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Kim Hyun Joong 김현중/金賢重/ キム・ヒョンジュン

Guest coreana

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Thank you NYCG @ for updating the remaining date of HJ in MS. Tday  I spent 3 hours non stop watching Barefoot Friends started from Gendong 's eposode. Hyun Joong was really great in this show. The more I watch his workks the more I want to see him on stage and on T.V again.

Hope he will come back stronger and greater after the MS. Really miss seeing him on stage and T.V 's show.

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2012-11-27 22:18:54 



Congratulations on the release of the first full album, “UNLIMITED” !

One year has passed since his debut in Japan. Releasing single albums, promoting live concerts and so on, Kim Hyun Joong spent a year at a run. Before he ends this year, he is going to compile the fruits of his activities of the this year into his first full album, 
UNLIMITED covering new three songs which is released in December. We had an interview with Kim Hyun Joong to look back his achievement in 2012 and to ask about his plan in 2013.

1/ Look back Japan Debut in 2012

Q: How do you feel the year of 2012?

HJ: This year I could spend close to all of you (fans). Since the solo debut in Japan, I had much support, especially to the second album, “HEAT”. Having an opportunity to receive a song (both of lyrics and song) from B’z, a musician I have been longing for, I could challenge to a rock music, brandnew genre for me to which you gave a tremendous support. From personal viewpoint, it was a specially fruitful year for me. I hope that the first album to be released in December will make a success as well, and thus I will be able to close this year in a fantastic way.

Q: What was most impressive one?

HJ: Your question reminds me of so many things I had experienced in Japan like panorama. I particularly remember guerrilla live performance more than anything else. “Guerrilla performance” means that I show you performance at the venue where the conditions for permance are not satisfied, nor no security is assured. However, I could feel what I cannot feel on the stage. Fans also felt close to me. It is a pitty that I can only see them in a very short time, but I appreciate them for their passionate support they give each time I visit Japan.

2/ First Album, UNLIMIED

Q: Could you tell us about the album concept?

HJ: It is Rock Sound. The songs before “Heat” were mainly dance music, but this time, the new songs consist of live performance instrumentals suh as base, drum, and keyboard. The live rock sound is realized in this new album which is exactly I have been longing for.

Q: What kind of though did you put in the title “UNLIMIED” ?

HJ: Well I thought that I could not stay within the field I had been performing. I always like Rock and I have been thinking of stepping into this genre sometime. Beginning with Heat, I learned about genuine rock sound, and am ready to able to try many challenges now.

I would like to show you my wide music specifications and that is why I put the title 
“ UNLIMITED” which means I do not stay within the existing framework.

Q: What are particular in the new album?

HJ: As I have always been communicating to you, there is no change that I want to be your “Only One” However, I would like to go further, not staying at the same place, but in order to continue to show you new style, I will do my best.

Q: The song list of the album seems to be the best selection. How did you choose songs ?

HJ: This first album consists of three new songs as well as those released before. I picked up the songs I am speicially attached to. I also wanted to select what all of you like the best.

3. Your Story

Different from Heat, “ Your Story” is a beautiful ballard , midtempo track. Could you explain about the production process ?

HJ: The original demonstration song of Your Story was a R&B with rap. In order to make difference from an ordinary ballard, I wanted to express a modern-rock feeling in it. Together with Mr. Kim Seong-lr, a basist of Daybreak, the famous modern rock bank in Korea, we presented many ideas, thus creating a completely brandnew song. 
In the recording, Daybreak members played a guitar, base, and keyboard which was 100% satisfactory for me.

Q: You will work on MV shooting. What kind of image do you have in mind?

HJ: I will show you a movie with a fantasy taste, which is completely different from the image of the song. It will be the opposite one you will imagine. Please expect.

4. Save Today

Q: For “Save Today” I collaborated with many artists. Mr. Kim Seong-lr was in charge of an overall arrangement of the song, while Mr. Yang Hye Seung of Pia, a popular rock band being in charge of drum and rhythm. Further, Mr. Alex of DOWNTELL, representative heavy metal band of Korea, took the part of guitar performance and its arrangement, which is the core part of this song.

From composition to preparation and the recording, we spent the time most for this song. It was a precious experience for me to be involved in production together with them.

5. I’m Yours

Q: It is a magnicient scale music composition. It is not a straight-forward love song, but there seem to be a hidden message. Is there any hidden message in it?

HJ: In the lyrics of “ I’m Yours “, “ you “ means all of you, fans. The reason I can be here now is thanks to all of you.

Q: In the promotion pictures, you put many tattoo painting on your body. Did you come out with this idea by yourself?

HJ: Yes. Though it is not a real tattoo, but I just wanted to show a different image which I have never shown to the fans.

Q: In some of the pictures, you have a guiar. Was it your own ? You actually played a guitar during the shooting ?

I have a Gibson Les Paul, Fendar Standard and some acoustic-sound guitars.

While preparing for this album, I started a guitar lesson. Sometime in future, I would like to play a guitar suddenly in front of you. Please expect (laugh)

6. Miscellaneous

a) What is must for Christmas ?

HJ: I recommend to spend your Christomas with whom you love and my album^^

B) Next Year Plan

Any schedule has not yet been concrete. I just start Japan tour in January.

c) Objective as musian

Charity concert where I would like to invite the fans from all over the world.
I am not sure when I can realize but I always dream of this concert to express my appreciation to all of you. It will be nice if I could have one in the universe.












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Thank you for all information and nice post.

Kim Hyun Joong fighting. Your fans belive in you  and have never lost trust in you.

Your dignity appeals brightly in your sincerity and your actions.

I hope and pray the court will find justice for you.

Be healthy , be strong and never give up .

I will always support you and never give up hope for justice. 



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News Updated 2016.02.27
Cr: @501wangja
1) HJ wants child custody;
2) Court going to verify evidences & documents submitted by both sides;
3) Choibitch requested HJ declare assets but Court is pending request;
4) next hearing to be on 8 April
it seems HJ has 3 lawyers representing him.

1. For now articles r conflicting abt who d plaintiff is 4the case. But court is reviewing legality of d suit in handling child support issue.
2. It SEEMS Choi registered d son under her last name. I can b wrong but my guess is, court decision abt parental right wl decide last name.

3. I am sure court has all the facts right, so I m going to remain confused but not worry abt it n just wait...

Cr: sunsun_sky

via yogikhj

1. 김현중vs前여친, 오늘(26일) 양육비-친권 공방 첫 재판 |다음연예 KHJ vs Choi first pleading date today (26th) for parental right/child support

http://v.media.daum.net/v/20160226063041292?f=m …
Cr: sunsun_sky
2. [Trans1] key pts-1) HJ wants child custody; 2) Court going to verify evidences & documents submitted by both sides; 
Cr: Princessmich123 
3. 1 Plaintiff of family case is O, son. AttyLee argues as it is not A who filed suit so d litigation 4child support must b dismissed. STARNEWS
Cr: sunsun_sky
4. [Trans2] 3) Choibitch requested HJ declare assets but Court is pending request; 4) next hearing to be on 8 April 
Cr: Princessmich123 
5. Its confusing. NewsEn says d plaintiff is A n she is not the party involved so not fit to bring the suit [that doesn't make sense to me]
Cr: sunsun_sky
6. Court is in review but declaration of asset must b done as alrdy ordered, separately from legality of d plaintiff to bring the suit. -NewsEn
7. Next trial date is at 4PM on April 8.
The son was designated either as O gun or Choi gun [gun is like Mr. for young male in Korean]
8. 2 AttyL: When its done, we wl execute declaration of assets. Thou O filed 4 paternity n child support case, but d two must b separate.
9. 3 Court has d same question n wl review its legality [of d child support suit by O not by A]
10. 김현중, 재산명시 거부 "친자, 양육비 소송 당사자 아냐" | 다음 연예 KHJ, refused to declare his assets, as plaintiff O is not fit as custodian

http://v.media.daum.net/v/20160226165238470?f=m …
11. 김현중vsA씨 "내가 키우겠다" 친권 행사·양육자 주장(종합) | 다음 연예 KHJ vs A: Both parties plead for child custody with no negotiation. 

http://v.media.daum.net/v/20160226172441520?f=m …
Cr: sunsun_sky
12. ps: it seems HJ has 3 lawyers representing him. 
Cr: Princessmich123 
13. AttyL:Can dis litigation plead 4parental right/custody? Suit was filed by a rep not d person involved, so shudnt it b dismissed? SEGYEDAILY
14. SportsToday mentions HJ was represented by two attys, Atty Lee, Jae-Man n Atty Park, Jin-Tae.

Cr: sunsun_sky




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Custody Battle Between Kim Hyun Joong and Ex-Girlfriend Holds First Hearing

Custody Battle Between Kim Hyun Joong and Ex-Girlfriend Holds First Hearing

On February 26, the first court hearing for the paternity case of Kim Hyun Joong versus his ex-girlfriend Ms. Choi was held.

Alhough it was originally announced that it would be the first time the two sides have faced each other in court since the announcement of the paternity test results, neither Kim Hyun Joong nor Ms. Choi were present at today’s hearing. Instead, their respective lawyers presented their arguments to the judge regarding the parental rights and custody of the child, referred to here as O.

To begin, the judge asked whether it was possible for both sides to reach a compromise regarding the issue of parental rights and child support. Kim Hyun Joong’s lawyer replied, “There is no negotiation. Both Kim Hyun Joong and Ms. Choi both want to raise the child themselves.”

A third lawyer requested that Kim Hyun Joong declare his assets on behalf of O, citing the need to prove that he can provide child support. Kim Hyun Joong’s lawyer rejected this request, stating that a declaration of assets has nothing to do with child custody, and that the matter of child support is a separate matter.

“Since the plaintiff (requesting the declaration of assets) is not Ms. Choi herself, we refuse to accept this demand. If Ms. Choi decides to request such information, it will be possible at that time.”

The judge then announced that he would examine the credibility of the documents and evidence provided by all sides, and would investigate all claims.

A paternity test previously revealed that Kim Hyun Joong is 99.999 percent likely to be the father of O. Meanwhile, Kim Hyun Joong has been serving his mandatory military duties since May of last year.

The next hearing date is set for April 8. Stay tuned for more developments on the matter.

Source (1)


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On 2/27/2016 at 10:00 PM, newyorkcitygirl said:

Custody Battle Between Kim Hyun Joong and Ex-Girlfriend Holds First Hearing

On February 26, the first court hearing for the paternity case of Kim Hyun Joong versus his ex-girlfriend Ms. Choi was held.

Alhough it was originally announced that it would be the first time the two sides have faced each other in court since the announcement of the paternity test results, neither Kim Hyun Joong nor Ms. Choi were present at today’s hearing. Instead, their respective lawyers presented their arguments to the judge regarding the parental rights and custody of the child, referred to here as O.

To begin, the judge asked whether it was possible for both sides to reach a compromise regarding the issue of parental rights and child support. Kim Hyun Joong’s lawyer replied, “There is no negotiation. Both Kim Hyun Joong and Ms. Choi both want to raise the child themselves.”

A third lawyer requested that Kim Hyun Joong declare his assets on behalf of O, citing the need to prove that he can provide child support. Kim Hyun Joong’s lawyer rejected this request, stating that a declaration of assets has nothing to do with child custody, and that the matter of child support is a separate matter.

“Since the plaintiff (requesting the declaration of assets) is not Ms. Choi herself, we refuse to accept this demand. If Ms. Choi decides to request such information, it will be possible at that time.”

The judge then announced that he would examine the credibility of the documents and evidence provided by all sides, and would investigate all claims.

A paternity test previously revealed that Kim Hyun Joong is 99.999 percent likely to be the father of O. Meanwhile, Kim Hyun Joong has been serving his mandatory military duties since May of last year.

The next hearing date is set for April 8. Stay tuned for more developments on the matter.

Source (1)



Hi newyorkcitygirl, thanks for sharing this. Ye, KHJ - fight for the legal custody of your son. Raise your child yourself. ;)

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1 hour ago, newyorkcitygirl said:


Latest photo of KHJ posted by his friend, so please I will put this down in minutes


Hi newyorkcitygirl, thanks for sharing this recent picture of him. So NICE to see he's doing fine! KHJ looked well. I hope he's  happy. I hope he's enjoying his time inside the camp,  away from the many prying eyes and ears of the outside world. :P

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Guest shariman66

Hi newyorkcitygirl!

Thank you for posting our beloved boy's latest photo. We have been missing him so much!

He really looks good ^_^ 

However, from the tweets that I've come across, the Korean fans have been pleading with everyone not to post it in public.

They even informed us that the friend who tweeted this photo has deleted it.

I'm guessing he didn't want the photo to be spread widely across the Internet.

No need to explain why, right?

I do hope our KHJ will continue to be healthy & safe with his division until the last day of his MS. 

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*** I hope KHJ has been fully-paid in this drama. It has been over 2 years already. Otherwise, his "tragic" life is never ending...  Poor Kim Hyun Joong if he's still not paid here.  I guess the production company must be suffering losses.  As far as I remember this drama had so many problems before.  It's really unfortunate for the actors who are still unpaid until now.  It is harder for the staff & crew who have families & bills to take care of as well. ;)




Actors and staff members from 'Generation of Youth' have still not been paid




On the morning of March 3, a rep of an actor that starred in 'Generation of Youth' stated that payments have yet to be disbursed. The rep said, "We still haven't received the payments for 'Generation of Youth.' It has been nearly two years but we have gotten no concrete answer."

'Generation of Youth,' which concluded in April of 2014, had postponed payments to the actors and the staff members. At the time, Yoon Se Hyun, the CEO of the production company that was in charge of the drama, stated that he would be taking care of the situation but he failed to pay disburse the payments in their entirety. 

"The production company CEO is only repeating that he will make the payments but nothing was resolved," said the rep. 

The rep further added, "From what I understand, a part of the leading cast and many supporting actors have yet to be paid. At this point, they have given up [on receiving the payment]. It's not only the leading and supporting roles that didn't receive their payments but the some staff members also didn't receive their payments.

Another rep has also stepped forward to say, "We have received a part of the the payment. But as for the remaining amount, they said to wait because they'll pay using any means possible. It's been near two years since they told us that." 

Ray&Mo, the production company that failed direly to make the necessary payments to the actors and the staff, claimed, "We will take care of the payment situation by the end of May."


source : allkpop

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Lovely - this reminds me of that Lee Min Ho drama (was it Faith?) where nobody got paid & the CEO or the producer of the drama ended up committing suicide :(  Just very sad.  Didn't his drama get aired in China and Japan?  SOMEBODY made some money there :(


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Saw that on the Henecia FB page :D  I'd recommend anyone who saw him in a concert to send info on it - or who had a close encounter LOL (fan meets etc).  I remember when Led Zeppelin was putting together something like this (How the West was Won) - I had pics from a 1977 concert & sent them just because - not thinking they were important - and Jimmy (Page)'s manager emailed me thanks!!!!  So you just never know what will be useful or used either :D

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Guest shariman66

I'm glad & thankful to know that some International stations are still appreciative of our boy's invaluable contributions to the Entertainment world ~ unlike the media hypocrites of his country.

I would love to contribute something. Unfortunately I've never had the chance to see him in the flesh.

For those who have encountered him or been to any one of his numerous concerts, FMs etc, do please contribute your personal experiences of being up-close & 'personal' with our boy.

The rest of us who haven't yet met him would certainly be grateful for any additional & precious 'tidbits' about him ^_^ 


What was that? The producer/CEO committed suicide?!!

I didn't know a LMH's drama suffered that much of a loss though admittedly I've never watched any of his aside from BOF, hee, hence my lack of knowledge. 

Why can't SK wake up to the fact that they have a serious attitude problem? Scary to think that for them if things seem hard to resolve, suicide is the answer.         

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