?   Also, she says something quietly, under her breath while she’s playing with her hair.  The MCs talk over what she says.  They say she’s nervous because she’s playing with her hair.   Sometimes I wish the MCs would just close their ‘pie holes’ and quit talking over Yong and Hyun’s dialogue!   Has anybody figured out what Hyun is saying there?   Please share what you think she said – thanks!

Can’t wait for next week – and the ‘mystery’ mission!                      


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Guest CheriMerci
































































































































It's me again.:sweatingbullets: My lovely sis sent this pic to me. She smells something fishy!
































































Yong used to hang the old couple ring with the necklace.  Is this the same for the ring?  What do u guys think? :rolleyes:
































































































































Cr : as tagged
































































Mixed by kikgig_b@pantip.com






























































































































































































































































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hi! i Dont know if this has been posted.. its a piano cover of yongseo's banmal song































its such a romantic song... i hope they leave it as a slow song...we get to feel more of the emotions of the song...but i'll be happy with the song anyway its eventually prodeced :)

















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Guest Revelmonk






I want to clear some things up about my ‘Jinwoon’ post, the one that I wrote about Jinwoon’s comment on the 2AM CD to Hyun –




First of all, I don’t pretend or claim to be an expert on anything that happens on WGM.  Anything I post is an opinion or a point of view, I just base what I say on what I see on WGM, and watching just about any other news I can find that pertain to Yong, Hyun, SNSD, CB Blue and any other K-Pop idols that touch Yong’s and Hyun’s lives in any way.   But like the rest of you, I’m only seeing what has been released for public consumption, and I don’t think any of us on this blog site will know the whole truth except for Yong and Hyun!




Like a lot of you, I’m a little obsessed with what happens to these 2 wonderful young people, and I don’t like anything that could get in the way of their developing relationship, because they seem perfect for each other, and I don’t want either of them to be hurt or damaged in any way because of their filming on WGM.




As far as Jinwoon is concerned, I’m sure he is a fine young man, also.  I’ve watched him on WGM from the start, when he grudgingly watched Yong and Hyun’s relationship grow.  I think over time he has realized that Yong is good for Hyun, and he has been amazed by how much Hyun has grown in her social and dating skills because of WGM and Yong’s patience and constant attention.




I think over time he has grown to like Yong, also.  In recent filming of music shows and award shows, it has shown Jinwoon reaching out to greet Yong, and at the GDA openly kidding around and teasing him about Hyun.  Jinwoon has been laughing more often at Yong’s antics and his ’choding’ behavior.   Lately, I sensed he has been cheering more for YongSeo as a couple, as opposed to only supporting and cheering for Seohyun, as in earlier episodes.




But, and here comes the but, he has openly had a crush on Seohyun since the beginning of WGM, has  stated in a past interview he has a likeness of her as a screensaver and uses her name as the password on his computer and has recently stated she is still his ‘ideal type’.  Every time I see him on a music show or an appearance where 2AM and SNSD are together, he is always glancing/staring at Seohyun.




This is a guy with a serious crush!   It’s got to be hard on him to watch Yong and Hyun together on WGM, especially lately since they have become much closer and are acting like a real couple.




And believe me, when a guy has feelings for a girl like that, no matter what his feelings for the current guy she is dating, he will do whatever is in his power to capture her heart.  I don’t think Jinwoon is necessarily mean, sneaky or duplicitous, but he is a guy whose heart yearns for a certain special girl.




I hope Jinwoon gets over it, and that he finds another woman who will satisfy his yearning, but until that happens, Yong needs to watch out and be aware of Jinwoon and his feelings for Seohyun.




As far as the ‘mystery’ mission, I hope it has nothing to do with kissing.  I think that first kiss and many more after it should be saved as something special and private between Yong and Hyun, without any cameras rolling.  When they are comfortable with it, then they can share a peck on the cheek or a quick smooch with their public for special occasions then all right, but I think that is too personal to share on a TV show with millions of people watching.  Sorry!




I’m curious about Seohyun’s dumbfounded reaction to the ‘banmal’ songs lyrics.   She says something like ‘I’ve said that many times already’.   Does she mean to Yong?  That she loves him?  Or is she saying she’s said that phrase in her performances of ‘OH’?  ‘Oppa, I love you’ – but not directly to Yong.  Was that her indirect way of avoiding the question?   Also, she says something quietly, under her breath while she’s playing with her hair.  The MCs talk over what she says.  They say she’s nervous because she’s playing with her hair.   Sometimes I wish the MCs would just close their ‘pie holes’ and quit talking over Yong and Hyun’s dialogue!   Has anybody figured out what Hyun is saying there?   Please share what you think she said – thanks!




Can’t wait for next week – and the ‘mystery’ mission!                      










Great analysis luvtokki, i also believe that yonghwa has to watch out for jinwoon and not let him try to take his place. As much as we know jinwoon has resigned himself into the situation yong and hyun are in, men don't give up crushes that big so easily. I feel that he has accepted their relationship but I feel in the back of his mind, jinwoon himself probably feels that he still has a chance since their relationship has not gone private as far as the audience knows, however maybe it has gone private for hyun and yong and we just don't know yet....hopefully it has or in the future yong and hyun will decide to take it private or jinwoon will try to swoop down like a vulture lol.




I believe yong knows about jinwoon's feeling because you can hear him clear his throat before he reads jinwoon's part of the message in the 2am cd they gave to hyun. He also reads it kind of awkardly, like he was expecting jinwoon to say something personal to hyun..do you think so luvtokki or anyone else?




I also don't think jinwoon anticipated hyun showing it to yong because he made a weird face as yong was about to read it, and the good thing about that situation was that it didn't mean much to hyun because she showed it to yong anyway. I do think however, conciously or subconciously that hyun showed it to yong so that he stays on his toes maybe...making sure he knows that she has potential suitors in line incase he acts up lol..i dont know just an opinion on that part.



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Guest Crystal392






hii my lovely Gogumas *waves*











I am excited because uri Yong and Hyun will spend New Year together (and also with their sisters/brothers and friends) at MBC Music Festival :)











I can't believe in a couple of days will be Christmas and then after a week 2011 will begin, time has passed really fast, hasn't it?











I'm really curious about the mystery mission, can't wait until Saturday to find that out ^_^











*Some screencaps from dcmarried:















~I love this pic.... I remember I felt chills when they sang together 'Falling Slowly'




















~Boo!! :lol:~












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Annyeong my lovely gogumas family
















hug you one by one....
















this thread move so slow lately































I kept restrain my self to post something until i done my project but i can't help but posting again.































First of all thanks for the translate my.yonghwa.baby, trxk and temps. thanks caliope to subbing the preview, thanks synkiss to subbing the latest episode. Actually i'm subbing it too but for my own archive because i'm learning subbing and using the latest episode for my first project.































Second, regarding Jiwoon i won't give any comment because some of you already shout out my mind. I'm happy just knowing Yong and Jiwoon have a good relationship. Remember they often hold hand at GDA and Jinwoon playing with Yong's hand when they hold hand. I'm sure Yong is aware, he give a strange cough before he read Jinwoon message. So I think he know that Jinwoon still like Hyun and adore her (I end up give a commentsweatingbullets.gif)































Third, regarding the mysterious mission I'm sure that's nothing to do with kissing. And i'm not agree if they kiss now (despite i really love Yong and i will really jealous, i think this not the time yet). For peppero(?), why they must play peppero in 9 pm and playing it on their own? For performance together, wether it's banmal song or not, but i think it's not banmal song. I prefer PD give them mission to perform banmal song together in 8 Dec . PD said that they filming at 8/9 dec. And if the mission is to perform together, their expression is different from their expression when they have to perform at Incheon wave special in 29th august. Their expression back then is a shock but not unpleasant but now they have an unpleasant expression. So i think it's not perform together. For meeting the parents, there is a possibility but why in 9 pm? If they go to visit parent i think they will visit Hyun's parent. But, i think Hyun's parent is a discipline one (you can tell by look at Hyun) so i don't think they want to filming at 9 pm. But maybe their filming in the next day. I have a huge possibility that the mysterious mission is about wedding photoshoot. The reason is their expression, maybe they think it's a bit fast. You know the looks like dating than married.































Fourth, this thing is brother me. Is anyone know how long goguma will remain fresh and we still can eat it after we harvest it? They harvest goguma in oct but they distribute it in nov but the studio family eat it in dec. I don't know that goguma will remain that long. sweatingbullets.gif































Fifth, don't you guys notice that Yong didn't have backroom interview. Hyun only have backroom interview when she frozen. And I think her outfit is the same when she harvest the goguma. 































Sixth, lol at Seulong. Why you give her that message all of sudden Ong???? I think he know something that we didn't know. biggrin.gif































Seventh, why Yong unhappy when he read they have to compose a couple song? 































Eight, Happy holiday for gogumas here















































EDIT : Crystal, thanks for that caps when they play falling slowly. I really love that moment. I want them to perform like that.

































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I don't really watch much fanmade videos, much more post them here but since our thread is kind of slow (maybe because of Christmas preps and parties?) I look up at youtube and found YongSeo-Like A Star. I'm sharing this one because it made me cry. It's so nostalgic for me. It's like looking back at what happen for our couple this 2010 (though this can be updated). I realized that, truly, a lot of memories have been made.
































































































































Happy Holidays everyone!
































































































































P.S. bee_ichigo
































































































































Yep, i noticed that, too. I think that interview of Hyun was actually for the goguma harvest, because Yong also sang the song at the king prawn resto. But the PD decided to place it at the latest epi just so have a backroom interview. Let's see if the next epi has BR interviews as well. If none, then, the BR of Hyun was just really inserted for the sake of having a BR in the recent epi.

































































































































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Guest desirenhope
































































































Now that you guys mentioned back room interview, I've suddenly realized that our couple has got the least back room interview for the last couple of episode. The last episode, there was none. The one they showed Seohyun with her face frozen was for harvesting episode so I believed they just added that cut in to fit with the PD's storyline. They do not have any new interviews. Isn't it weird?
















































































the PD chose to show more interactions between the 2 rather than personally asking each person individually on how they feel which is a little different between the other 2 couples on the show.









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Guest Revelmonk




@bee_ichigo I'm think initially he didn't like having something he personally wrote to hyun being turned into a mission, that's probably why he made that kind of face...and the song didn't have half the lyrics he wanted it to have.



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Guest WendyLoveSoshi
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Gogumas. ~~~~~
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































[NEWS][12.22.10] We Got Married Viewer Ratings Up By 0.3% ''Happy''
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































MBC's Satuarday afternoon program We Got Married's viewer ratings has increased, and had claimed first for same time airing show. (?) On 19th, According to AGB Nielsen, On We Got Married that aired on the 18th, the viewers rating is 10.7. The ratings was 10.4% in last week.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































This shows that the ratings has increased by 0.3%. On that day's program, Seohyun and Yonghwa Couple was making the Banmal song,  Jokwon and Gain Couple couple would be a teacher for one day and Victoria and Nickchun's Thailand visit were all very interesting.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Also, SBS's Star Junior Show Golden Fish Biscuit (?) 's viewer rating was 10.5% while KBS's 100 Points Out of 100's rating was 4.3%. This successfully makes MBC's We Got Married 1st on the list.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Credits: Baidu Winne Forum (Khuntoria)
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Translation Credits (From Chinese): WendyLoveSoshi@SoNyuhShiDaeNews

































































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Guest blueshoes






It's me again.:sweatingbullets: My lovely sis sent this pic to me. She smells something fishy!


Yong used to hang the old couple ring with the necklace.  Is this the same for the ring?  What do u guys think? :rolleyes:




Cr : as tagged


Mixed by kikgig_b@pantip.com


*quoted image*







maybe I'm wrong but


He wore another necklace in the concert tears.giftears.giftears.gif


after I saw CNBLUE's fancam and pictures .. I feel Seohyun didn't go to CNBLUE concert






credit as tagged and CNBLUE Thread soompi








@CheriMerci about Goldenjyh.blog.me , Jennifer kojimom.blog.me , Seople , ihope9 and Blossom


I love how Yonghwa and Seohyun's fanclub support them by shooting pictures and fancams and sharing to each other


that's the great way to support our beloved artists



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Guest glennpaulo











Seventh, why Yong unhappy when he read they have to compose a couple song? 







Sorry to cut your post. But i think i have an answer for this question, it's only just my opinion.




Yong is unhappy not because they have to write a couple song but the fact that the song he personally made for hyun is being used for the show. When i watch the episode  and suddenly the song became a couple song, i thought that writing banmal song is instructed by the WGM Pd, but when you mention that yong is unhappy i suddenly puzzled and i rewatched the episode then you're right before the mission arrived they are happily talking but when they read it his face became unhappy. It is wriiten for the person important to yong and he also said in BR interview that this song is either a message or gift to her. then it suddenly became a couple song which is not in his plan and you know if you're a composer then you're song for someone is used, you will feel dissapointed.




For me that's my opinion, if yong is truly unhappy about PD's decision maybe this is the answer. I only base from what i saw in yong's face, i don't know what is he truly thinking. I'm just sharing my opinion.









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Guest MountainMadman

Hi everyone! Last final tomorrow before leaving...the year's winding down, I hope everyone has a very happy holiday season and the best start to your New Year.

I've updated Love Story with Episode 52, I hope you enjoy reading it as much I enjoyed writing it! Haven't had this much fun writing a new character in a while...


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hacker8 and desirenhope, thanks for responding my post. Your opinion regarding the backroom interview is quite possible and i will disappointed if it's true. The positive think maybe Hyun do the backroom interview in november. But, the question for this is why?































revelmonk and glennpaulo, I agree with you. When i read my.yonghwa.baby translation, i think they compose another song not banmal song ('with the same motive as banmal song'). But when they conclude it to finish banmal song as their couple song i feel disappointed. And maybe Yong feel that way too. Personally I want banmal song to become CN Blue's song/ Yong's song as a gift for Hyun and they compose another song.
















































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