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[news] 3 Members Of Group Dbsk Files Lawsuit

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xiah, micky, and hero file a lawsuit against SM
I've merged all topics relating to DBSK's lawsuit into this thread. There is no need to create so many threads relating to this issue as it clutters up the K-celebs forum. DO NOT CREATE ANY OTHER THREADS REGARDING DBSK'S LAWSUIT. Post all updates here! Any new topics made regarding DBSK's lawsuit outside of this thread will either be closed or merged.

For your convenience, I've linked all previous topics that have been merged into this thread on the first post. But there are also other articles that haven't been linked yet, so if you want to keep up to date, leaf through a couple of pages.

Isak tweets about DBSK + Isak on the Korean Idol World

Cassiopeia releases fan album to support TVXQ members

091028 SM “we will submit an appeal immediately”

Court rules partial provisional disposition of exclusive belonging terms for TVXQ’s contract with SM Ent

091027 Courts Rules 'TVXQ-SM Exclusive Contract Has Lost Validity'

091027 Three Members Of TVXQ Will Sue SM For Compensation of Damages

091027 Three Members Of TVXQ Able To Pursue Independent Activities

091028 "We Will Work To Get All Five TVXQ Members Involved"

091028 "We wish to express our gratitude for the court's decision"

091028 Cassiopeia Frees TVXQ’s ‘Chains’…A Fandom’s Victory

Changmin and Yunho support SM Entertainment

TVXQ not allowed to continue group activities

091028 SM “we will submit an appeal immediately”‏

091029 SM-TVXQ Contract w/r/t/ Income Distribution

Park Chan Jong: “SM, fraud against DBSK.”

091102 SM is Sure of Overruling Court Decision on TVXQ

091103 Lawyer Park Chan Jong 'SM Must Stop Their Devious Actions'

091102 SM, Why Two Official Statement Press Conferences in the Morning and the Evening?

H.O.T. Fanclub Predicted the future of DBSK in a letter to Cassiopeia 5 years ago

DBSK JaeChunSu strongly denies "We never conducted an interview"

Andy, “With TVXQ, want to stand on one stage"


동방신기 세 멤버, "전속계약 풀어달라" 파문


 남성댄스그룹 '동방신기'의 멤버 영웅재중, 믹키유천, 시아준수 등 3명이 현 소속사인 SM엔터테인먼트를 상대로 한 전속계약 효력정지 가처분 신청을 냈다.

 이들은 31일 서울중앙지법에 SM엔터테인먼트를 상대로 전속계약에 대한 효력을 정지해 달라는 신청서를 접수했다. 다른 두 멤버 유노윤호와 최강창민은 이번 가처분 신청에서 빠졌다. 유노윤호는 현재 MBC 미니시리즈 '맨땅에 헤딩', 최강창민은 드라마 '파라다이스 목장'으로 연기자 복귀를 앞두고 있다.

 동방신기는 지난 6월 예정됐던 소속사에서 주최하는 '2009 섬머 SM타운 라이브' 포스터 촬영을 돌연 취소하면서 갈등설이 돌기 시작했다. 그러나 이런 소문에도 예정됐던 태국 콘서트를 무사히 마쳐 갈등이 해결된 것처럼 보였다. 그러나 이견을 좁히지 못해 멤버 중 세 명이 전속계약의 효력을 정지해 달라는 신청서를 법원에 제출하게 됐다.

 SM엔터테인먼트 관계자는 관심을 모으는 가처분 신청을 낸 세 멤버가 오는 16일로 예정된 '2009 섬머 SM타운 라이브' 참여할지 여부에 대해서는 "세 멤버 모두 참여하기로 약속했다"고 전했다.

 지난 2004년 '허그'로 데뷔해 국내를 넘어서 아시아에서 높은 인기를 누리는 '동방신기'가 이번 위기를 어떻게 넘길지 귀추가 주목된다.


credits:sports khan news


동방신기 멤버 3명, SM에 전격 계약해지 소송..최대 위기

5인조 인기 아이돌그룹 동방신기가 2004년 데뷔 후 최대 위기를 맞았다. 멤버 중 영웅재중 믹키유천 시아준수 등 3명은 소속사에 SM엔터테인먼트에 전속 계약 효력을 정지시켜달라며 법적 조치를 취했다.

영웅재중 믹키유천 시아준수 등 3명은 법적대리인을 통해 31일 서울 중앙지방법원에 SM엔터테인먼트를 상대로 전속계약 효력 정지 가처분 신청을 했다. 하지만 리더인 유노윤호와 막내 최강창민은 이번 소송에 동참하지 않았다.

이에 따라 지난 2004년 데뷔 후 국내를 넘어 아시아 전역에서 최고의 인기를 누려온 동방신기는 그룹 존속 자체가 불투명 해졌다. 5년 넘게 지속된 동방신기에 최대 위기가 닥친 셈이다.

가요 관계자들은 영웅재중 믹키유천 시아준수가 계약 기간 및 자신들이 벌어온 화장품 사업의 지속에 관한 부문 등 여러 면에서 SM엔터테인먼트 측과 이견을 보인 끝에, 전속계야 효력 정지 가처분 신청을 낸 것으로 보고 있다.

이번 사태와 관련, SM엔터테인먼트 측은 이날 밤까지 공식 입장을 표명하고 않고 있다.

한편 유노윤호와 최강창민은 각각 오는 9월과 연말 방송될 MBC '맨 땅에 헤딩' 및 '파라다이스 목장'을 통해 드라마 본격 데뷔를 앞두고 있다. '파라다이스 호텔'은 아직까지 방송사를 확정되지 않았다.

credits: star news


basically, xiah, micky, and jaejoong have filed a lawsuit against SM about their 13-year contract and/or something about their cosmetics line. I'm not really sure about the details but if someone can get a full and accurate translation of the article, that would be nice.

I thought it was ironic that these 3 filed the lawsuit since just recently it was known that changmin and yunho both became leads of a drama.


they're #1 on naver, and articles about this has been floating everywhere so this is TRUE. and it has been confirmed by the lawyer that's working with them on this case, but he has not revealed details.

and because of the forum rules



TVXQ 3 Members “We’ve Already Pulled Out Of The Cosmetic Company”

TVXQ's fanclub Cassiopeia and Bigeast speak out

CreaBeau speaks out on TVXQ issue

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Guest james18

i think its a rumor. someone mentioned in a korean site that some reporters were making rumors about the idols now.

and why would they file a lawsuit when they're busy promoting in japan?

v thanks ^^

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Guest riviera_cacharel

well thats very interesting if true

i guess they want more freedom or something along those lines ...

mabye i'm thinking to far ahead but if they were to get released of such a contract does that mean they would go to another company ?

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Guest Joanne <3

Wow, 38 users are reading this topic at the moment. I guess it's just as much of a shock to other fangirls as it is to me. Hopefully someone can translate these articles soon, 'cause I have no idea what the lawsuit is about... :mellow: and why is it happening?

[edit] I really, really hope that they don't disband. However even if they don't, successful renegotiation of their current contract will probably end up in tension between the three and SM anyhow. =(

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Guest Kiss Me

Is this for reals? I never ever thought DBSK would have a problem with SM since they're like their top artist. Hope things work out. I also hope theres better translations of the article so we can know whats really going on~

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Guest living_underhell

oh my... this is for real? I thought SM will treat them well! Thanks ag_aj for the link.

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Guest fallen*angel

all you have to do.. is paste it here

One of Asia’s biggest group Dong Bang Shin Ki, has 3 of its members in a possible lawsuit against their own company SM Entertainment.

Dong Bang Shin Ki members Xiah JunSu, Micky YooChun and Hero JaeJoong had gone to Seoul Central District Court to hand in an application for provisional disposition to terminate all effects of their exclusive belonging rights contract with SM on 31st July.

It has been known that their reasons for doing so is that the contract with SM Entertainment has many irrelevant conditions attached. It is also known that the content to the contract the 3 members cannot agree to includes having them belonging exclusively to SM Entertainment for 13 years and also unhappiness over profit allocation.

The lawyer responsible for this case said, “We are currently preparing for a lawsuit against SM for this contract. (About the reasons to why) We cannot reveal the details now.”

There has also been saying that the 3 members have differing views to SM on their upcoming ‘Dong Bang Shin Ki cosmetic enterprise expansion’.

Currently out of the 3 members, JunSu is already doing a cosmetic business with his parents. It is said that there were plans for the company to operate a cosmetic business, with sheep placenta as the main ingredient, using the group’s name as the brand name in Seoul GangNam and GyeongGiDo IlSan. It is said that there were also plans for the business to be launched in China bringing in hundreds millions KRW in profit.

But it has been said that the 2 sides are having some differing views and also complications arose through their discussion on how the product and brand will go.

Follow up #1:

What will happen to the 3 members’ activities scheduled for Dong Bang Shin Ki? there is the upcoming SMTown Live 09 on 16th August. It seems that the members may not be appearing for the concert with their lawsuit with the company.

Especially with all the rumours lately about ‘disbanding of Dong Bang Shin Ki’. To add on, one of the 3 members’ parents have also established their won entertainment company in China.

Fans are also very taken back by this incident. Many have voiced their disbeliefs on various discussion forums.

Follow up #2:

One of the Korean new media has known through phone call from SM and SM said, “We are aware that some of the (DBSK) members have some disagreements with the company, but we do not know that they have sparked a lawsuit wth the company. The director board of the company is currently having an urgent meeting in an undisclosed place in Seoul to discuss about their countermeasures.”

They also added, “We will have our official stand asap”.

cr; kbites

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Guest Kim_le_le

You means news or rumor, don't take the fish ! I dont believe it until there's offical annouce.

You better post [rumor] than [news]. If not, tell me what the newpapers publish that article.

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