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Kim Hyun Joong 김현중/金賢重/ キム・ヒョンジュン

Guest coreana

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I went there (to netizenbuzz) & did my 'oh what fools these mortals be' ranting LOL  OMG they are just unbelievable.  But again, WE are deluded.  Sure.

​Teleri - those Netizen's buzz - the English speaking version - there seems to be a lot of angry people looking for someone to hit or blame...to push their own agenda -

possibly due to the misleading comments added at the tail end that embroiders on the original statements - that implied that he HIT her - for example:

KHJ NEVER -  not once - ever said he HIT or Beat her - he said that it had gotten "physical"....

"physical" can mean many things - like stopping someone from raking their fingernails down his face by his holding their wrists,


while blocking a punch to him, when he pulls up his arms to ward off that blow - 


if she continued to try and punch him, he may have held her in a bear hug to prevent her from going berserk with her punching and kicking - 

What if -

she has high heels on and is trying to stomp on his feet, groin, ankle - whatever, and he has to use his legs to pin her

so - when he apologized (under duress) - that he hurt her - it could have been apologies for the harm that resulted as part of his defense....

Again - I may be wrong - the full story is not out, but this is a totally different way to read the situation from KHJ's side - different from all of the other negative nonsense that has been implied...I'm putting it out there...

I was thinking this from the beginning but couldn't really figure out how to write it out till now...

* * * * * * * 


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@Teleri Nyfain - Got on a tangent above - when the following was what I wanted to originally comment on concerning the NETIZEN BUZZ - there seems to be a greater evidence of negative statements toward "Miss A"  if Netizen Buzz count is correct concerning responses fro Naver Korea: see the count below - look at the numbers below...


On the other hand - At least the Korean version shows the number of people who agree with the article (Pro KHJ) far outweighs those who don't....


*      * * * * * * * * 

Kim Hyun Joong reps release photos from alleged time of assault and miscarriage

Saturday, May 16, 2015  kim hyun joong  351 comments



Article: 'Entertainment Relay' Kim Hyun Joong reps release pictures with ex-girlfriend, "There was no mention of a miscarriage in the petition"

Source: OSEN via Naver

Kim Hyun Joong reps, "If you look at their picture taken on June 7th at Jeju Island, just a few days from May 30th when she claimed to be assaulted, you can see that she looks fine. She claims that she was assaulted during pregnancy resulting in s miscarriage but she never mentioned that in her complaint."


Source: OSEN via Naver

Kim Hyun Joong reps, "If you look at their picture taken on June 7th at Jeju Island, just a few days from May 30th when she claimed to be assaulted, you can see that she looks fine. She claims that she was assaulted during pregnancy resulting in s miscarriage but she never mentioned that in her complaint."

1. [+12,058, -200] Kim Hyun Joong's girlfriend is so weird

2. [+9,856, -221] Didn't she say she was beat to the point of near death and broke a bone? Is his girlfriend an Avengers??? She looks fine???

3. [+7,170, -234] Where are her bruises in those pictures? Her due date for this pregnancy is September 12th, right? If there's no follow up news on that in 4-6 weeks, then there's a chance the kid isn't Kim Hyun Joong's. I hope they get the kid tested to make sure Kim Hyun Joong really is the father.

4. [+6,566, -156] Didn't the woman claim she miscarried from being assaulted during pregnancy? Who's telling the truth.. this is so makjang

5. [+1,189, -11] There are other people with them in the photos, then there are many witnesses that can testify to there being no bruises on her body ㅡㅡ

6. [+1,129, -12] There are clearly a lot of witnesses since it wasn't just the two of them on that trip, what was she thinking? She doesn't even look like she was assaulted in the pictures during that time. She needs to get what she deserves so she doesn't pull this stunt off again.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *  * * 


By the way - there are 2 (two) pictures circulating - the one with the half-face of KHJ - which looks photoshopped is - I think - part of the evidence that Legal CounselLee is releasing to the media as examples of photoshoppping  from "Ms A"'s side as part of her claim that she was still with him in June 2014...

I am not fully sure of the translation on that part - so please understand - this is my attempt to explain the more than 2-4 different pics floating around that are photoshopped of this day...and this situation...

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I spent sometimes today to read the comments in allkpop. One thing I found is people who kept defending a gold digger woman they have nothing else to say unless repeating the classic sentence  " He admitted he beat her " . This sentence was created by trash medias which is not based on fact because he has never admitted he beat her. He only admitted a mutual fight with pushing and pulling. The sentence has been used widely by outlet medias and medias online like soompi and allkpop and some others. Sadly these medias refused to report HJ 's side of story and never made it clear that HJ have never been charged with assaulted case.  I don't understand why they ignore this fact. . The created statement has been used to condemn HJ every now and then regardless of whatever the woman choi did or does.

The closed mind and haters simply do not care about justice. They refuse to acknowledge fact and evidence. They stick with the statement that was provided by trash medias which they can use to condemn KHJ no matter what..

I have come to the point that whoever run these trash medias have proved that they do not have any sense of morality and humanity at all ..

It's quite scary to realize that the news we are reading and the information we are getting are controlled by a group of cruel people who abuse their professional ethic..

@vivian6686 @TeleriNyfain  @theOne4me  @Shariman - that is so true - I was reading the faq sheet on Netizen Buzz and I found out a lot of the reason why we got such distorted information - apparently newsworthiness for Korean entertainment is dependent on Manufactured Hype - I am not saying this only happens in Korea - it happens in other countries on far too frequent basis - but on a government level of publicity - vs entertainment....

Specifically - what we are reading - is entertainment tabloid and internet level of entertainment tablodis - but this can make or break a star or idol....

Here is a quote from Netizen Buzz faq - their whole goal - it seems is to reprint the reactions to articles - with Hype  - being the major way of writing.....remember we are reading tabloid level of articles when we are reading about entertainment topics.

On the other hand - Legal Counsel Lee has been presenting his information on national TV - so far I have seen reference to KBS, and SBS possibly more.

Here is the article:


 "What is media play?

There are a wide variety of opinions on what media play is and it ultimately comes down to what each individual feels is appropriate. In a larger sense, media play is a company seizing control of the media to sway something in their favor, whether that be public perception or sentiment or recognition, or to run a smear campaign against a rival. 

The most direct form of it is companies buying out rankings to lodge articles about their artists to the top so that casual news readers will either look into them more or assume that they're popular enough with netizens to be ranked there. It's proven to work because if you do it enough times, overtime, netizens will buy into the hype and begin to associate the star with 'high ranking popularity'. A lot of idol careers are built off of this. 

If you haven't noticed, a lot of what Korean journalists consider news worthy stories are manufactured hype, and that's because companies play into the power of netizens and use it to exert their control on the media. 

Companies sending out PR for their artists is completely normal, expected, and even an absolute must. After all, the public needs to find out about a new music/movie/drama release, right? This is where the lines get blurred. Where do PRs about faked hype stand? I think I can safely say that netizens consider anything outside of the standard PRs announcing releases or comebacks to be media play."

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Ashley · @FortheLoveofKHJ

 17th May 2015 from TwitLonger

The reason why the recently disclosed pictures dated 6/7/2014 of Kim Hyunjoong (김현중) and Ms. Choi‏ are important....

According to the medical certificate in the Dispatch article dated 8/27/2014, the doctor observed "contusions and tenderness by pressure on buttocks, both arms, left shoulder, and left side of the face..." However, Ms. Choi's arms and face show literally no sign of such marks whatsoever in the 2 pictures dated 6/7/2014, only 7 days after Ms. Choi had supposedly been "beaten half to death" by Kim Hyunjoong (김현중). Oh, I almost forgot she even had had a miscarriage 3 days prior to 6/7/2014 after getting "repeatedly beaten in her stomach for 30 mins," ultimately leading to the alleged miscarriage. 

Now....those who have any sense of logic in them, pls do the math. Given the kind of bruises Ms. Choi had (her words and her picture...not mine), is it even remotely possible to heal that fast? If anyone ever saw the pictures of the bruises, then he/she would know that they are so black and blue, they can be spotted miles away. 

The following is the article by Dispatch dated 8/27/2014, which includes the medical certificate, along with the pics of Ms. Choi's bruises: http://www.dispatch.co.kr/108201TwitLonger is developed entirely by Stuart Gibson(@stuartgibson). TwitLonger is in no way associated with Twitter, but they sure do a swell job over ther

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If we recall those commentators in Netizenbuzz have never treated KHJ with respect, just remember the time he did Playful Kiss, the number of people who said he was bad actor, and also did not sing, so do not expect that now they will treat him with kid gloves. I'm sorry for what I'm going to say but in my opinion Netizenbuzz is like a cave where harpies and vermin feed on the misfortune of others, it may sound ugly but it is.

And for those comments on Allkpop and Soompi, I see two things: ignorance and a limited vocabulary; when you have nothing intelligent to say, you repeat the same thing over and over again like a broken record. There's a big lack of common sense and intelligence in these people who are trolls, they love to generate controversy and discussion; we had one here, who was the fierce defender of Ms. Choi, she/he repeated the same thing over and over again, it was like read a bad script of a soap opera. 

Let us not be carried away by these people, surely the only thing they do in their lives is sit in front of their computers to bash others, now is KHJ, tomorrow it can be anyone their new victim.

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Guest Aimee092

One thing that pisses me off a little bit is when someone will say, " let them settle this in private' or  ''why is the lawyer putting this in public? '.

   Well, the public should know what's going on.!  Some already formed their opinion about KHJ basing on Ms Choi's statements. Isn't it fair that his side should be known to the public ? Isn't it fair that his image should be protected as well?   KHJ is the celebrity here not MS Choi.., he has too much to lose than Ms Choi. he's easier to bash on because he is the celebrity. Haters will  forever be haters.  You cannot changed their already biased opinion on KHJ. I just stop  reading those kind of  comments .  It will just gve me wrinkles.:)




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If that !@%!  Choi had been discrete & not gone public (let's for a moment she had a legitimate legal complaint against KHJ)  then none of this would have played out in the media like a bad makjang daily drama.  She would have gone to the police, they would have done their job, KHJ would have done pretty much the same (LOL)   Since KHJ would still have been crucified in public, just from the charge of assault & later the fine, I am glad she decided to be stupid....

KHJ & his legal team (YAYYYYYY Lawyer Lee!!!!!) are simply trying to defend against Choi.  Her lies have defamed KHJ and hurt his career irreparably - of course he's got legions of loyal Henecians and still HAS a very viable career to return to on completing MS, but it can't be the same.  For one thing he'd talked of doing a drama before he went into service - not thinking it would be this public reality crap.....  

So I agree w/Maimee - the haters are now reaching for anything that remotely props up their increasingly violable position LOL

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Quoting :Teleri Nyfain


Sorry - for some reason the Quote part got mixed up - so I had to copy your name:


If that !@%!  Choi had been discrete & not gone public (let's for a moment she had a legitimate legal complaint against KHJ)  then none of this would have played out in the media like a bad makjang daily drama.  She would have gone to the police, they would have done their job, KHJ would have done pretty much the same (LOL)   Since KHJ would still have been crucified in public, just from the charge of assault & later the fine, I am glad she decided to be stupid....


Haha - you have no idea how much I was thinking that her repeated going public with the texts only added to KHJ's credibility...I am also glad she decided to be stupid.....

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I thought this was very important:

New post on The ramblings of an overthinker by Malavika


You, Me, Us and Kim Hyun Joong!

by Malavika

WELL! Things have heated up pretty quickly in the fans stratosphere hasn't it? Fans divided over what to speak, what not to speak. The quiet ones judging the loud ones for being brainless. The loud ones mocking the silent ones asking what their purpose of keeping quiet is. Now, I had decided that I wouldn't fall into this fight. But after a point, I decide to address it and put things to rest.


The unbreakable bond that we share!

The unbreakable bond that we share!

If you have observed the pattern by now, you will know that many media houses aren't being very forthcoming in spreading the truth about HJ by publishing Lee Jae Man Sir's statements said in the interviews! Heck! They haven't even had the decency to publish a proper translation of the lovely letter he wrote for us on the day he enlisted! It was fans who did it & shared it around so that the others can read it.You see what I mean? We have made better PR for him than the company he was under. Then on 16th May, they released the news of HJ's lawyer refuting Choi's claim of miscarriage. And that had a statement from Choi's side too saying they have enough "text messages" as proof (LOL!). Do you all get it now? They didn't publish it till they got some statement from her side too. What do we do at this time? Simple, speak about it ourselves. Spread the news about HJ being innocent. Can you trust them to be unbiased and publish the case's proceedings on time?No. We have all learnt the lesson from last August. Let's take it upon ourselves shall we?


He still smiled for all of us through his pain.

He still smiled for all of us through his pain.

Infact, HJ himself has said that he himself did not know what was happening until he saw the speculations we, as fans have been making. He said that he drew strength from us. He gained courage from us. All this happened because we were vocal about it, we screamed ourselves hoarse! Now, aren't you all glad that we did that, asking HJ to not backdown without a fight? Do you all realize how much power we all have together? Do you realize how important we all are for Hyun Joong?

Now, I got to know that some fans had problems with some of us using bad words for Choi. Really? After all those words that people called Hyun Joong last year and are even calling now, they expect us to be polite? To be honest, I am not the one to swear but somehow with this woman, the words just pour out. And besides, what each one of us say in our tweets is ours and our business alone. There is no need for people to point it out and get all judgmental about it! Don't like a tweet? Ignore it! You have a problem with that, talk to that person about it, there's no need to pull imaginary ranks and question one's love for HJ.


I'm amazed by the amount of strength he has displayed.

I'm amazed by the amount of strength he has displayed.

No one. And I mean no one has the authority to ask anyone if they are true fans or not! Let me make this very clear - My love for Hyun Joong is my business. Nobody has the rights to question it or look down upon it. What gives one the right to judge other people's love? Is there a set measure for it? Do people realize how stupid they are being?!

Just one sincere request to all Hyun Joong fans who don't agree with me. I understand that we have a difference in opinion. But please note that everybody is entitled to their opinion. Stop this judging! Focus on Hyun Joong and your lives in the next two years. Stop attacking people in the same fandom, calling each other names. Do you know how cheap all this comes across as? Fine, do not tweet about the news or use bad words for Choi. But understand you have no rights to stop others from tweeting it.

At the end of the day, we are all just fans for Hyun Joong. We are all EQUAL to him! He is thankful for each and every one of us for being with him through thick and thin! Each of us show our love to our Joongie in our own way. Just cut this stupid name calling and move on! You see once the fandom starts thinking that they are bigger than the idol they love - problems arise. We need to wake up before it gets too out of hand. We might not always see eye to eye but we all love Hyun Joong. Give each other space.

All things aside, I am really glad that Hyun Joong finally used some sense and decided to hire Lee Jae Man Sir to defend his case. Mr. Lee is a prolific lawyer who also teaches & has written text books on law. Rest assured that he will teach that lying thief some lessons too! He will do his job. Let us do our job by supporting him and sharing all news about his interviews. In marketing I have heard that word of mouth is the best method of spreading the word. If enough number of people make a note of it and speak about it then there will pressure on Choi's side to come clean. If we just keep quiet, she will remain in safe in the false cocoon she built for herself by fooling us. I'm talking about that apology letter where HJ had asked us to not speak about her or seek her out- the letter which she got modified and approved until only whatever she wanted was written. This was said by Lawyer Lee. Not me.

My blood boils every time I think of how much trauma she has inflicted on our sweet Hyun Joong! The panic he was in. The accusations by media, the bad mouthing. And he had to endure it all alone! You see, Hyun Joong is someone who just takes the blame if he thinks that that would help quieten the whole situation. And that's what he did up until now. I'm glad he didn't continue doing it. My heart aches when I think of him in that situation, all alone! Imagine the psychological trauma he would have gone through? That woman didn't just stop at him. She went for his family, his friends & even his fans. She's despicable and needs to be taught a lesson! She must know people are watching out for her. Waiting to see her next move. I'm sure Lee Sir will fire back the minute she comes up with another lie! Oh I am so grateful to Lee Jae Man Sir for taking up HJ's case! I can finally sayconfidently that justice shall be served!


Kim Hyun Joong - OUR Only One.

Kim Hyun Joong - OUR Only One.

Many thanks to all those who have been translating his interviews from Hangul to Chinese, Japanese, English and many other native languages so that all of us can read! Ever so grateful! Leaving you all with the one thing that Lawyer Lee said when the reporters asked him what Hyun Joong wants from all this:

"Hyun Joong Just Wants The Truth To Be Revealed."

*Spread love & happiness; not jealousy & hatred.

**All pictures are taken from the internet. Credit goes to owners.Malavika | May 17, 2015 at 5:03 pm | Tags: heneciaKim Hyun J

Edited by lkh2
too much white space - sorry can't seem to get rid of the white space
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Lkh2.  I really like the post from Malavika.  Thanks for posting it.  Was she saying that part of the fandom is turing on each other?  Is that what I'm reading.  It's late and I'm sleepy so I wasn't sure.  If so, this is not the time for us to turn on each other.  He needs a united fandom now more than ever before.   I agree with her statement that I think KHJ gathers his strength from us, his fans.  Thanks for posting.  

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Right on, Malavika!  Some of KHJ's fans have been silently supporting him, a LOT of us have been furiously defending him from slanderous, hateful, threatening comments from nasty netizens, some have been theorizing about Choi from the beginning.  I myself fall in that second category - I wasn't going to say anything about !@#%Choi without proof (not wanting to sink to the ociferous depths some of the KHJ bashers did) but certainly not about to let anyone defame him.

It breaks my heart as it does all his fans to hear how he handled this alone last fall :(  I know he realized he had a lot of loyal fans - all the support shown got him thru, as he said in his concerts and in that wonderful letter.  For ten years he's given his best to his fandom & his art, and it feels good to be able to repay that by giving him strength.  I'm sending more love to Lawyer Lee :D  

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Kim Hyun Joong reps release photos from alleged time of assault and miscarriage

Saturday, May 16, 2015  kim hyun joong  351 comments
Article: 'Entertainment Relay' Kim Hyun Joong reps release pictures with ex-girlfriend, "There was no mention of a miscarriage in the petition"

Source: OSEN via Naver

Kim Hyun Joong reps, "If you look at their picture taken on June 7th at Jeju Island, just a few days from May 30th when she claimed to be assaulted, you can see that she looks fine. She claims that she was assaulted during pregnancy resulting in s miscarriage but she never mentioned that in her complaint."


Source: OSEN via Naver

Kim Hyun Joong reps, "If you look at their picture taken on June 7th at Jeju Island, just a few days from May 30th when she claimed to be assaulted, you can see that she looks fine. She claims that she was assaulted during pregnancy resulting in s miscarriage but she never mentioned that in her complaint."

1. [+12,058, -200] Kim Hyun Joong's girlfriend is so weird

2. [+9,856, -221] Didn't she say she was beat to the point of near death and broke a bone? Is his girlfriend an Avengers??? She looks fine???

3. [+7,170, -234] Where are her bruises in those pictures? Her due date for this pregnancy is September 12th, right? If there's no follow up news on that in 4-6 weeks, then there's a chance the kid isn't Kim Hyun Joong's. I hope they get the kid tested to make sure Kim Hyun Joong really is the father.

4. [+6,566, -156] Didn't the woman claim she miscarried from being assaulted during pregnancy? Who's telling the truth.. this is so makjang

5. [+1,189, -11] There are other people with them in the photos, then there are many witnesses that can testify to there being no bruises on her body ㅡㅡ

6. [+1,129, -12] There are clearly a lot of witnesses since it wasn't just the two of them on that trip, what was she thinking? She doesn't even look like she was assaulted in the pictures during that time. She needs to get what she deserves so she doesn't pull this stunt off again.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *  * * 


By the way - there are 2 (two) pictures circulating - the one with the half-face of KHJ - which looks photoshopped is - I think - part of the evidence that Legal CounselLee is releasing to the media as examples of photoshoppping  from "Ms A"'s side as part of her claim that she was still with him in June 2014...

I am not fully sure of the translation on that part - so please understand - this is my attempt to explain the more than 2-4 different pics floating around that are photoshopped of this day...and this situation...

​Hi lkh2, thanks for sharing the photos. Is this she? Gosh..........the picture is blurry - I wanna see her face properly. She fakes the miscarriage. There’s no factual proof that she was ever pregnant. She should have better proof if she was so open about this situation. I still think that this woman is having a mental problem. I’m sick & tired of hearing about this woman. People who are blackmailing someone WANT it to be public. It’s like she planned everything. It sounds like a scheme to get a lot of money out of KHJ. :wub:

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Right on, Malavika!  Some of KHJ's fans have been silently supporting him, a LOT of us have been furiously defending him from slanderous, hateful, threatening comments from nasty netizens, some have been theorizing about Choi from the beginning.  I myself fall in that second category - I wasn't going to say anything about !@#%Choi without proof (not wanting to sink to the ociferous depths some of the KHJ bashers did) but certainly not about to let anyone defame him.

It breaks my heart as it does all his fans to hear how he handled this alone last fall :(  I know he realized he had a lot of loyal fans - all the support shown got him thru, as he said in his concerts and in that wonderful letter.  For ten years he's given his best to his fandom & his art, and it feels good to be able to repay that by giving him strength.  I'm sending more love to Lawyer Lee :D  

​@Teleri - I have seen your posts everywhere it seems - Drama Fever - Soompi - Allkpop  - Lazer Kim + a lot more other sites.... you have been defending him so INTELLIGENTLY, and TIRELESSLY, on just about any place where people can leave comments.

You keep your same name everywhere on these different sites - so it is easy to find your strong reasoned defense - thank you.

Thank you also to the many others who I have also seen in other posts on Soompi news - and on this forum - you are the  voice of reason when I get so upset at what I read - I don't have the emotional space to write a reasoned defense....

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​Hi lkh2, thanks for sharing the photos. Is this she? Gosh..........the picture is blurry - I wanna see her face properly. She fakes the miscarriage. There’s no factual proof that she was ever pregnant. She should have better proof if she was so open about this situation. I still think that this woman is having a mental problem. I’m sick & tired of hearing about this woman. People who are blackmailing someone WANT it to be public. It’s like she planned everything. It sounds like a scheme to get a lot of money out of KHJ. :wub:

* * * * * 

Sigh - The picture is blurry on purpose  and some Henecians are tweeting to not publicize any CLEAR pictures of her  before June 3, 2015 which is Ms. "A"'s civil suit against KHJ trial date - because it may impact our side negatively ...I agree with this position...why give Choi side any grounds for blaming our side?

However, I did see some tweets last night - that we should reprint and show the BLURRED pics released by Legal Counsel Lee as much as possible and retweet as much as possible - this I also agree...in fact - here it is again! From Samra tweets:

SAMRA KHJ retweeted

김현중 측, 전 여친과 제주도 여행 사진 공개(연예가중계) http://media.daum.net/v/20150516230206835/  6월 여행 사진을 보명 최씨 팔에 아무런 멍도 없습니다!!!!! 세상에..

View photo80 retweets19 favorites

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It seems as the korean people are more reasonable now than people on this side of the world. I refuse to go those sites as allkpop, soompi news, etc. just I read the news posted in the fan sites. Those haters will hate him whatever happens. Ugh...

Edited by Marcelita Garces
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Choi's side:

Apparently A's lawyer threatened to sue people if holiday pics

of HJ & A were posted!

But didn't he did that last Aug?ㅗㅗㅗ

credit translation @Princessmich123

from tweet by: @Miyokolovekhj


[Tweet Updates]

According to Choi Attorney:

There are instances of people to get affectionate after assault.

Its not strange to take affectionate pics 8 days later.

credit translation: @sunsun_sky

[Tweet Updates]

According to Choi Attorney:

There are many evidences to prove miscarriage & assault

including text messages between them at that time.

credit translation: @sunsun_sky



Ehmmmm..... What about the real evidence, as medical certificates, Mr. Lawyer?... It seems like someone doesn't know what to say...


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Something I'm curious about, I know Hyun Joong wouldn't need to be there during the Civil suit...but hasn't his lawyer also stated that they will file criminal complaints? So, wouldn't HJ need to be present if/when the criminal case goes to trial?!


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KHJ's lawyer says he doesn't need to be there.

LOL I am dying of curiosity about how a TEXT message proves a  pregnancy & miscarriage LOL LOL LOL  What it may show is that KHJ thought this creature was telling the truth - which is kind of obvious since he paid her $$$.  I also love how Choi's lawyer conveniently neglects to address the PERTINENT part of those photos - ie the lack of bruising or other injuries which the photos she gave Dispatch last year showed....  I guess we will just have to wait until the court date.

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^ Yeah his lawyer said he didn't need to be there June 3rd, cause that's for the civil hearing....but I'm meaning, when they file the criminal complaints. Won't that be a separate case? 


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