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Kim Hyun Joong 김현중/金賢重/ キム・ヒョンジュン

Guest coreana

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Yahoo only want our number of visits on their site: they know KHJ's fandom is huge. They know HJ is in army, the others are active in the showbiz but they are not so important as HJ, so it's only for increasing their number of connections!! And our votes don't go to HJ but the others 9 times to 10!! Yahoo cheat like the other years.

Edited by France060686
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Yahoo only want our number of visits on their site: they know KHJ's fandom is huge. They know HJ is in army, the others are in the showbiz but not so important, so it's only for increasing their number of connections!! Yahoo cheat like the other years.


To be honest I admit that i have to force myself to vote for anything in this site again because I don't trust them . They are dishonest and shamelessly deceived KHJ's fans last year. They do not want to see him win the vote but they used his name and the love of his fans to increase the visitors to their site. I 'm sure if KHJ wins they will cheat us again. What is happening to our votes now it's not  very surprising . Last year they betrayed the trust of their voters and  they had proved to us that they did not respect their own words. This year they will play the same trick and make sure he will not win this award. This is just my opinion i still remember how the management team of YBA betrayed our trust and effort last year. They did devalue their own award and truly dishonest to their voters. I do not value this award anymore.

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POLL: Which Generation Had The Best Visuals? (Male Edition)


Our ideals are constantly changing as current trends and fashion styles are always evolving. Our standards of beauty and glamour have changed since the early days of K-Pop but unfortunately, not everyone agrees that the change is for the better. Take a look at the different phases that the K-Pop industry has undergone visually and decide for yourself. Do you like the direction we're going in?


Which generation appeals to you the most?


(skipped unrelated.....)


Generation 2 (Early to mid 2000's)

Top-left to bottom-right:

Big Bang T.O.P, Jaejoong, Super Junior Siwon,

Rain, Hyun Joong, Tablo



LINK to Vote : http://www.allkpop.com/article/2015/11/poll-which-generation-had-the-best-visuals-male-edition

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Pretty much OMG not only KHJ but ALL the stars :D  & that guy in the right bottom corner that I don't recognize LOL (sorry, Tablo...)

Hi Teleri, hahaha - the one that I didn't recognize is Siwon from SJ.....Gen 2 hands down. I got into K-pop at the start of them. And the amount of eye candy...in this group. They still look handsome. Most of my biases are in gen 2. They are the best! :P

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Rain got me into the Korean Entertainment Industry with the drama Full House.  When I look at the group of men in the above photo, he is the best looking one of that bunch. Many people would disagree with me because Rain does not have the conventional Kpop idol looks.   However, there is something about his personality and in his eyes that I've always loved about him.  It sets him apart from all the rest.   As he ages, I think Kim Hyun Joong is going to get better and better looking.    I like KHJ with meat on the bones and I thought he looked so distinguished and handsome in his last Japanese concerts.   I can go on and on and on about KHJ but I'll stop right here.    I would definitely choose Generation 2 as having the best looks/personalities/charisma, etc. from the other groups in the poll. 

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Guest shariman66

Why do these sites always used their old pictures rather than their current ones ~ even 1 or 2 years ago would be an improvement rather than more than 5 years ago.

Really unfair comparison since the newer entertainers have more recent pictures ~

But whatever they may say, my vote will still be on our boy & his peers.

After 10 years in the K-entertainment world & with all those ever-changing images & concepts, I truly am amazed with how good our KHJ looked with each & every one of them ~ let's not forget his cordi-noonas could really come up with some of the most outlandish styles ever ^_^

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For all the Americans out there, I hope you are spending the holiday with family and friends on the most travelled holiday in the USA.  Airports and roads are insane right now!!!! :crazy:   At any rate,



P.S.  Don't spend too much money on Black Friday. :) 

Edited by theone4me
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hello everyone..first all, hope u all  can understand what im writing (well ya..im just know basic english hehehe but im trying write as good as possible hehehe)

I start follow korean entertaiment when boys over flower aired in my country...i love meteor garden taiwan drama the first version..of course i will follow this second version drama till end!..and because of ship this drama.. im start  looking about F4 (4 guys hehehe) and go hye sun in youtube..but..i person cought my eyes..with his personality n appearantly..but actually im attracted with his personality first and then followed his looking hehehe..i watch WGM, X MAN, ALL VARIETY SHOW related to him..so funny n interesting..STAR KING..his performence..im really enjoy watching it..i supposely thank you to ebay because create youtube hahaha..i should give an award to korean entertainment because made people other country enjoyable,laughing,smiling!..ops! ok back to my post objective ....

1-after his ex girlfriend news spread out..im really2 shock!!! Actually im not bias..so im not behalf of both side..im try to figure out by my investigation  hehehe so, im become silent reader..stalker..OMG, why i become busybody to other people life..but i dont know..maybe because i dont want to just believe all news...even from kim or ms choi side...im stalk twitter,fb,kim hyun joongs friend, ms choi friend..to look any info..from 2011,2012 untill 2015..because what his friend or her friends post in fb, comments, status post,twitter,picture long2 time ago will be a true fact and can related to all news which is the news fact was true  or not or had suspicious...

2-so my investigate so far...all the news so full of suspicious..conspiracy...i know ms choi was his someone special ..because her pic was cought at his concert, soccer game, fc match..but the question is how far the special is? and what situation when they fight?how come to become fight? Ms choi said because of woman..ok we accept that fact..but, we dont know true story behind it..i mean simple example like secret hotel drama...we dont know the true behind it...Maybe have something kim hyun joong dont want to reveal or maybe protect something...so he just accept..accept...apologize..accept..

3-and im not just in one side..so i try to investigate other side..ms choi messages with kim hyun joong.. maybe its true because we know kim hyun joong is someone can talk whatever he want without thinking first right?...but, i cant accept the messages is 100% same with real situation..so, we dont know the REAL situation time that...p/s: im sorry ms choi, im not someone who support woman assault..but i need more evidence..because what? Because if my self at your place, i sued him and leave him...media will made hot news about it..so u get revenge...enough....but look like u dont want to leave him..and said still love him, hope stay until end disember.and after assault, still get pregnant? And sue back.....if u love him..why u ruin his career..his life to the world? For WHAT???  Ok to kim hyun joong.. i want to believe u but i have suspicious..is it true u go jeju with her after she sued u? Why? Is it weird? Because of lawyer or because u are ro naive and loyalty to ur lover or sympathy to people and try to solve it by ur self even that way can risk ur career n life?? Ur family said u look so happy n bright last desember and went bowling together..... this fact really2 suspicious..

Thats why i stalk everything from his/her friend..their photo, post, comment..everything...and after that i think all the news said its full suspicious and conspiracy...maybe i need to wait untill something that i can trust...


Ok , i dont know why this idea popup from my mind hehehe...i hope u all dont get it serious..because we still lack of evidence....its just my popup thinking and want to share with u all..just popup ok.....

1-kim hyun joong always with his friend..did party, drinking ,birthday celebration..i saw from his female friend facebook..and also his male friend... maybe he know ms choi from his female friend..but look like he very close to 1 of his female friend too..she work as a dj..dj look like popular and preety too...and his first letter name is J (ok just popup thinking..dont want to suspect more and stop right there immediately )

2-all of his friend look like have wife n girlfriend..so maybe kim hyun joong feel alone and want something like that..everything drinking together,chatting, celebrating..and ms choi what i look from fc system match..shes have seductive personality..with her eyes when she look at kim hyun joong..kim hyun joong who cannot express his like someone..when have someone like this in front him..show interest to him..so they become couple..he try to be common people who have a girlfriend..dating..like that ( i think if he brave to express his like to anyone idol/actress for example to uee, or to nana or anyone..and dating ...his fans will not run away..look at lee min ho n suzy..le seung gi n girl genetation...its will be ok hehehe) ok im over now hahhaa

2-being girlfriend not be being wife right? Example my self..i couple 2 time untill i find someone truely deep in my heart he is the one...maybe this is accur to our kim hyun joong...he have girlfriend..but his heart not find the true girl yet....maybe when he close to someone else...so the fight began... if i hallyu star with good looking...relationship will be difficult because serrounding with good people, good looking..so i must find someone really2 i love right? Love untill  bring to marriage rite? So scandal, dating..change girlfriend to find really ur soulmate..its common thing for idol star rite? Maybe this is the couse of all this fight began......just my thinking only..thinking only...

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continue...and for revenge of assault but at the same time to make kim hyun joong her own..so she reveal everything on media..so confirm no celebrity, idol would like him.. ut its secrifice his career n life foo....owhhh so susspicious....love  sometime so cruel.....thats why we must find someone soulmate..its ok if we hurt..al long as our love happy..thats rite..that is LOVE....

Edited by ammara
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Rain got me into the Korean Entertainment Industry with the drama Full House.  When I look at the group of men in the above photo, he is the best looking one of that bunch. Many people would disagree with me because Rain does not have the conventional Kpop idol looks.   However, there is something about his personality and in his eyes that I've always loved about him.  It sets him apart from all the rest.   As he ages, I think Kim Hyun Joong is going to get better and better looking.    I like KHJ with meat on the bones and I thought he looked so distinguished and handsome in his last Japanese concerts.   I can go on and on and on about KHJ but I'll stop right here.    I would definitely choose Generation 2 as having the best looks/personalities/charisma, etc. from the other groups in the poll. 

Totally agree with you about Rain..:)

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On 11/30/2015, 2:35:52, ConnieK said:

I learned it's snowing today in Seoul I wish him warmth and good health. 


Hi ConnieK, ye, the snow started to fall in Seoul and other regions already. In fact, there's a heavy snow warning issued across the country. Actually, it began snowing since last week.  :P

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Guest shariman66


As long as he acts in a drama or a movie, I would for sure watch it ^_^

I miss watching videos by fans when he was on-site & his airport to & fro-ing ~

Since Paju is at the extreme north & it's already snowing, let's hope our boy has adequate clothing to keep him warm these winter months.

If there's anyone who happens to see or capture him in his winter uniform, I hope the person would be kind enough to share the photo ~

Of course it would be better NOT to show it but miss him so.                       

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