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class="yiv1131677061post-title" id="yui_3_2_0_1_1345870790166218" style="margin: 0px; " KIM HYUN JOONG on Hanryu Factory
id="watch-headline-title" style="font-size: 10pt; "KHJ 2012.08.24 id="watch-headline-title" style="font-size: 10pt; "
id="watch-headline-title" style="font-size: 10pt; "uploader: aloha1goo  
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[Scans] Kim Hyun Joong 




KHJ in Russian reporters' interview @ the Beijing FanMeetingKim Hyun Joong official microblogging/hyunbar66
cr v-prosument

KHJ for russian mag interviewcr. 7th edition of v-prosument.ru

SOURCE: http://www.v-prosument.ru/index.php/2012-07-20-12-53-39
Remember them, they were at HJ's FanMeeting and here's the write up in Russian Newspaper

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[guessing game] on kim hyun joong

Posted by liezleI have wanted to put this in a game because I’m so curious to know how many of you know the Christian name of Kim Hyun Joong.

Actually his Christian name has been mentioned on several programs and lately it was also mentioned on Star Secret.

So, what do you think is Kim Hyun Joong’s Christian name?

Is it Richard, French origin which means 'one of great strength'?
Is it Bernard, German in origin which means 'brave as a bear'?
Is it Leonard, the name originates from Germany which means ‘brave lion’?
Is it Raphael, which in Hebrew means ‘God’s healing’.
Is it David a Hebrew word means 'beloved'?
Tick your answer below...
pollcode.com free polls

For the answer...

Hyun Jong’s Christian name is [highlight the space with your cursor]RAPHAEL.

His fans sometimes call him ‘Superior Raphael’ which I think originated when during the 2006 MKMF he came out wearing a white costume. Splendidly looking like a perfect sculpture.

Not referring to the meaning of the name, do you think Hyun Joong Christian name suits him? I think so. I always think that Raphael is a name for handsome men. ^_^

This was event where his fans started giving him the nickname'Superior Raphael'. Thanks to violet for providing the photos.

omitted non related KHJ
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[Article] Acting : Pretending to be Others ?

repsoted from : Hyunnie Pexer's Blog


Acting : Pretending to be Others?

By: aprilstarr

Thalia Goldstein whom I attribute these words 'acting is pretending to be others', adds 'with no intention to decieve' and a strange phenomenon as well. But I find it not strange at all as there are actors in all of us as we take many roles, put on many hats for our earthly tasks only actors do it for a living, to entertain us. 

Acting is often referred to as a profession where one put himself /herself in the shoes of another. Easy? But the available training ground for thespians are growing - schools and universities where there are certificates and degrees to earn and many acting workshops to go through show it need far more serious and intensive preparations. An aspirant need a lot of exposure and bit roles to get started on the road. But in spite of the difficult training life the acting career dazzle. Why? It is the allure of fame and fortune.

Who is cut out to be an actor ?Ask talent scouts how they spot those potential stars. Where do they go to get their actor materials? They go to school grounds and school activities. They go to the malls, festival grounds where there are young people or they see their future bigtime performer working in a family restaurant.Guess who this one is? Is it all looks? Yes, some were naturally head turners and lookers to begin. No, others were not exceptionally attractive, or have a unique appeal, even plain and regular as anyone crossing the street. Others did not match expectations of what they will become like Go Hye Sun and and Su Ae who were initially considered as singers. Some were late bloomers who even hid their trying out acting audition like Song Ill Guk of the Jumong fame. Another accompanied a friend to an auditon but ended up being taken instead. Now a number of actors were pop idols first. 

Sometimes they say talented children are the more natural and uninhibited actors many times surpass their elders in skills and abilities-emoting on cues and delivering long lines. There are also actors past their golden age but seasoned formidable talents in their own rights. Actors in whatever age they say have to develop thick skins to succeed. High profile people like celebrities are magnets for controversies.But those who make it are not necessarily extroverts themselves. Some are the opposite -introverts but they transform once in front of the camera. Some even struggle when interviewed by the press or when in talk shows but they are not intimidated by the production crew shooting their scenes. 

According to psychologists, who have studied into what goes on in acting, the best training a wannabee can have is to be grounded in the theory of the mind -to be able to read what others are thinking of. To be sensitive to others' feelings using the cues of their body language, voice inflection, facial expressions,etc. In other words, before one can show them one has to know what to show. One has to be interested in others not just token interest. One has to learn how to listen. To be able to empathize -or to feel what others feel. Those are basic human prosocial behavior but that we have taken for granted in these hurried pace of our lives. 

Though acting is makebelieve, actors learned the ways to bring up emotions from the well of their experiences, or can learn them from lived experiences of others. We have actors who had to become participant observers in a certain occupation before they can act as worker.Or interview people who had been through it so they recreate them authentically. KHJ had to go through actual martial arts training not only to acquire skills but be exposed to the right attitude and disposition towards its execution. 

Acting may be pretending, but some of it are real feelings that surface due to certain scenes.One actor admitted he cried uncontrollably in a scene where he realized he fell in love with another male. Was the emotions real? Did he revive a deep seated fear it could happen or it had happened already? Acting allow actors to be other characters in many situations. How versatile, but how vulnerable they can also get. Though there are exercises they can do to snap out of it. 

Sung Yuri , main lead of Snow Queen where her character died, shared she was in a sad mood weeks after her drama ended. KHJ though he might have said this as a joke found it hard to live a normal life after being Jihoo. The spoiled rich kid, if you remember, used an expensive motorcycle and the famous helmet, owned a luxury house, drove not the ordinary cars, dined in the best food,went travelling in private jets, and donned designer clothes. But he could be serious. Imagine living as Jihoo and his perks 24/7 for several months could really make it difficult in shaking him off. Others sustained physical damage in their bodies from acting roles like unhealed broken bones and scars. There are those whose emotional life gets all topsy turvy as a result of broken relationships and even rumored abuses. But there are also the lucky ones who found the love of their life in reel becoming real as well. Where does the imaginary ends where reality begins ? 

Acting is not exactly terrain incognita for Hyun Joong having had 2 major dramas and other shows to his credit. But City Conquest brings the challenge several knots higher.Its demands require him to go beyond his flower boy looks for previous works. In fact,they don't want him to flaunt those looks at all. Though tell me if the rugged looks can really hide his handsome features. Instead, the current role ask him to deliver and receive deadly blows and kicks. Is he going to pretend he is doing the action? No, he is doing the fights himself- the real thing. But don't worry he studied how to do it methodically and safely. 

The rest of the backgroung preparation to be Baek Mir was internalization of the character traits. Remember we have to have chemistry with him and the rest of the cast so when we look at the screen, who will we see? It is no longer KHJ, the singer as Raven pointed out. It is going to be Baek Mir. Straight out of the pages of the Korean manwha into the drama. The comics story just a few years older than KHJ. Perhaps it was meant for him to do, it was waiting for him to breathe life into the character. And for the rest of us to believe he is the one. The wait will be over soon. 

In the meantime forget about William, Shillang, Jihoo, Baek Seung Jo and their leading ladies. Clear your heads and your hearts. It is time to fall in love with a new heartthrob and his lady love. 

Hello Baek Mir!

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Kim Hyun Joong… [article] STAR PRIVACY
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by LazerKim


By: LazerKim          Sometime in February this year I wrote the article Unity in One which talks about fans from different countries uniting in one Kim Hyun Joong. I still hold on to what I wrote even this article was written some months ago, what I have written in that article still is true to me. There is a cold war going on among Hyun Joong fans, and may I emphasize once again that I do not belong to any fan club of Hyun Joong. I stay as neutral as I could and would just like to share my humble thoughts.

Some fans shared with me a write up about one of Hyun Joong's history, to those new fans who are also confuse as I am!! LINK (http://www.twitlonger.com/show/j0dun5) This write coming from Korea. Unfortunately I wasn't around yet that time this started so probably the link may give you a brief history why there is a cold war.

The other day I lost my connection but I have written this article that I wasn't able to post. this is how all it started. Here it goes:


Today Aug. 23, I woke up 5am, as usual I replied on my comment boxes and emails from fans and log in to twitter searching for update photos. I came across a recent photo of Hyun Joong at the film set the scene (photo above) with the cast enjoy chatting but the picture of Jung Yoo Mi was changed to another celeb!! I said to myself, what is this?? My comment box buzz in, so I lost my thoughts about the picture and I proceeded to my writing reply to my comment box and when I came back to twitter I think there seem to be discussion or something that pertains to the picture.

Forgive me, I will not name drop so may I call Fan A as the one who posted the picture and Fan B is a member of a fan club from Korea who reacted to the picture. Both fans are active in their updates and I appreciate both efforts in doing. The original picture I believe came from Korea obviously since the credit here is written in Korean characters. I'm pertaining to the picture above. See, the girl standing at that picture that's Jung Yoo Mi and her picture was changed to another celeb in that shot, Jung Yoo Mi changed it to Hwang Bo!!

Here's how the conversation goes since I follow both so I was able to get this:

Fan B: PERFECT does not allow to edit or use any pictures. PLEASE delete this right now

Fan A: I did not edit the picture FYI. I just re-post it from weibo. And you can say it in a nice way I can understand.

Fan B: PERFECT does not share anything with Joongboers (Ssangchu) like you. Unfollow PERFECT and do NOT re-post anything from Perfect.

Fan A:  I unfollow those who are sarcastic what's the use of following. The picture I posted is from Weibo. How come you don't stop the one who posted in weibo first before barking on me.

Forgive me I do not know what FYI means, since I only copied the twit how it was written. For briefer, (Fan B) Perfect is the pioneer fan club of Hyun Joong and said to be the biggest fan base of Hyun Joong in S.Korea. (Fan A) Joongboers or Ssangchu is the fans who were pairing up Hyun Joong and Hwang Bo.


According to Fan A she got the picture from weibo, and just re-post it but she was not the one who edited the picture. Perfect now prohibits re-posting of photos from her camp to the camp of Joongboers. I think the concern here is the person who edited the picture. But then, at the twitter or weibo if photos and updates are posted anyone can pick it up, that's liberty we have at the twitter. A twitter user can not select whom she wants to share what she is posting. I just find it unfair to be selective with whom we share, and twitter I believe is for public since anyone can re-post whatever is posted.

Now I do not want to pass judgement on anyone but with all honesty, I do not understand why the picture has to be edited and change it to somebody else who is not even a cast of City Conquest in the first place.

As I have mentioned in my past articles, I'm not fond of pairing Kim Hyun Joong to anybody, be it celeb or non-celeb, and may I say it again, not unless Hyun Joong faces the camera and declares that he's having a relationship then that's the only time I would believe he is indeed having a relationship. And even he declares, I may write about her once, whoever his choice but I will leave that space Private on Hyun Joong's personal relationship and privacy. I have so much respect on him pertaining to this matter. This is my stand as far as personal relationship of Hyun Joong is concern. But this does not mean I'm against the fans who are pairing him up, I have friends from JoongBo too and my friends knows that I'm not against Hwang Bo. I even wrote an article about WGM. May I just clear that out.


If I were Jung Yoo Mi, I would probably be offended, I mean just for once let us be a little considerate. We can voice out our opinion, but to edit the picture is something else. Or this may be done just for fun of it, it's not a crime but still I find it improper. Well, this is just my personal opinion to whoever did the editing. My question now is, will Hyun Joong be happy seeing pictures like this?  Let's not put these people in an embarrassing situation, they are professionals. They are working and let's leave them in peace. I believe the picture had been deleted  and I do hope we can learn something here.

I do not know who did the editing of that picture, but I do hope you're reading this. What was being done to the picture created unnecessary fury among fans. Now here's my question. Do you think Hwang Bo will be happy once she get to see the picture?  I'm sure she wouldn't like the idea being 2nd hand replacement!! She's not a cast of City Conquest, to begin with!! If Hyun Joong wants to have a picture with Hwang Bo well by all mean why not? I got no problem with that, and it would even be better that way rather than editing pictures. I do hope we can learn something from here, this is getting out of hand.

There are lots of pictures trying to connect Hyun Joong with Hwang Bo that I have been ignoring simply because I do not want to offend my fan friends who are fans of Hwang Bo too. But with that picture, may I beg for your indulgence, to the one who edited the picture, but I find it insulting to Jung Yoo Mi. Don't get me wrong I barely know her and I'm not a fan of hers. This is just a matter of etiquette to whoever is Hyun Joong's current leading lady that I would like to point out. And I don't mean to be controversial here, just trying to point out some matters which I think needs to be brought up and learn from it.


August 25, 2012

Yesterday as I log in at twitter, I was surprised by the post the fans had been posting, it seem to me everyone had turned to Joongboer. I got two friends I know they are Hwang Bo fans, but I just found out others seem to be just hiding from the skirt of Henecia, now I found their true color. Are the fans now being segmented? Everyone seem to be calling for unfollow this and that, is this necessary? Can't we at least calm down, sit and analyse if we're doing this right?  I know I have no right to dictate, and I respect whatever you say. If you're reading this I hope I can get the same respect to hear me out.

First Question: How much do you love Kim Hyun Joong as all us claims to be??

Second Question: Do you think Hyun Joong will be happy with what is happening and this causing cold war among the fans of both camp? I'm pertaining to Kim Hyun Joong fans and Hwang Bo fan.

Third Question:  I believe we're all matured here, is this what we are going to teach the new fans and the young ones, to have WAR among ourselves?

Now sit back and hear me out anyway this my blog, let's have some respect and calm down. At this point may I humbly suggest this To the Joongboer or SSangchu, if any of your member has the guts to write Hyun Joong, Hwang Bo or KeyEast and ask them if they indeed is having a relationship, if they can face the camera and declare their relationship. If they will say YES then we will gladly accept it. But if they say NO I hope the ssangchu would accept it too.


This is just a suggestion that may resolve this problem. Some fans were being accused of having  imaginary relationship of Hyun Joong.  It's been four years since WGM and we don't hear from him declaring any relationship between him and her. Although at that write up posted with this article, it says both Hyun Joong and Hwang Bo denied the fact that they have relationship.

Two of my fan friends from JoongBo told me that their relationship is a secret. How can it be a secret if my two fan friends know about it and now I guess it's no longer a secret. JoongBoer have been posting edited pictures of Hyun Joong and HwangBo, and pictures of similar items that both have that anyone can have too. JoongBo have been trying to connect the two. I think the best proof of evidence is for Hyun Joong to come up front on camera and declare the said relationship if ever they have.

Hyun Joong can do it if he wants to, since he had openly admitted his personal relationship in the past, so I don't see any reason why he can't at this time. He even admitted being dump by his girlfriend! So not unless he speaks about his personal relationship, I would find it hard to believe he actually has. Hyun Joong has his own life, he has his own decision and he has his own privacy for us to respect. We are just his fans, we are bound to our limits that I hope we follow. One of the HB fan posted something like KHJ fans are selfish that they do not want Hyun Joong to have a relationship until he gets old!

I can only speak for myself being a KHJ fan, for me Hyun Joong can get married tomorrow or whenever he wish and whoever his choice. It was Hyun Joong's statement that he does not want to have a relationship and his career at the same time specially at this time when he's building his career ladder. I'm just echoing what he was saying. May I just clear that up, since it's his business not mine it's his life not mine. One of the JoongBo fans posted, "Open your heart, accept the truth".  It's only Hyun Joong who holds the truth about himself not Joongbo and if he has to spill out the truth again I would gladly accept whatever he say.


Fans have different opinion, and views, some may support other celebs other than Hyun Joong and this is an individual choice  that I respect. It's not Hwango Bo or anyone whom you support that I'm pointing out, but Hyun Joong's private life, personal relationship that I think fans had stepped on its boundary being fans. May I just remind our limitations being just a fan of Kim Hyun Joong. If that relationship is a secret as it was claimed to be, it should have kept instead of posting edited picture showing your proof about the said relationship.

This is my point, still it boils down to respect to Kim Hyun Joong, if a secret is entrusted to you then why broadcast it, what's the reason? You should have gone to the media and show those pictures, if they're convince then Hyun Joong has to face the camera to disclose the truth again! If he admits that there is a relationship, then fine, you don't need to edit the picture to prove. I'm just wondering for four years if indeed there is allegedly a relationship, I don't think Korean media is a less expert in tracking down Hyun Joong's relationship.

Everyone of us has the freedom to choice whom we support other than Kim Hyun Joong that is our individual decision which I respect among ourselves. As for me I support ONLY ONE and this is how it is gonna be for me and this blog sole for Kim Hyun Joong. I still believe that no matter how different we are, at the end of the day, we can still be One in Kim Hyun Joong in defending, protecting and supporting him. I still strongly believe this and nothing else matter.

Everyone had stated their opinion which I respect and I think I 'm entitled to it too with due respect. These are my thoughts and my stand pertaining to this matter.

                                                                                              LazerKim here writing

Photo credits as tagged Ms.D, KHJean14 thanks


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[Translation] Kim Hyun Joong interview for Russian newspaper
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reposted from : Hyunnie Pexer's Blog


credits: http://v-prosument.ru/index.php/2012-07-20-12-53-39
traslation into English: tonyvika @ http://khjinrussia.blogspot.com/
repost with full credits

Translating only the part of the interview

- Kim Hyun Joong,  there are many fans of yours in Russia and they wish you the belated happy birthday! Wish you joy!

HJ: Thank you very much.

- In one of your interviews, you said something that get us right here. You said that you do your best for achieving your dream and keep it real. Where do you get the strength to follow your goal? What or who helps you?

HJ: I alway try to concentrate on my goals and perfect myself all the time. I'm sure that I'll reach my goal and always think about it. Ofcourse, I get tired too and have difficulties sometimes, but my fans give me strength. So my goals only grow, to add up.

- As we know, you have a special attitude towards charity. Beeing a philanthropist - what means it for you?

HJ: Beeing a philanthropist is not imposrtant for me. I grew up in an ordinaty family, not rich nor poor. I think,  a person can do nothing without love, many love me and I'm grateful for it. I do not make commerce. In the past I had many thoughts about how to help people that's why I started doing charity work.

- Many fans started doing the same because of you. They try to do something great,  kind and helpful. What do you think, is it important?

HJ: I think charity is a good thing and everyone decides for oneself to contribute or not. I cannot force people to do charity. Many people follow footsteps of the persone they like. If I can be an example, then someday people will start doing charity themselves. 

- By looking at your work, we always assume that your agency, manager, staff and people who help you, are outstanding. Can you tell us about them?

HJ: Yes, they are, and many help me on this concert (the interview was taken during Hyun Joong's Beijing concert on June, 10th), including lighting technicians, sound control supervisor, manager, dancers, costumiers. My concert is not the result of only my personal outputs, my partners and assistances helped me and I'm very grateful for them. I think that successful concert is not only mine success but our joint success!

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id="watch-headline-title" style="margin: 0px 0px 5px; padding: 0px; border: 0px; font-size: 1.8333em; height: 1.1363em; max-height: 1.1363em; line-height: 1.1363em; color: rgb(51, 51, 51); overflow: hidden; font-family: arial, sans-serif; "KHJ Exclusive Interview on Sat Zone
uploader: bloomlion
Credit: Mel@Hyuniversal0606

clearer version
uploader: MDpitt0618

Source: Mel (@Neptune0606) Posted Saturday Aug.25th from Twitlonger, Thanks!

LINK: ( http://www.twitlonger.com/show/j1b59p)

Kim Hyun Joong's Exclusive Interview via Sat Zone

Rough English translation : mel@hyuniversal0606

Hyun Joong:   I miss all of you very much.

Q1. : And we miss you too Hyun Joong ^^ what did you prepare for Thai fans??

Hyun Joong:   I am very happy for this fanmeeting and also seeing so many fans welcoming me. Thank you very much. What special for this fanmeeting was that fans would come on stage, some will ger presents from me.

Q 2. : Your images of your new album is revealing your sexiness^^ do you consider yourself very sexy??

Hyun Joong:    Sexy?? may be not for me coz if I older, i wont be sexy anymore. So i dont think that I am sexy or anything ^^

Q 3. : You once said you'd like to be a Lion, why?

Hyun Joong:      It may sound very funny however due to my busy schedule I sometimes want to rest or having fun jus like a lion. I feel that a lion does live very freely.

Q 4. : If you were a superhero, what type of a superhero you woud want to be and what special power you'd want to have.

Hyun Joong:      I dont want to be a superhero. if i can choose, I would ask for more time to do my concert and to spend more time with my fans.

Q 5. : Anything you want to say to your fans??

Hyun Joong:     For my previous dramas, BOF & Playful Kiss, I had a rather cute character and very quiet but for City Conquest, I have to change my character to be a stronger person since there are many action scenes. Fans will see a different side of me. 

For my fans watching Sat Zone, I hope you will love me more and more (Sure we will keke) I will return you love by coming to Thaiand every year. And i will practise harder and come back with a better album and better drama. Thank you very much.

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Reposted from : lovekimhyunjoong.com by TheAlienprince

Some spoilers of CC's story plot in Japan?

shared by ridajun0324 on twitter
here is the summary of trans:
the scene shot this time was that the main role (KHJ) who is full of revenge washed ashore to jp after he was caught n thrown away? to the ocean, and he was helped by an employee fm Nikko Edomura, then had peaceful time just for a short time (at yatai yokochou). Because of the demand, “the place where shows Japanese atmosphere“, 屋台横丁 (yatai yokochou) was chosen for the shooting place.


Translation of the news article shared by okamiden:

Anticipating project 'City Conquest,' will we able to see this year? 
Translated from: http://m.media.daum.net/entertain/enews ... 3172704009
Translated by : Sarashiyun@twitter / 4dleader4ever.blogspot.com

(Only part mentioning CC translated) 

[4D News] Anticipating project 'City Conquest,' will we be able to see this year?

Translated from: http://m.media.daum.net/entertain/enews/view?newsid=20120823172704009(Only part mentioning CC translated)R_430x0_20120823172705031.jpg  Drama 'City Conquest' is struggling on deciding a  broadcasting network. 'City Conquest' starring  Kim Hyun Joong, Nam Goong Min, and Jung Yoo Mi is gaining anticipation as it is participated by 'Iris' production team. Kim Hyun Joong, who's coming back to the home screen after 2 years is gaing attention as his manly stills are releasing.

Recently, shooting in japan has finished and is now shooting in Korea. It's been revealed that their goal is to air the drama by the end of this year in the 3 major networks. (That will be SBS, MBC, KBS)However, as for now, the drama line-up for the 3 major broadcasting network is full all year round.

 A representative stated "Currently, we are negotiating to air the drama in the 3 major networks by end of this year or early next year. We're thinking about shooting a large amount beforehand." and continued "like Japan, the drama airing in other foreign countries are high.

Translated by: Sarashiyun@twitter
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SOURCE: http://starin.edaily.co.kr/news/NewsRead.edy?newsid=01167686599631256&SCD=EA31&DCD=A10102
CREDIT TO : @ Xi Kim Ha Neul my woman is the most beautiful/@Cheong

Bae Yong Joon # Kim Hyun Joong # , company Keyeast officially announced to set up their own TV production company established name for Contents K drama production company to have a certain funding and standards, some drama production company can do artists brokerage live, but in most cases will be relatively clear points, the first production of the play will be Kim Jung-En.

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Kim Hyun Joong… [article] PRINCE CHARMING
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by LazerKim


 By: LazerKim            

Kim Hyun Joong has a thousand different faces or images, I wonder what could be your favorite among all those images? Majority of my readers had first seen Hyun Joong at BOF, he may had been given the second lead role at BOF but he earned a huge global attention. I would think Hyun Joong portraying Yoon Ji Hoo is like Prince Charming specially the memorable scene of Yoon Ji Ho playing his violin reflects an image of an innocent Prince, the handsome, gentle, protective and hopelessly romantic. But behind that image in the real life there's more to it from the star who portrayed Yoon Ji Hoo!!

Whenever Hyun Joong is on his exposure, we are all busy with updates following him as the news flows everyday about his activities for the day. When he's in silent mode, we do miss him quite a lot. What do we do? As for me, I review the recent events as it transpired. If the silent mode of Hyun Joong goes a bit longer, I start reminiscing the past which gives me a good feeling of relief, light and loving. I enjoy myself looking at his pictures of different hairstyle od Hyun Joong looks like staring at different men!! But he's definitely Only One.

 In one of my articles a fan from US wrote at my comment box that caught attention from the comment box as she mentioned: "I engrossed myself in looking at the million different hairstyles/hair colors and various physical changes from baby-faced very pretty guy (prettier than most girls) to more manly looking."


As we all know whenever Hyun Joong goes out there on his exposure, we see something different from him as if we're seeing another different guy. Hyun Joong is very fond of changing his hairstyle or hairc color from time to time. When I first started following him, the first thing I did was to collect pictures of Hyun Joong with different hairstyles and hair colors. All the while I thought I was the only one who would take notice and be interested in his constant physical changes! And that is why I put this comment up here, and thanks for sharing your thoughts, you know who you are.

Watching from Boys Over Flower as majority of my readers first met Hyun Joong, among the F4 he's the only one who had changed his hairstyle and color for quite a number of times within the entire episode of the drama. I was attracted to Hyun Joong as soon as I have seen him in this drama. But the image that gave the strongest impact I think not only with me but even to the media, is Hyun Joong's manly Breakdown image, in his dark short hair, his leather suit and dark glasses. We may have our different favorites within Hyun Joong's different hairstyle, but for me this is my favorite, the one you see on my wall and it will stay as it is till the end.

This image of Hyun Joong is very significant to me, because this is where I was fully captured by him. I was attracted to him watching from BOF, and my first impression of him was "this guy is a model". I like the way he walks and dress up like a prince should be. I was able to let go of him though. But this one in 2011, from the time I have seen him in dark short hair, it was from a photo at YouTube that says Kim Hyun Joong.


Then I said, no this couldn't be him. I search further on YouTube and the video of Hyun Joong's Breakdown MV was what I viewed, I was astounded, mesmerized and I can't ask, where's the flower boy gone now? What happen to him? I can not forget that night I started browsing from 7pm and end up 7am the following day, still unbelievable trying to find what happen to Hyun Joong!! From that time on, I couldn't let go anymore. And from there on, my life changed.

Hyun Joong shocked the entire world with his changes and the media went crazy about him on his debut album and had brought the album to the top of any Music Chart for three consecutive weeks bringing home three trophies. I remember there were two critics at one of the blogs and chatting at the comment box asking each other as to what part of Hyun Joong's face that had the plastic surgery!! I was all laughing at them that I couldn't say it's his hair that made his face looks different. I want to say, hey girls, Hyun Joong already hit the top at the chart your idol left behind and you're still crazy discussing plastic surgery!!

It was at this period Hyun Joong had shown the power of transformation and it was here he had shown that the flower boy was already a grown up man. I can still remember that video clip as he was interviewed by media right after his TV performance at the back stage Hyun Joong was still catching his breath as he said "I want to show my manly side to my fans and I hope they will like it.!! He still has his fans in mind not minding being tired after the performance and probably not even aware of the strong impact his new image had brought the entire world!!


Only after a month Hyun Joong changed again, from the black short hair to the blonde short, and he different again!! He traveled for The Face Shop Asia Tour, promoting his Breakdown album and The Face Shop since he was the official product endorser. After a few months, he made another surprise as he launch his second album Lucky guy. This time his hairstyle was totally different again, it's a bit longer and curly. The album came up in a success again just like Breakdown and the year 2011 ended as Hyun Joong pick up all the trophies of different awards from here and there. It was endless success until at present.

What makes Hyun Joong different among the rest of the artists? He has the ability to self transformation in such a unique way. Why is it that there are a lot of singers with good quality voice, superlative but couldn't make it to the music chart? Many artists has been in the industry for years and yet their popularity growth does not improve? In many awards, there may be a lot more good actors and yet they couldn't get an award. And I wouldn't say these artists are less competitive because they are much better than the artists who won. Hyun Joong started his solo career last year 2011 as a singer and yet he had accomplish a lot more than what was expected.


What does Hyun Joong possess that others can not have? Some may think he's overrated which I totally disagree. As I have said in my other articles, it is not enough for a star artist to have superlative talent to reach his stardom. It takes a lot of factors that makes up a star. In my country I remember having two female superstars who were unbeatable for so many years, both are singers and actress. One is beautiful but an singer, and the other one is not so beautiful but a good singer. Both were good actresses only after some years of experience. They may be competing but both are equally winners and until now both have retired but no one had ever taken their crown. 

Talents can be developed, but the "IT" factor is inborn to an artist. The natural personality, stage appeal and magic charisma of an artist if he has stays. An artist can not be popular by himself alone no matter how good he is. As I have written Strong Hold that talks about the importance of artist agent, they too have the responsibility to groom their managing artists. As I have mentioned in that article that agents and producers plays an important role in the success of their artist. If you remember Hyun Joong's history that at DSP just before he could do anything in his audition, Hyun Joong was told that he was already accepted.

The producers or agents can identify that IT factor in an artist, right from the start upon seeing Hyun Joong DSP already knew Hyun Joong has a good future as an artist. They knew right from the start he can outshine anyone beside him. KeyEast entrusted their confidence on Hyun Joong gave all everything what it takes to win. And Hyun Joong proved himself more than what KeyEast expects from him. His magic charisma is remarkable that none in the industry had ever doubted. He might be criticized in his talent but never in his personality.


Who among the artist can easily transform in the most natural way? Hyun Joong just have to either chage his hairstyle or hair color and wallah, as if you're looking at a totally different person. In performance he is overbearing on any stage, by just letting him stand and not doing anything can already call an instant attention and not just attention in a glimpse but his aura stays within that his audience's eyes are glued on him.

What more if gets to move and rock the stage? He just can capture the hearts of many. What more when he talks? Oh at first I would joke, Hyun Joong is very handsome just don't let him talk! Because once he start talking it's either you'll laugh or you'll cry!!! That's his magic, he talks carelessly with complete honesty.

Some may doubt about his winning the Best Artist, simply because people still has the stereotype definition of being an artist have to be superlative in his talent. I don't think so. Not all excellent talented artist has that "it" factor. And I would say it's very rare for an artist to possess such trait and Hyun Joong is one of the few who has what it takes to be a star. In his documentary, a producer said he can even rise up to the heights of stardom. You may say Hyun Joong could even hardly smile, that's true, but when he does, you'll be caught up looking for that magic smile again and crave more than just a smile.


 And now may I ask how was Hyun Joong able to captured your heart? And how was he able to stay in your heart that you find it difficult to let go, but instead you can't get enough of him. There are many reasons what made us head over heels fall for him, and honestly, I have been writing about him for months now continuously I still haven't got more profound reason that may describe my attachment as a fan to my idol and the question why him?? There are many Kpop idols that you may say much better than him although for me, Hyun Joong is beyond comparable.

Among all the stars or among my previous favorites that I would say there are similarities in their star personality. I can't evaluate them by their personal traits in reality since I barely know them at least not as much as I know Hyun Joong. I only know that they are good artists, so I can evaluate through what my eyes can see, and I would say among all of my previous favorites, Hyun Joong has the power to self transformation which he finds it comfortable for himself with less effort. And I think this is something unique for a person to possess.

Take notice that anything he does to himself, he stays as handsome, and his charisma is overbearing that is so irresistible to anyone. He can charm anyone who is in front of him with less effort and just being his natural self.  It's so amazing to have known a person like Kim Hyun Joong as he possess a magical charm on and off stage that can melt your heart out.

You are not in a dreamland to imagine someone who's far out from reality or a man made image created by dream.  But this a reality in describing Kim Hyun Joong as the Prince Charming in our daily life. For today's daily dose, a thought of Prince Charming in one star Kim Hyun Joong...

                                                                                               LazerKim here writing

Photo credits at tagged, Ms. D thanks!


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Billboard Japan names Kim Hyun Joong as the most outstanding K-Pop Artist in 2012 Billboard Korea

    credit to : https://twitter.com/OnlyKHJtimes source: http://billboard.co.kr/v1/news_view.html?i=30136&t=464#.UDqws0mCQT0.twitter credit to Billboard Japan names Kim Hyun Joong as the most outstanding K-Pop Artist in 2012 goggle translate it:

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[billboard Korea] Korea and Japan over Dokdo rivalry sharpened are getting. However, the cultural exchange is seamless. Korean singer still raise local influential music chart-topping Billboard Japan, Oricon charts, etc. in the name of a show of force and healthy.Billboard reporters from Japan, the first anniversary of the Billboard K-Pop Hot 100 chart launch diagnose why K-Pop has become popular in the Japanese market saw

Who is the rookie who played the first half of this year in Japan, the biggest Reporters were to plug in the male group SS501 from Kim Hyun Joong. Japan debut single in January, Kim Hyun Joong 'Kiss Kiss Lucky Guy' released posted 122,000 sales over chapter. Only 18 million copies sold the first week away last month announced a single album, 'Hits', topped the Oricon singles weekly chart. DVD containing live performances swept the charts. Kim Hyun Joong plays the bear was in Billboard Japan. Billboard Japan's Yamaguchi (Yamaguchi) and Mr. Hira (Hiraga), "successfully debuted as a solo singer popular thanks to Kim Hyun Joong from SS501 days accumulated," he said.

Then Japan entered the market Chronicles Korea singer who was the most successful of the acclaimed? Billboard Japan journalists unanimously chose TVXQ Deserting even skiing Oka (Sugioka) Mr. exit "TVXQ is still walking around in a new world record," said team member three people it made the contract as the exclusive agency of conflict was said to be shaken phase. Hiraga Mr. TVXQ's popular "the first generation of Hallyu seen the same basis Dodgers placed because it was possible. The resistance of the Japanese consciousness about the Korean culture has been reduced a lot, "he said.

The Japanese market, the second largest in the world, Korea singer was able to penetrate does. Billboard Japan experts cited the Japanese version, the mature high-performance, nostalgia melody. Mr. Yamaguchi the "effective verification from Korea's popular songs translated into Japanese and we placed it," he said. Hiraga Mr. create attractive spinning ear .1980 1990s are the advantages of the K-Pop J-Pop style would be similar to the local people, gives intimacy. Female singer looks might like Japanese beauty has also explained. Another official said, "The completeness of the title song deda aimed at the world market, a music video was created by Impressive. Wife subverted a great scale as "flattered set Skiing Oka, said management's systematic system also developed a good singer. "Exactly how to identify and address visa like any genre of music. Singer who dig system is being improved day by day seems to be "he said.

Argues that high ranked low production costs compared to the Japanese singer and music of K-pop singer released Mr. Yamaguchi records saga singer of Korea to lower CD prices made by locals to be able to buy. Korean singer naemyeo the relatively cheap price of the CD, while expanding the market opportunity to grow a Japanese singer seems to be gradually disappearing, "he said. Opinion

Then K-Pop to widen the top place to stand and complement what you need to do.Hiraga said, "a lot of the artists of a similar nature. To resurrect the personality, "he said.Little star singer "ongoing issues. Influential singer should come out, "he added. Skiing Oka, "said the singer often get noticed aspects of non-activity (such as privacy disclosure or rumors). Build up a good image, "I'll have to go. Thinking.

Eun Joo Kim reporter happykim@billboardk.com 

Keywords : Kim Hyun Joong

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f8b39af372edc530409b059048537fb3?s=50&d= class="yiv997579653post-title" id="yui_3_2_0_1_1346095605151167" style="font-size: 20px; margin: 0px; "Fanwars comes down to one thing: our inability to deal with differences class="yiv997579653post-title" id="yui_3_2_0_1_1346095605151167" style="font-size: 20px; margin: 0px; "
by wonderrrgirl

It's so happening yesterday, or is it still going on now? I haven't been looking for a long time, and I happen to catch one or two tweets about it. Wow. Fighting, argument, disagreements. Entertainment. I'm just an entropy fan, who likes trouble and destruction. Hey, at least I admit it, like George Carlin did.

But let's pretend I'm so concerned about humanity like most people do everyday. Let's discuss this seriously.

Before I start, I like to give my own personal history because I'm so filled with self-importance.

I came to know Hyun Joong from WGM Joongbo too. Honestly? If it wasn't for this show, I will still be thinking HJ is just some orange-haired guy with dismissible acting. Sorry guys :D But I am no longer part of fandom (I am just an ordinary blogger with a locked twitter account and a lot of unpopular opinions.) so I have no responsibility at all to keep up with all the "protection" that apparently we're supposed to feel responsible for. I shall write and troll as much as I want, and dude, you cannot stop me :)

Besides, what's wrong with being honest with your own opinions? Don't like other people's opinion? Don't read. And deal with it; the world is make up of people with different opinions.

Okay, back to Joongbo. I love WGM. WGM's pairing up of Hyun Joong and Hwangbo is probably one of the best things that ever happened, because let's face it. You can go out and ask HJ fans the reason how they got to know of him in the first place, and many of the fans will very likely answer 'WGM Joongbo'. Not all. But a lot of them.

The reason is because in this show, HJ showed a side of himself that many people don't find easily in just anyone; a guy born with a natural flair for candidness, who think of things that others wouldn't, and could make people amused without making an effort. I have to say Hwangbo is a good match too, because she isn't like most idol stars who are on WGM now. She is tanned, easy-going, loud and not afraid of show a side of herself that some may not consider feminine. In short, she's just comfortable with herself, yet also willing to show her own insecurities (like when she didn't think HJ likes her as much, or that she's too old for him, etc). She's good to watch, because she isn't just some pretty vase who only tries desperately hard to look good on camera.

I think her willingness to laugh at HJ's jokes, laugh even when HJ doesn't show normal concern and care like most would, and her willingness to coax HJ out of his awkwardness makes her a good partner to work with for the show.

Of course, hehe, whatever I've just described may just be all scripted. Who knows? Who cares? As long as I enjoyed it, and I believed it while I was watching, and that I like them afterwards, that's all that matters.

Of course, some people came out of this show being fans of the two couples. Some even carry hope and belief that they secretly love each other but couldn't be together because of all kinds of restrictions. Some actually believed that they are in some sort of secret relationship.

Honestly, nobody knows for sure what exactly is the truth. If the whole show is scripted, they've done a great job. If the whole show isn't scripted, they've still done a great job because I too really want to believe that the 'relationship' they have on the show is real. Why would I want that? Simply because it was such a joy to watch them and such a pain in the heart when it ended just when things got so lovely.

WGM Joongbo changed my life. Until this day, I cannot forget how the last few episodes had put me in such agony about the upcoming ending. It introduced Korea into my conscious. It gave me the reason to learn a language. Of course, I loved this show, I love both of them for being so awesome and funny. And of course, I emerged from the show with more interest in Hyun Joong than Hwangbo. (I'm not very interested in girls other than respect for those that I like) Hwangbo has a personality on the show that I like, same reason as why I particularly liked SNSD's Yoona after seeing her scream her head off and running like a mad girl in Running Man. They're both beautiful in different ways, but they both have enough self-confidence to show a side of themselves that some may not dare to, for fear of destroying a perfect, dainty and clean image that some struggle so hard to maintain.

You know, when I first became a fan, everything was so simple and easy. I just like this show, and I like their interactions together. I too hope that whatever I see on TV is real. I too hope that if it has to be any girl, it'll be so great if it's Hwangbo. Everything is easy, when you're just a fan out of thousands out there, who watches idol stars on TV and is contented with just that.

But when curiosity killed the cat and pushed me to find out more about them, I discovered that there are actually people who dislike this show, and dislike those who fantasize about a possible relationship between them, and people who thinks all kinds of negative things about Hwangbo. Suddenly, things don't look as simple as it used to be. Why did I try to find out more? Whatever it is, it destroyed the initial happiness I had watching them. I moved on to become a fan of HJ, but always feel strange about WGM. It's like, a crime to express any support for WGM Joongbo couple, EVEN if it's purely just love for their excellent partnership together in this program. Why did things have to become this way?

When this whole fan war erupted, all I can feel is amused though. It's just amazing, to see how people can easily get torn apart by differing opinions. People can richard simmons all they want about how they're fine with differences and with different opinions. The truth is, most people hold on to a condescending view of those who think differently from them. And they can't resist being a troll if they don't agree to that opinion. They just NEED to fight it out. It's human nature. That's why we have so many wars over differences. We're so concerned about our differences, rather than what brings us together. Nobody thought about things like, "Hey we're all humans no matter which god we believe, so let's not fight over religion" or in this case, "Hey, we're all fans of HJ in one way or another, let's not fight over the different ways we choose to like and support him".

No. If you are different or just extremely vocal about your differences, people can't help richard simmons things up with you. It's human nature.

I guess things will be a lot easier if people mind their own business and do their own things. Like what you like and let others do what they want. Let them be happy with what makes them happy, and find things that makes yourself happy too. Why get so defensive over everything? It's getting scary how people think they're responsible to protect some guy they don't know personally.

You know why I deleted all my HJ entries, locked my twitter account and removed myself from this fantasy world? It's precisely because of the fact that I don't consider myself responsible for the well-being of some guy that ultimately is just his own person, and he doesn't need my help to "protect" him. And ultimately, I do not want others to view me as some sort of "veteran fan" who is in any way responsible to 'educate' new fans about how to be a fan, or set some kind of exemplary example about how to be a good fan. Geez. I'm just some ordinary blogger who wants and HAVE the right and freedom to write whatever I want. I don't belong to some imaginary secret society whose mission is to prevent some guy from getting hurt by unpopular opinions and comments. I do not practice self-censorship. This is my vow, the moment I made the decision to escape.

Escape sounds downright scary. But don't worry, I did not cut my fingers off or offer blood as payment for removing myself from this scary secret organization. I am still whole and good, mentally and physically.

Back to topic. I guess some of them do have some right to be royally pissed off with those who stupidly step over other people's boundaries, like using other people's product/image to satisfy your own desires. Always learn independence. Use your own material, produce your own stuff.

But what can we really do? There'll always be trolls who don't observe this I guess. Some people JUST has to use a copyrighted material, and some JUST have to edit a picture despite countless warnings and reminders that the original owner does not want his or her material altered or modified in any way. Some people just don't read, don't listen and don't know how to follow instructions, despite leaving warnings and reminders all over the place for them.

To which, richard simmons them.

And to rude, interfering people who likes giving others the third degree just because they can't deal with others who have different opinions, richard simmons them too.

After they are properly disposed of,

may the rest of us happily enjoy whatever we want in peace. ♥

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