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Park Hae Jin 박해진 I Drama 2023 : The Killing Vote


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http://i34.tinypic.com/2urt5hl.jpg <- this one is good :blush:

its really good :) this pic made me think.. MH did that horrible act because of his "selfish" love for JH. Will he go back to his dark side again because of the thought of loosing JH after birth secret revelation? or will he go dark for a different purpose, towards someone else and think of JH and TH's sake "unselfishly"?

joicy, many possibilities with regards to MH-JH-DW, your guess can happen. that's a good angle too.

Wow lots of wishes for PHJ-JH to sit together in MBC awards....slim chance as HJH will be busy hosting. err will PHJ (in MH "mode") has this thought as he watch.... "that's my wife" :D I wish we can read his mind.

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Guest ericmania

its really good :) this pic made me think.. MH did that horrible act because of his "selfish" love for JH. Will he go back to his dark side again because of the thought of loosing JH after birth secret revelation? or will he go dark for a different purpose, towards someone else and think of JH and TH's sake "unselfishly"?

joicy, many possibilities with regards to MH-JH-DW, your guess can happen. that's a good angle too.

Wow lots of wishes for PHJ-JH to sit together in MBC awards....slim chance as HJH will be busy hosting. err will PHJ (in MH "mode") has this thought as he watch.... "that's my wife" :D I wish we can read his mind.

ha ha ha I wann see PHJ sit the same table in MBC drama awards 2008.I love this couple so much.today can't wait ep.33.

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ha ha ha I wann see PHJ sit the same table in MBC drama awards 2008.I love this couple so much.today can't wait ep.33.

I hope both of them will be nominated in acting awards. I don't know if there are chances for them to be nominated in "Best couple" ..dont know the basis for such nomination. They don't have sweet scenes too..so maybe other couples have better chance.

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Guest luthien



^ Winner of "Outstanding Performance for an Actor in a Daily Drama" at KBS Drama Awards 2007 for "As Much As Heaven & Earth"

[Photo Credit: starnews]


Source: The Electric New Paper Show

After all, Hae Jin admitted to dating older woman in real life on a variety show early this year.

'Once I dated a girl four years older than me and I didn't kiss her for three months. It must have made her worried,' he joked.

'But I've also kissed a girl after going out for three days, and she was older than me too.'

It's not easy to win this bachelor's heart though, for he professes to be an 'aloof, conservative and traditional Pusan man'.


He prefers quiet and introverted girls.

'With my ex-girlfriends, I didn't like them to wear miniskirts or anything too revealing, because I'd feel unhappy if other men stare at them,' he told My Daily.

'I'm not good at expressing my feelings but I'd quietly settle everything for my other half.'

HJH-PHJ ship might be a tough one since our man's taste is the total opposite of HJH's personality(right Rafaelle?). She's younger and bubbly. *sigh* Hope he changes his preference.

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HJH-PHJ ship might be a tough one since our man's taste is the total opposite of HJH's personality(right Rafaelle?). She's younger and bubbly. *sigh* Hope he changes his preference.

yup...this early seems it won't work, it will be as hard as being MH-JH shipper....HJH loves mini skirts and attracts attention even in simple clothes. maybe they will be "best friends" which is also good. I know her best buddies from industry are girls(Han Ye Sul & Jung Ryeo Won)...if PHJ will be her friend...then PHJ will have chance get close to the 2 pretty "buddies" too.

anyway CONGRATS TO PHJ for being nominated as BEST NEWCOMER in MBC awards. is EOE his first project under MBC? most probably PHJ will sit closer to LDH & JMK..

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Guest luthien

^^ I'm so excited he got nominated! I haven't seen other dramas on the nomination other than BV.. and Jang Geun Seuk was impressive too. Nevertheless, I still think PHJ's performance is brilliant as MH. He reaches out to the audience and make them feel and understand his pain, suffering and conflicts. No one could've portrayed MH as well as he did.

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Guest symphonee.

^ I really hope he takes home the newcomer award! I've seen bits and pieces of BV, but I always feel there is something lacking with JGS's acting (maybe it's just me?). I haven't seen the other two dramas nominated, so i can't comment on those actors, but for all I know, PHJ is one awesome "newcomer" (his acting (to me) doesn't come off as newbish at all. "newbie" to me would be lee yeon hee). i'm still glad he was nominated for something, though I'm slightly upset our MH-JH couple didn't get nominated (but that was expected *sighs*).

anyway, best of luck to EoE and its cast on the night. just a few more hours till the much anticipated episode airs :w00t: !!!

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Guest luthien

LOL on "newcomer"... so not like a newcomer at all. Kim Bum was amazing as DC. Actually I like KB way better than SSH's DC. That's why I was amazed and impressed to see PHJ's performance when Kim Bum's turn was over.

aahhh.. i still have to catch up on the posts here!

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Guest symphonee.

^ Kim Bum was amazing. Not to mention, the little boy who played DC when he was a kid was great too. Seriously, what is with korean child actors? They're all naturals - esp. when it comes to the crying scenes! lol

SSH will always be my favourite DC though :wub: (is not biased at all :rolleyes:)

I still need to catch up on the episodes. I like waiting for WITH S2's subs. For now, I'll manage with the summaries/translations you awesome ladies in here (and in the other EoE related threads) provide <3

Just thinking about tonight's episode is getting me so hyped. MH <3 MH <3 MH <3 MH <3 MH <3

I'm hoping to watch some sweet MH-JH interactions, since I've been starved of those for a while.

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Guest luthien

^^ us MH-JH shippers are malnourished of sweet scenes.

That 5yo DC, I saw him in Iljimae. It was just a few minutes, but he was sooooo adorable there! It would be great if he comes out in another drama and gets to play a character through all the episodes.

I actually like watching Viikii.. sometimes I get a different interpretation on the slight differences in the translations. Gives me a headache, but after following MH, i'm getting used to it.

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Guest narya71615

Narya, that PHJ dream you had .... you dream he's your father?? Did I get you wrong? WHy? ..

Sorry for this late comment ... it just skip my mind until I read that luthien also had some comments to share about that but it's being washed away by her computer ...

But, I envy you.... really!! If only I could dream of him ... it has never happen to me before ....

:rolleyes: Hi~~melyssa....I DID have a dream about PHJ...It's really amazing and even more exciting to me because we HUGGED very tightly, anyway, an extremely unforgettable dream. Well, not he was my father, but he played a "role" as my father...that is, I acted with him and I had to call him "Dad"...very funny, right? (I was a teenager in the drama.) It was so impressing that even now I can't forget it, and I DON'T WANT to...OH~~"so shy*

WOW~~EP 33 is coming! I can't wait to watch it! I think we will be very busy tonight...posting translations and describing the plot...But I like this pleasant and sweet work :D

Another thing, so glad that PHJ is nominated as the best newcomer in MBC awards, and HJH the best actress and being the host as well...Hope the couple can both win the prize! They really deserve it! A little disappointedly is that they are not nominated as the best couple... :mellow:

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Guest luthien

Hey symphonee ... don't worry that it' too negative thoughts of our MH/JH .... in fact, I'm one of the darkest poster here about the future of MH/JH ... which means that I even had the idea of MH dying, going to jail ... JH returning to DW; etc...

True, Melyssa and Mi_Hyun have the darkest thoughts of MH's ending since ep 11/12. Even when I first created a fan fic, it was also very tragic.

the thought of MH dying has crossed my mind many times. I mean, a drama that's 50 episodes will surely have someone dying, right? I just have this unsettling feeling that STH will go to jail and MH will die. And that he will die because of saving STH or something alike (depite STH not being his real father). I have plenty of dark thoughts regarding the fate of MH but I just wish to believe that none of my assumptions will be correct. I do hope for a happy ending for MH-JH though, since they've endured so much together *fingers crossed*

Of all the characters so far, the one who would most likely die would have to be MH. However, just like you said, it's too much suffering not only for YCH but for JH as well. Especially when JH later realizes her feelings for him, I wouldn't want it to be too late for both of them to start a new life again. JH was destroyed once by him. If he dies, he'd be destroying her all over again. All her efforts and suffering would be in vain if she doesn't get a chance to express her love for him. Instead of MH being the most tragic character, it would end up being JH.

There was a rumor posted on LDH thread that someone would die in the next episodes, but then it was clarified that it will not happen.

before I thought MH deserve death for the rape...but seeing JH support him as a wife...is like seeing her forgiving him, i mean marrying him is a sign she is open to forgiving which I think she already did. I

Didn't she tell MH before that she came to him empty, just a shell? Meaning she had no intentions then to forgive him at all. It was all for TH's sake.

There was a lot of interesting discussions on MH over at EoE and LDH threads.. I've been meaning to post them here, but I didn't get to save the pages.

MH: Yes. I'm just too disturbed that I'm just saying them. But do you know what Father is planning? HK bank and President Guk.. and even LDC who's just behind.... planning to get rid of all. What do you think of that? (shouts) What do you think?

MH heard STH admit about burying LKC.. he heard Rebecca say STH killing his own son as well as LKC.. he also had doubts that STH had something to do with Accountant Han's demise.. but he has not witnessed it himself. That's why Rebecca could say he's being ignorant of his father's true colors and what STH is capable of doing. The phone conversation was the first time him realizing that STH is really that evil. Then he witnessed his father's attempt in murdering Rebecca. What he heard from the phone conversation has finally materialized, and he knows the next target will be LDC and Guk. Now I wonder if he'll attempt to stop STH or just watch the murders to occur. Can his good heart allow it? How will he turn dark from here?

I can only imagine once he finds out his roots, he'll have a flashback to this accident. How he was scared of dying right then and there.. how feared leaving TH and JH.. and them suffering if he does end up dying.. he'll probably understand what LKC, his real father, felt before he died. Maybe this will affect how he'll perceive and handle matters regarding STH. If I said before that he may not be able to completely hate STH, now I may be able to imagine otherwise after MH went through that near-death experience.

:rolleyes: Hi~~melyssa....I DID have a dream about PHJ...It's really amazing and even more exciting to me because we HUGGED very tightly, anyway, an extremely unforgettable dream. Well, not he was my father, but he played a "role" as my father...that is, I acted with him and I had to call him "Dad"...very funny, right? (I was a teenager in the drama.) It was so impressing that even now I can't forget it, and I DON'T WANT to...OH~~"so shy*

I cannot find your original post on this dream!!! it's so funny.. I wanna dream about hugging PHJ too. Lucky you! I can't blame you for not forgetting...rather I don't want you to forget it! Can you point me to that post? I wanna read it in details again.

Ep 33 will surely keep you busy today. Thanks in advance, I'll be following this thread as usual.

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Guest melyssa

Review of MH/JH in episode 33 (in collaboration with narya, lamode, ck@PHJ TFC)

~~Screencaps credit to Luv@EOE Soompi thread~~

- MH in car accident; in hospital.. Rebecca on stretcher and still shouting about STH to MH and pulling him while MH is still in shock and just calling out President President ...It seems that at the beginning when Rebecca is brought in she's hummming that MH is lucky that STH is not his real father.... Reminding him to remember that he's not STH's son... Also "STH, you're thinking of murdering me again. SMH.. remember this well... STH is not your real father."

Translation of dialogue between MH and Rebecca on the stretcher and MH at her side in the hospital:

Rebecca: STH! You dare try to murder me again!! You should be the one dying in front of me.

MH: President!

Rebecca: SMH... you should be thankful that STH is not your father.

MH: President!

Rebecca: He is not your father.

- Priest went to YCH and family and asked about Rebecca ... Priest seems weird hesitant .. It seems that the priest thanked the family for DC's help at Hwang-chi and then asked if the nurse had said or mentioned anything. YCH asked in return if there's anything.

Translation on dialogue between YCH and priest (only on the part related to Rebecca):

After Priest had handed over some token of appreciation for all the help that DC had given to Hwangchi ... Priest started inquiring:

Priest: Nurse Yoo Mi-ae ... didn't come again, did she?

YCH: Yes .. she did not.

JJ: Yes.

YCH: I thought she's living overseas or is she in Korea? ... What's wrong, Father? ... Is there any problem?

JJ: Sister, what kind of problem would there be?


- Outside Rebecca's room, MH sat down and looked blank recalling what Rebecca had said ... then he stood up and DC came ... DC asked how come he was there .. then asked him if he's alright as DC could feel that MH looks weird. MH told him about the accident... DC asked if it concerns his father and MH denied? and DC mentioned sthg abt STH again ... and MH is all so pathetic... MH asked sthg and DC replied and he is dumbed... then shouted in shock... OMG (I can cry for him)... MH is all a daze and so sad .. It seems that MH asked why DC is so certain it's connected to STH ......MH then asked why DC was so certain ...DC replied tha STH would not just give up ..asked MH to ask STH his father first ...

Translation of dialogue between MH and DC while along corridor in hospital:

MH recalling what Rebecca had said, " SMH, you should be thankful that STH is not your father. ... He is not your father."

DC saw MH first and ..

DC: SMH! How come you are here? ... Why are you here?

MH: Rebecca... We are in the same car.

DC: What did you say? .... Your father also know this?

MH: What father?

DC: You still don't know .... yes! Your father almost has his son killed. The police says that this is not just any simple accident. Only STH is capable of doing this.

MH: Why? What proof make you so certain of this?

DC: It's because I understand STH's heart ... no... understand him deep into his bones.

..MH turns to leave ...

DC: SMH, where are you going?

MH: I've something to ask Rebecca.

DC: (shouting) The injured needs complete rest.. don't you know?

MH: (shouting) There's something I need to reaffirm from Rebecca personally.

DC: SMH... you should be getting your reaffirmation from your father.... isn't it so? Go ahead ...

- STH at home playing with TH, saying that TH's smart and in future will be Taesung's successor...happy and JH brought them drinks... STH kissed TH and they played while waiting for MH to come back; MH came in a cab... got out of cab... looked at his home outside... anger can be detected as though he's going berserk ..


...JH asked what's happened to him ...


...and MH walked to STH like at anger... told TH to walked aside as TH ran towards MH... MH told STH about the accident and he asked how come he's in the car .... JH has taken TH in and she's not around.... MH is so angry and shouted at STH ... then JH came in and MH told JH sthg ... then MH and JH went upstairs and OYH scolded at STH for what he had done...


It seems that MH has asked STH if the accident was arranged by STH.

MH: "I am in the same car as Rebecca and you've just almost killed your son."

STH: "How come you're in that car?"

MH: "Because of Taesung!"

Later MH told JH "Wife, now this is no longer any secret."

Translation of dialogue among the Shins when MH returns from the hospital:

STH: Aigoo... Right! It's indeed so that TH this child has a smart brain.. to be the fourth generation sucessor is beyond any doubt. ... When looking at TH, there's calmness and joy. (kiss TH)

TH: Let's continue on, Grandfather.

STH: Yes yes yes

OYH: How come MH is so late? Where did he say he's going?

JH: He should be back soon.


JH: TH's Father, are you injured? What happened? ..

TH runs to MH: Father ... did you fall?

MH: Go get TH to bed.

OYH: MH, what's wrong with your face?

MH: Something happened.

STH: What happened?

MH: Narrow escape from death.

STH: Narrow escape from death?

MH: Yes. I .... Father's son SMH... was in Rebecca's car.

STH: Why are you on that car?

MH: Don't know... probably the life of Father's son should die in Father's hand.

STH: (shouting) Why are you on that car?

MH: According to Father's philosophy on doing business, I've gone to kneel down to the enemy because of Taesung.

OYH: Husband, what is he saying?

STH: Yes... I also do not know what he's talking about.

MH: Can't you see the wounds on me? ... (shouts) Father's son almost died in Father's hand. What actually is going on between Rebecca and Father?

JH: (running down after putting TH in his room) Husband, what are you doing? ... Are you drunk?

MH: Wife .... there is some secret that we don't know in our family. If we are not alert, who knows any time we could die.

... MH, JH moves upstairs ...

OYH: What does MH's words mean? You look like you know what it means.

- MH and JH in room... and JH asked what happened and MH still in shock told JH sthg abt STH... MH lay down in bed... OYH came in and in shock also... so is JH ...


Translation of dialogue among JH, MH and OYH in MH's bedroom:

JH: TH's Father. What happened?... TH's Father!

MH: Almost died in Father's hand.

JH: What?

MH: There's some secret ... some that we do not know ...

JH: What is it?

MH: Don't know ... Before finding out about it, .... (MH lies down to rest...)

...OYH enters...

OYH: Child's mother, what did MH say?

..JH shakes her head....

OYH: What about being in Rebecca's car ... MH met with an accident... Really don't know your father's evil doings.. where will it all end?

- MH woke up in shock and JH woke up and just talked to him ... JH just talked about the incident that MH raised his voice at her... mentioned TH too... JH mentioned alot abt Rebecca .... MH mentioned shtg abt frather ... JH hugged him and he held tight and JH used her hand to shut him from saying more....then she also used her hand to carress MH's cheeks and her head on top of his forehead. ... Orrrhh!!

It seems that MH has had a nightmare, woke up suddenly, JH was able to turn on the lights but MH said not to. JH asked MH if he's still in fright. MH said that he hoped that he (STH) is not his father..."My father is a murderer who wants to murder Rebecca... I wish that my father is dead." JH uses her hand to cover MH's mouth.





Translation of dialogue between MH and JH when MH awakes from a nightmare:

JH: Husband!

MH: Don't turn on the lights.

JH: Husband, what's wrong? What is there that you cannot tell me? ... TH's father, I can understand. .. You sat in Rebecca's car.

MH: Don't pretend to understand.

JH: Someone wants Rebecca's life.

MH: (shouts) Don't pretend to understand!

JH: It's Father's doing. .. And it almost cost your life. Right?

MH: How nice if it's only like that. Having returned alive to your side after such extreme danger.... to TH's side...

JH: So what other problem is there? Is it because I have asked you to go to Rebecca and you are not satisfied with me?

MH: Satisfied? That to my life is nothing ... I now understand.

JH: Your heart towards Father ... I know..

MH: Yes... Since young it's so. I've all along thought... how nice if it's not my father. Now it's still the same. How nice if it's not. How I wish to denounce my father.

... JH hugs MH...

MH: How nice if it's not my father.

... JH covers MH's mouth...

JH: TH can hear you. ... it's your father, also TH's grandfather.

- STH went into MH's room ... MH's sleeping... MH awoke after STH said sthg ... MH sat up... still angey, not looking at STH ... then asked sthg to STH... mentioned Rebecca ... STH said about Taesung ... then MH asked which impt..son or Taesung... MH is angered.... asked if he's his father??? .... STH left and JH came in with a glass of water... MH looks so hurt and angry ... he says he's going out but JH stood there.. not understanding MH?

STH: still in bed and not awake? Your wife ...

MH: after what I've gone through.. you think I will be alright? Do you really want Rebecca dead?

Translation of dialogue between STH and MH when STH wakes MH up in his bedroom:

STH: Still sleeping? ... Don't intend to get up and go to work?

... MH gets up...

STH: You... have misbehaved yesterday night ... should not have said all those in front of your mother and JH. All the more it's those matter... then they should not be spoken out loud.

MH: Any injury? Anything wrong? ... Shouldn't these be asked? .... I... am not Father's son, ain't I? What happened last night.. if it's not Rebecca but I who died.. what happens, Father? Would you say not to let anyone speak out loud?

STH: MH... you should know. Threatening us Taesung and wanting to destroy ... that woman's fearful methods..

MH: Father! If you were to choose between your son and Taesung, what would you choose? ... Whether I live or die, as long as Taesung survives, it's good right?

STH (shouts): You have to live ... Taesung also has to be saved.

MH: Just because of your children and you can even lose your life.. it's what hearts of parents should be, isn't it?

STH: Of course it's hearts of parents. And it's because of the hearts of parents that you are not hurt.

MH: Father! Am I Father's son?

STH: Looks like you've gone crazy.... how can you say that? Get a grip over yourself and go to work.

... STH leaves... enters JH...

JH: Husband, drink some honey water. ... What did Father say?

MH: I'm going out.

JH: Where to?

MH: I'm going out.

- MH driving in the car... ran up escalator in hospital... stormed towards Rebecca's room.. stopped by Snake and gang .... MH shouted sthg ... then allowed entrance ... MH saw Rebecca in bed ... MH asked Rebecca but she pretended to sleep... then preteneded not know what MH said ... MH insisted what's going on ...asking about father ... shouting but Rebecca asking him not to ask more ... MH verified that it's true until Rebecca has to ask Snake and gang to pull MH out of her room ...

MH has been asking if what Rebecca had said in the car is true... "You've hidden this for so long ... now tell me who is then my real father?"

Rebecca denied having said what she had said to MH during the accident.

MH:" Don't tell me that yesterday during the accident, you mentioned that it's my father's doing.. and you've also forgotten all those?"

Rebecca wants MH to leave.

Translation of dialogue between MH and Snake's gang then Rebecca:

Snake: Who are you?

MH: I've come to see the patient.

Snake: Visitors are not allowed.

MH: Rebecca and I were riding in the same car.

Snake: You look familiar.

MH: It's a very urgent matter. Can't you see my wounds?


Nurse: Are you alright? Do you feel uncomfortable anywhere? Another 2 hours and the drop should be completed. Your medication is here.

... MH enters...

MH: Sorry... I've something very important to talk to the patient. Can you go out for a while?

... Nurse leaves..

MH: Mdm Rebecca, I am SMH. What I want to ask, you should know. What you said in the car yesterday.. you said that I am not my father's son. What do you mean by that?

Rebecca: What are you saying?

MH: What do you mean? Didn't you say that I am not my father's son?

Rebecca: I cannot remember saying any of those.

MH: So, you've just say it in respite? What you would definitely not have said and you've said all of it out? The secret that you've hidden deep in your heart is what you've said in respite and in mistake?

Rebecca: I won't do that.

MH: So to say that you've said the truth. I am not my father's son. ... you do know and that's why you say that. Right? Mdm Rebecca, how much do you know about me?

Rebecca: I say... I've said so. I cannot remember saying any of those.

MH: What happened last night. ... you said that it's my father's doing. You also can't remember this?... Mdm Rebecca...

Rebecca: Whose child you are ... you go elsewhere to find out.

MH: You are now admitting? Right?

Rebecca: Get out. Get out. Get out..

... Snake and gang enters..

Snake: Get out ... Pull him out...

MH: Mdm Rebecca... Mdm Rebecca....

- DC and MH met again ... DC asked how come he's here again ... MH just want to walk away in daze .. but DC pulled him back to shout at him ... MH just looked at him with that look and did not talk... struggled free and walked away ..

DC: How come you are here? ....have you asked if your father has arranged all this? ... now you know what sort of person your father is... your father having arranged this accident is the truth!

Then DC and Rebecca in her sick room:

DC: What did MH want?

Rebecca: Nothing .... How's the issue on taking over Taesung Electronics? .... well done


Translation of dialogue between DC and MH again:

DC: SMH... Why are you here again? ...Have you reaffirmed that yesterday's accident is what your father did? ... SMH, look at me. Look at my eyes! What sort of person your father is ... now you know. Right? You know that your father almost killed his own son. What I say is right, isn't it?

- MH with President OH and OYH ... in Taesung Hotel ... talking ...MH told Grandfather that he could not take over?? as both his mother and grandfather are asking him to do something.

Translation of conversation among President Oh, OYH and MH:

Oh: I've heard from your mother.... can't just see Taesung fall.. Grandfather has decided to pass Taesung to you.

MH: Grandfather.

OYH: MH you listen ..

Oh: You.. should clearly know what Grandfather is saying. It's also not too late to wait until later to let your father know. Are you willing to listen to what I mean?

MH: Grandfather.

OYH: As long as Grandfather writes your name in the will and if you do not want the succession, then that is no difference from a piece of scrap-paper. So, quickly tell your grandfather that you do according to his will.

MH: Grandfather, please give me some time to think over.

OYH: What is there to think about?

- MH went into TH's room with JH ... TH sleeping; MH told JH sthg ... the way he looks at TH is weird ... then next scene,... MH went into his parents' room... took a plastic bag ...climbed onto STH's bed to get his white hair ... (WEIRD ... he's not caught by STH)

Translation of dialogue between MH and JH in TH's room:

MH: Wife, my love for the child have not been too close.. just like Father's.


... as MH was getting the strands of STH's hair in his bedroom ... about DNA testing ...

"If you want a DNA testing on parental lineage.. you need five strands of hair..or use a cotton bud to stroke for inner cheek cells... give it to us and that will do.


next scene ... MH in bed awakened by TH and JH... not well and shocked ...JH asked him if he's ok... MH looked at calendar ... ... asked sthg .... TH called him ...MH hugged him and talked to TH so lovingly ...


...It looks like when MH was awakened by JH and TH, he in his dream sees himself getting the hair from STH's room but actually, it's all done. and he is waiting for the 28th for the results of the DNA test to be released.

Translation of dialogue among MH, JH and TH in their room:

TH: Father is a lazy worm.

JH: Husband. ... time to eat ...

TH: Father.

JH: Get up, Husband.

... MH gets up in sudden ...

JH: Husband, what's wrong? Where are you not feeling well? Do you know for how long you've been like that?

... gets calendar and sees 28th being circled ...

MH: Wife, is there any phone call for me?

JH: No. What's wrong with you? Recently, you've been really weird.. and in a daze.

TH: Father ... (MH hugs TH so tightly) Father, it's time to eat breakfast.

MH: Yes, go eat breakfast. ... Eat breakfast with TH.

- Shins at dinner table .... MH still in daze while STH talked to him ...


...STH asked MH if there is anything wrong as MH looked pale .... he's also so easily scared (JH has been noticing him too)... phone rang and MH suddenly got up to answer the call ...


...afraid and scared then shocked again as call from the DNA testing centre and the results are out... hangs up.. JH asked if he's alright...


...he said he's ok... STH also asked if it's because of Taesung Electronics...JH is not clear abt what's happening to MH ... MH is trying so hard to keep his calm when he returned to table ...


.. ... then he stood up and about to leave again ... walked to TH and talked so nicely to TH and even kissed TH on forehead ... this is all too heartwrenching ...


..MH in room wore coat to go out .. then he quickly hugged JH and told her sthg when JH asked what's wrong ... JH is also very worried ..


JH: What's the matter

MH: Just wait. ... (hugs JH) ...Before I tell you anything, just don't ask yet.



Translation of dialogue among the Shins at dining table:

STH: MH what are you busy with recently? Has the choice on the one to manage Taesung Electronics been successful? .... MH ... did you listen to what I've just said?

MH: Yes.

STH: I heard that you've not been to the company for these couple of days. Is there any thing wrong?

...phone rings and MH gets up quickly to answer it ...

STH: What's wrong with him?

MH: Hello.

Caller: Is this the resident of SMH?

MH: Yes. I am SMH.

Caller: Is it SMH himself?

MH: Yes.

Caller: The DNA test results for parental lineage is ready. Are you listening?

MH: Yes, I am listening.

Caller: Please come at your convenience.

MH: I know.. It's hard on you.

... MH hangs up ...

JH: Husband, what is that call about?

MH: Nothing.. it's nothing.

... MH joins the rest at dining table ...

TH: Father, are you sick?

MH: No.. eat your food... TH, eat more..

STH: MH, during the process of acquisition of Taesung Electronics... did you make any big mistake?

MH: No.

OYH: Didn't you return home very late every night?

JH: Mother.

STH: Not right! How I see you, there's something very queer.

MH: Father, just let me handle Taesung Electronics. I leave for work first.

... walks to TH ...

MH: TH, you've to eat more rice.

TH: Father, you've to eat more rice.

... MH kisses TH's forehead ...then goes to his room ...

JH: Husband, what's the matter? What's wrong? Today you have to tell me what's the matter. .... Husband ... (MH hugs JH)

MH: Wait for me... until I reveal everything. ... at least be a little patient.

- MH drove and he recalled what Rebecca said in the car again... MH walked into the DNA testing centre and saw the report ... confirmed that he and STH are not related. MH's eyes big .. walked in daze... drove fast ... recalled what he overheard STH and Rebecca said, then he in lift with Rebecca, Almost met another accident ... recalled many other things again ... even recalled about the photo of DW in Rebecca's room .... he's putting things together ....

It seems that the match for father and son is practically zero and they are not father and son.

Translation of MH's dialogue in the car to the DNA testing centre ... in the testing centre itself.. and what MH had recalled ...: (thanks to narya)

(In the Bio Gene Center)

Dr: This is the test result

Aside: Through the examination of over 12 STR type genes, the DNA types of father and son are not coherent. The relationship doesn’t exist. If there’s nothing wrong with the sample you offer, I am sure that you are not father and son, without any relationship.

(MH in his car recalling)

All aside:

N: As long as there’s an obstacle for your own ambition, even if she has your child, you will also take its life, such a devil like you, deserve no forgiveness.

N: It seems that you’re not like your father.

MH: Am I not?

Miss Wu (MH’s mom): The day when our son MH was born, virtually…he could be killed by that woman! MH, you were so lucky to live until now, because the God especially bless you!

STH: You are my son. Yes, my son. But you are different from me in many ways.

N: You are not STH’s son. He isn’t your father. Even if you die, you have to know the truth!

- MH went into Rebecca's room again ... MH stared at Rebecca again ... asked sthg shouted at her about sthg ...called her Nurse Yoo Mi-ae... asked her to talk more about whose child he is?? ... what she had done?? ... Rebecca said sthg ... MH tearing ... as he talked further.... as the switch of babies scene were flashed .... Rebecca again avoided answering ... mentioned about LKC and LDW .... is it he was switched ... MH HAD EVERYTHING FIGURED OUT (?) ... needed affirmation from Rebecca ... Rebecca mentioned sthg about STH and father including LDW ... too much for MH while listening .... MH lost his hold ... MH anger... interrupted by visitor (HR's stepmother), excused to go out ... MH could not stand anymore and has to sit ... then MH regained composure and asked Rebecca sthg and in anger he grabbed Rebecca but MH's too broken as Rebecca really looks like she had told him everything ....

MH had recalled seeing Rebecca checking up on DW from the photos he saw when he looked her up previously... and MH confronted Rebecca as MH was the one who mentioned about the switch and saying the LDW is then the real SMH!! Rebecca said that MH's smart that he had all figured out. MH then asked if that's the way of her vengeance.

MH: So I really am not STH's son. Then who is his real son? This is then your way of taking revenge,,, Nurse Yoo Mi-ae! Tell me, in Hwang chi, because of your vengeance, you've switched the babies, didn't you?


MH: STH's real son is now LKC's son LDW... he's then the real SMH! My father is LKC!


Rebecca: You are indeed very smart! Yes you are not STH's son. STH is the one who has killed your father. STH's son has become a prosecutor and it's exactly what I want it to turn out to be. LDW apprehending STH is the best ever. Now you have to remember that STH is your enemy.. There's not much time and this secret is known to both of us only... if this secret is broken, you will lose alot!


MH: My life is for you Rebecca to control?

Rebecca: I will keep these a secret.

Translation of dialogue between MH and Rebecca and the revelation of the birth switch: (Thanks to narya for the excellent translation for this part ...)

N: (To her guard) He is the guest I’m waiting for. Go transact the formality for leaving the hospital.

M: I’m the guest you are waiting for? Then, you know I will come here again? Just as you said, I am not STH’s son, which you said in the car on that day. You, for the purpose of taking revenge on the person who cut open your belly and killed your baby, reverse other people’s lives thoroughly. LMA nurse, say it, the terrible secret that only you know. How long do you think you can keep the secret? Now please tell me in person, I, who is not the son of STH, standing in front of you…who am I? SAY IT! (loudly)

N: You seem to know everything and then come here. Keep on saying.

M: To my knowledge, you did an unforgivable, terrible thing. LMA nurse, in Yellow Pond Hospital, you held the newborn baby, STH’s son, and whole heartedly planned to take revenge on STH, who kill your baby, but you weren’t cruel enough to kill a baby. So you exchange it with another baby that was born in the same hospital and almost at the same time. That was ME. You couldn’t do that, and the one who was exchanged with STH’s son, that was ME, right? LMA nurse!

N: You describe what happened as if you were there that night. Go on…Now I want to ask you who on earth you are…

M: The baby that was born at the same time, Lee’s son, LDW, and that was me, SMH. Am I right? Right…you exchange Lee’s and STH’s sons, which is the horrible secret you’ve been proud of so far and hidden by you, right?

N: You are quite smart. You are NOT STH’s son. Calm down and listen to me carefully. It will be revealed sooner or later, and it is just known earlier. STH was the murderer who killed my child and your father, and he will be under investigation and sued by his son. Besides, father and son are going to confront each other as a defendant and a procurator. STH’s son becomes a procurator, which wasn’t included in my plan. A father is doomed by his own son…if that is STH’s ending scene, there’s no more wonderful revenge than it. That is my highest expectation. Now the truth has also become advantageous to you.

M: You are not human. The fire in the hell is not enough for you. You are the very devil…

N: Although it was my hands to exchange the babies, don’t forget all the things resulted from STH. Now remember he is your enemy, too.

M: LMA nurse…

N: There’s not much time. Then, the huge secret is only known by us. I can reveal it now, but if I do that, you will lose a lot of things.

M: What else can I lose? You completely change others’ lives and still say these words without any regret?

N: Let it be the secret forever or reveal it now, it depends on you. It doesn’t matter to me.

M: You are crazy. You are a devil even more like STH is.

N: You had better stop now today. Go back. Go back to face it and then try to make your choice.

- MH out of hospital but in so much pain that he could not walk ... he even had to hit his chest in pain, bend low and stop walking and find a place to sit ... GOSH....

- MH called DW ... MH hesistated to answer ... MH really looks very pathetic... desperate ... eyes still red ... DW still very hostile as ever ....

- MH recalled when they were young... DW's torture ... in the train .... DW went to see DW ... his eyes at DW is so dazed that MH looks so different and they are so mild together ... first time!! DW asked what he wants ... MH trying to get DW to stop .. but DW is adamant about getting STH ... MH is holding on... DW finding MH weird too? .... DW puzzled about what MH has said and menioned sthg abotu JH too ... DW mentioned about JH first ... then DW walked away .... MH at a loss and said 'LDW' in sadness ... ends ..

DW: Are you here because of your father?

MH: For how long are you going to continue to be like that?


MH: You've put so much effort ... your flesh and blood...? and lost your loved one.

DW: .... (mentioned about JH?)


MH: I still love JH ...

Translation of dialogue between MH and DW from the moment MH called DW on the phone until they met: (Thanks to narya ...)

(The phone rang)

D: I am LDW. Hello? Hello?

M: I am SMH.


M: Yeah, this is he, LDW.

D: Go to the point.

M: I want to meet you, right now.

D: Why should I meet you?

M: I want to meet you, LDW, please.

D: You want to meet procurator LDW? I can’t go to the place far away.

M: I am now at the gate of the branch procurator’s office.

(MH’s recalling their childhood)

D: (to STH) You are the devil who kill my father!

Ms. Wu: (to YCH) My son misses DW very much. They were born in the same hospital and on the same date. He always keeps it in mind and likes him.

YCH: You don’t look like your father’s blood.

D: SMH, there are so many people born on the same date in the world.

M: We were born in the same hospital, crying together there. How amazing!

Ms. Wu: Yeah, I really like you when I saw you.

(Back to now)


M: Long time no see.

D: We don’t seem to be this kind of relation---to greet each other. What is your purpose?

M: (sigh) Yeah…

D: Up to now, you never come to see me without any reason. What do you want to know?

M: What I want to know is…

D: Finally you come here for your father. Last time STH escaped from the net of justice with some tricks. But don’t be relieved, he will soon be called back in front of me.

M: Until when…When will you stop it?

D: Until STH kneels down in front of me, the procurator. I will keep on suing him until he is brought to trail and pays for his whole crimes. Don’t you know that? I swear as a procurator’s name---I will let your father stand in the court. Go back.

M: LDW, have you ever thought about it, perhaps, you, because of something incredible, which may break your expectation?


M: A man’s fate is unpredictable, isn’t it?

D: You come to me and threaten me with what you call fate? Shouldn’t you kneel down and beg for my mercy instead of your father?

M: LDW, you won’t forgive STH just because I kneel to you and beg, will you? That’s out of the question…

D: What do you have in mind? What’s that? Maybe…is there anything wrong with JH? Something happened to her, right?

M: JH? I don’t know. Who can be so sure what will happen to a person?

D: I am very busy, but you come here saying something crazy!

M: LDW… (It is such a meaningful scene! Does this “LDW” refer to DW or MH himself? There’s a very complicated expression on MH’s face!)


MH at river ..


MH talking to STH...




MH with JH shouting at him ...



MH in car with STH and doing secretive stuff again ...



MH crying to his own mother OYH and hugging her from behind



MH going to peek at YCH at her house ...



MH to STH: Taesung is not yours... Taesung Electronics is already lost.

STH is elated that Guk and LDC are competing with each other

MH to OYH: Thank you for your love, Mother.

MH to JH: Wife, you will all along keep protecting Taesung, right? If there's no Taesung, there's also nothign for you to look forward to.

JH almost became berserk and shouted to MH asking him what has actually happened!

LDC has successfully acquired Taesung Electronics.

Translation of preview:

STH: Just because of a small matter and you are so weak until you could not stand steadily... how can to be Taesung's successor? ... give up your authority to manage... go to somewhere you want to go to.

MH: Now then understand ..no matter how much effort is put in.. will never be like President STH.


MH: Without Taesung, I would not be of any meaning to you, is it?

JH: What did you do that is making me so difficult? ... You have some issues... and it's quite a big issue ...

STH: You study what's in that bag ... and hand it over to the (?) ... Special Unit's LDW is about to investigate on President Guk and LDC.

MH: At least I would like to be a good son that mother would be satisfied with.

OYH: Just having you as my son is the reality...until now, can I then live with determination.

Rebecca: To let it remain as a secret forever or to let it be known now ... the choice is yours.

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Guest symphonee.

oh no! I was out and missed the first 15mins of the drama! I missed the segment where (in the preview) MH is shouting something to STH. The next part I saw was MH, JH and MH's mother in his room.

the "bed scene" and "hug scene" was really too short. MH says something about his "father" and JH covers his mouth with her hand. the part where JH was leaning towards MH, I thought she was going to plant a comforting kiss on his head or something but she just held him T____T.


omgomggomgomg.. we get a second hug! MH pulls JH in for a hug after she continues to ask him what's wrong/what's going on (?), since he just got a phonecall during breakfast and was acting all funny. I'm assuming the phonecall was the doctor informing him that his DNA results were ready.

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Guest Aquajoh1986

^^ us MH-JH shippers are malnourished of sweet scenes.

That 5yo DC, I saw him in Iljimae. It was just a few minutes, but he was sooooo adorable there! It would be great if he comes out in another drama and gets to play a character through all the episodes.

I actually like watching Viikii.. sometimes I get a different interpretation on the slight differences in the translations. Gives me a headache, but after following MH, i'm getting used to it.

That little kid is currently in the weekend drama Glass Castle. It is s 50 episdoe drama and currently they are up to episode 28 i believe. He look so mature in this drama.

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its like MH against the world? and JH is clueless? can't reach out to him? I cant watch online..relying on summaries here...i cant watch the cuts tom..

seems all MH scenes are intense. and at least 2 hugs for shippers in this episode..whatever hug " hug is a hug"..MH need it.

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Guest symphonee.

^ i'm not sure. if he did figure it out already, then he would've brought it up with Rebecca. But i don't think I heard DW's name in their convo(?).

i can't wait to read translations of all these conversations! it;s killing me.

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