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[drama 2009] Three Brothers / Suspicious Three Brothers 수상한 삼형&#5

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Guest prettypat

If you examine the ratings you will observe that the episodes with the most conflict attract the highest ratings. I guess the writers are earning their keep.

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Guest sema608

I'm watching episode 27 where I am so I can't give input in the latter part of the series. I just want to say IS and EY better end up together because THEY are the sole reason I even watch this drama. To see them get a divorce would make me stop watching instantly.

I hope the female prosecutor doesn't kiss IS or anything. I don't want IS/EY to be HC/Umi. So yeah...IS/EY better be end game.

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Guest prettypat

I'm watching episode 27 where I am so I can't give input in the latter part of the series. I just want to say IS and EY better end up together because THEY are the sole reason I even watch this drama. To see them get a divorce would make me stop watching instantly.

I hope the female prosecutor doesn't kiss IS or anything. I don't want IS/EY to be HC/Umi. So yeah...IS/EY better be end game.

Thanks sema608. I feel exactly the same way and that is why it is so hurtful for me to watch now. I hope they are once again a loving couple at the end. The buildup in the courtship was too powerful for us to get a big let down! Despite the difficulties I will bawl for a week if they divorce. This type of love is too precious. This drama has impacted me emotionally and I am so glad that I have a chance to talk about it on this forum. I have been watching other k-drama romances, but none so far can beat the episodes of EY and IS up to the wedding. Three brothers was my first and now I am a K-drama addict.

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Guest b00kw0rm

I agree that drama are meant for enjoyment but it can also be a source of frustration...especially a drama that one has spent time on watching. Anyone who feels strongly enough about a drama (good or bad) to post here is emotionally invested in the drama and the characters. I believe that everyone certainly has the right to voice their difference/objections but we should keep it civil...so everyone chillax :)

Back to the discussion re EY/IS...I am not saying that EY is in the clear...she definitely has her flaws but I really think IS is the one causing most of the issues in the marriage. It's nice that IS tried to make EY and his mother get along but in the end, he has got to make a choice on which side he is on...EY or his mom/parents,

I will come from this in a different angle...I think most of us agree that for most of the drama, Umi was being disrespected by both her husband and MIL. She was doing some much work but was taken for granted. For 10 years, Her husband never stood up for her (or himself) against his mother and in fact criticized her when he should have taken her side. Umi internalized everything until it became too much and she "exploded". Umi's husband finally got what it meant to be a "husband" after going through the affair, Umi exploding, and the failure of his business. When Umi decided to leave his parents, he walked out with her and never looked back despite knowing his mother's objections and the possible hardships that lay ahead. For the first time in ten years, Umi's husband did what was good for his wife and children, rather than what was "expected." For the first time in the marriage, it was Umi and her husband against the world...and that is what a marriage should be.

Same situation for EY/IS except it's early in the marriage and EY does not internalize much. Yes she is stubborn and lacks tact but in the end, she is looking for a mate. IS is slowly turning into Umi's husband without realizing it by putting his parents before EY. Where Umi just hunkers down and complain on the inside, EY complains loudly. But in the end, it's the same issue...what is a priority for the husband? The parents or his mate? In both cases, the sons picked the parents over their mates.

This is why I fault IS much more...it's his choice to put his parents before EY...he even admits it. In all his conversations with EY about reconciling, he wants her to "understand" why he is doing what he is doing and wants EY to accept the choice. He does not realize that his choice is wrong (at least in my opinion). EY does not have an ally in IS, just an immature husband.

1) It doesn't matter what the father said to her...she is crying out to IS for support...but as always, IS shrinks. This is completely opposite of what he was like during the courtship..basically not caring what anyone says to be with EY. Remember how EY did not want to get married because of objections of the mother...it's because she was afraid that IS would not stand up for her/the marriage..unfortunately that is exactly what happened.

2) EY is not just looking out for herself...she is looking out for the marriage...she is looking at whether IS is going to stand up for her/the marriage or go running off to help his parents whenever they are in trouble. She is not cold to the situation of IS' dad except she is much more practical (i.e. giving money to the dad). This is also a reason why she didn't want to have children with IS, she needed to know that he was a man that she can rely on (consistent with her trust issues). IS didn't really get that either...

As for the prosecutor, I think she is at fault (maybe not consciously). You should never act that way with a married man. A heart sign? Really...I don't really care that it was meant to be innocent...it's not proper behavior. Let's not forget that Umi's husband and his "mistress" started of as co-workers as well.

Good post. I agree that posters should chill out and I'm pleased to note that the offending posts have been removed.

Doesn't EY chose her father over IS every time, too? EY doesn't want anything to change in her own household. And frankly, I think it is unhealthy for EY and BY to continue living under the same roof. Although BY is married and expecting, EY still bosses her around as if BY is 10-years old.

A more sensitive man would have comforted his wife. But IS knew that he had blundered and didn't know how to make things better. So he did the next best thing he knows how to do. I don't thiink one can only get comfort from one's spouse and I see nothing wrong in this situation. I have myself been in this situation before - either being asked to comfort someone or to be comforted - and I really don't see it as a reflection of the asker's lack of concern for his partner.

And remember in the beginning how EY always brushes off whatever concerns IS has to tell her - don't be a baby, run home to your Mummy for her breastmilk, etc. Would you think he wouldn't decide to take charge instead of going to her with further concerns.

In this instant society we live in, people are impatient and want eveyrthing instantly. And they do not want to spend much of their time and energy if they can get something immediately with money. Even when it comes to family. No time to see Mom? Never mind, send her some $ and she will be happy! I don't think its a practical solution. I am not referring to what you said about her wanting to give money to IS' Dad. I haven't seen that episode yet so I don't want to comment on it.

I see nothing wrong with the prosecutor's sigh... as long as she knows what she feels and don't let it go any further. We can't help our feelings but we can choose what to do about it. It is an unreal world if we don't fall in love or be interested in someone else when we are spoken for or the other way round. But we should know our boundaries and what we can do and what we can't do. Otherwise the prosecutor would be suppressing her feelings too and as you pointed out that's unhealthy. She should admit what she feels - to herself or to someone who can help her but not to IS - and learn how to deal with it so that it doesn't cause problems for her or for IS. I would like to see the situation handled in that matured way. Instead of KBS immature way of shipping everyone to another city or country!

Again, I agree with the few who don't see that woman as HC's mistress. There never was an affair. Whether sexual or emotional. Not for lack of trying on her part.

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And remember in the beginning how EY always brushes off whatever concerns IS has to tell her - don't be a baby, run home to your Mummy for her breastmilk, etc. Would you think he wouldn't decide to take charge instead of going to her with further concerns.

In this instant society we live in, people are impatient and want eveyrthing instantly. And they do not want to spend much of their time and energy if they can get something immediately with money. Even when it comes to family. No time to see Mom? Never mind, send her some $ and she will be happy! I don't think its a practical solution. I am not referring to what you said about her wanting to give money to IS' Dad. I haven't seen that episode yet so I don't want to comment on it.

I completely agree with you. The word 'consideration' comes to mind when you have a married couple. Both should give & take - when 1 needs it, the other should give & vice versa. It seems that EY seems to take & take & expect everyone to just listen/follow her instructions. Look at the way she deals with her dad, BY & Soli. That is her characteristic - bossy & self centred. IS came & live with her & her family & I think it is fair to stay with his family when there is a need. He did say it is for a month. No doubt the mother in law is worst I've ever seen but you marry the person, you marry the whole family, like it or not! EY is really starting to get on my nerves - she has no consideration for anyone & her abrupt attitude towards others is alright but no one else can be abrupt to her. Doesn't make sense ... Anyway, a piece of my mind after watching KBS world tonite!

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Guest ahhahha

when you look at the ways how EY and isang deal with their own fathers, you will see the difference. it is warm and caring of isang to comfort and care for his father, on the other hand, EY is cold and rigid to her father. if her father wants to live with a woman he loves and that makes him happy, why cant EY just take all her money from her father, leave her father's house and leave him alone? there will be no loss for her as she can have all her money back. it will be disappointing if the writer makes ey and isang getting along together again at the end.

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Guest Greenrose934

EY does NOT see IS as a husband .. but her child under her control , yes HE is immature like a child after married EY

I dislike HC if he continued connecting with that evil woman ..

The 1st couple 's boring just pass forward no watching


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Guest lucky_moon

Did someone saw tonight Ep on KBSW, the last scene who was EY talking with and what did he said to make her looked shock like this, wasn't paying attention.

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Guest zzola1003

Did someone saw tonight Ep on KBSW, the last scene who was EY talking with and what did he said to make her looked shock like this, wasn't paying attention.

hi cute girl, thanks for the link

she was talking to the MIL. She asked EY to send IS clothes to her hse. MIL was in her usual hostility ...

she then called IS asking him whether he was serious about moving into his parents hse and since his intention doesn't change EY asked him to packed his bag himself and that's would mean they are living separately ... I assume EY was pissed that looks like IS the mummy's boy went back to mummy's lap and now MIL is taking charge of his life back.

btw spoiler - what a touching scene at the end of episode 59 between Umi and MIL. I am soo happy for Umi, MIL came crying, apologizing to her. Happy mothers day to all mothers here!!! :)

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Guest prettypat

Did someone saw tonight Ep on KBSW, the last scene who was EY talking with and what did he said to make her looked shock like this, wasn't paying attention.

I have stopped watching this drama completely because if I do my hair will fall out and I will get high blood pressure. I can not handle it any more. It is distressing to see the break up of EY/IS. I am in mourning!

Have a happy and blessed Mother's for all the Moms here and around the world! I hope you can share the day with your family, if not cheers any way! Smile.

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thank you cutegirl for the torrent link and screen caps

really??? MIL finally came to her senses and even apologizes to Umi :o

aaaww ... i admire that

for a parent or an elder to apologize first is a very hard to do, but MIL did it

Good job, MIL ....


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Guest nubsmubs

hey everyone!

i saw the screencaps of ep 60! why did HC kiss YH!!!!!!!!!!!! OMGGGGGGGGG

and the prosecuter looked so decent innocent! lol

but i'm really rooting for HC/UMI!!

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