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Kim Hyun Joong 김현중/金賢重/ キム・ヒョンジュン

Guest coreana

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Omg can thus get any better?!?! Kim soo Hyun with wuri hyunjoong! The k entertainment gods heard me as my wish is for me to see through this pics!

I had almost lost hope that I'd saw this two together other than that of the MAMA awards where soohyun presented hyunjoong's award for best male solo act. I had been hoping that these two juggernauts in the music and acting world of k entertainment would somehow be seen or have a paparrazzi pic taken of them since they are from the same company, but a year has come and gone and nothing came to fruition of my wish, but now! Woah! Thanks thanks to all those who collaborated and brain stormed so that these two would attend the lotte event together... Kekekeks..!

[scan] Kim Hyun Joong - Lotte Event Features at Oriental Daily (HK Newspaper) 31.03.12

credits:   sphj0606.blogspot.com

Re-post with full credits.


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Guest nadzyvy

[Article] Kim Hyun Joong - If you feel the same (by wonderrgirl)  


Credit: http://wonderrrgirl.wordpress.com 

As usual, the  hellish weeks are still ongoing, and I was just done with a  presentation, so I’m giving myself 30 minutes break to write a blog  entry before starting to write my last group project essay (Tourism  again).


Despite the  busy life at the moment, I was still able to find time to listen to Hyun  Joong’s new song for the upcoming Drama “Marriage Plot”. This song is  called 그대도 나와 같다면 and it seems like it’s being translated to “If you’re  like me”. If you ask me, I think “If you feel the same” is a liberal but  more accurate translation, which some translators have also used.  

Just like the  other fans, I was looking forward to this song as well, having heard the  one minute trailer and I like it almost immediately. When it finally  came out, I was listening to it with my friends before returning back  home to read the lyrics while having the song played on my iTunes; that  was when I was struck because it brought so many thoughts into my head  reading it.  

Have you guys  checked out the lyrics? Because if you haven’t, you should. Stephanie  has done a very good translation of this on her blog, and I will repost it here as well for easier reading:

Source: Bugs Mobile apps (벅스모바일)

Translation: Stephanie (@5StarsAs1/

Please leave the credits remain intact when repost.

English translation


If you feel the same

If you feel the same

Can’t even make a step, only tears fall within any minutes

If you feel the same

You should be looking at my eyes right now

Love becomes deeper like this, I wanted to stay beside you for a little while more

Wiping away your tears with my hand

Letting the pain slipping away without being noticed on the other hand

(correction thanks to @wonderrrgirl! ^^)

Trying to ignore this weakening self

Can you see I’m running towards you?

If you really feel the same

If you feel the same now

If you can feel my earnest longing

Even if you enter a completely different world

Even if you enter a world without me

We could feel the same

My heart just wanted to stay beside you

Slowing down my pace, to walk beside you

Trying to ignore this weakening self

To tell you that I love you, to tell you that you’re my only one

If you really feel the same

If you feel the same now

If you can feel my earnest longing

Even if you enter the completely different world

Even if you enter a world without me

We could feel the same

If you feel the same

If you feel the same

You should be thinking of me right now

If you feel the same

  -  What are your thoughts after listening to and reading the lyrics? 

As for me, I  couldn’t help but feel that this song uncannily describes a part of life  for Hyun Joong, or rather, any celebrity out there whose love lives can  never be made public easily (as we already know). But what we also  assume all the time is the fact that these very handsome and hot idols  can literally get any girl they want out there. With their good looks,  charisma, popularity, income level (at least for the successful ones)  and other forms of cultural capital, who wouldn’t want to be with a  celebrity? I guess it’s just such a given, that life will always be as  bright and perfect as it was depicted on any typical idol drama where  everyone ends up with a very happy ending. (Either that or they all die  and the show ends, but let’s ignore that other extreme. On the whole,  many dramas ended happily; the hot main lead gets the guy/girl all the  time.) 

But if you have  watched a lot of what the celebrities are saying, which they reveal  occasionally, especially the more senior ones (sunbaes) who reached a  stage in their career where revealing this very private aspect of their  life will not jeopardize their career in any way; they started revealing  how they’ve gone dating and have girlfriends in the past, and what’s  striking is how things don’t always work out perfectly, or the way we  think they would for these very attractive and seemingly perfect people. 

But what I  gathered after listening closely to them talk about their love lives is  that things are not as good as we think. Perhaps being a fan and how it  is probably many fans’ dream to become the girl/boyfriend of their  idols, they couldn’t possibly imagine how anyone wouldn’t want to end up  with them. But the reality is when it comes to a real relationship with  a idol star, the stakes involved are probably beyond what most people  will normally think about.  The fact that  the whole relationship has to say hidden, and how they couldn’t be like  normal people who go on dates in the movie theaters or take romantic  walks on the streets, is one factor. Also, the other partner who isn’t a  celebrity (or just a commoner) will have to deal with the fact that  there are thousands of others out there who’re all ready to grab their  celebrity boy/girlfriend away from them. 

More  importantly, this partner also have to accept the fact that the life and  job scope of the idol is to perform, please the fans, and sometimes  even having to act out roles as the lover of another person in dramas or  MVs. Their celebrity boy/girlfriends are going to be surrounded by very  good looking and attractive people, and goodness know what other things  they have to go through as a couple. 

In view of  that, it is very common that they may not always end up with the people  that they love, because ultimately, the lack of understanding, or the  inability of the other party to understand the circumstances in which  celebrities like Hyun Joong has to be in makes it very hard for any  relationship to go on.  

Not long ago,  Hyun Joong mentioned that he has recently met the girl of his destiny in  a Japanese magazine interview, and how he is surprised/amazed to be  feeling this way. This article was translated into English and Chinese,  yet there are so many different variations of it. Some translation said  that he appears to be referring to a girl from his past, while some are  saying it’s the present girl. I do not understand Japanese unfortunately  and different Japanese fans gave me different interpretations of that  interview as well. So what exactly is the real thing that he said? 

Well, not long  ago, some of my friends met Hyun Joong, and this question was actually  clarified with the man himself. Hyun Joong has personally clarified that  he is indeed, talking about a girl he has met recently. (So this is not  about some girl from his past, as I read from many translations) I am  afraid this is also a dangerous topic, but just to appease those fans  who are really against the idea of Hyun Joong having some girl out  there, they are not together (as he also indicated in the interview  actually. He just MET a girl whom he sees as the girl of his destiny,  but is not together with this girl). 

As a result,  this song reminded me of this interview again. I always hope that Hyun  Joong will get to meet a girl he really loves, and spend the rest of his  life happily with someone he loves. But perhaps one of the difficulties  of him ever meeting such a girl, despite how near-perfect he is in many  of our eyes, is that it will probably not be easy to find a girl who  really truly understands the circumstances he is in, and his career as  an artiste. 

This is why  this song has an additional impact when I read the lyrics. It describes  pretty accurately the kind of circumstances in which a  celebrity-commoner couple is being placed in. A lot of love is required  to get through the amount of waiting and pain needed in such a  complicated relationship. His heart will no doubt wish very much to be  walking beside the girl, because physically, this body is unable to do  so 24/7 or even publicly. 

“If you really feel the same

If you feel the same now

If you can feel my earnest longing

Even if you enter a completely different world

Even if you enter a world without me

We could feel the same” 

I thought this  line is painfully well written. At the end of the day, everything lies  on whether both parties feel the same about each other. We would all  like to believe, that no matter what difficulties, no matter how far  apart two very in loved people are placed in, if they truly feel the same, they can still be together eventually. 

The challenge  of course, is how nobody can ever be 100% sure if the other party feels  the same way, and this is the pain and challenge for couples in such a  complicated relationship. 

I love this song, needless to say. Before I end I should say that this  entry should not be used as an interpretation or conclusion about Hyun  Joong’s love life, or the mystery destiny girl he mentioned. I  have no idea. I am merely listening to a song and trying to put myself  in Hyun Joong’s shoes if he were to meet such a situation. Even though  the fact is there is indeed such a girl in Hyun Joong’s life, how things  end up for Hyun Joong eventually will be up to his own discretion to  decide if he wants to reveal it in the end. 

Hopefully this end is  not too near either, because I still want to enjoy several more years  of Hyun Joong as a performer. But I hope that at the end of the day,  what we will see is that the fans had loved Hyun Joong enough, so much  so that they are willing to accept the fact that Hyun Joong will  eventually find his own happiness. I guess if we still want to see him  perform for everyone, we got to accept this and love him regardless of  who he is with, or who he loves.

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Guest nadzyvy

Kim Hyun Joong… [article] LOVE SONG

Posted on April 3, 2012 552114146.jpg?w=584&h=759

By LazerKim:         

Everyday of our lives we work to earn for a living or attend to school routine. We do take care of our responsibilities, obligations and by the end of the day, whether we had accomplish our mission for the day or not, there’s nothing else better than sitting and glue your eyes in front of your monitor and search for Kim Hyun Joong. It’s real becoming a habit. And the other night Hyun Joong surprised us with a beautiful song for a good bonus for our daily struggles.

The new song is entitled If You’re Like Me, an OST for the new drama Marriage Plot. When a short teaser came out last week Hyun Joong’s fans got so excited. Well at first I thought he was doing this drama that my adrenaline shoot up rocket high!! And later on I found out he’s just singing the OST for this drama, and so adrenaline dropped on the ground!! But as I listened to the short teaser I was mesmerized that I can’t move and just sitting still. It was Hyun Joong’s voice seem to be capturing my whole being again.!!!

Everyone waited for the full version of the song, which was released earlier than the original schedule of its released. Prior to this release, the song leaked from somewhere. And so everyone went panic on how they can get a link, everyone stayed late that night talking about where they can get it!!! And then one of the fan said to calm down, now that it leaked for sure it will be released earlier. Well she was right, Sunday night it was released. Many fans waited patiently until they have finally had the chance to listen to the full version of Hyun Joong’s song.


Seeing Hyun Joong fans being so excited to hear from him makes me smile that deep inside me I was talking to myself,  How does it feel? Hyun Joong is worth waiting for in anything he does. Now there’s another song to be kept in our hearts, there’s another memory that will always keep him near to us, even we don’t see him as often. But it’s worth it a hundred folds of waiting as he always does, a something new, a something different that would again makes us fall for him again and again.

Hyun Joong’s song will echo again in our minds even we don’t hear it. Actually I have seen this scenario before, if you remember as he released Mary Me, everyone was busy waiting late night for the song to be released. And when it did, everyone even stayed at wee hours that night listening to the song Mary Me. The same scenario echoed again, but this time I think there’s a larger number of fans waited. Would you still be surprised Hyun Joong’s fans just multiplied by itself.

But Hyun Joong, you just don’t know how much you have touched the hearts of your fans out of the beautiful song you surprised them with. As I listened to the full version of the song, for some reason tears just fall from my eyes, and I just found myself crying. Well I admit I was in pain since I was sick while I was listening to Hyun Joong singing, I do not understand the lyrics of the song, but just listening to his voice it’s just like he’s saying “everything will be alright, you’ll be well again”.


And then followed by a buzz from my comment box, a fan was saying she was reading my article for the day Ultimate Lover while listening to Hyun Joong’s song as she was doing her laundry, and tears just fell from her eyes, for no reason at all!! She was asking herself why am I in tears. As her washing was done, she went back to reading and focus as she still listens to Hyun Joong, the more she cried!! I couldn’t reply to her comment because I can imagine both us is just lending each other’s shoulder to cry on for no reason!!

It’s the melody of the song and Hyun Joong’s sweet soothing voice that just melt your heart, you can just drop and listen to his soul. And yes you can listen to his soul while he’s singing this song because he sang it with all his heart, with all his emotion. You may not see him yet he’s just so near to touch your heart. What’s with this guy??? We may not understand the meaning of the song but somehow he communicates his love from the deepest depth of his heart. Hyun Joong sings very good ballad because he brings out all his emotion to the song he’s singing. I just love this song and I love how he sings it.

The drama started airing in Korea, and for sure Hyun Joong’s fans will be watching it. Seeing from its trailer I think it’s a good material plot, it’s a comedy romance with the same director of Boys Over Flower Lee Min Woo. When Hyun Joong knew that Lee Min Woo will be directing this drama, Hyun Joong volunteered to sing the OST.  And knowing Hyun Joong sing its OST, well we all know how influential Hyun Joong is, I think this drama will have good ratings.


I like this director too, Lee Min Woo also had directed 49 Days which also gained good TV ratings. I’ll be watching this drama of course in support for Hyun Joong’s OST, oh maybe I’ll be imagining Hyun Joong as leading man again, just like how I imagined him portraying the king in place of Kim Hyun Soo Hyun!! Forgive me, this is just my imagination, I appreciate Kim Soo Hyun in that drama!! He’s really good.

When you miss a person, tendency is seeing him in any lead actor whoever is front of your monitor!!! And you can only say, oh Hyun Joong can portray that role too, and this and that!! I’m just speaking for myself!! I can only tell you that, one of my wish came true. I have been wishing that Hyun Joong would sing some OSTs for his drama projects.

Well, it may not be his drama project but at least my wish came true and I’m very pleased cause I love this song very much. And with that I’m very thankful to Hyun Joong volunteered to sing this song which suits his voice range perfectly. I remember as he said, if he likes to do something he’ll really do it, regardless of price.

Kim Hyun Joong once again shared his music to his fans in a different approach, as we keep this song, treasure it as we listen to it over and over non-stop. He’ll always be there with you every where you are, as he sings this love song to keep you company………

LazerKim here writing.


Photo credits as tagged, thanks.

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ooh seems like HJ' date=' together with [b']SS501 members,

Kyu Jong, YoungSaeng and HyungJun have attended a wedding together ^^

thanks to @odefiveonealert for the headsup ^^

According to article, (Hyun Joong), Young Saeng, Kyu Jong, Hyung Jun attended B2M Entertainment CEO Kil Jong-hwa's wedding at 6PM today (3rd April). http://goo.gl/6mjSf

[포토엔]의리파 이효리-옥주현 ‘핑클 전 매니저 결혼식 참석’

[뉴스엔 김창현 기자]

핑클 매니저 출신 엔터테인먼트 대표 길종화씨 결혽식이 4월3일 오후 6시 서울 강남구 역삼동 르네상스호텔에서 열렸다.

이날 길종화씨 결혼식에는 핑클 멤버였던 이효리, 옥주현이 참석해 각각 사회와 축가를 맡았다.

또 카라 한승연 구하라 니콜 박규리, 레인보우 김재경 오승아 고우리 노을 정윤혜 김지숙 조현영, 스피카 지원 박나래 김보아 박주현 김보형, SS501 김현중 허영생 김형준 김규종, 신승훈 등이 참석해 결혼식을 축하했다.

한편 길종화씨는 現 B2M엔터테인먼트 대표. 한때 핑클 매니저로 활동, 핑클과 동거동락한 인물로 핑클과 인연을 지금까지 이어가고 있다. 이효리는 B2M엔터테인먼트 소속으로 길종화 대표와 여전히 함께 하고 있다.

김창현 kch9068@

here's another source of news: www.newsen.com

But some translation say that it was the sub-unit of ss501 who where there at the wedding, hhhmnnnn I guess all we can do is wait for news and pics..?de..?

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Guest nadzyvy

Kim Hyun Joong… [article] LOVE OF ARTS

Posted on April 4, 2012 ao-z7wncaae1f7a.jpg?w=584&h=541

By LazerKim:                     

We have known a lot about Kim Hyun Joong to be multiple talented artist, he’s a singe, a dancer, an actor and an instrumentalist who can play the bass guitar, acoustic guitar and a bit of piano. Other than these talents Hyun Joong is also a natural craft artist, he’s very creative and if you’re not aware of, the jackets of his first two albums was his sole idea.  Hyun Joong is fond of sketching just about anything specially whenever boredom starts to boil out from him. I have watched a lot of video clips of him on his breaks, he was alone in his thoughts and suddenly you would see him holding a pen and draw cartoon characters and of course the idea of Uzoosin came personally from him and was just modified by a professional art craft artist.

The very known Justin Davis, is a jeweler took a pendant design of Hyun Joong’s initial as Hyun Joong personally designed it by himself that until now is still earning revenue in Japan. If you remember, Hyun Joong just played on sketching a man’s face as a joke, and turn out into a ladies canvas bag that was placed for auction for charity. Hyun Joong is very creative even in his personal style of clothing. He has a personal designer who would submit men’s clothes design, if a set of five designs will be submitted to him, Hyun Joong would pick a shirt collar in one design, pick a sleeves in another and pick the main torso from another design. Then it ended to be his own design, the fashion designer simply has to sketch for him!!!


Let’s talk about Hyun Joong’s first two albums, specifically his album Lucky Guy. If you notice there are some photos of Hyun Joong for Lucky Guy that seem to be deliberately distorted and appeared like a character in a comic magazine. But looking at the album, particularly the jacket, it specifically describe the contents of the CD.

It’s work of arts and I’m sure computer art designers knows what I’m talking about. But the jacket itself is one unique work of arts. And it’s Hyun Joong’s idea, even the uzoosin miniature you’ve seen at the video is his idea. In fact the whole package of Lucky Guy is Hyun Joong’s ideas. But everything turned out to be a success from the music down to the smallest details of the album.

Just the same with Breakdown, the jacket is in a very simple black mat and just his close up photo. Hyun Joong designed the Henecia logo, a letter H in a shield with the wings of an eagle. For me it clearly signifies flight to the highest top. Well, Hyun Joong indeed is currently flying to the top with his fans! This album jacket is very simple but very elegant in a touch of class. Hyun joong has that style and class seeing from his physique.

As Hyun Joong created his first two albums, he did not just record his songs, he boost out his hidden talent in craft arts. And this has been his dream in doing, he wants to bring out what he got that he had been kept inside him and is just aching to materialize. There will be more in the near future that he’ll soon be showing the other side of Hyun Joong as he creates more albums in different concept, in different images, that he himself portray. This guy is just gifted with creative art talent. Anything goes with him and anything he touches magically turns gold.


In choosing wardrobe as his costume, Hyun Joong personally pick the material that clings to his body since he’s dancing, specially undershirts that can be comfortable enough for him to move as freely as he can, and lighter. He even chooses small details to accessorize his costumes, from the buttons, up to his gloves, custom accessories, and his dark glasses. Hyun Joong is very meticulous specially in his costumes and there has to be a sense of arts and not just dressing up for the heck of it.

Hyun Joong created a very unique image for Lucky Guy, artistic wise I think this is the best in terms of designing the image through Hyun Joong. Lucky Guy is the most expensive package in term of production and the lowest was Kiss Kiss, and yet it brought a big hit in Japan. Hyun Joong puts in his love of arts in his albums. It’s like having four statues or mannequins, dress it up in accordance to his music to come up with four different images that Hyun Joong had made for himself. Such an amazing guy!! He’s creativeness and love for arts craft which is another side of Hyun Joong in terms of arts.

Hyun Joong is a very inspiring artist, name it because anything goes for him, be it in music, or acting the guy is very potential, Hyun Joong has every perfect qualities which is priceless. He will not just sing for an album, he’ll use his unique creative mind to create an arts out of the image he will portray. Hyun Joong would just not act on screen, a lot of times he brings that character he acted on even off cam!! Take a closer look at him specially on his come back drama project or his third album, see for yourself what I’m trying to say about this guy’s creative mind.


And so this creative art falls on his fans too as they create beautiful art works on Hyun Joong’s photos. All these creative photos are made by Hyun Joong’s fans. I was thinking if my articles will be sitting at the internet for a long time, might as well post their art creation until such time Hyun Joong gets to read all these articles I’ve been writing about him. He may not understand a single word in this article at least he’ll immediately get to look at the art craft you were doing.

Hyun Joong is fond of art craft, and sometimes his boredom of long hours of waiting in filming or shooting for photos, his restless hands would just create just about anything. As he was saying to his fans he will have better appreciation if the materials things given to him by his fans, are made up themselves meaning, personalized that you have done for him in your own personal capability. Instead of spending too much for his personal needs which obviously he can afford to buy, but of course something given as a present is different. But his point is, he just doesn’t want his fans to spend too much for him personally. I think for us ladies, it’s natural for us to have the kind of thoughtfulness we have that we do love giving presents for someone special.

Although I understand, it’s our happiness to shop for the guy, It feels good to shop for someone you love, and sometimes you even buy more expensive items than for yourself, actually I’m one of those ladies who would love to shop for a shirt for her man or anything he needs. We women are the opposite of men who’s just but practical, while we women extend to show our affection, it’s natural! Can’t do anything about it!!


Hyun Joong’s fans are very creative, believe me. Is this some kinda contagious disease again!! One time one of his fans was collecting all my articles, and there was another fan who is just like myself with eye sight disability and so she called for help, she can hardly read my article because my blog wall is in black. Actually she’s not the only one who has that problem. What can I do we’re just the same plus my being computer illiterate that could hardly help her. And so other fans on line gave her helping hand and it’s nice to look at them on line trying to consult each other to help one. And so I endorsed her to another fan blog with lighter blog wall so she can read my articles from her blog which this blogger re-post my daily articles religiously.

This fan who was collecting my articles stayed up all night to put links on every single article for the comfort of others, I was quite surprised it was 2am I was still writing my article for the following day, and she’s still up doing something for comfort of other fans who may be having problems in reading about Hyun Joong. I appreciate this very much, thank you, you know who you are. And another fan helped me in putting up photos from WGM which was creatively done and the video. Thanks to you all. I think this time it’s easier to locate my articles, so for those who wants to do marathon reading about Hyun Joong, you may locate them from Hyun Joong’s blog.

And for those who are fond of collecting Hyun Joong’s photos like what you see in this blog which are done creatively, I would advice you to go to twitter look for LazerKim and follow those whom I follow. Specially for new fans, you won’t lose your way, you can follow my articles through other bloggers. These bloggers are just not fans, they do work hard in spreading about Hyun Joong in their most creative ways and share it with you.

They are also very accommodating and friendly, and just as ready to help you. They do post many creative photos of Hyun Joong from time to time within the day, specially whenever updates are scarce. It’s nice to be collecting art photos of Hyun Joong, and you can them within Hyun Joong’s blogs.


May I just mention something that pinched my heart a bit. I was on line the other day and I was just viewing updates at the twitter and accidentally read from a young fan, as she wrote, “my God Hyun Joong doesn’t even know my country ever existed, how else about meeting him in person”. Sigh…… if I can only bring Hyun Joong in a dessert open area and gather all his fans from every corners of the world, I should have done so.

While we all sit in the sand and as we all listen to him holding his guitar as he sings for us…….sigh….it should have been a beautiful experience… specially if he sings his latest OST, I can only imagine his fans sharing shoulder to lean to with each other while in tears, tears of joy for having been given a chance to be with Hyun Joong….sigh….it’s also a nice experience to sometime imagine yourself being with him as a friend, as a son, as a brother or whatever, as long as his presence is there.


Don’t lose hope, my country is quite small but he was able to visit, there was quite a big number of fans in my country so it wasn’t really a problem as he came in twice. I’m sure he’ll be able to see all of us and this is just a matter of time. But for the mean time let’s help each other in expanding his network of fans, the more the merrier.

I think it’s been teary the past days having heard the song of Hyun Joong, I realize we fans do share our emotions with each other as all of us was being moved by Hyun Joong’s song. Another magic spell pour into our hearts. So for I change I decided to feature the work of arts of fan that they share to others coming from their own creativeness, that I appreciate so much.

Well I’m done again, with your daily dose with love. It’s a joy to write about him and   another side of himself as his Love of Arts is an in born quality of Kim Hyun Joong.

LazerKim here writing.                                           

Photo credits as tagged, thanks.


Photo credits as tagged, thanks.

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Guest nadzyvy

Kim Hyun Joong back in May with mini-concert in Singapore

Fans  of this charismatic chap will be delighted with news of his first fan  meeting across Asia at the Singapore Indoor Stadium this coming May


Fans of leader Kim, are you ready to welcome him back to our sunny shores?!

The  last time Kim Hyun Joong was in Singapore to promote his solo  mini-album in 2011, the pretty flower boy promised to produce "a very  nice concert" in 2012 for fans and mentioned that Singapore will be one  of the concert stops.

Living up to his words, the South Korean  actor-singer is bound to melt the hearts of many when he performs at his  first fan meeting across Asia at the Singapore Indoor Stadium on May 4,  which will be a two-hour long concert filled with song, dance, and fan  interactions.

For those interested in nabbing tickets to this  event, concert organizer for 'Kim Hyun Joong Asia Fan Meeting 2012',  Running Into The Sun (RITS), announced today that tickets sales will  start within the next two weeks via SISTIC online, phone and counter  bookings.

Known as the leader of the Korean boyband group SS501,  Hyun Joong had a meteoric rise in fame when he scored a role in the  popular K-drama series, Boys Over Flowers. He won over fans  with his charming good looks, honest personality, and his solo Facebook  fan page has amassed over 2mil fans - the most for a solo Korean male  artiste.


Awarded  the 'Best Male Artiste' at the Mnet Music Awards 2011 with over 2.3mil  votes, Hyun Joong's first Asia Fan Meeting will showcase songs from his  solo albums including his latest two albums, Break Down, which exceeded 70,000 pre-orders in just 10 days, and Lucky, which topped the albums category in Japan's Oricon weekly chart.

Beatrice  Chia-Richmond, Creative Director for RITS shared, "Running In The Sun  is excited that we'll be the first stop in Asia to stage Kim Hyun  Joong's Asia fan meeting, as this will set the standard for the rest of  the tour across the region.

"As the first show in Asia and the  first Asia fan meeting for Kim Hyun Joong, we are honored to be part of  the exciting, collaborative process to conceptualize and build the show.  We are certain the show will be a fresh and electrifying show for  everyone in the audience."

Ticketing details to Kim Hyun  Joong Asia Fan Meeting 2012 will be revealed within the next week. Stay  tuned to xinmsn for more details and updates.

xinmsn is proud to be the official online media for Kim Hyun Joong Asia Fan Meeting 2012.

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Guest nadzyvy

Kim Hyun Joong… [article] LOVE SEASON

                               Posted on April 5, 2012



By LazerKim:      

The original title of this article was “To My One  and Only on Christmas” This was the second article I wrote, which was  inspired by the first released of Kim Hyun Joong digital song Marry Me.  Everyone was busy shopping for Christmas that time, it’s love season for  sharing and since I was sick and could not walk I was forced to stay  home and spend my time researching about Hyun Joong. I think this was my  loneliest Christmas ever, since I was confined in a chair, and I could  only be glad Hyun Joong was around to occupy my mind. I used to be the  busy bee whenever December comes, shopping for Christmas presents.  Here’s my story…

December 14, 2011

I’m a new fan of Kim Hyun Joong, and he’s my  one and only. I made this space for myself to share it with others who  may be head over heels falling for Hyun Joong like me!  Feel free to  share your thoughts, I would appeciate it very much. Do you feel the  same way as I do??

Kim Hyun Joong made a lot of simple gestures that captured my heart,  the latest was his Christmas present to his fans. This night December  14, he released his digital single “Marry Me” which I have read in other  blogs that it’s his way of thanking his fans for their endless support  to him. It’s a beautiful song that Hyun Joong sung it in a way that can  melt anyone’s heart.

The music video of Marry Me is a sand art skilfully made to come up  with an artful interpretation of the song. The video was simple but very  meaningful, and most of all Hyun Joong’s voice is so sweet and  soothing. I  don’t understand the lyrics of the song but by just  listening to the melody it feels like you’re sitting with him on that  couch as a friend who’s trying to keep you company!!…Aiigo!!


I’m very thankful to Hyun Joong for sharing this song to everyone, I guess this is the best Christmas present I ever got!

I’m thankful to Hyun Joong for playing the role of Yoon Ji Hoo for  Boys over Flower because it was from this drama, where I first saw him. I  finally took interest on him when I saw him again at the launching of  Breakdown. From there on I started following him, I started researching  on his history and everything about him, until I end up in this space to  write my thoughts about Hyun Joong.

For this year 2011, Hyun Joong had been receiving remarkable  recognition to anything he works on. Or anything he touch is like magic  turns to success and countless rewards. His come back stage was like a  bombshell exploded that shaken the entire continent and with that as  fanfare, the Alien Prince finally stepped in and captured the hearts of  many. It’s obvious that his network of fans had expanded seeing from the  different events he had attended, not to mention his concerts.

The year is almost at its end but still, Hong Kong is waiting for  Hyun Joong to accept his award from Yahoo Buzz!  Wow this year is indeed  overwhelming for him and so with his fans who’s been at his side  cheering for him.

After Hyun Joong’s parade of trophies for 2011 was laid out, he can  sit back relax and think of what he has achieved this year. It was a  bunch of Christmas presents for him from his hard work and from his ever  loyal fans who’s always been there for him all this time.

And with that, I wish HyunJoong a MERRY CHRISTMAS, to my one and only….Love!!


April 5, 2012

This article was written four months ago, but it felt as if it’s been  years that I’ve been doing this writing about Hyun Joong. On my record  @worldpress it says this is my 100th article posted. I never thought I  could reach this far, when I was just meant to express myself when I  wrote this article. Christmas 2011 was one of those Christmas that I  have to spend it by myself, being confined in one place. I remember it  was lonely back then, simply because I missed Christmas shopping, that I  couldn’t do so. But Hyun Joong kept me company the whole season that  made it even memorable Christmas for me.

I’ve been asking myself, why was it that when I first saw Hyun Joong  at BOF, I didn’t even bother to search his real name, so all those times  I only knew he was Yoon Ji Hoo and nothing more than that!! They said,  everything has its own time, and maybe that time I wrote this article  was the right time, when I can not move, that all I can do is to glue my  eyes at the monitor and stare at him and know more about him. They said  everything has its purpose why things happen as it had. And probably  this is one of those purpose.

I stayed up all night just listening to Marry Me and watching the  Twitter as it moves, I can see Hyun Joong’s fans sharing their  excitement about the song. Back then I may have the twitter account, but  I still do not know anyone yet, nor I still do not know how to use it.  And so I content myself by just observing the movements, that I was  wishing I could join Hyun Joong fans in sharing the joy of listening to  the song. Now, that wish came true as I share my thoughts and love to  Hyun Joong with his fans. I thank the fan who patiently searched for my  first three articles, and this article was one of those. Thank you.

These are the memories that I would always want to share with you,  because it felt good, the thoughts of Hyun Joong is much greater than  joy that one could only tell how it is to love a person like Kim Hyun  Joong.

A kind of unconditional love that anyone would love to share it with others…

LazerKim here writing


Photo credit as tagged, thanks.

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Guest nadzyvy

[News] KHJ is the most likely choice of the main character of the comic book based drama, ‘City Conquest’ 김현중 ‘도시정벌’로 컴백?


Reposted from :crazy4hyun of hyunnie pexer's Blog                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       

      Die Hard Henecians @OnlyKHJtimes  

KHJ is the most likely choice of the main character of the comic book based drama, 'City Conquest' 김현중 '도시정벌'로 컴백?… ... http://dw.am/L13isg

[Another News]Is KHJ's next drama going to be 'City Conquest'? 김현중

 차기작은 '도시정벌'? "검토 중인 작품 중 하나일 뿐"  http://media.daum.net/entertain/enews

According to the this article, KE said, "Nothing has been fixed at this moment. KHJ has many drama offered to him and 'City Conquest' is just one of dramas being considered"



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Guest nadzyvy

Kim Hyun Joong reviewing the script of “Conquest of the City”

by heartfacee - 10 mins ago


Many are interested in whether Kim Hyun Joong will come back to the small screen as an actor through the upcoming drama ‘Conquest of the City’.

His company, Key East, told TV Report on April 6th, “Nothing has been finalized. He has been receiving a lot of casting calls and this one is one of them. We are looking at it, as of now.”

‘Conquest of the City’ is a comic-turned-drama that talks about the evil and the unlawful aspects of society. The comic has been published since 1996 and the 270 issues have sold 10 million copies.

Kim Hyun Joong’s last acting gig was ‘Playful Kiss’ on MBC, back in 2010. He was going to star in ‘Speed’, but had to let it go because of his busy schedule.

Source: TV Report via Nate

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Guest nadzyvy

Kim Hyun Joong… [article] HE INSPIRES

Posted on April 6, 2012 552585950.jpg?w=584&h=494

By LazerKim:        

This morning I woke up in a fine day, having coffee and had a chance to chat at the Twitter with the other Kim Hyun Joong fans. Everyone was in good mood as they shared some creative photos to start up the day having viewed beautiful photos of Hyun Joong. I can’t help but regret though, because before I wrote the article Love of Arts, I just got a handful creative photos made of course by his fans, that I wish to have shared more after seeing another set of those. Oh well, I normally write my articles at wee hours at night when everyone of you had doze off, that I didn’t had the chance to ask for help!!

And as I was busy chatting around, I happen to open up a picture, a real unique design and for real. I was amaze upon viewing the picture of a bedroom creatively custom made with huge photos of Kim Hyun Joong. What is this?? I asked myself. The pictures came from a Singaporean fan name Angela, a blogger of LuvKHJ4ever. She’s a professional interior designer and she personally designed this room inspired by Kim Hyun Joong. Photo below


This room is not a dream, it’s for real and this is the personal bedroom of Angela. She’s an interior designer, and viewing from this picture you can see how she was inspired by Hyun Joong to put it in arts of design in such a unique way. Can you ever imagine anything like this is possible? We do see a lot of of interior designs in the glossy magazines that we appreciate and a lot of times we dream of how we wish we could have such interior design in our place of dwelling. But this room is just….wow!!…..and I’m very sure any fan would love to have such room filled up with Kim Hyun Joong!! sigh…..

Take notice of the bed linen which is obviously a custom made, from pillow cases, bed sheets, and comforter made out of Hyun Joong pictures. The headboard of the bed has a huge picture of Hyun Joong in a heart, and at the glass window has a printed curtain of Uzoosin cartoon character. The huge photos which appears to be a wall paper vinyl of Hyun Joong is a wall facing the bed (photo below) which definitely describes that Hyun Joong is just anywhere within the part of this room!!

Oh Angela definitely wakes up every morning with Hyun Joong in her mind, and I can just imagine what a good morning to start your day, can just put up an instant smile on her face upon waking up. And at night time after work, by just looking at those pictures can ease being tired from the long day of life struggle that helps relax. It’s as if Hyun Joong will always be at your side as a friend to comfort you. It’s another way of appreciating his beauty, his perfection and putting it in the arts of design.

Thank you Angela for sharing this wonderful experience with us, as you personally decorated your personal space of dwelling, having Hyun Joong as your inspiration filled with love and resulted in a beautiful work of arts. May Hyun Joong inspire you further to your profession.

We all have our own way of remembering Hyun Joong, we have our own way of loving him, and with Angela, this is one of her way of loving Hyun Joong. She allowed him to inspire her and as an interior designer by profession, this is just one of the results how Hyun Joong inspired her in her profession. I featured many fan arts photos done creatively in my article Love of Arts and Angela’s work of arts were also posted. Hyun Joong can indeed inspire even his fans in so many ways and this is just one of them.

I myself is fond of any form of arts, actually interior designing is one of my frustration since I can not give up dance, back then in college!! And that is why I featured Angela’s work in this article just an example of a fan being inspired by Hyun Joong in her profession.






And so since Angela is a Singaporean, lucky for her and other Singaporean fans since they will have another chance to be at the fan meeting of Hyun Joong on May 4 this year. Although nothing is confirm yet coming from KeyEast, but at least this is still a good news. Now, I can read many fans wishes for Hyun Joong to visit their respective countries. Well, who wouldn’t? Everyone of us have the same desire to be with him, to sing with him, to dance with him, and to talk with him, wanting to know more about him. I believe we will have our chance to do so in due time.

I read this news from the blog of Hyunited 6686, you may check it out for for further details. Or you may check it out from other Hyun Joong’s blog, I’m sure it has been circulated.

Kim Hyun Joong had been a part of our daily lives, he’s somebody whom we can look forward to after work or school. He’s somebody who can at least ease a little part of our burden by merely listening to his music, watching his video clips, and by just reminiscing our memories of him. We share our thoughts with other fans about him, and even just a little time we spend with him is more than enough to refresh our minds before going back to reality of life.

How much does Hyun Joong inspired us? For student fans who struggles with their everyday obligation in school, they carry Hyun Joong with them with the memory that one time in Hyun Joong’s life, he was once a student who struggled too. There’s one student fan who shared saying, she has to study but she wants to sleep! And she remembered, Hyun Joong had barely two or three hours sleep and has to work again. She was saying, if Hyun Joong can do it with little sleep, then I can do it too!!


These may be simple things but just enough to inspire us in doing something productive in our daily lives. Student fans do have Hyun Joong’s photos over their notebooks and other items that would remind them of Hyun Joong is just enough for them to smile just by the thought of him. We do listen to his music every where we are, and anytime we’re alone by ourselves, he keeps us company. Simple things but difficult to let go simply because Hyun Joong sticks to our system being a part of us as a person.

We have our own way of being inspired by Hyun Joong and allow him to do so in the most productive way we can without you even being aware of. Like Angela being a professional interior designer, she was inspired by Hyun Joong and had shared with us the result apparently inspired by love. Many other fan artists I’m sure are being inspired by Hyun Joong too.

I also read about an elder who’s a fan of Hyun Joong who collects his photos, posters and other items that filled up her bedroom. It’s amazing that for grandma it’s a great joy for her to surround herself with Hyun Joong. And Hyun Joong had met her and really appreciate her being the eldest I think among his fans. They have photos together and it’s so beautiful to look at them in a very clear picture of a loving grandma and her favorite grandson.

The fan clubs of Hyun Joong had been doing charity works and medical missions too, and these are inspiration of working hand in hand in helping the needy. They are not just fans to cheer and support for Hyun Joong, but they have certain objectives in doing more than just being  fans that will benefit the less fortunate. And it’s so beautiful to have such goal, that Hyun Joong was able to gather his fans, build friendship among the fans and shared help to the less fortunate.

Kim Hyun Joong indeed inspired his fans by the sincere love he shares to them as they share the same love to others….                                         

 LazerKim here writing.

Photo credit as tagged, thanks.


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Kim Hyun-joong to come back with "City Conquest"?


Singer and actor Kim Hyun-joong's next comeback drama is revealing itself.

Based on an original bestselling comic book, "City Conquest" has picked Kim Hyun-joong for its leading role. As soon as he confirms to join, the drama should take a rapid spin and start right away.

Kim Hyun-joong stopped acting for more than a year after the 2010 MBC drama "Naughty Kiss". He was talked about as being cast in the drama "Speed" earlier this year but the production was postponed and naturally, foundered.

"City Conquest" is a popular 270 series comic book that was first published in 1996. Total numbers add up to a million copies sold nationwide.

Yang Yoon-ho will be directing this drama and it will be written by Hwang Joo-ha.


Source : news.nate.com/view/20... ( Korean )

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Guest nadzyvy

Kim Hyun Joong to Appear in Upcoming Drama “City Conquest?”


Currently Kim Hyun Joong is considering appearing in the upcoming drama titled “City Conquest.” A representative of a broadcasting studio stated, “Currently Kim Hyun Joong is considering the casting offer for ‘City Conquest’ in a positive light. If he accepts the offer, the production will begin right away.”


“City Conquest” is originally a Korean comic book that began in 1996 and has nearly 270 issues. (Korean comic books are longer than U.S. ones) The comic is about the main character “Back Mir” (Sounds a lot like back mirror) who fights against corruption.

The same representative stated, “Kim Hyun Joong’s break from acting has been a while so the odds that he will appear in the drama ‘City Conquest’ are high. Preparations for the drama have nearly gone on for a year, once casting for the main characters is confirmed, production will begin.”

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Guest nadzyvy

[News] Heartthrob Kim Hyun Joong will be back in Singapore on 4th May for his first mini concert

RE-POSTED FROM: http://en.korea.com/?p=333731



Do  you still remember the news we posted a while back about Kim Hyun  Joong’s Asia tour 2012 and there were no official details about it?  Well, wait no more and here is the good news for those in Singapore!  Singapore  will be the first stop for his Asia tour and he will be having his  first mini concert here at the Singapore Indoor Stadium on 4th May 2012.  Thanks to Running Into The Sun for bringing Kim Hyun Joong to Singapore  and making this happen for fans out there wishing to catch a glimpse of  the ‘Lucky Guy’. The last time Kim Hyun Joong came to Singapore, he  turned teenagers and grown women into a chaotic mess with just a short  appearance. Come 4 May 2012, the star that’s doubtlessly South Korea’s  hottest actor/singer is bound to melt the hearts of many when he  performs his first fan meeting across Asia at the Singapore Indoor  Stadium. Concert organizer for ”Kim Hyun Joong Asia Fan Meeting 2012”,  Running Into The Sun, announced today that ticket sales will start  within the next two weeks via Sistic online, phone and counter bookings.  RITS has successfully brought in popular kpop groups such as Super  Junior, SNSD and Shinee to Singapore in the past, it is no doubt that  fans are in for a good show.  Hitting a meteoric rise in fame and popularity since his debut as leader of the group SS501 and for his

role in the popular drama “Boys Over Flowers”, Kim Hyun Joong’s solo Facebook fan page has amassed

over 2 million fans – the most for a solo Korean male artist – may won  over by his perfectly good looks and charmingly honest personality. Kim  Hyun Joong was also named “Best Male Artist” at the Mnet Music Awards  2011 with over 2.3 million votes, “Best Solo Artist” in the 2012 Allkpop  Awards and “Top Buzz Solo Artist”in the Yahoo Asia Buzz Awards for the Asia, Hong Kong, Taiwan and Korea categories.  Kim  Hyun Joong’s first Asia Fan Meeting will showcase the songs from solo  albums including his latest two albums “Break Down” which exceeded  70,000 pre-orders in just 10 days and “Lucky” which topped the albums  category in Japan’s Oricon weekly chart.  “Running  Into The Sun is excited that we’ll be the first stop in Asia to stage  Kim Hyun Joong’s Asia fan meeting, as this will set the standard for the  rest of the tour across the region. As the first show in Asia and the  first Asia fan meeting for Kim Hyun Joong, we are honoured to be part of  the exciting, collaborative process to conceptualize and build the  show. We are certain the show will be a fresh and electrifying show for  everyone in the audience”, says Beatrice Chia-Richmond, Creative  Director for Running Into The Sun.

Ticket prices and info on how to purchase tickets will be announced next week, do visit RITS official Facebook Page for more details of Kim Hyun Joong’s stop in Singapore

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Guest nadzyvy

Kim Hyun Joong… [article] SAVE RIDER

Posted on April 7, 2012 554626318.jpg?w=584&h=403

By LazerKim:          ”Kim Hyun Joong to appear in the upcoming drama City Conquest”. This was the news currently circulating, which brought a lot of excitement to Hyun Joong’s fans. It was said that it’s very likely that he will accept the offer, but KeyEast emphasized that nothing had been confirmed yet, though Hyun Joong is currently reviewing the story plot. It was said that Hyun Joong had a bunch of offers for drama in his hands and is just choosing which one would suit him. Well knowing Hyun Joong for his unique persoality anything would suit him, but he’s made to choose which among the offers is likely to be closest to his heart to work on.

I tried researching on this City Conquest which I was assuming to be a story from a Japanese manga but. City Conquest is originally a Korean comic book that began in 1996 and had nearly 270 issues. The comic is about the main character Back Mir who fights against corruption. I read this information from Hyunies Pexer’s Blog. Apparently this is an action drama, which is what Hyun Joong wants to work on or any action drama for that matter. There’s no further information about the story plot, from at least the original comic book except this picture below.



Viewing from this picture from City Conquest, the first thing came to my mind is the photo above. Do you remember this? It’s Kim Hyun Joong portraying the character Yoon Ji Hoo at Boys Over Flower!! It seems, Yoon Ji Hoo will be back on your screen!!! Why not? It would be like the Yoon Ji Hoo from Boys Over Flower appears again as a grown man in a manly image riding a high powered motor bike to eliminate the city criminals!! The character from the comic book is in black leather jacket that reminds me of Breakdown which is my favorite Hyun Joong’s image. I think the character in City Conquest suits Hyun Joong, oh he’ll be a very handsome rider in a motor bike.

It was said that this drama had been planned for a year or so, and once Hyun Joong accepts the offer it will start with its production as soon. Well I would only assume he can do it right after his Asian fan meeting which is set on May 4 onward. As it’s clearly stated though that KeyEast have not confirm with anything as yet, that we still have to wait. It’s alright to wait, whatever Hyun Joong or KeyEast decides, because we will be supporting him all the way whatever plans he has to work on.

If ever KeyEast may have changes, then it’s alright, it happens, in business you just don’t  grab any chances, timing is also important. I have mentioned this in one of my articles that says Right Timing is one of the most important factor in delivering a project, specially in any drama project. Right time in filming, and right time to air the drama, there are many factors to consider, and one of this is what other dramas are currently airing. I’m very sure KeyEast has a team of strategist to work on Hyun Joong’s projects. Therefore, if changes may transpire, let’s bear in mind that there is a more than valid reason for any changes.


Yesterday, as I was researching for more details about this comic book City Conquest, I happen to read some negative comments about this City Conquest being Hyun Joong as the lead cast. And so I post just this at twitter – “Protect the Prince.” I brushed this out of my shoulder and proceeded to my research. Everyone was wondering what I meant but unfortunately I lost my connection at twitter to reply to them. and so I started writing this article. I took a short break to research for photos, went back to twitter and there was already this noise, commotion among the fans, which I had guessed, they have read the negative comments.

Oh well, am I getting used to this scenario? I’ve seen this before, at Speed, if you remember, that drama was being offered to Hyun Joong but rejected it due to conflict to his schedule. But prior to the rejection, negative comments flows like river rapids!! Now it’s happening again. Is this fair? The guy haven’t done anything yet, neither had he accepted the offer for this drama project and here they goes his loving critics, making noise!! Why?? If a critic would say Hyun Joong can not act. I’m waiting for at least a bit explanation or grounds or basis on why they would say he can not act. They can’t say anything simply because they do not have any grounds or basis to justify that he’s can’t act.


And so my co-alien soldiers, this is just the start of it, once Hyun Joong say yes to this project there will be noise again, we just have to save the rider on that bike, he’s our Prince and I really hope he’ll finally accept this offer if Hyun Joong feels like doing it. And if he does this is gonna be another significant event in his carer life as his come back drama. Hyun Joong will not dive in a water with sharks!! I’m sure he prepares for whatever his come back drama and is set to prove himself again. And while doing so, we all know that Hyun Joong does not like insects!! And so we the alien soldiers should protect the Prince from those insects by fleeting them away!!

I can’t help imagining Hyun Joong riding on that bike in black leather suit, that looks so manly and a very handsome rider!! I can picture him in my mind as he portray the role, could be a strong character as he rides on and eliminate the bad guys……sigh…… Of course there has to a love story, as he takes his girl to his back ride to save her from the lawless elements. He will be a hero in this drama and so in his real life as he always win in any battle. Hyun Joong again will have the chance to prove himself, this time in his other talent in acting, as we support him all the way.

I do hope this is the project that Hyun Joong has been waiting for. It was said that there were many offers for him to do drama projects, Hyun Joong of course would be selecting which ever project he wants to work on. In one of his interviews he was saying, he shouldn’t be too choosy, but of course, as I mentioned earlier, right timing is important to his career, that has to be considered.

May I say this again, Kim Hyun Joong does not like insects!! And so we start fleeting those insects, as his fans, we cheer, we support, we protect and save the rider of that bike!!!

LazerKim here writing

Photo credits as tagged, to Ms. Lina Perez, and Sriz, thanks.

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I try to look at things from the positive side, when antis do that to HJ, the more he becomes challenged and it becomes an "obstacle course" to overcome.Knowing him he will make all those criticisms work in his favor by training harder and improving his craft. We have seen the impressive results many times and that is the true mark of a successful person. It cannot be said enough that behind success lies countless practice hours,guts and of course tears and pain. But he is a well driven,well focused person so he can muster all that he needs to do to make it.

He is a high profile person and definitely invites all sorts of public perceptions. Sometimes it is also productive to look at their criticisms as long as they were made to point out possible areas to improve on and not just to say anything derogatory based on intentions and motivations intended to put him down. We know what to do with those assertions: throw them to the dustbin of things left to be ignored.

As long as he knows what is good for him, his career, for his fans -he will do it. His KE family will help him achieve his objectives.

HJ can't please everyone, nor expect everyone to like him, the only problem nowadays -we have media communications that can amplify those ugly words being said. They may hurt, but that should not tire our hearts instead let us give him our love and support more.Because we have chosen him to be our ONLY ONE.

by aprilstar

hyunnies pexers

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Guest nadzyvy

『도시정벌(City Conquer)』 in discussions, but not confirm – April 6 2012


 byCrazy4hyun ofhyunnie Pexer's blog

Adjustment of overseas' schedules is the main issue"... 2011122121131d04qpho_t5_16405.jpg Kim Hyun Joong's  agency KeyEast spoke to 'Dispatch' on 6th April in a phone interview,  "Kim Hyun Joong received the offer as the male protagonist for 'City  Conquer' around beginning of last month March", and that they "are  currently in feverish discussions with the production team about this". However,  the problem is with Kim Hyun Joong's overseas schedules. The current  situation now, is that from next month May onwards all the way until  June, his overseas schedules have already been fully packed and planned.  Related personnel from the agency spoke, "Kim Hyun Joong is currently  facing a very tight and packed schedule due to the preparations of his  upcoming Asia fanmeeting", "But no matter what, as soon as the overseas  schedules have been properly re-organized, we will then let know of the  finalized decision for his drama appearance, about whether or not he  will take up this offer", as they hinted. Even  if this drama were to be dismissed, there is still a high chance of  being able to see actor Kim Hyun Joong. KeyEast personnel disclosed, "He  has this extraordinary desire for acting. Even when he was carrying out  his album activities, he was also constantly watching dramas and movies  whenever he had time. He will be reaching out to the audiences with a  good piece of work soon", as was mentioned.


News Source URL link: http://www.dispatch.co.kr/news

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Kim Hyun Joong… [article] GEMINI SIGN

Posted on April 8, 2012



By LazerKim:              

Kim Hyun Joong a singer, dancer, actor, born in June 6, 1986, grew up at Jamsil-dong,  finished high school in 2006 and studied Stage Production Management in 2011 at Chungwoon University. These are Hyun Joong’s basic information about himself.

What I have not shared with you yet is his sun sign or his birth sign in Astrology, since I know many do not believe in it. As for me, I’m a so so, since I still believe in each individual personality is unique one way or another. That even identical twins have different personal traits or personality. And talking about twins, Hyun Joong is born under the sun sign of a twins which is Gemini!!

And so just for a little change, or maybe just for a fun of reading to ease a bit of our boredom!! Let us see what Hyun Joong’s sun sign the Gemini says, let’s see how much of the Gemini sign’s trait Hyun Joong has. Let’s just say, a way of getting to know more about Hyun Joong through his sun sign. I chose some traits found in a Gemini sun sign which I think falls on Hyun Joong’s traits.

I was actually reading a book of sun sign out of curiosity, and tried to read about Hyun Joong’s sun sign!!! I can’t help but laugh and smile because I can see Hyun Joong at some of those Gemini traits. I will not touch about relationships since we don’t really know how he really is in terms of relationship. And so I chose some Gemini traits which I personally see in Hyun Joong.


GEMINI SUN SIGN    (By: iloveindia.com) Summarized

GEMINI – He can never ever be boring as he loves communicating. His talk is rather interesting and informative. He will have lots of friends and neighbors; in fact, he will keep in touch with anyone on his wavelength.

>>> Hyun Joong is a shy type of person, he’s a man of few words, but if you allow him to speak he’ll do so, and spill it out that makes you laugh or cry. He treasure his friends and because Hyun Joong is friendly by nature, he gained respect even from his co-artists.

 GEMINI – Ruled by the Mercury planet, Gemini guys often get easily bored, and frustrated by things that move slowly.

>>> As we always see, Hyun Joong is always on the go, having a very active life style. And if he gets bored, his hands starts to itch, that he has to do something, and most of the time he creates something out of his boredom, like drawing on anything, or memorize dance routine. His favorite word “pali pali”, meaning hurry up!! He just doesn’t like wasting time he has to be on the go all the time. Although I believe he has more room for being patient, specially in reaching for his goal.

GEMINI – They have strong determination and persistent nature to attain their dreams that they don’t easily let go even the stumble, they easily rise up and try again and again.

>>> This is very true to Hyun Joong, he can be a risk taker at times but he will never let go is chances are given to him. I have seen this Gemini trait in him many times as I watched him at We Got Married, he will try his guts until he succeed. And of course, we have witnessed all his hard work resulted in a chain of success that seemed endless. His strong determination, passion, dedication to his craft had brought him up to his ladder way up to the top.

GEMINI – Basically, they are intelligent, imaginative, lively and adaptable to any situation and person.

>>> If you have watched the reality show We Got Married, these traits can be seen in him. He’s not used in a strange environment nor strange people, but he tried to adapt whatever the situation was. In a group of strangers, he would just be sitting around but carefully observing what’s going on. And if ask his opinion, he’ll just spill his it out that shows his intelligence in the most practical way. His imagination is remarkable which I think is obvious to everyone as he shows himself in different ways.


GEMINI – Affectionate, courteous, kind, generous and thoughtful towards the poor and suffering.

>>> Well, needless to say, what you see is what you get. Hyun Joong was never been rude specially to elders, strangers, and practically everybody. I fully agree with this Gemini  trait, the virtue of charity lived in Hyun Joong’s heart ever since he was born until he grew up. Now that he has the luxury of life, he tends to be stingy to himself so that he has more to spare to the less fortunate. Hyun Joong maintained his support to different charity organization, there will always that big heart of his for the poor.

GEMINI – They are smart enough to use their outward attractiveness to achieve their goals.

>>> Oh yes, and why not, Hyun Joong was gifted, blessed with all the beauty inside out. God has given him such gift for him to use it wisely, and so he does in his most natural way of sharing his beauty to appreciate by others and talent to share. In one big package, he works hard for it and gained success, yet still remained humble as ever.

GEMINI – is honest and straightforward, but when things go against him, he can sulk like a kid. Furthermore, a Gemini seeks affection, energy, and dedication of time on him during childhood.

>>> Hyun Joong is candidly honest anytime, I’m not saying he never told a lie, but every time he does, he easily gives it even with simple alibi!! You can’t hate him, instead you’ll just laugh at him, because he’s not so good at lying!! He’s courteously blunt that he would just say what is in his mind. But he does not like heated confrontation or argument, he would always try to prevent such thing to happen. I think he was indeed an affection seeker when was a kid. I remember Hyun Joong was devastated when his grandma passed away, because she personally took care of him when he was a kid.


GEMINI – Generous with his friends, a Gemini makes a charming companion and you are lucky enough if you have a Gemini friend. Likes spending considerable time with them and loves to share everything.

>>>  We all have seen and some had witnessed how he treated his SS501 members whom he treasure as his own brothers. He said he doesn’t consider them as friends but he considers them as his family. that is how close he is with his members that until now it never change. He literally shared everything with his membes. And this is how he values his friendship, as he said “friends are forever”.

GEMINI – In less serious situations – there is usually playfulness below the surface, and they can be brilliant conversationalist.

>>> Hyun Joong loves a light harmonious atmosphere around him, not that he’s happy go lucky, no mam. Hyun Joong is a very practical person, for him in every problem there is always a solution, that need not be gloomy about. You may think everything for him is play, but if asked his opinion you would just be surprised by his brilliant ideas.

When he attended the UN recognition for appointment, as we view the atmosphere in that certain room was a bit stiff considering many of the members of UN are elders and bit high profile you may say. When Hyun Joong stand at the podium, I may not understand what he said but there were a bit roar of laughter, well maybe just to break the ice around the room!! But he’s still outstanding and he has his own natural way of entertaining when he talks!!


GEMINI – Just like the sign of twins, a Gemini is capable of producing the virtue of versatility.

>>> Among all the Gemini traits I have mentioned this trait of being versatile is true by 100 percent to Hyun Joong. As we all know he’s very creative in forming an image out of himself on and off stage, that makes him such a unique individual. Be it his physical outlook or his talent, he can easily adopt a certain flawless image.

One time I was monitoring twitter about Hyun Joong’s departure to Shanghai China! And I can’t help not to chat at twitter, it’s just that everyone seemed to be so excited to see him again, of course. One fan noticed Hyun Joong to be back in his Yoon Ji Hoo image, and everyone followed thinking of the same thing at the same time. It was so contagious!!!

Then one fan said she hopes to see Mr. Breakdown, which honestly my favorite image of Hyun Joong!! What other image does Hyun Joong had? Beak Seung Jo, Mr. Lucky Guy, someone said he’s superman, yes he has a photo at fan autograph signing looks like superman himself Christopher Reeves!!

Someone would say, Hyun Joong is the Tom Cruise of Korea, I would agree, he has a photo that looks like Tom Cruise! As Hyun Joong said in one talk show, “If I were given a second chance of life, I would like to be Tom Cruise”. Whatever character he looks like Hyun Joong is definitely only one in his unique self.

Well, what can we do the guy has so many faces and all of them are all handsome!! If anybody can hear us discussing Ji Hoo, Mr. Breakdown, Mr Lucky Guy, Superman, Tom Cruise Korea and he himself Kim Hyun Joong, they would think we’re a bunch of playgirls having many men to talk about!!

Without knowing we’re only pertaining to only one man, Kim hyun Joong. I remember again a fan was saying, she has five posters of Hyun Joon in different images, and a friend of hers thought she was looking at a group band!! Well in fact, Hyun Joong is only one in different image, that makes him versatile.

As for me, no matter how Kim Hyun Joong looks good or not so good, it doesn’t matter because I have already learned to love him for what he is as a person in reality…..                                  

LazerKim here writing.

Photo credits as tagged, thanks.


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