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[info] The 8th Annual Korea Times Music Festival 2010 (hb)

Guest khype

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Guest Masugomi

Hey, where are you from? My 2 sisters can't go now because of finals that week and following week so I'm stuck alone unless some other people wanna go with me too. I hear you, I don't want to pay for the hotel alone either. It's way expensive. We stayed at the sponser hotel last year and paid over $200 for 3 days. worth it cuz we saw Kim Hyun Joong, Kim Tae Woo, and Son Ho Young. oh yeah and the SNSD girls too.... If you want, we can stay together... I'm desperate to go. ahahhahahahha

Forealz....I didn't know that.. we walked cuz we're speed walkers...ekekkee....good to know though...

I'm from Pleasant Hill.. And i dont think i mind.. I mean, i'm a guy.. lol... but if i can't find any way either, i'll do it. (and if it matters, im 18 so cool, you wont be a pedo haha) Im desperate to go too. D:

Awe, I'm under 21.


If no one takes me in I will join you Is that okay?

Aww.... it sucks for us people who are alonee.. haha. We'll all figure something out maybe hopefully D:

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Guest Wendy1430265887

Aww.... it sucks for us people who are alonee.. haha. We'll all figure something out maybe hopefully D:

I know. Hopefully I find out what the deal is with my friends.

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Guest Masugomi

I know. Hopefully I find out what the deal is with my friends.

Good luck! don't give up! And if they don't go, im sure you'll find a way!!! (Same for me too i hope)

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Guest Rhonda21

Oh. Me me me. I was planning on splitting the room with someone but I can't check out a room yet. I heard you're supposed to be 18... So you would have to be the on to check out the room.

Ok the sponsor hotels sound nice, and i'd like to, but idk how much they'd be? And how far? in the end, is it really worth it?

i was supposed to go with 2 others, and now they're not going. I don't want to stay in a hotel and pay for it all by myself D:!!!!

I was totally gonna ask that question!!!! BUT idk it's so weird getting a hotel with people you don't knowwww!!! loooooooool.

idk. idk.

But it's ok, im an adult. i can handle these things. i hope.

i already have 3 other people with me and if those of you that are alone [and better yet, if ur 21+] you should stay with us since the more the better, less awkward, and less expensive

i mean if you only have like 3 ppl in the room and the other 2 are friends, it'd be hella quiet and awkward

last year we had 10 ppl and it was so fun ^^ plus we paid $10 for each night lol!

Yeah the year I went there was 8 of us (I didn't know anyone until that day) and it was a lot of fun. And yeah splitting the price really helped. I'm 21 but the year I went I was 19. I don't think it matters much.

I think its worth it because you get lots more chances of seeing the artists (at least from my experience). I guess it depends on the artists too like if they go out a lot and such. Either way its fun if there is a lot of people.

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Guest Masugomi

do u guys know when they'll reveal the first batch of singers?

People are saying after tickets go on sale. :D probably in groups of names.

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hmm so far it will only be me and my friend who's going. just two of us and we're still yeah under 21. well we were planning to not only stay by the 2 of us but if you book the hotel for 2 of u and end up going with 3 other people, will the hotel know it or something? and how about for breakfast and stuff? can you just walk in to the place without showing ur breakfast pass or dont they give u any?

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Guest Rhonda21


I don't know about the Wilshire but when we stayed at the Sheraton is was only suppose to be 2 people but turned into 8 and the hotel never knew. I think it was because there were so many people at the hotel at the time they probably didn't notice. I have no idea about breakfast though since we didn't get any. lol

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Guest didibabez1

A lot of people crashed in the lobby. People that didn't even stay at the hotel stayed in the lobby. It was cool. ahaha. I need a room though. I hope it's at the Wilshire again....

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Guest Masugomi

A lot of people crashed in the lobby. People that didn't even stay at the hotel stayed in the lobby. It was cool. ahaha. I need a room though. I hope it's at the Wilshire again....

When do we find out which hotel is sponsoring?

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ahh arasso arasso..

i just talked to my friend and she agrees to let some more people to crash in with us. so for those wo are insterested in staying at the hotel but doesnt have enough cash or people to do so, you can just contact me. don't PM me cuz i dont know what happened but i cant open my inbox (screw it), but you can just email me instead: michellelampard@hotmail.com thank you~~~


oops sory guys, thanks to EternalELF, i found my "future roommates" already lol

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Guest EternalELF

^ if nothing changes, it'll be around late march or so

i know right? very late

love how people are already really planning when this is like 4 months away

lol its always been like this with HB

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Guest V A L XD

I know this is a bit early. But..

2 Hotel Roomie wanted!!

I'm looking for people who are willing to share a room with 4 other girls.

We don't care if you're a boy. lol

Especially if you're traveling alone & just need a place to sleep for the night.

We're going to try our best to get a room at the sponsor hotel. I'm just hoping it's Whilshire again xD

PM me please :]

&btw, I've been planning this year's HB ever since last year HB ended. LOL

&also I traveled by myself for the first time at last years HB. & it was totally worth it!!

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Guest Rhonda21

lol I guess a lot of people are already planning for it. :D I'll work hard on booking that room. Please artists list don't disappoint me!

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Guest asianguitarguy

I sure hope SNSD will be there again. That was the highlight of the show last year for me. I wanted to greet them at the airport (I live by LA), but got bad info off this site and missed them:-( Hopefully they'll be back this year!

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Guest ellopauline

^i so wanna go greet the performers at the airport

I hope the release who's performing soon! i can't wait XD

Does anyone know if we can bring backpacks to the concert?

and how much is the food there LOL

i love how everyone is planning when its like four months away XD

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Guest ANJEE<3

can someone be ever so kind and post a step by step of the process of buying the ticket.. like can you choose exactly which section you want to sit in and etc?

if i go, it will be my first time!

honestly, the korean fest has never exactly caught my eye.. cause shinhwa was never there to my knowledge at least =(

but this year, i just have the biggest urge to do it.. so yeah.. haha

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^i so wanna go greet the performers at the airport

I hope the release who's performing soon! i can't wait XD

Does anyone know if we can bring backpacks to the concert?

and how much is the food there LOL

i love how everyone is planning when its like four months away XD

I saw a lot of people with backpacks, and HB staff did bag searches before we got up to the point where they were checking tickets. They were inspecting everyone's bags.

Buying food at HB is expensive! We brought snacks and drinks with us.

can someone be ever so kind and post a step by step of the process of buying the ticket.. like can you choose exactly which section you want to sit in and etc?

if i go, it will be my first time!

honestly, the korean fest has never exactly caught my eye.. cause shinhwa was never there to my knowledge at least =(

but this year, i just have the biggest urge to do it.. so yeah.. haha

You'll get to choose the section, but the ticketing computer will select the seats. Check out findjunebug's post a few pages back. There were a couple of screenshots of the ticket buying process.

Does anyone know which sections sells 2 tickets only? Like, can I buy just 2 seats for garden box?

All of the "box seats" (rampbox, garden & terrace) are sold in groups so you'd have to purchase all of the seats in that box. From what I can remember, all of the other sections can be purchased in whatever amount you choose.

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