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NEWS~ *North, East, West, South!

Guest oh!kura

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Guest dada.love.is

i have been waiting for this single for ages love the song!! love their vocals

yay, i saw the pv sooo cute, love the raining part hehe suits the lyrics!!

im not a big fan of the mv though, i like the idea of the two kids so cute, but at the beginning with the blue background i thought it was tegomass's old mv the KISS one!!!

i guess i just didn't like wot they were wearing, tegoshi was cute but just looked a bit too girly for me!! but i still love the song and as usual great vocals!!! i love massu

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i guess i just didn't like wot they were wearing, tegoshi was cute but just looked a bit too girly for me!! but i still love the song and as usual great vocals!!!

lol same here.... with his hair (but some reason i like his hair)... i could have mistaken him for a girl >_<

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Lol this random

but I was listening to News on repeat recently, and I was just thinking about how adorable

Kusano is lol, dunno if he will be back, but he is sooo funny, he's like a big kid

and he's so cute how he loves western music.

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Guest stayfreemymisery__`

waaaah their MS performance was removed. :(

wow. i didn't know TegoMass was still active :D. but i agree, i don't like Tesshi's hair; other than that the vid was cute ^^

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Guest <3 for six seasons

NEWS is <3333.

djfsjfhjkfsd;; I'm re-watching Proposal Daisakusen and Kurosagi.

Weeeek = favorite NEWS song at the moment. ;D

**YAMAPI fangirl mode** .... **runs away... hides, :ph34r: ** ... **dies because of PI's smexyyy-ness.**

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^I don't really like yamap but i have to admit he has something that make people interested in him. I tend to buy his drama even though some of it are boring. How long is kusano staying in US?

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Guest madz_kikay

haha...ya ya.. we rily love yamapi!! I fell inlove with him 1st at nobuta wo produce.. then... watch kurosagi..and so on!! I love him!! wahaahhaha...but.. teshi is so kawaiii!!!!!! right? It seems that he has baby face,,hahaha..

is there someone out there who hates yamapi?hmm...

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Guest Sunkiss*Nhixxie

hey everyone! i just got into the NEWS fandom.. the day before yesterday, so i'm pretty sure i'm still a NEWS noob. LOL. but still it's awesome to see NEWS fans in soompi. (that way i can stalk dong bang and NEWS at the same forum, whoo. xD multi tasking is the key to winning at life xD) anyways, my name's nhixxie. obviously i adore the hell out of the dude that is nishikido ryo. ^_____^ i think tego's voice kicks richard simmons and that koyama's one of the funniest things in this world.

weirdly, i never considered pi as hot. *ducks from rotten vegetables* NOT that i hate him, i think he's adorable, but he didn;t strike my liking like ryo-chan did. i've seen him in kurosagi, nobuta wo produce and lots more, but he was never the one who baited me into liking NEWS. but still, good news for all you pi fans, haha, one girl less to compete with. xD

*pokes pi's manboobs*

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Guest KaoriNeko

I'm not a big fan of the members who were kicked out of NEWS. So I could care less where Kusano is. hahahaha ~

Is it me, or does NEWS and Tegomass need to release an album like...A.S.A.P.!?

I need an album! T_T

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Guest harukers

I personally loved Kusano and Uchi<3 though it's pretty much impossible for them to be in NEWS again now, seeing how much NEWS has grown and moved on without them~ ;___;

but lol I agree, TegoMass needs an album 8D;

NEWS might release one, but not anytime soon XD; it's only been like 7 months since pacific was released~ XD;

right now, I'm hoping for a Tokyo Dome concert DVD more XD;

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Oh yeah I forgot Kusano's in the states... studying or something. don't remember where though (either NY or LA)

hehe I miss him even though I haven't seen many clips of him... he might have been my favourite NEWS member if he wasn't kicked out... Kusano's cute... hehe I liked him when I was watching the performance with KAT-TUN (baby blue) and which he kinda annoyed Ueda XD it was too adorable and funny...

I like his style in his solo she's all mine

he has a good voice and dances well.

I don't think he'll go back to NEWS either.... but i think it's very harsh that he (and Uchi) got kicked out. Perhaps I don't understand the culture.. but I remember JJ (DBSK) driving after drinking... and he got suspended for a while, but wasn't kicked out of the group.

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Guest daisyamapi

:w00t: woah...atashi newbie here

all news fans yorishiku ne~

ureshii in soompi have news thread too.....awesome..........

luv summer time news & week

Yamapi code blue waiting in july 08......dr Yamapi i wanna be ur patient ha..ha..

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Guest leexi

im not that active here but OMG!i love NEWS so much!!!!!<3

i especially LOVE Yamapi!!!hahahahaha!!!

go NEWS!!!xD


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Guest harukers

^^ Oh oh, I do! \:D/

I think Tego has an awesome vibrato. his voice is just...amazing. and gahhhh, he's so cute *O*

lol imo, Yamapi really doesn't sing too well. XD he's not the best singer, but I don't think it's that bad ^^;;

Anyways! Ai ai gasa promos should be starting soon! :D I think tomorrow, actually XD;

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