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Kim Hyun Joong 김현중/金賢重/ キム・ヒョンジュン

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It bothers me that there are people actually talking about boycotting KHJ in order to get at KE.  I understand their hatred and frustration with KE because I feel the same way.  However, I like KHJ far greater than I dislike KE and BYJ.  I am not sure if these are fans or if these are anti's/Choi supporters trying to stir things up.  Whatever the case, I agree with Illublue that this is not the time to drop support.  KHJ needs our support now more than he has ever needed it before.  I'm buying the CD.

Willinette, thanks for explaining the ultra sound to me.  So, if we know how many weeks pregnant she is, we will know if he is the father based on the week the baby was conceived.  KHJ knows when he had sex with this woman.  He would know if he is the father if he knew the number of weeks she is pregnant based on the ultrasound.  He wouldn't need a blood test. I hope KHJ and his family do not let up on this woman.  If it's proven he's not the father, I still hope they will go after her for fraud and blackmail.   I also hope they file a lawsuit for $1 million so he can get his money back from her and her lawyer.

Cuckooya, I understand what you stated about Choi's love for KHJ.  Choi seems more obsessed with KHJ not in love with him. She is telling all kinds of lies and doing all kinds of things to get his attention and to try to keep him close.  She just won't let him go.  She won't leave him alone even though she knows he doesn't want her anymore.  It's a sick twisted obsession. Not love.  This is just my opinion.  


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Thanks to many for the messages of support! I have seldom been so disturbed on Twitter as I was yesterday, by the irrationality of so many grasping at shadows. Which precipitated me into writing that long tweet which I reproduced above..

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 So we will support his next album and activity. "Umm.... If you cannot prove to me this will make money I will not bother to fund any more albums or activities. Don't bother contacting us - what proof can you offer me that his activities will have support after this whole scandal? Oh, he gets lots of letters? The fans came to see him? Hmm.... Can you assure me that translates into profits?" So perhaps fans will finally have the opportunity to save money. Many of you might not have realised how dressed down the concerts were on his last tour. This is no accident. No one with an ounce of business sense would doubt that cost saving was an issue. And likely it was a condition that HJ had to accept before even being allowed to hold the tour. 

Just as it was important to show the world we supported him at the end of the world tour, just as it was important for us to show he still had this support at his enlistment, so it is important now to show that this, potentially his last album, still has selling power.


illuBlue I don't know who you are - or what occupation you are in - but you are dead on in every area - I had to write a second entry after  going to twitter.

On June 11, a few weeks ago,  I was so upset to discover this start of the boycott by certain twitter members and realized that they may not be aware of what actually will support KHJ....it is not the number of tweets on twitter, it is not the fan letters (although that helps the family) - but it does not translate to CASH in hand.  I cannot believe that the words I highlighted in red by you are exactly my thoughts too. It shows that you are someone who understand the consequences of actions, or lack of actions - and in this case - it is the boycotting of KHJ's albums..and how ripple effect works - especially in a negative context.

Those who are loudly boycotting this  - please - consider what we are here for - supporting KHJ. For international fans. someone mentioned that the international fan shows support by buying albums - and that is the way we can show support in a material way that can be quantified.

To boycott this album - this last KHJ album....may result in the last time we will ever hear KHJ.

Edited by lkh2
It was around June 11, that I first came across the tweets to boycott album on twitter.
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Thanks to many for the messages of support! I have seldom been so disturbed on Twitter as I was yesterday, by the irrationality of so many grasping at shadows. Which precipitated me into writing that long tweet which I reproduced above..

Is because we are in the same ship, supporting Hyun Joong not actions that could harm him.  Anger is not a good counselor and those who are taking this action should meditate better before continuing with this.

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It bothers me that there are people actually talking about boycotting KHJ in order to get at KE.  I understand their hatred and frustration with KE because I feel the same way.  However, I like KHJ far greater than I dislike KE and BYJ.  I am not sure if these are fans or if these are anti's/Choi supporters trying to stir things up.  Whatever the case, I agree with Illublue that this is not the time to drop support.  KHJ needs our support now more than he has ever needed it before.  I'm buying the CD.

Willinette, thanks for explaining the ultra sound to me.  So, if we know how many weeks pregnant she is, we will know if he is the father based on the week the baby was conceived.  KHJ knows when he had sex with this woman.  He would know if he is the father if he knew the number of weeks she is pregnant based on the ultrasound.  He wouldn't need a blood test. I hope KHJ and his family do not let up on this woman.  If it's proven he's not the father, I still hope they will go after her for fraud and blackmail.   I also hope they file a lawsuit for $1 million so he can get his money back from her and her lawyer.

Cuckooya, I understand what you stated about Choi's love for KHJ.  Choi seems more obsessed with KHJ not in love with him. She is telling all kinds of lies and doing all kinds of things to get his attention and to try to keep him close.  She just won't let him go.  She won't leave him alone even though she knows he doesn't want her anymore.  It's a sick twisted obsession. Not love.  This is just my opinion.  


Agree with you @theone4me,

Even the story plot is not true, but once it is already out, it is hard to get clear KHJ's name. Maybe this is her satisfaction for revenge or what ever her target. Soon people will found out the truth but every thing will be mess up for the beginning (like what happen now, so many people condemn, boycott KHJ and talking bad about him)

What happen now, it takes times to get clear, some more KHJ now in MS. everything becoming so complicated when KE also didn't want to defend for him. Sometimes i think, is it a conspiracy or what to bring KHJ down. But for what reason?

Some more, it's getting weird when KHJ previous lawyer advice him to take Choi for Jeju trip, to clear her depression? and KHJ previous lawyer now  is Choi's lawyer? what it's mean? even accompany her to Jeju will erased away her feeling towards him or what? This is her opportunity to plan something on KHJ.

For all bruises and hitting claims, we all know, the picture look like have been super impose, now the issue is pregnancy. She become more angry because KHJ questions her about pregnancy. She refuse to marry him (in conversation note) , because she want KHJ confess and marry her WITH LOVE not for other reason. She know that KHJ already want to avoid her, but because of the responsible feeling towards her depression, he keep in touch with her to get know her condition.

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Dear Chingus...!!!


What is more important now is our support for KHJ... by all means... lets give our hearts for the present and future...

Present :

Moral support for his legal team so that his name can be cleared again...and to the parents who had to go so much pain even when they are not well in health... just for the sake of clearing the good name of their son... they are willing ... 


For KHJ to be able to stand in the crowd... he has to be the best selling subject to the agency...let alone whoever the agency is... what matters here is KHJ in the household... we have to prove to the world... even with KHJ enlisted ... serving his country ... he can do well.. his fans can do good things for him... we stand together even when he is not around...for 2  (long) years...

Therefore, we have to be able to hold our main intention... TO SUPPORT KHJ... let's do it...

I will get his new released compilation album... and vote for him ... just like the rest... like I been waiting for the release of his 

"Inspiring Generation"  DVD... patiently ... 2 (long) years... it's worth it..!!!


Well ...chingus... lets put our hands and heads together ...  we have to know what is our priority... KHJ... !





Edited by hizanally05
spelling error
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11223921_897281403698347_216155861232137More regarding 『The Best of KIM HYUN JOONG』:

cr: @nanet302 of @loving_khj 

When I read some tweets, I have a feeling that some think we (those that are against the boycott) are putting more importance on the album sales rather than the scandal being resolve. If I'm wrong to think this way, then I apologize
But for some who may have thought this, please don't because this cannot be farther from the truth. 
There was a statement that was tweeted ie. we must think of what's important for HJ now.

Undeniably, what's important for HJ now is clearing his name. It's top priority for his family...particularly for his mum and dad. Top priority for us too....his fans. 
I've always maintained that resolving the scandal and supporting the album are 2 distinct subjects. But the reality is, BOTH are happening at the same time. The album's release is next week. 
HJ's lawyer is doing all he can to clear his name. We are all praying for a favorable outcome. As a fandom, we can pray. And should his lawyer need our support, we will support without hesitation. But other than that, I don't see how else we can help.

Now here we have an album that's about to be released. As a fandom, we can show support and help with buying. This is something we can actively participate in. 
But we are divided. Some intend to boycott and not buy. Why? You all have your reasons and KE is in the centre of it. And some also don't believe it is important for HJ. As some say, this album will not define him. 
Maybe so, but I don't want this album to be the reason for his downfall either. 
I don't know why I keep explaining myself. To put it simply...I'm a fan.

All i want to put out there is that those of us who intend to support the album...know that we also have issues about KE. We also want the truth exposed just like everyone else. The only difference is we want to support the album. Why? 
Because we want to do it for HJ. We don't want to gamble or take a risk... that poor sales may have a negative impact on his career. 


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I just pre-ordered the CD+DVD now!!!.  I pre-ordered the Blu-Ray already  several weeks ago.

Is everyone aware that the DVD and BLURAY have DIFFERENT CONTENT??

The Bluray has his opening show...

The DVD has his Feb 14 show at Osaka Castle. Sort of like the opening and closing (although I think there may have been more shows after the 14th, but the OSAKA Jo was a very large venue.....


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[News Update-5] [6.24.2015]
1)KHJ side reveals A's 2-time pregnancy mystery:
affirmed no pregnancy/miscarriage by assault last year& strongly questions pregnancy this year.
김현중 측이 밝히는 전여친 A씨의 '두번의 임신' 미스터리http://media.daum.net/v/20150624153906940 … 지난해 임신과 폭행으로 인한 유산'이 사실이 아님을 확인한데 이어 현재 임신에 대해서도 강한 의구심을 제기하고 나섰다
2) Some of the statement of facts are returned to court. 
Among those responded, no clinics confirmed pregnancy & miscarriage last year.
3) Question about 2nd pregnancy:
pregnancy cerificate wth impregnation & delivery info is important but A confirmed by tester & didnt submit it to court.
cr: @catgojump

credit translation: @sunsun_sky




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[ENGL SUMMARY] SBS MorningWide 모닝와이드 간추린 영역

Cr: @sunsun_sky

The reporter went 2 d same hospital n got bunch of ultra-s-pics that Choi took in April n May. According to d reporter, regular ultra-s-pics do not have names but 3D ultra-s-pics have her surname Choi. D Pics taken on May 28, regular pic doesnt have her name but 3D pic has.

Also d reporter showed d medicert issued on Mar 12. It shows surname Choi n expected delivery date on Sept 12 but covers impregnation date.

In d related article, Choi's side said they have no way of clearly clarifying why d pic [provided to HJ's parents] was marked with d time 11:22, when d pic was taken between 10:30 - 11:00.

Choi's side appealed not to raise a privolous question abt pregnancy after d joint visit to d hospital three months ago on Mar 12.

[I dnt know why Choi's side did not submit d pics as evidence to court].
[U-s-pics were all blurred, so d size of fetus is not showing at all.]
[Per Atty Lee impregnation date is Dec 21]






[News Update-1] [6.24.2015]
15.06.24 SBS-Hyun-Joong Kim, former girlfriend reveal new ultrasound photo + article
15.06.24 모닝와이드 - 김현중 전 여친 새로운 초음파 사진 공개 +기사

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Thanks to everyone who posted about Hyun Joong 's album.

I have shared my opinion  before how i think about KE

I wants KE to realize that  we do not accept the way they ignored HJ's problem'

They should know they are so unprofessional to underestimated his situation..

We think they were incompetent to protect their artist as an agency who represent KHJ.

However I think this album has a little to do with KE but has everything to do with HJ's career after the MS.

I strongly support this album and already made an order.

I think we, his fans have expected this album anyways even before KE's issue.

Therefor it's no reason for us to allow KE's issue to interfere our good intention to support HJ..

I think we would be more upset if later we know we could support him better but we don't.

I want to do my best to support him when he needs . I think now it 's the time he truly needs our support.

I believe if the 10th anniversary album sell well.. I'm very sure HJ will be very happy .

It will tremendously boot his confident and the confident of music companies in particular.

Let's show them that HJ 's album is well appreciate.

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[SoftSubs] 2011.06.07 KHJ's letter in Breakdown Showcase10400012_897331573693330_359790977769411

NYCGirl, Thank you for posting this.  It is such a powerful message he is saying to us.  We have to stop this boycotting foolishness and stand with him as a united group of fans.     

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Suspicions Surround Kim Hyun Joong's Ex-Girlfriend As Singer's Lawyer Questions Ultrasound
[article excerpts]



source: http://www.kpopstarz.com/…/kim-hyun-joong-ex-girlfriend-pre…

A time discrepancy in the ultrasound submitted by Kim Hyun Joong's ex-girlfriend has raised questions on whether she is telling the truth about her pregnancy.
The ex-girlfriend is suing Kim Hyun Joong for $1.4 million in damages for what she claims was psychological and physical abuse she suffered while in a relationship with and bearing the child of the idol.
"The ex-girlfriend's ultrasound doesn't match up with the time," said Kim Hyung Joong's legal counsel after reviewing evidence related to the case.
Kim Hyun Joong's representatives argued that the ex-girlfriend went to the hospital in March to get an ultrasound at 10:40 AM. The consultation ended at around 11 AM but she did not immediately give her ultrasound picture, and instead waited for a week before submitting the picture with a timestamp of 11:20 AM. 
This is dubious, argued the entertainer's lawyer, since the ex-girlfriend had already left the hospital by then, according to a recounting of events as translated by Netizenbuzz from a Mydaily report.
The alleged time discrepancy on when the ultrasound was taken makes it appear as if the ex-girlfriend had fabricated the evidence she submitted. The ex-girlfirned also refused to provide another picture to both the lawyers and the court.
Kim Hyun Joong enlisted in the military last month to fulfill his mandatory obligation, but continues to face a legal battle with her ex-girlfriend even while serving in the army.


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11426177_840386479390745_436175039838028For those living in Singapore ONLY who wish to order The Best of KHJ album, 
@luvKHJ4ever will be collating orders. 
Please send an email to luvKHJ4ever@gmail.com with
1) version 2)no. of copies 3) telephone 4) name

Payment will be in advance

Cost (approximately) 
Version A - $64
Version B - $53
Regular - $43
cr: @illublue via @loving_khj 
cr photo: @@vivace501


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Choi is desperate to get the support of the media as always, but I have one thing clear and I will say without fear of lawsuits or any stupidity that she is planning. Obviously she's not pregnant of HJ's baby, she plotted everything from the beginning with the trip to Jeju to build her trap,

1. The image of the baby that is not clear and prevents us from seeing if it has the weeks that she says.

2. The hours that don't match with what was said by Mrs. Kim.

3. Her refusal to provide this evidence to the court. 

What is the fear that Mrs. Kim is present on the ultrasound? If indeed the baby was his, you not think that allowing the family to confirm it, is a way to win the case and get what she wants. She is hiding because the time that she got pregnant doesn't match with the date they met again. Choi is pressing again because she wants money before her lies be revealed, is using the methods that used before, appealing to Hyun Joong's sensitivity to force him to accept her demands. Thank God he's far from her, and his parents and lawyer Lee are in charge with this.

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Willinette, thanks for explaining the ultra sound to me.  So, if we know how many weeks pregnant she is, we will know if he is the father based on the week the baby was conceived.  KHJ knows when he had sex with this woman.  He would know if he is the father if he knew the number of weeks she is pregnant based on the ultrasound.  He wouldn't need a blood test. I hope KHJ and his family do not let up on this woman.  If it's proven he's not the father, I still hope they will go after her for fraud and blackmail.   I also hope they file a lawsuit for $1 million so he can get his money back from her and her lawyer.

TheOne, but if the ultrasound says the date of impregnation is december 20-21 (I don't know now) ....then....the most probably...is his....no,no,no,no,no *sobs* since her proofs are always very suspicious the better option is the DNA test. But yeah...with the date, they can think there is a huge probably is his "baby". I hope this woman doesn't make a mystery when the DNA test to be made when the "baby" is born...She is able to do whatever thing...

So...the album...I can't believe some fans are thinking not buy the album. I am crazy for the different versions of the album,  I love his music, I LOVE his works, I am happy for each release of his music, with KE involved or not, most important it's the artist. Obviously I will buy the album. 

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Recently Enlisted Kim Hyun Joong Assigned To Border Patrol Unit

By Samantha Marie Lifson | June 19, 2015 10:10 AM ED

Kim Hyun Joong

Kim Hyun Joongicon1.png has just finished his basic training and will be fulfilling his military serviceicon1.png as border patrol.

On June 18, the singer-actor finished his basic training and attended the completion ceremony at the 30th division recruit training center. On June 19 he will head to Paju, Gyeonggi-do (located just south of the border with North Korea) where he will take his post with the rest of the 30th division.


Newsen reported that usually trainees who have completed their training and attended the ceremony have permitted to visit their familyicon1.png and friends before being stationed. However, because of the MERS scare in Korea, soldiers at this time will not be able to leave the base or have family and friends come visit them at this time.

Though he is enlisted, he is still currently caught in litigation with his former girlfriend. As the Daily Business News reported, she has filed for 1.6 billion won lawsuit for damages. "We will also be filing a counterclaim of 12 billion won for damages and defamation due to spreading false information," Kim Hyun Joong's legal representative shared according to Daily Business Newsicon1.png.


Kim Hyun Joong entered into the army on May 12. He is expected to be returning from his mandatory service in February 2017.

cr: Kpopstarz

Edited by theone4me
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