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Kim Hyun Joong 김현중/金賢重/ キム・ヒョンジュン

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Guest lisaa.

New Photo of DATV Shopping Site

Credit: datv.jp/shopping/user_data/packages/default/khjmira.html + blog.daum.net/elley0606



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[2011.05.07] Top 10 Hottest K-Pop Men

Credit: Sri Lestari@twitter

Source: SPOT.ph

Call Me bias but for me, he epitomize everything because He is PERFEECT!










What do you think Hyunecians/Henecians

The Enigma

3. Kim Hyun Joong

Kim Hyun Joong sets hearts aflutter, no matter what K-Pop suit he wears. As Ji Hoo in 2009's Boys Over Flowers and Baek Seung Jo in the recent Playful Kiss, and as himself on popular reality show We Got Married, he raised the bar for irresistible leading men (both Korean and non-Korean). As SS501's leader, he merges standard K-Pop fare with his brand of 4D head-scratching humor. His 2010 visit to Manila also proved that this hottie's got a heart of gold with his heartwarming visit to the Abiertas House of Friendship. This Face Shop endorser shows that guys can have it all.

I so agree with you. He is just PERFECT.

I don't get why they described him as the ENIGMA.

I think a SWEETHEART or BOY NEXT DOOR or the ATHLETEis a better description for him. or simply AWESOME or as Ate NAdz mentioned he can just be PERFECT.

personality wise he is one of those honest-to-goodness stars who just says what he thinks. But then again he has his weird quirks of staring-off to space which for me is just so adorable. But then his contradictory characteristics from his Handsome face liken to those Royals/princes as opposed to his 4D mentality of out-of-bounds answers, and to his never-say-die attitude in music, dance, acting and dreams just makes him a contradiction to all fans and non fans alike. and thus making him an enigma.

hahaha... ^__^

did you get what I mean? Am I making any sense? Or am I getting confusing? sorry about that...

so if people think that he is an ENIGMA,

I think this phrase better describes that adjective:

A riddle wrapped in a mystery inside a great big contradiction...

and that makes him more interesting that anyone in the world...

2nd fan-account from COUPANG MARATHON

From: Ivy@百度金贤重吧 (Ivy@KHJ Baidu)

Reposted from KHJ Baidu

posted byyulinged @ lovekimhyunjoong.com (translate to English)

Please do give credits when reposting.

She started off by mentioning that it was raining heavily the day before the run, but the sun was shining brightly on the day itself, saying that it’s from the super strength of God of the Universe.

She said that it was the first time being so close to seeing oppa, tall and skinny, very small face, really thin, super fair complexion, especially smooth. If there wasn’t any stubble (on HJ’s face), nobody could tell that he was 25 years old.

She also mentioned that while taking pictures, HJ’s head kept moving non-stop, plenty of different facial expressions.

There was a ‘tragedy’ that happened, Yao Yao’s (HJ’s fan and a friend of Ivy I presume?) camera was too conspicuous and unfortunately, it was taken away by the bodyguard to delete the photos. In the end, they managed to get it back with some usage of Korean and English, 2 photos were deleted, luckily it’s not much.

She said that HJ ran too fast, she seriously agreed with Yao Yao, it was as though he had drunk ‘Red Bull’ (an energy-giving drink) or perhaps this is just the speed of God of the Universe, they earthlings couldn’t keep up with him.

- find this so funny. we earthling really should start practicing are run to keep up with him.

Later, it was mentioned that another fan named ‘Deng Zi’ (with 3 others) rented bicycles to catch up with HJ. At the finish line, HJ was waiting for those who were trying to catch up, then everyone went back to the starting point to begin the donation ceremony.

It seems that there were many children doing the run as well, she guessed that the mummy fans of HJ probably brought them along, knowing that he likes kids. 1 mummy fan even got her son to give HJ a lollipop, at first the boy was a little shy, later on passed it to him, HJ took it from him without hesitation and it was in his hands all the time. On the way back to the starting point, they even saw a little puppy, HJ smiled and said, “(It’s) really cute.”.

- i think at kbenchers many fans are planning to bring kids if he ever comes to their country to lure hyunjoong. kekeke i think i need to join the bandwagon and find a kid that would come with me to lure hyunjoong.

Kids as bait for hyunjoong's attention.. kekekekeke ^___^

hyunjoong spazz @ spoiler:


She also said that HJ’s voice was very gentle, very pleasant to ears, a charming face always full of smiles. Like mentioned in the 1st fan account, she was most touched when HJ said that fans could continue to take photos and videos, he said it was just what his company was saying, he felt that it was nothing. She said that HJ was such a kind child, always caring for his fans.

Later, HJ also said that he was very happy when he saw fans holding the scroll at the soccer matches, saying ‘Kim Hyun Joong, Universe Super Striker”.

She also noticed that HJ was very playful while walking, like a big boy from high school. He had no airs at all, especially approachable, always smiling while talking to his fans, answered every question with patience, with his 4D humour, making his fans laugh so much.

At the end, she also shamelessly (another meaning is ‘thick-skinned’) approached the staff for the Coupang t-shirt (only the participants could get the sports drinks and towel souvenir) and the last t-shirt was given to a Thai fan. The staff even kindly offered her some drinks. She didn’t give up and approached a few guys who joined the run, if they could take off their shirts and give them to her. The guys very kindly granted her wish, she ‘stripped’ the shirt off from a plump oppa.

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Kim Hyun Joong's Lotte Duty Free Photos at Star Avenue

Reposted from : Kathy's Bench

Our Hyun Joong is definitely a HALLYU star being one of the stars included in the STAR Avenue..

Cant wait to her his version of So Im Loving you, Duty Free's song..

Thanks Lee Nong Kan!

Credit: as tagged; BAIDU












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06 May 2011 Kim Hyun Joong Playful Kiss Japan Press Conference News-CEN

uploader: yyy148b

Just watch this video... very cute!


3/5 Playful Kiss FM in Osaka Fan Account *Highly Recommended*


Chinese Translation: 米娜@百度金贤重吧

English Translation:Rene@ khjgalaxy.blogspot.com

*No Reposting to any WGM related sites*

Although it has been a while since Hyun Joong last stepped on stage, but he still shined on stage. Moreover, the Hyun Joong standing on the stage, facing the fans, still made people feel warm and friendly. Perhaps it 's the short hairstyle, like what Hyun Joong said himself, has made people feel that he has grown from a 'youngster' to a 'man'. The whole event consists of long talks and short performances, but every topics Hyun Joong touched on in the first and second parts are very precious leaving a deep impression, yet it seems like I have heard it in my dreams before,blurred and messy memories.

Hyun Joong chose the two most memorable scenes in 'Playful Kiss', one is the speech on graduation, the other is requesting Hera's grandfather not to let down the hard works of the company's employees. Talking about his speech on the graduation day 'I want to be happy and let others be happy too.', he said that last time let it acting or singing, he thought that as long as fans are happy, that will do, but now he realised that it's not like that, as long as he is happy and blessed, fans will then really be happy and blessed. Although there are many dissatisfactory matters, but it gives people an impression that this work has allowed Hyun Joong to grow a lot.

Could not remember clearly which question was it (his life philosophy used to be 'life is only one shot' but now he has an addition part or an entirely different one?), he said that rather than being Number One, he rather be the Only One. Wants to be the fans' Only One...but to Hyun Joong's fans, he is already the Only One.

I think it was the second part where he mentioned about what he said during a dream. Recently he had a nightmare where he was standing on stage and had forgotten the lyrics and dance choreography, he could not move, looking at the audience who were looking back at him anxiously. In order not to disappoint his fans, he started to anyhow dance. He wanted to quickly wake up, but no matter what he still did not wake up, it was an immensely painful feeling. Hearing this, I really wanted to tell him 'Hyun Joong ar, it's alright. We just want you to be happy and blessed, that will do. So don't give yourself so much pressure ar.'

He also said that he wants to give fans a birthday present on 6th June. He wants to record what he often said to the Japanese fans-'nae' (Meaning 'ah' and 'yeah' in Korean) and upload to the official site(Japan official site. Hyung Joong ar, Korea also got official site). He said that since it will be short with just this few sounds, what the fans will like to hear, choose around 3 and comment it on the official site, will record it for the fans. If only can record his natural laughing sound 'Eu heong heong', that will be great!

He chatted about his to be released album and performances, wants to showcase a more manly side this time round, hence is practising hard, hence everyone can anticipate it and please attend the live performances more.

The whole structure of the event is simple, the preparations of the organiser are rather unitary, but the Hyun Joong who is willing to work hard to bring the greatest joy to the fans is most handsome. His every eye expressions, every movement and short remarks made the Japanese fans go 'Kawaii(Cute)' and gave warm responses and laughters, felt that Hyun Joong was really happy and enjoyed the atmosphere.

The guards for this fan-meeting is extremely strict hence only managed to film the first part. The video shook very badly, don't know how to edit it...

Me waves to Czak, Lisaa and to all Hyunecians.

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Keyeast's Stocks Rise


Bae Yong Jun's management company Keyeast despite the 'Lee Ji Ah Slide', stocks have been strong and continued to rise.

Especially with their music business 's first project being Kim Hyun Joong's solo album which is preparing to be released in June, ascertaining the positive appraisal and expectations of the market.

[Pic] Kim Hyun Joong Hang Ten Summer Standee

Credit: kimhyunjoong24.com


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news of Hyunjoong official site is already in blog site everywhere

Kim Hyun Joong has his homepage hacked

by VITALSIGN on allkpop


SS501’s Kim Hyun Joong, who recently opened fanclub membership for his new solo fanclub, “Henecia“, reported that his official homepage was recently hacked. Cyber investigations have begun, and KeyEast has asked fans to refrain from submitting membership applications for the time being.

The hacker changed the notification post so that fans were now required to pay a $35 USD membership fee, and even went as far as to change the bank accounts associated with it.

Another false post was made, informing fans that they would receive a special fan-meet opportunity with the star in Jeju Island for an extra fee of $100 USD. An additional $800 USD fee was asked for those wanting a 1:1 dinner meal opportunity.

Representatives of KeyEast stated, “The official homepage was recently hacked. We would like to inform fans that the account listed in the notification is not KeyEast’s account, and that the Jeju Island fan-meeting is also false and has nothing to do with KeyEast. We will be halting all membership applications for Henecia for the time being.”

They continued, “The case has been turned over to cyber investigations. We would like to apologize for raising concerns.”

The homepage has currently blocked all visitors.

Source: X Sports News via Naver

Keyeast Agency’s official website hacked

BY OHGELIE at oh! kpop

Keyeast Agency sends out an important notice on their homepage today as it was revealed that their official website has been hacked. According to reports, hackers have broke into their official website and has changed certain information more especially their bank account numbers for official transactions. The agency now relays the message that applications on Kim Hyunjoong’s fanclub”Henecia” has been suspended to protect the fans from the scam. More on, they have also emphasized that current information on the website especially on their Schedules page has been changed to unreliable information as well.


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Guest lisaa.

Airport Fan Account by KimhyunjoongThailand

found on: the galaxy of hyun joong

May 4, 2011

Today was my last day in Japan, and my last mission was meeting Kim Hyun Joong at the airport. So that’s why

me and my buddy had to left the bed early and ran to Osaka Airport( Domestic) to wait for him.

Only single piece of information that we had was SMS from our Japanese friend who told that Kim Hyun Joong would

have the Press Conference in Tokyo so she advised us to check either flight or Shinkansen he would take.

We requested our friend in Osaka to check it out and found that he probably would take the flight before noon.

To make sure that we would not miss him thus we reached the airport at 8 am. At first we thought that the Domestic Airport might be small and we could find some

Fans who also waiting for Hyun Joong around there.

But it was totally different from the thought, because , the airport has two terminals for ANA airline and JAL airline

Oh , what could we do ???!!! We had to choose which terminal we would wait for him.

After tossed the coin, we chose to wait at JAL terminal , but no fans appeared , then we decided to move to ANA and the result was the same….no one there!!!

A little while later, Japanse friend ( who always has luck in meeting Kim Hyun Joong) sent us the SMS to tell that he would fly with ANA

The little hope was lighted , at least we didn’t have to make long walk from ANA to JAL terminal.

At 9 AM, 3 friends from Osaka came to the airport.One of them needed to catch the flight at 11 AM to Tokyo. ( She hoped it was the same flight with Hyun Joong)

They guessed that he would take the flight at 11 AM. So the lucky Japanes girl walked down and bought the plane ticket .

Around 10 am., we saw few guards walked in to the airport… oh we started being excited!!!

We were hesitate to catch the flight with that lucky Japanese girl , but her sense always lead her way to meet Kim Hyun Joong.

So we decided to trust in her sense, our tickets was bought at late of 10 am. None of us knows weather he would come along or not … but

we crossed our fingers for this. His coming still in doubt but our flight payment was very clear !!! This is up to our destiny!!!

Holding the ticket and walking around was not a good idea so we planed to wait for him somewhere, first floor ? up stair ? or inside the Gate??

We decided to wait for him on the up stair in case if he walked into the airport , we were not blocked by the guards and still could run follow him.

After climbing to the upper floor, on that time it was 10.30 am. a lot of people making a long queue at belonging check point,

so we were afraid of missing the flight then we intended to wait him inside the Gate. Behide the Gate No. 9 was not that spacious as we thought.

Separated waiting was more saved because the guards would not keep eyes on us too much. Time‘s up !!! we needed to be on board very soon …

But where was Kim Hyun Joong???… no appearance signal of him!!!Just in a jiffy, we saw his stylish and Somi… but how about Hyun Joong, would he come??? Ohhhh we started getting nervous.

Few minutes later, the big-built guards walked pull alongside of one killing handsome man…. Kim Hyun Joong was coming!!!We were fascinated by his gorgeous look even forgot to prepare camera to take his photos.After realize that I was trying to set the camera , unfortunatelyguards were already in front of me , and they didn’t allow me to take any photos ( so shame ,had no photo to show you guys)My buddy who was standing a bit away from me , headed up to get close to Kim Hyun Joong while the guards focusing on me and my camera ,asking him to touch his hand!!!As soon as his army walked pass , we walked follow him and heard he said about” Gate No. 9” so everyone was in front of Gate No.9

Few miniutes later, Kim Hyun Joog walked back to the book store and looked at the cosmic books . About 10 minutes

that he spent his time there and buying nothing. The Airline called the passengers to get ready on board so he walked

to the line and waited for the queue to be on board. This was another chance that we were very close to him, because only two guards were in between us and him.

This plane was quite small with only one entrance , Kim Hyun Joong had a seat at first row next to the window thus he would be seen by every passengers who stepped into the plane. The guards were going to sit both sides of him, we grabbed this chance stretching out our hands to touch his hand but it couldn’t escape from the guard’s notice, the result was ….we were blocked!!! Oh for the God sake, we would like be close to him as much as possible. Seemed the god heard what we prayed, there were available seats at the second row. We walked to that row be hide him and bended down to poke him gently. Suddenly Kim Hyun Joong turned his face to us with dazes. This moment, his face was just less than a foot away, it was unbelievable that we would have this chance to look in his eyes very closely. It was more than exciting , I needed to get a grip and asked to grasp his hand. It was a critical second while I was waiting for his respond. In my little brains created a lot negative images , if he ignored my request and turned his face away ,what would I do ?how about my good feeling for him ,would stand still? But then hi lips were spread a little smile to me , raise his hand grasp my hand gently. It liked high voltage ran in my body “ sparked”!!! This was not the first time I have touched his hand, but it was the first time in very personal !!! Eyes to eyes and hand to hand … I was almost faint down. He was very nice and kind. I know I made the right choice to fly for thousand miles to meet him here.

Me and buddy sat in the Economy class in the 5th row due to the full booking of First class but we were still happy to see his top head and took the same air of him in the same small plane even just for 45 minutes. Our Japanese friend who sat in the First class could saw every movements of Hyun Joong, his wine sipping ,talking with his manager, taking off his shoes …

Once the plane landed to Haneda, we needed to get off from the planed very fast to catch him because sitting in the first row was the first priority to move out. Luckily we could catch him again but this time the guards were aware of us so we didn’t have any chance to take any photos of Kim Hyun Joong .Anyway, walking along the hallway follow his group and hearing his voice also made us very happy too.

Until at the entrance, Kim Hyun Joong took the car , heading to FUJI TV for his Press Conference where is far from the airport about an hour.At this point we decided to say good bye to him here since we had schedule to fly back to Thailand on the next day.All this special memory happened because of the kind hearted of our Japanese friend,Takako chan , who always has destiny to meet Kim Hyun Joong. Thank you very much to all readers who read along till the end. This precious memory is already craved in the deepest of my heart

“ Love you , Kim Hyun Joong”

Story by : LinJoOnG@kimhyunjoongthailand.com

English Translated by : Someone_like_you@kimhyunjoongthailand.com

Kim Hyun Joong Lotte DFS Promo May 9 – Jun 13

Credit: Lotte DFS


[PIC]Kim Hyun Joong Showcase & Birthday Party Japan Tour

Credit: twitpic.com/4vglyr


Kim Hyun Joong Answers the questions for Children

Credit: dispatchsns @yt


(without subs)

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Kim Hyun Joong Answers the questions for Children

Credit: dispatchsns @yt


(without subs)

Here's the translation of the video that Lisaa shared:

Translations of Kim Hyun Joong's Interview with Children

Chinese Translation: 彭彭@Magic0606

English Translation: Khjgalaxy.blogspot.com

Child Question 1


I’m Han Tai Han from Korean E/V School

I don’t really like people telling me that I’m pretty

If other people say you’re good looking, what will Hyung do?

Kim Hyun Joong Answer 1

Okay, you said that you don’t really like people saying that you’re pretty right

I also seemed to frequently hear people saying that I’m good-looking

But there was also this period of time

(I) like to hear people saying that I’m handsome

Rather than hearing people saying that I’m ugly

Isn’t better to said to be handsome right?

Child Question 2

I’m Qian Ya Ying studying in Sapphire Kindergarden

Oppa, why do you act only?

Not going to sing lately?

Kim Hyun Joong Answer 2

As for acting, up to now I have only acted in two dramas

As for singing, I’ll be making a comeback in May or June

(I) will let everyone see my singing side.

So next time don’t ask why I’m only acting but singing again

I ‘ll do my job well

Child Question 3

Hello! I’m Yoon Jae Jun from Moon Village Primary School Grade 1 Class 2

Hyung, the 9 multiplication sets are too difficult already

What should I do if I want to memorize the multiplication sets well?

Kim Hyun Joong Answer 3

(They) all said must change the 9 multiplication sets into something unlike multiplication sets

When I was young, my mother used to sing this song to me

1 1 get 1 , 2 2 get 4

Isn’t there such a song?

Download it and keep listening to it on MP3

(You) will get better in it

Child Question 4

Hello I’m Yoon Jae Yeon from Seoul Yue Village Year 3 Class 2

I want to dye my hair but my mother disagrees

Hyung when did you start to dye your hair?

Kim Hyun Joong Answer 4

I started dying my hair since young

I’m 26 now

If I only started dying my hair now, wouldn’t it be a little embarrassing?

So when still young, got the permission of my mother

If disagree, then no choice

Isn’t it better to at least try to dye your hair once?

(Same Child ) Question 5

I like Park Ji Sung

Hyun Joong Hyung, who is your favourite soccer player?

Kim Hyun Joong Answer 5

You want to become a soccer player right?

Similar to the other Koreans

I also like Park Ji Sung

We shall keep on liking him


Reposted from : kathy;s Bench

Kim Hyun Joong's New Promo Photo for Lotte Duty Free

Nothing else to say!!!

Credit: Lotte DFS

Thanks Lee Nong Kan!


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Reposted from : Kathy's Bench

[KEYEAST Notice] How to join the official Kim Hyun-joong fan club [2011 Henecia]

Palli everyone!!! you dont want to miss the chance of having that HENECIA Membership card!


English : How to join the official Kim Hyun-joong fan club [2011 Henecia]

Greetings. This is the Keyeast.

At the beginning of May, the queen of seasons, which is the most beautiful and fresh month of the year, we have come with good news for all of you.

2011 Henecia, the official Kim Hyun-joong fan club, is now recruiting members who are interested in supporting Kim Hyun-joong and his efforts during this period of intense activity, coinciding with the launch of his first solo album.

Anyone can subscribe as a member of the official fan club , regardless of whether he or she is in Korea or overseas, as long as he or she is eligible to register on the official website (hyun-joong.com).

Please subscribe after reading the Henecia Subscription Procedure below.

We hope for the interest and participation of the many fans of Kim Hyun-joong.

Thank you.

<2011 Henecia Member Service>

ØMembership duration: June 6, 2011 ~ June 5, 2012

(may change depending on the singer's activity period)

ØOfficial 2011 Henecia fan club membership card

ØUse of the official fan club exclusive site and read exclusive contents

ØOpportunity to participate in fan club events (fan meeting, birthday party, etc.)

ØPriority to attend Kim Hyun-joong's open broadcast sessions in Korea (subject to approval of sponsor)

ØPriority when purchasing concert tickets for Kim Hyun-joong's concerts in Korea and overseas

<2011 Henecia Subscription Procedure >

> Subscription period: May 2, 2011 ~ May 15 PM 11:59 (Korea standard time)

(residents of Korea and international)

(Korea and abroad)

> Subscription qualifications: Anyone registered on the official website (hyun-joong.com)

*Overseas residents should carefully read the subscription procedure for overseas subscribers.

>Subscription procedure :

① Read the subscription procedure on the notice of the official website.

② Deposit the membership fee

③ Submit the deposit confirmation e-mail

④ Use of the official fan club exclusive site (Expected to notice later on)

> Subscription fee: Korea - 10,000 Won

Person who requires overseas delivery – 1area : 30,000 Won / US$ 35

2area : 38,000Won / US$ 40

3area : 40,000Won / US$ 45

※You may download the attached file to find the information of countries are added.

※Members outside of Korea need to pay a higher membership fee due to the higher delivery cost.

> Guidance for deposit :


• Account holder : SHIN PIL SOON (HENECIA)

• Account number : 611-020751-858

※Fan club subscribers in Korea should use their own name when making the deposit, while overseas fan club subscribers should make the deposit using the ID that they registered on the official website (hyun-joong.com).

> Deposit confirmation e-mail

• E-mail address : henecia@hyun-joong.com

• E-mail subject line : [Henecia] Name/hyun-joong.com ID/ date deposited• E-mail contents:

① Name :

② hyun-joong.com ID :

③ Date deposited :

④ Time deposited :

⑤ Deposit bank :

⑥ Nation :

⑦ Address (with Zip code) :

⑧ Date of birth :

⑨ Contact No.(Cell phone No./ Phone No.) :

※Subscriber should write the zip code when writing your address.

※We are not responsible for any inconvenience that may result due to inaccurate information when sending the deposit confirmation e-mail.

ØSubscription period: May 2, 2011 AM 12:00 ~ May 13 PM 11:59

ØSubscription qualifications: Anyone registered on the official website (www.hyun-joong.com)

ØCountries where overseas are able to subscribe : 120 countries

<< Download the attached file to find the information of countries are added>>

※ Countries where overseas are able to subscribe have increased from 11 countries to 120 countries by requests from overseas members. Some countries are excluded due to war and systems of physical distribution.

Ø Subscription fee: 1area : 30,000 Won / US$ 35

2area : 38,000Won / US$ 40

3area : 40,000Won / US$ 45

<<※Check the attached file for the details.>>

※Members outside of Korea need to pay a higher membership fee due to the higher

Ø Guidance for deposit :


Account holder : SHIN PIL SOON (HENECIA)

Account number : 611-020751-858


Address : 181, 2-Ka, Eulji-Ro, Chung-Ku, Seoul, Korea

Post Code : 100-793

Tel : 82-2-3444-5588

※ overseas fan club subscribers should make the deposit using the ID that they registered on the official website (hyun-joong.com).

> Deposit confirmation e-mail : (You should write in English.)

• E-mail address : henecia@hyun-joong.com

• E-mail subject line : [Henecia] Name/hyun-joong.com ID/ date deposited

• E-mail contents:

① Name :

② hyun-joong.com ID :

③ Date deposited :

④ Time deposited :

⑤ Deposit bank :

⑥ Nation :

⑦ Address(with Zip code): *writing in English*

⑧ Date of birth :

⑨ Contact No.( country code- area code – contact number) :

※ Precautions for overseas subscribers

- Please understand that residents of countries where delivery is not enabled cannot register as members.

- Subscriber should write the zip code and should accurately enter the country name and address in English.

- We are not responsible for any inconvenience that may result due to inaccurate information when sending the deposit confirmation e-mail.

- When you deposit, it can be charged for the remittance.

- The deposit confirmation e-mail should write in English.

- Please understand that in principle you can transfer only by wire transfer to prevent finance accidents

- The delivery period is subject to the delivery system in each country and may be longer than anticipated.

※ Precautions※

- Only individuals who are registered with the official website (hyun-joong.com) can subscribe as a member of the official fan club .

- Information (Name and ID)on the official website (hyun-joong.com), information on the party making the deposit, and the information in the deposit confirmation e-mail must match exactly.

(* We are not responsible for any inconvenience that may result due to inaccurate information.*)

- Children under 14 years of age can become members as long as the following documents are sent along with the deposit confirmation e-mail; a form indicating the parents' consent and a copy of medical certificate (legal proxy(parents)'s signature and the applicant's (child) signature must be present in this document).<>

- We do not accept separate requests to confirm deposit, but will notify those who did not make the deposit after the period for subscription expires.

-Deposit can be made using all types of banking deposit methods, such as Internet banking and Tele banking, but you must keep the deposit slip.

- Membership fees are non-refundable.

- The fan club card is a benefit that is available only to the member, and cannot be sold or transferred over to another person.

- We will verify that you are a member with the deposit slip before receiving the membership card.

- If a member requires a re-delivery to be made of the membership card, he or she must pay the delivery cost.

- In principle the card will be delivered once to the address on the deposit confirmation e-mail.

- The exclusive fan club site will be available during the period of activity of the fan club, and the method for accessing the site will be announced via the official website (hyun-joong.com).

- Please send any question regarding the recruitment of fan club members to henecia@hyun-joong.com


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Reposted from:senga@Hyunnie Pexer's forum

The video is entitled Playful Kiss and this looks very, very recent

was surely filmed in Japan and the hairstyle is very short.

Am I correct that this was done

during the duration of the PlayKiss Talk and Live in Osaka?

Please advise if I may need to transfer to another topic...^^

Source: http://blog.daum.net/elley0606

Credit: TheJoongjoong a.k.a. exlley

elley said that: "I'll delete this tomorrow."

So, while it is still around, let us enjoy it and screencaps follow.




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SS501’s Heo Young Saeng Almost Killed Kim Hyun Joong!

By: hotshotlover30 @ soompi


SS501’s Heo Young Saeng recently confessed that he accidently almost killed fellow member Kim Hyun Joong. While recording the upcoming episode of KBS2’s “Happy Together,” Heo Young Saeng said, “I like having candles in my house, and there was a time I almost burned down the house with Kim Hyun Joong in it.”

He continued, “I had my candles lit, and Kim Hyun Joong came over to drink. He fell asleep, and a friend of mine called me to come out. I left without thinking. Then, someone called me saying my house was on fire, and I quickly went home to see fire trucks outside. Unfortunately, Kim Hyun Joong was still sleeping inside and didn’t wake up despite the fire.” He added, “I ran inside to get him. Luckily, he was ok, and my home wasn’t too damaged.”

Heo Young Saeng concluded, “I felt terrible about the incident, but thankfully Kim Hyun Joong flippantly commented, ‘It’s something to talk about on air.’”

Heo Young Saeng’s episode of “Happy Together” will air May 12th on KBS2.

- i think most of us already know this since it was already mentioned in INtimate note with SS501 and Kara

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Guest meteorflower09

Playful Kiss Press Conference Feature on FUN Magazine

Credit: kimhyunjoong24.com


and more pics from PK fanmeet








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Credit: as tagged + kimhyunjoong24.com/khjoong3/31253

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Reposted from : By yuling@lovekimhyunjoong

A big Thank You to all the translators like Dan Dan & ode!

Reposted from KHJ Baidu

Source: hyun-joong.com

翻译:蛋蛋@百度金贤重吧 (Translated from Korean to Chinese: Dan Dan)

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Here's the original notice in Korean.

안녕하세요. 키이스트 입니다.

김현중씨의 첫 솔로 미니앨범 발매 기념 SHOWCASE가 오는 6월 7일 장충체육관에서 진행됩니다.

이번 SHOWCASE에서는 김현중씨의 미니앨범 신곡을 처음으로 선보일 예정이므로 팬 여러분들의 많은 참여 부탁 드립니다.




일시 : 2011년 6월 7일 (화) 시간 확정 후 추후공지

장소 : 장충체육관


① 2011 Henecia 회원 초대 (선착순)

② 김현중씨 첫 솔로 미니앨범 한정판 예약 구매자 (추첨)

** 자세한 인원 및 참여 방법은 추후 공지사항을 통해 안내해 드리도록 하겠습니다.

<장충체육관 약도 및 대중교통이용방법>


- 본 행사는 지역 차대절이 진행되지 않으니, 개별적으로 참여해 주시기 바랍니다.

- SHOWCASE외에 현재 따로 계획된 공식행사(생일파티, 팬미팅)는 없습니다.

- 공연장 안에서는 사진 및 동영상 촬영을 금지합니다.

- 플랜카드 및 현수막은 다른 사람의 공연 관람에 방해를 줄 수 있으니 삼가 주시기 바랍니다.


Yes, managed to find the one in English.

Reposted from ode

Translated from Korean to English: ode

Hello. This is KEYEAST.

Kim Hyunjoong-ssi will be holding his first solo mini album's commemoration Showcase on June 7 at Jangchung Gymnastic Stadium.

During this Showcase, songs from Kim Hyunjoong-ssi's new mini album will be sung and revealed for its first time, so we hope for much participation from all fans.

Thank you.



When : June 7 (Tuesday)

Time : announce again

Where : Jangchung Gymnastic Stadium


(1) 2011 Henecia members will be invited (First-Come-First-Serve)

(2) Those who purchase Kim Hyunjoong-ssi mini album's "Limited Edition" (through Lucky Draw)

**other additional details will be revealed again in another notice


-So far, only this Showcase is being planned. No others such as the Birthday Party / Fanmeetings

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I am sure that most of you had seen the 2 videos of HyunJoongs interview in Japan's Hanryu Fondue

Japan's Hanryu Fondue Part 2

cr: elley / Thejoonjoong @ YT

anyway elley/ thejoongjoong YT has deleted the part one to prevent the copyright issues to suspend the YT account. but if you want if you were one to miss that vid of hyunjoong is the gym, i am telling you "you are missing out something good". its one of those vids that could make you say "how could he be so HOT and adorable at the sa,e time". anyway if you are one of those who still hasnt watched, contact me & I'd send the link of the part 1.

if you are knew here in Soompi hyunjoong thread,

welcome welcome welcome chingus....!!!!

don't be afraid, and let your presence be known, Kay?!

to all old timers

"Annyeong Henecians...!!!"

"Annyeong Hyunnies"

"Annyeong Hyunniecians..!!"

"Hello Triple S!!!"

"Hi Green Peas!!!"

"Aloha Princesses!!!"

"and hey to all lurkers, Silent readers and everyone out there...!!!"

anyway me waves specially to Ate Nadz, mommy/miss D, Hannah, Lisaa., MILO, Meteorflower

and hello also to phoenix81 & passinthru

PS: Ate Nadz, Dont you just love HyunJoong in the Gym. how can he be so HOT SEXY and SPIFFING ADORABLE at the same time...?!?!?!

anyway I had just been in kathy's bench and found this amazing GIF's and images




looking at those fantastic pictures totally made me remember past news/ issue on hyunjoong. where you may ask, well look closely at the surrounding of the the interview? Remember that place? kekeke for some of you, if may look familiar cause hyunjoong has definitely been in that restaurant previously. If you remember it, then there probably is a little Cha Seung-won/DokJin (greatest Love) in you ear screaming "DING DONG"!!!

Yup yup yup, its Yonsama's Gorilla in the kitchen. its the place where Yonsama and little yonsama had their secret meeting that wasnt really a secret back in May 2010. It was back when SS501 contract termination/end came to light in all news portal. anyway if you want to read more Click here or here.

anyway I hear that that place has some amazing food. and watching hyunjoong eating their food made me water and salivate in envy. if you want to know more about Gorilla in the Kitchen then click here or here

anyway I think I have spammed enough. so i think I will leave my this post in posting this:

YJ must be pleased to be with Kim Hyun Joong


suehan: YJ must be very surprised, but pleased at the same time for Hyun Joong's straightfoward answers during HJ's interview. I found this cute story at the comment section of Hyun Joong's recent article on a visit to Japan on missyusa.com. Please enjoy.


Not knowing which direction he will go in like a rugby ball, quiet and direct Bae Yong Joon says he likes HyunJoong...

He says that he is jealous of how HJ lives freely compare to him.

If you look at HyunJoong's interview,

He was asked "What kind of conversations do you have when you see BYJ?"

"Tell me stories about a girl..." He would say...

He is said to shock BYJ...

He's cute, Hyun Joong...

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Guest lisaa.

Kim Hyun Joong ~ THE LOTTE HOMME March 2011 Vol.19

Credit: jp.lottedfs.com/entertainment/homme.php







Kim Hyun Joong ~ Hanryu Fondue # 3 [11.05.12]

Credit: blog.daum.net/elley0606/579

hanryu fondue # 3

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