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Kim Hyun Joong 김현중/金賢重/ キム・ヒョンジュン

Guest coreana

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I just want to share a bit of my thought . When I read what Att Seoun was saying in his interview I was very surprised and then i laugh because he looks like an emotional actor mot a lawyer. I can't believe he can go this far in his commitment to cover choi's lies and to do everything out of his professional ethic to help choi get what she wants even he knew well choi is lying. I start to doubt their relationship because he acts too emotional towards choi. Does he also fall in to choi's trap ? or her money's trap.

That's why they tried to avoid the DNA test, because it will show piggy's (Seon) DNA... Also, is there somebody thought that KHJ was actually RAPED by Choi. If I'm not mistaken, Choi claimed that KHJ was drunk when something happened between them. So for KHJ, being so naive, giving the benefit of the doubt, he thought that it could be true but still needs confirmation thru DNA. Rape happened when the other party have no consent. KHJ doesn't want to see her during that time but because somebody pleaded, so he did. And, absolutely, If KHJ is mentally present on that time, he will never touch the girl who blackmailed him, just sharing my and my daughter's thought abt this issue.

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You are right - there WAS that text where Choi made it sound like he was drunk & practically passed out on her doorstep or something - you know what works for the goose works for the gander & if she had sex w/him when he was totally plastered, then yep! LOL

She's disgusting.  Throw her in jail.  It will be better for that kid if he IS KHJ's child - although for KHJ's sake I hope not since he needs NO ties to her!!!!!

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I just want to share a bit of my thought . When I read what Att Seoun was saying in his interview I was very surprised and then i laugh because he looks like an emotional actor mot a lawyer. I can't believe he can go this far in his commitment to cover choi's lies and to do everything out of his professional ethic to help choi get what she wants even he knew well choi is lying. I start to doubt their relationship because he acts too emotional towards choi. Does he also fall in to choi's trap ? or her money's trap.

That's why they tried to avoid the DNA test, because it will show piggy's (Seon) DNA... Also, is there somebody thought that KHJ was actually RAPED by Choi. If I'm not mistaken, Choi claimed that KHJ was drunk when something happened between them. So for KHJ, being so naive, giving the benefit of the doubt, he thought that it could be true but still needs confirmation thru DNA. Rape happened when the other party have no consent. KHJ doesn't want to see her during that time but because somebody pleaded, so he did. And, absolutely, If KHJ is mentally present on that time, he will never touch the girl who blackmailed him, just sharing my and my daughter's thought abt this issue.

Actually , I think she could lie to HJ about so many pregnancies and miscarriages and he believed her because she could have sex with him without protection only when she made him drunk and claimed that she got pregnant when she was not.. He could not say much just had to believe her because he was not in conscious whether they did  have sex or not or whether he used protection.. I believe if he did not get drunk he would never have sex with her or without protection. Considering a  manipulative manner as she has shown us for the whole one year I think she is more than capable to lie to him and convince him to believe her in many things in their relationship.. She wants him to feel guilty and tries her best to make him feel guilty in order to keep him with her. Now she asked her lawyer to feed him with guilty feeling in order to make him accept her demand.

The latest pregnancy as she claimed he could not 100 percent refused or accepted because I believe she made him drunk too. She met him only for one day in Dec.got him drunk as usual and asked him to officially separated at the end of Dec.Then January she told him she got pregnant. Basically they had separated since July but she could manage to made him drunk in Nov-Dec for 2 times and claimed she was pregnant 2 times during that period. However most of her pregnancies claims had proved not true and the last one still can't say 100 percent sure.  For me it seems every times she could get him drunk before having sex or have no sex she would claim she got pregnant.and he just simply believed her. As a sincere and an honest person as he has been he had no reason not to believe her.   choi knew well how to take advantage of HJ's kind heart.

At the end of the day i believe no one deserves to be in HJ's situation that not only has been betrayed and deceived by a person he thought he could trust who became a blackmailer and gold digger but also was treated unfairly by bias trash medias. The real criminals here in HJ's nightmare  are a gang of Bandit which include a gold digger , a greedy lawyer and trash medias. Haters are the supporters of this Bandit gang.

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[News Update-10] [9.23.2015]
Aside from submitted text messages & texts with friends, abortion materials.
Court set 4th hearing due to huge amount of materials & small materials unorganized yet
1 )Atty.Lee: "It seems its their tactic is to drag the litigation to 4th hearing in order to bring out negotiations for criminal lawsuit. [DailySports]
2) Atty.Lee: Text messages, though large amount, don't have authority over 1 medical-certificate. Its favorable to us when they have more text messages Only texts prove nothing.
3) Atty.Lee:There's 1 material from July abortion.
A told KHJ she was pregnant in July/Sept/Dec & he believed her. Per statement of fact, theres abortion in July.
4) Atty.Lee: She talked about abortion in Dec & got 6BW for compensation but there's no material in this regard.
[per DailySports]
cr translation: @sunsun_sky
The so-called 'massive amount of info' expected (from A & Seon) turned out to be text messages!!
cr: @Princessmich123
[News Update-3] [ 9.24.2015]

Q:A's witness?
Atty.Lee: July 10 assault case completed last year by settlement & not litigation issue, so witness was denied.
Q: why 4th hearing?
Atty.Lee: Choi's side said they have so many text messages & need time to process them.
cr: @catgojump
cr translation: @sunsun_sky 
[News Update-8] [9.23.2015]
1) Since Seon submitted tons of text messages "today", court need time to review. That made another trial..
cr: @4everhyun 
2) [correction] The next trial will be closed to the public. I'm sorry.
cr: @catgojump 
3) KHJ's parents are there for KHJsince he can't be there and KHJ's dad says it's really terrible that we have to come to this point
KHJ's lawyer said girl side's so called evidence are full of lies not have truth
cr: Jackie Kim
Edited by newyorkcitygirl
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[News Update-2] [9.23.2015]
1) Third hearing will be held today in 23rd at 4:30 PM KST & attended only by the two legal counsels of both parties.
cr: @sunsun_sky
2) A's indiscriminate disclosure of private lives caused death-like sufferings for HJ & family 
무차별 사생활 공개'김현중"죽음과 같은 고통"http://media.daum.net/v/20150923143204019 …
3) "We can all prove enough" (2015/06/03) 
"all the characters for the pregnancy has been submitted" (2015/07/22):
today is giving way to prove the claims evidence properly.
cr: @catgojump
cr translation: @Princessmich123
‪#‎Hi5Support4KHJ‬ ‪#‎Justice4KHJ‬

[News Update-3] [9.23.2015]
1) KHJ parents attend 3rd hearing at court 
cr: @chocolatdaleKHJ 
cr translation: Marta Plaza
김현중 부모 법원으로, 아들 3차 변론준비기일도 참석
2) No contact from A side regarding the Paternity confirmation since Sept 17.
cr: @catgojump 
cr translation: @Eli10Alex 

[News Update-4] [9.23.2015]
1) Kim Hyun Joong # September 23, compensation lawsuits singer and actor Kim Hyun Joong and ex-girlfriend Choi of 1.6 billion won upcoming third debate. 
Choi's lawyer also said that it has submitted about pregnancy, abortion, violence and all other relevant evidence to the court.
source: http://www.allthatstar.com/view.php…
2) The next trial will be tried openly.

[News Update-5] [9.23.2015]
1) K-Day newsletter 【xportsnews】
Sept.23rd, Seoul Central District Court civil section 25 
# Kim Hyun Joong and ex-girlfriend Choi on damages lawsuit third round defense.
Choi's counsel submitted to the judge a few text messages & the pregnancy supporting data. 
And said "for whether the Choi child own it or not, disagreement and Kim Hyun Joong, the truth will be cleared in court." 
cr: @K-Day韩流资讯 on weibo
2) HJ vs cs-A legal battle, next trial onwards to proceed publicly 
김현중vs전여친 법적공방, 다음 재판부터 공개 진행http://media.daum.net/v/20150923170007727?f=m …



Edited by newyorkcitygirl
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I will post a smiling face from Hyun Joong to change our mood.

One thing is so true that however we feel HJ's smile always can heal our heart , isn't it ?


Credit as tagged


1443134240-839712fdjw-o.jpgA truly healing smile .

Be calm, be strong , be happy and be confident.

We will always be with you no matter what because we knew you are a good man.

Please acknowledge you are loved because who you are inside Kim Hyun Joong's body.

We are proud to share thick and thin experience with you.

Edited by vivian6686
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Thanks NYCGirl for posting the pictures.  I don't know but when I look at the guy, it doesn't feel like KHJ.  He doesn't really have that essence/spirt I sense when I look at KHJ.   Maybe I don't know him personally so he is very very different in private. However, I've always thought that in public, he was being himself. I'm not talking about hair line or nose (although the nose doesn't look like his nose).  I'm saying the person in the photo has an empty or different type of soul or spirit or it's not what I'm used to seeing when I see KHJ. Do you  know like when you know someone really well and then they are not acting like they normally act?  You then ask the person if something is wrong because they aren't themselves.  You sense something isn't right but you don't know what it is.  That is what I'm talking about in some of the photos. It doesn't feel like him because KHJ gives of something different in his eyes that I don't see in this person's eyes in the photo.  When KHJ smiles, his eyes are either very sexy, very humble or very child like.   I'm not sure I'm explaining this correctly.   The person in these photos just don't seem like him but I might be wrong.  

Edited by theone4me
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omg what they, you are doing why is so hard to believe is him !? So in SK is a person who lookalike to KHJ even his hairstyle!? Is HJ in his daily life ! When you took pics many pics can show you different !

Is HJ in the all pics that he and she showed until now they were together took pics and thats why now there is a scandal because they were together since 2013 we know she came at soccer game he allowed her to come ! She was the only girl who didnt has a camera to take pics and videos as the real fans were doing! She stand doing nothing with an arogant  rude attitude as she showed in the last year! 

Is HJ with his sexy misterious look, eyes! I like his look in the pic he is so real ! Hehe

Edited by slaura83
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Thanks NYCGirl for posting the pictures.  I don't know but when I look at the guy, it doesn't feel like KHJ.  He doesn't really have that essence/spirt I sense when I look at KHJ.   Maybe I don't know him personally so he is very very different in private. However, I've always thought that in public, he was being himself. I'm not talking about hair line or nose (although the nose doesn't look like his nose).  I'm saying the person in the photo has an empty or different type of soul or spirit or it's not what I'm used to seeing when I see KHJ. Do you  know like when you know someone really well and then they are not acting like they normally act?  You then ask the person if something is wrong because they aren't themselves.  You sense something isn't right but you don't know what it is.  That is what I'm talking about in some of the photos. It doesn't feel like him because KHJ gives of something different in his eyes that I don't see in this person's eyes in the photo.  When KHJ smiles, his eyes are either very sexy, very humble or very child like.   I'm not sure I'm explaining this correctly.   The person in these photos just don't seem like him but I might be wrong.  

Agree with you 200%..

The person in that picture doesnt have HJ's soul/spirit. Is like some one else but he look like him. for the first time I saw this picture I ask : Is it HJ?

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Thank you for posting these photos. However I do not know the purpose of Seoun by posting this one. He probably had to find something to keep choi attached to HJ.his new tactic ??

Actually what the photos made a different if she once slept with HJ even just a one night stand they could take a photo like this. It is not something special. However if the picture was a Photoshopped it means something is seriously wrong about Soeun and choi.

They did this to prove Hj and choi had relationship ?. Suddenly they are not confident about this ?

So, now they themselves are not even sure whether the public still believe in their lies or choi herself is not sure she was HJ's ex because she was closed with him for too short term before the scandal which not enough to say an ex..and they was not even living together.

If she is sure she was his ex she does not need picture like this to prove to public except she knew well she just the women who willing to spend time with him from times to times without commitment. That explains why she had to fake several pregnancies to force him to accept her in his life and want to be his so call GF. Sadly he disappointed her .

Now  they want to use this picture as an evident to prove they lived together ? How ? They tried hard isn't it. Taking DNA test is much easier choi.

Anybody here call spending some nights in somebody house when you wanted to have sex is... living together ?

Really really desperate do you choi.? i think I understand her fear but she has such an evil-heart and mind.

As a woman myself I will tell her frankly if she is honest and sincere she can easily get my sympathy.


As for HJ fans . Don't be upset with the photo but upset with the purpose of her manipulative actions. What we expect to see he is a regular grown man who is healthy ,handsome and attractive .  choi is just one woman who wanted to show us and public that she was once in his arms. How about that ?? However It will be so ridiculous if it is just a Photoshopped.


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Guest shariman66


No offence meant but I'm not too sure if you a real fan or pretending to be one ~

However, there's no 'Of course, it's KHJ!' when it comes to dealing with psy-choi & accomplices ~

We always tend to take a TABLE spoonful of salt rather than a grain whenever her despicable camp comes out with a supposed 'new' info.

Correction, I believe she came there at the soccer match in order to stalk & flirt with him.

If she was his GF, then why couldn't she follow him to Beijing like what the other fans said?

She wasn't, that's for sure ~

She has always deluded herself ~ thinking that she's that important to him ~ 

Sorry for saying this ~ but she just happened to be a convenient & very willing lay for our boy for a short time, nothing more & nothing less.

Unfortunately, she couldn't & still can't accept that thus the pathetic melodrama or temper-tantrum ~ though for such an old lady, older than our boy anyway, she should have had better restrain or maturity

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The thing about those pictures - I'm sure most of us have seen thousands (well, hundreds anyway) of pictures of KHJ - candid ones.  We've seen him in dramas & variety shows.  Those pics of him & her on Jeju - that was KHJ in pics like these - candid ones when he wasn't in the public eye.
These pics would be no different - ie it doesn't matter one way or the other if that's really KHJ.  He did know her for 2 years, dated her for 2 months - so I'm sure they took pics together.
The point is - those really don't look like KHJ - something's off and it is NOT cause he's drunk out of his mind either.  I suppose it could be him - but the shape of his eye is off or something - I don't know what it is but it's something.
Again, doesn't matter.  Bottom line, the BRUISE is photoshopped (& on the wrong arm LOL)

As for her just being a convenient - I'm certain that KHJ considered her a friend. With benefits, with no longterm commitment nor relationship in mind, but still a friend.  He kept believing her.  Which makes her behavior especially noxious :(

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Thanksgiving holiday gifts to HJ's parents, Attony Lee and his staffs. Thank u!
[KHJ PowerfulS] Chuseok Support - lovely gifts for HJ parents & Attorney Lee. Very thoughtful gifts 
[김현중 파워풀S] 추석 서포트를 진행했습니다. http://cafe.daum.net/khj-miclub/O7qi/91?sns=twitter&svc=sns … 
cr: @khjpowerfuls 
cr translation: @Princessmich123 
credit to : @khjpowerfuls LALALA ...  JAPAN TEAM ZAKU






















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[News Update-1] [9.25.2015]
1) On 24 Sept, criminal suspect A filed a paternity suit in Seoul Family Court at Seocho-gu Yangjae-dong, Seoul 
cr: @catgojump 
cr translation: @Princessmich123 

2) Yesterday (the 24th) Miss Choi filed a paternity lawsuit confirmation
KHJ parents confirm in Korea too many loopholes in the law ... 
Choi can be so legal subterfuge really was an eye-opener! 
Want no delay in criminal investigations! 
Korea without drastic this time sentenced Choi of the judiciary punishment, everyone can use this later to achieve their ends! 
@illublue:昨天(24 號)崔小姐提起了親子確認訴訟
韓國法律漏洞太多...崔婊可以如此玩弄法律也真令人開了眼界! 希望刑事偵訊不會因此受到拖延! 韓國司法界這次如果不大刀闊斧判崔婊重刑,以後人人可以用這套來達到目的! 

cr: @illublue
via @Miyokolovekhj





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Guest shariman66


Hmm, perhaps he did acknowledge her as a friend ~ initially anyway ~ because our boy is too much of a sweetheart.

However, looking at the positive side & a respite from that tiresome nonentity, this unfortunate incident has really done a wonderful job of 'separating the wheat from the chaff' ^_^

I've just came across a comment from a fan @ lazerkim's blog regarding this matter. She said this;

'So it's possible that KHJ will be returning to one of the most loyal, and connected emotionally to him Fan-base. Not naive fans who think the celebrity they follow is perfect with no blemish.. but fans who know his faults, but have always felt his honesty and humbleness and that is what makes us love and admire him more. Time will tell..'

One of the most apt descriptions of what has been happening to our boy's fandom this last year or so ~ equivalent to the much-quoted, 'those who mind don't matter (ex-fans) & those who matter don't mind (us)' ~ of course, we do mind but more for his sake rather than our own.

So, eventhough that psy-choi & company are up to their tricks again (& will probably continue to do so like the pests they are for the coming months), I've come to realise that whatever the outcome of this unfortunate saga, our boy has us to fall back on, God Willing. 

May God All-Mighty continue to bless & protect KHJ & family ~

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No offence meant but I'm not too sure if you a real fan or pretending to be one ~

However, there's no 'Of course, it's KHJ!' when it comes to dealing with psy-choi & accomplices ~

We always tend to take a TABLE spoonful of salt rather than a grain whenever her despicable camp comes out with a supposed 'new' info.

Correction, I believe she came there at the soccer match in order to stalk & flirt with him.

If she was his GF, then why couldn't she follow him to Beijing like what the other fans said?

She wasn't, that's for sure ~

She has always deluded herself ~ thinking that she's that important to him ~ 

Sorry for saying this ~ but she just happened to be a convenient & very willing lay for our boy for a short time, nothing more & nothing less.

Unfortunately, she couldn't & still can't accept that thus the pathetic melodrama or temper-tantrum ~ though for such an old lady, older than our boy anyway, she should have had better restrain or maturity



to follow him to another country for events and concert ! No way! He never introduced her as his gf and didn't has the intention to do it, they were in hiding, and yes, she wanted to be more and come up with pregnancy, etc but he didnt want !

but the way she was sitting there at the soccer match with all the fans with cameras around her, that was crazy ! in fact i remember at that time was a rumor i read something who said hj's gf was there too but no one listened to it !

doesnt matter what kind of relationship they had if she was his gf or not but they spent time together she took pics, her lies are her lies, but they can have real pics ! his atty said he believed her last year, she threatened him with miscarriage and pregnancy and he believed her mean they spent time together ! so, i dont see nothing wrong if in the pic is HJ ! i think i'm one of that person who dont see and want him perfect, angelic! i can say i am an outsider fan who always saw him in a natural way!

she lied since the beginning with her bruises, now we see that she had bruises but are from gym as she said too first but then after they big fight at the end of july when she broke into his house then she took advantage of her bruises and started the scandal in media, we know that at the end of july when they had the big fight he got bruises !

she is that kind of average korean girl with a lot of make-up on her face, she needs make-up to get out of the house?! lol she looks awkward with make-up don't want to see her without! lol

still hope the baby is not his to not have any tie with her, if it is his hope to has his natural beauty ! hehe 



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Guest shariman66


My apology then if I've offended & no, I've never had this fantasy that our boy's perfect ~

In fact I've always been uncomfortable whenever I read comments by some fans gushing about him being perfect, an angel etc ~ not realistic but hey, it's their opinion. As I've said before, in my religion, an angel is one of God's creatures that's very different from the ones being characterised in cartoons & movies ~ very different, believe me. So, no way would I compare our boy to an angel, hee!

Anyway, I'm not too bothered whether the pictures shown were actually our boy. They had a relationship & the word is 'had', but now? No more ~ in fact for him to announce through Mr Lee that he did not want to even see her, is quite a major something ~

I think that's one of the main reasons why psy-choi & her camp are doing all they could in order to make him retract & surrender to their greedy whims. The other more worrying problem for them is of course the criminal suit. They wouldn't want to face that ~ else all their lies would be revealed.

Perhaps what we should do now is to be pro-active & send him letters or emails to strengthen his resolve. That's one of the things we could do for our boy in this hour of need. He needs us ~ though I hope our boy has become more resolute & stronger mentally & emotionally. 

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Exactly - I have no problem w/the pictures per se - we've seen pics of the two of them before.  Of course there'd be selfies.  She's showing the pics to try to prove the bruises were there & KHJ saw them - THAT's the point.  Except oops!  bruises on wrong arm.  So I for one am not caring if it's him or not.  But that pic doesn't LOOK right - his face looks off somehow - that's what people are saying.  It DOES look strange.  Could indeed be him.  But has nothing to do with whether he's perfect or people not accepting their relationship (obviously he had sex w/her - he DOES think this is his kid after all).  Just saying.

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I want to say a lot, but I don't have time to go into rant mode (hehehehe) 

Firstly, I totally get what people are saying... HJ look's rather 'off' in the pictures. But, no doubt it IS him... just it seems the pictures have been edited in some way.  (Though I think fans should remain rational...and not insist the guy in the pics is an impostor, etc) 

The main thing I think when looking at these pics is, Choi seems to have altered her own image in order to look super fragile...  yes, she is slender...but she is not 10 years old. And her head is not the same width as her shoulders, I am quite sure. 

These pictures have no doubt been somehow altered in Choi's favor... as are most of the things that this crazy thing sells to the media, 

Right now, her side  seem pretty desperate. She will do whatever she can to manipulate HJ into dropping the upcoming  criminal lawsuit, simply, because she knows she is going to prison! So what does she have to lose anymore? 


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