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[drama 2009] Jewel Bibimbap/assorted Gems 보석비빔밥

Guest yeohweping

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Since I'm not a Korean speaker, my observations are based strictly on the visual. :rolleyes:

I find a particularly fascinating parallel. But, I'm not sure of the intent. Ostensibly, to enhance his life experiences, one family kicks the son out. The other family kicks out the parents. Is the family that kicked out the parents also trying to educate the parents to the facts of life? :unsure:

I also find the communication between the parents and the four siblings very unique. It seems like, in that family, anyone can speak honestly about how he/she feels, without feeling hindered by the social norms. Obviously, the parents allow this level of communication since there is no hue and cry from the parents. Perhaps, the parents even encourage it, as in how each of them was given a chance to offer an opinion on Rubi's potential fiancee. :unsure:

I really enjoy seeing the family dynamics in this drama.

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Guest revengeoftheflowers

I find a particularly fascinating parallel. But, I'm not sure of the intent. Ostensibly, to enhance his life experiences, one family kicks the son out. The other family kicks out the parents. Is the family that kicked out the parents also trying to educate the parents to the facts of life? unsure.gif

Auntie Mame, this is a great observation. I think this will come into play during Bi Chwi's kindling relationship with Wang Mo (is his name Young Guk? I always call him by his "Dear Heaven" name ^_^). The two seem like opposites with a constant oppositions in their personalities, but it seems like fate or destiny draws the two together.

Although I morally disagree with what the kids are doing to their parents, I do get why they are doing what they're doing. However, from a complete outside perspective, such as Young Guk, how will he react to such behavior from the girl he is interested in?

Let me know if there are any plot points that you need clearing up.

Also! Gyut Soo Nee is a lesbian?! I'm not surprised by this plot point, because Im Sung Han always puts some sort of homoerotic tension in her dramas (The shaman who is a man, but in a previous life was a woman in "Lotus Flower Fairy," Lee Ri's flaming tendencies in "Dear Heaven,"), but I wonder how this will pan out in the future? Especially, in a family drama, and especially with a teenage girl! I always got the inkling that Im Sun Han wants to fully explore the theme of homosexuality in her dramas, but never can to a complete extend due to Korea's conservative older generation.

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Since I'm not a Korean speaker, my observations are based strictly on the visual. :rolleyes:

I find a particularly fascinating parallel. But, I'm not sure of the intent. Ostensibly, to enhance his life experiences, one family kicks the son out. The other family kicks out the parents. Is the family that kicked out the parents also trying to educate the parents to the facts of life? :unsure:

I also find the communication between the parents and the four siblings very unique. It seems like, in that family, anyone can speak honestly about how he/she feels, without feeling hindered by the social norms. Obviously, the parents allow this level of communication since there is no hue and cry from the parents. Perhaps, the parents even encourage it, as in how each of them was given a chance to offer an opinion on Rubi's potential fiancee. :unsure:

I really enjoy seeing the family dynamics in this drama.

Actually, I was thinking the same thing. There is an analogy between the two families, where the father wants to teach life to his son and sends him out of the house to live on his own with relatively measly (compared to what he is accustomed to) sums of money for a year, and now the two daughters want their parents to live on their own for a year (based on the preview clip) for perhaps similar reason.

The roles of parents and children are reversed in BC's family, and BC and Ruby are in essence parent figures. See how level headed and rational BC is, while Ruby is more cunning and insightful, and they even act like parent figures because they talk to each other about various problems before going to sleep.

For example, regarding Young Guk, Ruby tells BC the points BC is missing or not being aware about him, and when BC is still somewhat unsure about him, Ruby tells her, "Have I ever steered you wrong before?" This is in stark contrast to their parents' conversation before they leave for Japan. The mother wonders loudly to the father how the kids didn't raise a lot of objections to their trip idea. The parents' conversation is almost what you would expect from teenage offspring who seem surprised to receive an unexpected favorable response from their parents after committing an unsavory deed.

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i'm horrified by the gung siblings esp. BC the mastermind behind their plot to kick their parents out.

it is unforgiveable. i find BC's personality and actions predictably judgmental and cruel.

the parents are naiive and selfish but they are not criminals and never did anything that deserve such punishment.

it is shocking to me that BC and her gang think they have every right to teach their parents a lesson. who the f#ck???

ggeutsoon is bisexual i think.? it is a weird to see hobak wear granny pants. hee.

and youngguk has such a small waist?

n love ruby + kyle bickering to no end. ruby acts like perfect lady infront of the world but kyle knows her and her body issues. they are so getting married.

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Huh? The parents went on a trip to Japan? For what reason? Aren't their finances a bit tight and that's why they had to rent out the son's room? :wacko:

Actually, the parents remind me of some of the people that grew up in the hippie era and then, became parents. They had a totally different perspective on the parent/child relationship. Even though they were now, parents, they frankly admit to having foibles and needs as a human being. As I heard one parent say, 'just because we are now parents doesn't mean that we've stopped having dreams, hopes, wants, needs,etc'. :rolleyes:

I know one set of former-hippie parents that told their children that mom and dad are human, too and can make mistakes. Oh, yeah! Their kids were somewhat like these four siblings. By default, the kids relied on each other more than on their parents. And, they also learned to be very responsible and mature individuals.

BTW, the family lived in Berkeley, California ... the center of everything hippie. Those kids grew up well-adjusted, well-educated with advanced degrees and emotionally very healthy. And, these kids were also outspoken about the parent's deficiencies to the parents. Their parents weren't bother by criticism from the children because they reasoned that the issue/criticism must be affecting the child strongly for the child to raise the issue or criticism. So, the parents felt it was their duty to hear their child's concerns. (Berkeley is also the center of the touchy-feely world.) :wacko:

I found the relationship between the two school girls very interesting. It's rather daring of the production to go with a lesbian or pseudo-lesbian story line. It would be perfectly safe to have this story line in a movie, where the audience has elected to watch a movie with this story line. But, on prime time network TV is definitely daring, given the possible reactions from the viewers. :unsure:

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Huh? The parents went on a trip to Japan? For what reason? Aren't their finances a bit tight and that's why they had to rent out the son's room? :wacko:

It would give me ulcers just to think and write here all the heartache-causing things these parents have done to their kids.

You know, if I were these kids’ parent, and my kids turned out as well as they have despite having me as their parent, I would dance on the streets and kowtow thousand times to everyone I run into.

Would I have done the same thing if I were one of their kids? I don't know. But I do know that there is a very good chance that I would have turned out just as irresponsible and vain as my parents, so these parents should count their blessings.

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It would give me ulcers just to think and write here all the heartache-causing things these parents have done to their kids.

You know, if I were these kids’ parent, and my kids turned out as well as they have despite having me as their parent, I would dance on the streets and kowtow thousand times to everyone I run into.

Would I have done the same thing if I were one of their kids? I don't know. But I do know that there is a very good chance that I would have turned out just as irresponsible and vain as my parents, so these parents should count their blessings.

I totally agree with you. The kids could have turned out so differently. It's a miracle that all four of them are still on the right side of the law. Let alone be well-schooled and responsible individuals. It's not beyond possible that one of them could have gone down a wayward path. (Our juvenile delinquent population can probably attest to having irresponsible parents.)

Even if the kids didn't turn out to be juvenile delinquents, they could have use their parents as role models and ended up owing money to everyone or getting involved in multiple relationships. (Typical teen-age response: "Why can't I do it? You did it.")

Actually, I think credit must be given to the eldest daughter. Being the oldest, she probably influenced her younger siblings and kept them in line. And, since she could be vocal with the parents, she became their leader. They accepted her leadership because the younger siblings knew and respected her for being their advocate. :unsure:

I think Kyle and the new tenant should pay a nightly entertainment surcharge ... since they have a front row seat to the family's daily drama or comedy. Gee, the oldest daughter can use her own family to write a really good script ... hee, hee. :lol:

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well i think sometimes if your parents do everything 'right' for you you dont' learn to stand on your own well.

just like ppl who learned to navigate the world through their own abilities often times turn out better adjusted to survive.

the problem i have w/ what the children are doing is.. not the part where they totally disrespect their parents. but the part where they actually kick them out. if they are so high and mighty and so smart and great (but really of the girls, one is basically an out of work writer, and the other girl is a 'nurse' who's just using her career as a way to get herself a rich husband).... anyways if they are so smart and great and 'normal'.. then why not they leave the house? why kick the parents out of their own home? that's cowardly to me. i cannot accept what they did. maybe because i'm not that americanized? even though i spent 2/3 of my life in the states. i guess i am still shocked at what just happened. their action seems to me motivated by an inferiority complex they have of themselves. if the parents were rich, then the boob job, the affair, and the various 'issues' wouldn't be a problem. it's because they're poor. the kids are trying to deny that they are children of a poor family.

but that aside.. the girl that likes sanho.. does anyone else get the vibe that she is actually from some rich family too? the little 'rice cake business' that she says her mom runs.. might actually be a big corporation? w/ factories and everything?

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Perhaps, I don't feel the parent's 'eviction' so acutely because I figure it's not going to happen anyway. Mom and Dad is not going to meekly do what the kids want. It doesn't seem like they ever have or ever will. Just because the kids moved them out doesn't mean the parents will go. These parents are as tenacious as an octopus ... hee, hee. :lol:

I also suspect that this is not the first time the kids have resorted to such draconian measures. To me, it seems like the kids always threaten, but always end up capitulating to the parents at the end.

hmmm ... I'm not sure. Since it doesn't happen in the dramas, I always assume that moving out of your parent's house was a no-no ... unless you were getting married or moving to another city for practical purposes. :huh:

The girl that likes San Ho is definitely hiding her family's status. She is from a well-to-do family. And, she seems very, very nice.

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Guest kamkar49

well i think sometimes if your parents do everything 'right' for you you dont' learn to stand on your own well.

just like ppl who learned to navigate the world through their own abilities often times turn out better adjusted to survive.

the problem i have w/ what the children are doing is.. not the part where they totally disrespect their parents. but the part where they actually kick them out. if they are so high and mighty and so smart and great (but really of the girls, one is basically an out of work writer, and the other girl is a 'nurse' who's just using her career as a way to get herself a rich husband).... anyways if they are so smart and great and 'normal'.. then why not they leave the house? why kick the parents out of their own home? that's cowardly to me. i cannot accept what they did. maybe because i'm not that americanized? even though i spent 2/3 of my life in the states. i guess i am still shocked at what just happened. their action seems to me motivated by an inferiority complex they have of themselves. if the parents were rich, then the boob job, the affair, and the various 'issues' wouldn't be a problem. it's because they're poor. the kids are trying to deny that they are children of a poor family.

but that aside.. the girl that likes sanho.. does anyone else get the vibe that she is actually from some rich family too? the little 'rice cake business' that she says her mom runs.. might actually be a big corporation? w/ factories and everything?

Hello again:

I am managing this drama on viikii and we are in need of translators ( excellent one such as you) since you were generous enough to let us use your subs for Family Honor (which we finished and it is one of my favorite dramas) would you please help us with this drama as well. We have many that understand some Korean but we get stuck with the hard parts. Would you please consider helping us? Gomapseumnida.

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Guest revengeoftheflowers

Auntie Mame and mhugh, I'm definitely agreeing with dramaok's point of view, but I consider your perspectives valid also. I think all three of you have made fantastic arguments.

Dramaok made a fabulous point about all the fights being about money, but I do think that father brings heartache with his cheating ways. I think the mom brings headaches for the family, but the father brings an emotional turmoil and turbulence that the kids have become desensitized to, and I think it's rather sad. Look in the third episode, where their reactions of his cheating was "here we go again" instead of anguish and heartbreak. If anything, they should have kicked the dad out, but the mom and him have such a solid relationship, it's ridiculous.

I still think kicking both parents out are ridiculous. It's not even their house! It's leased towards their parents' name!

I am really rooting for Han Hye Sook in this next dynamic fight. I hope she screams and roars like a scorned mother betrayed by her own children. I expect a lot of traditional Im Sung Han style slapping.

I like this thread. There's not that many pages, but the quality of posts is outstanding!

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Oh, I don't disagree that the eviction was above and beyond. I just kind of understand the kids frustrations because I happen to know a real family that is somewhat along these lines.

In this family, the eldest child has resorted to acting as the Manager and actually gives an allowance to his parents. The parents' paychecks are directly deposited into the bank account that is managed by him. And, the goofy father actually consults/gets approval from the son before proceeding on a lot of stuff. And, the mother acts the exact same way Bi Chwe's mother did regarding the 1 year birthday party. Whenever, the mom doesn't want to play the 'bad guy', she would unload the issue onto either the son or daughter.

And, every time my friend gets frustrated by her parents, she does talk about moving out. But, she also knows that if they are not there to deter their parents a bit, their parents will to get into even bigger trouble. Actually, I guess they could kick their parent's out since the parents signed away the house to the kids, to avoid loosing it totally.

Actually, I don't why I'm watching this drama since I can see it real life in my friend's family ... hahaha. :lol:

But, it's not all bad because overall, they're a fairly happy family. They don't hate or fight with each other. They just get frustrated at times.

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Guest revengeoftheflowers

oh my god. hahahahahah that's hilarious.

Auntie Mame you should tell your friend's family to watch this show, and maybe they'll receive some kind of self-awareness?? :lol:

San Ho's girlfriend is the master at "eye smiling." I thought Ruby was the best at it, but she's even better. I hope by the end of this drama, I gain this skill too. It just looks like I'm constipated and squinting at the moment. :ph34r:

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oh my god. hahahahahah that's hilarious.

Auntie Mame you should tell your friend's family to watch this show, and maybe they'll receive some kind of self-awareness?? :lol:

San Ho's girlfriend is the master at "eye smiling." I thought Ruby was the best at it, but she's even better. I hope by the end of this drama, I gain this skill too. It just looks like I'm constipated and squinting at the moment. :ph34r:

Laughingly, I did tell her about this show. I also reminded her that I've always said that she should have written a pilot, based on her family, and tried to sell the show to Hollywood. Then, she could have been a millionaire. (She rolled her eyes at me ...)

For that family, the good times are good ... and the bad times are bad. But, they always get over the bad times because they all keep in mind that they are 'family'. Good or bad, right or wrong, they are still family.

I haven't even told you everything that goes on in my friend's family. At one point, the youngest son (middle-schooler) had to go pick up his father on pay day, to ensure that the paycheck got home. I've seen their frustrations and felt their exasperation with their parents. And, I've heard the kids say, "What did I do in my past life, that I'm born into this family?!"

I guess this is why I can understand the siblings attitude and desperate measures toward their parents. Whatever they do is probably all bluff anyway. Bottom line: They are all still nice people.

San Ho's girlfriend seems like someone with the correct perspective. She is definitely not a gold-digger or status minded, since she already knows the status of his family. :)

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well i think sometimes if your parents do everything 'right' for you you dont' learn to stand on your own well.

just like ppl who learned to navigate the world through their own abilities often times turn out better adjusted to survive.

the problem i have w/ what the children are doing is.. not the part where they totally disrespect their parents. but the part where they actually kick them out. if they are so high and mighty and so smart and great (but really of the girls, one is basically an out of work writer, and the other girl is a 'nurse' who's just using her career as a way to get herself a rich husband).... anyways if they are so smart and great and 'normal'.. then why not they leave the house? why kick the parents out of their own home? that's cowardly to me. i cannot accept what they did. maybe because i'm not that americanized? even though i spent 2/3 of my life in the states. i guess i am still shocked at what just happened. their action seems to me motivated by an inferiority complex they have of themselves. if the parents were rich, then the boob job, the affair, and the various 'issues' wouldn't be a problem. it's because they're poor. the kids are trying to deny that they are children of a poor family.

but that aside.. the girl that likes sanho.. does anyone else get the vibe that she is actually from some rich family too? the little 'rice cake business' that she says her mom runs.. might actually be a big corporation? w/ factories and everything?

Parenting, I think like most things in life, is a lot like percentages. If you raise your child with love and attention, there is higher chance that the child will grow up well adjusted, happy, and considerate to others. So I don’t believe that doing all the “right things” means your child will grow up and not be able to “stand on his (or her) own well.” In fact, I think exactly the opposite is true. (Of course within the law of percentages, because nothing in life is ever 100 percent sure thing)

And I’m not saying that the kids are so high and mighty or so smart and great. I’m saying their parents are not “normal.”

Regarding the alternative of the kids moving out instead of the parents, I think that’s just the logistics of the situation. It’s not practical from the space issue alone for the kids to live out of either grandmothers’ place. Besides, their parents were so busy spending money that they don’t have, the kids don’t have money to find a place of their own.

I agree that the issue may appear to be all about money on the surface. That if they had mucho money, then their parents’ spending money on boob job, on some hokey pokey superstitious rite, or lavish trips may not be an issue. But that’s not necessarily the case. People like these parents, regardless of their financial situation, tend to spend out of proportion to their means. So, it probably doesn’t matter how rich they are, they will probably still cause their children heartaches both financially and emotionally. So, I strongly disagree that the kids’ actions are motivated by inferiority complex. If anything, I think inferiority complex is what drives their parents. Why else would you get a boob job, when you know you can’t afford it?

But, dramaok, I don’t disagree with everything you say, because I also think that San Ho’s girlfriend is from a wealthy family. I also like the gentle but deep thinking nature of the girl. Next to BC, she is the most appealing character to me.

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It seems that the parents doesn't so much as deny their economic status, as they refuse to accept it. And, their action(s) follow accordingly.

To be honest, the children and the grandmothers have been enabling the parent's lack of discipline/control. Every time they save their parent's neck or agree to the parent's wishes, they are reinforcing the parent's bad behavior. If the situation was reversed and the children were the problem, the parents would probably be hitting/spanking the children. But, that can't happen in their situation. So, the children will try any non-violent and viable means, in the hope that the parents will realize the impact of their irresponsible behavior. :unsure:

BTW, although my friend did ultimately marry. The oldest brother has not. Although it is unsaid, I suspect that he doesn't think he can leave his parent's house or leave them "unsupervised". :(

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But, it's not all bad because overall, they're a fairly happy family. They don't hate or fight with each other. They just get frustrated at times.

ya i think that is the saving grace here as well. there's no doubt that the parents love their children and the children still love their parents. there's just a lotta bickering and frustration going on.

San Ho's girlfriend is the master at "eye smiling." I thought Ruby was the best at it, but she's even better. I hope by the end of this drama, I gain this skill too. It just looks like I'm constipated and squinting at the moment. :ph34r:

LOL but you know what her 'eye smiling' is a little overboard. it looks like she's trying to flirt w/ every animate and inanimate object that comes in her view. she's really cute though i remember her from king sejong sageuk.

San Ho's girlfriend seems like someone with the correct perspective. She is definitely not a gold-digger or status minded, since she already knows the status of his family. :)

i appreciate her not flaunting her wealth. that is a testimony of her character.

btw i should go look up her name. instead of calling her sanho's GF. hee.

at this point she is not even his GF.

And I’m not saying that the kids are so high and mighty or so smart and great. I’m saying their parents are not “normal.”

but see what is 'normal'..? the children look down at their parents because they have formed an idea in their mind of what they want their parents to be like (instead of who they are in core). so when they don't meet that criteria they are inferior.

there's no such thing as normal when it comes to a family. each is unique.

btw i think i'm more worked up by the situation then the parents are. LOL. they seem to accept their 'punishment' and move out accordingly. i should probably let it go since they already did.HA!

and i too can relate to the children too. my parents moved me and my siblings to america when we were 9, 10, 11. most tender years. then 20 years later when we finally adjusted somewhat to the shock of immigration, they decided they've had enough and moved back to korea last year. my siblings and are beyond upset over it, but we are all adults now and can appreciate the fact that they have the right to live their life according to their desires. afterall, we cannot make them happy only they can.

but back to the drama, i have no doubt in the end the children and the parents can find a middle ground. so that the mom getting her boob enlarged shouldn't be looked as such a crime and their dad can finally control his penis better.. while BC calms down a bit from her uptight personality that is really a bit over-bearing.

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ok FYI to dramaok:


sanho's "gf"'s name is Kang-Ji.

Hello again:

I am managing this drama on viikii and we are in need of translators ( excellent one such as you) since you were generous enough to let us use your subs for Family Honor (which we finished and it is one of my favorite dramas) would you please help us with this drama as well. We have many that understand some Korean but we get stuck with the hard parts. Would you please consider helping us? Gomapseumnida.

hello i would like to help but i am quite busy lately w/ classes and work. the only time i have is saturday mornings for about an hour if you need something i might be able to help but just for about an hour. i don't check soompi everyday if you want you can email me instead dramadramaok@daum.net

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Guest hjkomo

but see what is 'normal'..? the children look down at their parents because they have formed an idea in their mind of what they want their parents to be like (instead of who they are in core). so when they don't meet that criteria they are inferior.

there's no such thing as normal when it comes to a family. each is unique.

I think what mhugh meant (correct me if I'm wrong) by 'normal' is that Sang Shik and Hye Ja are not acting, and have never acted, like....well, what their moniker is -> parents.

Families are certainly unique, and parents are definitely human as well as imperfect. But these two, especially Hye Ja, seem to be missing the fundamental attribute of Korean parents -> Do what's best for your children.

It's when the scale is tipped so grossly in favor of self-absorption and disregard for the people you're supposed to be responsible for, that it's natural for your own right to command respect comes into question.

In essence, the four Goong children have had to raise themselves....actually, let me correct that -> Bi Chwi is the one who has been forced to take on the role of the parent, not only for her three siblings, but for Sang Shik and Hye Ja as well.

Kicking the parents out is an extreme measure, especially given the cultural aspects of Confucian values, but when considered in the context of the characterizations, it makes quite logical sense to me. (I'll elaborate more in a bit.)

What I find refreshing about this drama is the portrayal of the characters. No one is evil, and everyone has their own flaws.

But what is done well, in my opinion, is that we're given enough substance and insight into the characters to be able to empathize with them, even if we may disagree with their methods.

This is the first drama, in a long time, that hasn't made my blood pressure rise out of frustration/irritation. ;)

How wonderful is it that we get to see discussions on the role of parents molding and shaping their children's characters?

I love that BC brought up their grandmothers, Myung Ja and Baek Jo, being the 'enablers' for their children.

This idea of children being the product of how their parents raised them can also then be applied to the Goong children as well. Time and time again, they've had to pick up the pieces of their parents' messes. "Just this one last time...it'll never happen again" have become empty words, coming back to haunt them over and over again...to the point that it's affecting their physical health, in addition to their mental and emotional well-being. They've been forced into this corner by their parents, left with no choice but to...as the Korean saying goes..."lift both hands and both feet". ;)

And I don't see that this has to do with money at all, not really. Sure, on the surface, it manifests itself as money problems because the family is not well-off...but that's just the method of execution, not the core of the problem. Like mhugh said, even if they were rich, the parents' disregard for their children would still be there...or the writer would find a different means of displaying it.

I see Bi Chwi as a strong woman, wise beyond her years....even after having had to bear the brunt of the burden for so long. She's had to make hard decisions, but they've been for the good of the entire family. Whether the parents actually do move out or not, I'm sure there will ultimately be a positive outcome.

I also love her imagination...from thinking Kang Ji was one of her father's mistresses...to wondering if Seo Jae Deok/Yeong Guk was a waiter at a club. :lol:

The BC/YG pairing is going to be interest to watch.

Btw, is Lee Tae Gon really only a '77-er? :blink: Why have I always thought he was much older than that? :unsure:

And, yes, I also think Kang Ji is from a wealthy family.

Okay, enough of my long rant... :blush:

Hey, hjkomo, thanks for the caps, but can you satisfy the other gender while you are at it. :)

Some caps of BC along with her gorgeous legs would be nice.

Well, I would love to oblige you, but it's hard to get shots of BC's legs when she keeps wearing long pants...




Oh, wait - here are some...

assortedgemse07090926hdv.jpgassortedgemse07090926hdf.jpg <- wound before injury? :lol:




You can also do the baby galore. He has to be one of, if not the, most adorable looking baby to grace the Kdrama screen, at least in my memory.

Yup. Adorable.





Did anyone notice *ahem* the help he was getting from a member of the crew?


Poor thing.


Ruby and Kyle :lol:



This scene was great.

And it finally answered my curiosity about all those boxes in Baek Jo's apartment. Is materialism a genetic trait? :lol:




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