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Hana Yori Dango, Meteor Garden or Boys Before Flowers?

Guest ritahui

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Guest sasgrace

sasgrace, wasn't it also in HYD (the drama), where Domyoji also had a bunch of croonies go out and rape Makino. It was in all three versions I believe. Not too sure about MG since my mind is a bit fuzzy, it was awhile ago since I last saw it. What is it exactly that Jun nailed though?

So Are you agree with me Jun is DOMYOJI ? Indeed you tell me "Jun was too stupid and was too violent ect... " and I reply you "yes since Domyoji in the MANGA and the anime for example were like that (sometimes worse)". And with your post you did not contradicted me.

And In MG Jerry tried to rape her too. Episode 3 if I am not wrong.

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Guest tian`tian


I don't think in HYD Doumyoji had anyone go and rape Makino. The "setup rape" was by Sakurako to lure Doumyoji into liking HER and NOT liking Makino.

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Guest deeLOVELY


I don't think in HYD Doumyoji had anyone go and rape Makino. The "setup rape" was by Sakurako to lure Doumyoji into liking HER and NOT liking Makino.

no he did

I rewatched HYD

I cant believe some people are choosing based only on looks

reminds me of twilight..haha

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Guest sasgrace

1) Jandi hating Junpyo is something psychological. To make it easier for you to understand, have you ever wondered why people hate the President so much when he practically had done nothing to them? Because everybody thinks he's the representation of every bad thing that happened. They think he did it all. Put yourself in the lead girl's shoes, would you still go gaga and sympathetic over Domyouji whom you never know but only hear bad things about and after everything that happened that he's indirectly the cause? I bet you'd pretty much hate him also. That's how people are. We like to believe in hearsay and judge things without knowing the reasons behind it first. Everyone has been under that once or twice.

Seriously, you're finding useless loopholes about Boys Over Flowers. Don't you realize the story is a huge loophole itself? All the events that happened to the two lead, their relationship, Domyouji, Rui, Soujiro and Akira. All of them could only happen in someone's fantasy. If you're looking for something logical about a story that wasn't made to be logical in the first place, you will end up with nothing. It will not do you any advantages in wanting to bring the series down. :D

2) Didn't the same thing happen in all versions? Makino standing up for herself was always the highlight of everything. Jandi should be no exception. Plus, everybody knows destroying the cronies wouldn't solve the anything. You have to pull out the root if you want things to end and pulling out the leaves continuously would be useless.

3) You don't feel Lee Minho's elegance? Well, too bad. Cause I do. (And whoa! How can you remember how things exactly happened? I'm a fan but I can't even remember that detail. You're probably turning into a fanti! Lol.) Anyway, elegance isn't measured by walking alone. Plus, his walking isn't bad either o.o and neither is his table manners. I don't know what you're saying actually. He's poised and calm-looking most of the time. There are a lot of moments where Junpyo is seen walking and eating and that's seriously enough to prove it. Plus, he's not a ramp model for jeebus sake. He should walk properly but he is not obligated to walk gracefully. Those two things are different. Once again, you're being unreasonable.

4) Sexuality??? Do you think he's sexy? ROFL. You make me laugh. Are you pertaining about that shower scene? Cause that's kind of a usual thing in dramas. The directors think its angsty somehow. -.-"" Do you even know what is real sexuality? XD

5) Exactly how does Junpyo's leadership quality contribute to the good of the story? It does not and it was never emphasized. Junpyo being the leader is just a mere title. F4 are friends. You should know what the definition of friends are. Friends argue. Friends solve things together. The rest of F3 are not his minions. He's not forming a gang or a triad and there definitely is no need for him to be a good leader. They're friends. Plus, get your facts straight. Yijung hit him because Junpyo basically gave up friendship during that time. Does that explain things for you? They were in Macau and Junpyo was being a bigger richard simmons than he usually is. The rest of F3 wanted to meet up with him and ask what's wrong but he totally ignored them. He was giving up the friendship they had established for 20 years. And =.= what do you think a guy like Soujiro who values his friendship with Domyouji would do? Cry in a corner and whine? They're guys and they've been friends for 20 years or so. I wasn't surprised at his reaction. Junpyo definitely deserved every bit of it. F3, at that time, was finally close to Jandi. Junpyo was away and they were the ones who basically took care and hang out with her her for 6 months probably. They even gave her an award for standing up to them and disciplining Junpyo.. Yijung had every right and every reason to punch Junpyo regardless if that was their leader in front of him or not.

1) Exatly you say DOMYOJI but at episode 1 & 2 Jun Pyo doesn't do the tenth of what Domyoji does. Plus She heard but unlike Makino she did not see or lived that. At episode 1 I think it's Jan di (freshly happened in shinhwa) who challenged Jun Pyo and F4. Did they know her ? I don't think so. She appeared like a troublmaker. Sorry

2) So Makino stands to herself (After two years she couldn't stand the F4 and their behaviour) but Jan di provokes and pouts. Makino unlike Jan di knew very well the F4 power in Eitoku but she fought no matter her position. That's Jan di pales in front of Makino

3) No I don't feel he is elegant. The way he eats (episode7), on the way he walks it's my mother who noticed that (At first I though she was overacting). Her exatly words were "his has a gangling way of walking". No wonder he tripped off screen. In fact I see him like a normal boy who can very fast adapt to "Binbo" way of life.

4) there too this another BOF fangirl who noticed that because in her site she compared Domyoji of HYD and Jun Pyo of BOF. She said this is one of the main things which distinguish these two characters. She added "I feel like Jun Pyo is aware of his charms and he uses them a lot while Domyoji tend to use intimidation, sometimes violence since he is not quite good love related thing". A lot scenes proves it :

The strip scene in front of Jan di in episode 6

He is a bit too playful

Too much shirtless scenes. I wonder if the shower scene was so useful...

5) There is a scene who striked in HYD japan season 2 episode 1 in New York. The F3 visited Domyoji (angry as usual) to talk about Makino. Soujiro complained on Domyoji behaviour without starting a fight (indeed he respects Makino but Domyoji is his childhood friend, he knows he is hot tempered...Is it the case of Jun Pyo????). Yet Jun/Domyoji seriously warned him by saying"Soujiro it seems since I am Here your mouth has gotten a whole much larger...". Overall Even though I am not with you at Eitoku and you lead the group at this moment, still I am the leader watch your word. Then He punched him (Hate it or love it Domyoji is like that. Jun character tells it himself to Makino at episode 5 season 2 "I was born selfish"). Akira was there to calm these two people. But after it's Soujiro who apologized. Sorry but the Yi Jung fight thing was lame to me. And Jun Pyo yes yes...

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Guest tian`tian

no he did

I rewatched HYD

I cant believe some people are choosing based only on looks

reminds me of twilight..haha

Really? When?

I just watched it a week ago....

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Guest deeLOVELY

Really? When?

I just watched it a week ago....

I dont remember what episode but it was when makino was gonna get raped in the same room where rui was

and rui told them to stop and they said domyogii told them to do that

and rui said to stop and then told makino the cleaning lady was cleaning the stairs

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Guest tian`tian

I dont remember what episode but it was when makino was gonna get raped in the same room where rui was

and rui told them to stop and they said domyogii told them to do that

and rui said to stop and then told makino the cleaning lady was cleaning the stairs

Ohhhhh. That scene. I remember now.

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Guest msmilkt

1. - Jerry Yan: mmm, maybe because MG was the first i watched, so it still holds some place in my heart ^^ i`ve never seen the anime nor read the manga so i`m unable to make comparisons in that department, but when i watch the other verysions of this drama it always comes back to comparing with Jerry Yan. He was not the best actor nor the best looking, but his silly awkward moments throughout the drama seriously does make me laugh ("i`m a person with a lot of 'size'" .. "it`s sense you doof" >> do people remember that??? =]P)

sometimes in the korean version i feel that LMH is too .... 'playboy-ish' and overly sexy .. like he knows he can totally hit on girls, which from past dramas i didn`t think he`s character was supposed to be like that? that was Soujiro`s department no???? that got to me a little bit because the main guy was meant to be all like, he doesn`t know how to act towards the main girl even though he really likes her ^^

2. - Oguri Shun: enough said. LOL!!!! he wins in both the acting (character portrayal ect ect) and good looks department HAHAHAHAS!!! back in the days i used <33333 Zai Zai, but Oguri Shun as Rui totally stole my heart away .. (Zai Zai was so stone in this drama, GREAT improvements since then, i LOVED Mars =D)

3. - tie; Kim Bum and Matsudo Shota: seriously, Kim Bum totally good looking, and LOVE LOVE LOVE the romance between him and Ga Eul, Matsudo Shota .. physically not as attractive (imo) BUT he totally rocked his character, he defiantly pulled off the playboy/Casanova type much better (dude, Shota totally rocks in this department, he`s SO COOL!!) but korea`s version of the secondary romance is much cuter and Kim Bum`s character is the gentlest and most caring of the 3, so i had a harder time choosing

4. - Vanness Wu: character was kinda minor so i don`t remember much ^^;; picked Vanness only because he was most memorable LOL@his long hair

5. - Makino: i thought Barbie Hsu`s character was pretty good, but Makino totally blew me away =D Goo Hye Sun`s character got annoying at times, i really didn`t like her sudden outbursts and i think she needs a bit more work in her comedic scenes imo, having said that, i think GHS is the prettiest =]P

6. - HYD Japan: i had a hard time choosing, and BOF isn`t finished yet. But unless the ending is totally spectacular, i think in overall plot, story pace and character portrayal i think HYD still wins. MG would always have a special place in my heart since it was the first, but low budget and very green actors brought it down a bit but that was inevitable, still, it was probably one of the most successful teen dramas ever hahas (well it sure felt like it at least back in the day) and i still think they had the slight upper hand in the humor department over both versions (HYD was the most serious of the 3, BOF was most comedic. MG`s in the middle somewhere--even though MG made me laugh the most) .. BUTTTTT KOREA HAD THE BEST LOOKING CAST IMO hee hee .. i LOVE Kim Bum!! i almost wanted to stop watching HYD, because i was young and shallow ^^;; and thought they weren`t good looking, i watched it for Shun and lucky i did =D

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Guest xblubear

the discussion in this thread is as heated as the discussion on the "Condor Heroes Trilogy" remakes

the topic starter should probably include Hana Yori Dango 1995 into the poll

edit: I will most likely make my decision after I'm done with the Korean version.

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Guest myGLAMrocks

HYD, hands down!

sure, Boys over flowers may have a better looking cast but their drama is so freaken long and draggy. I don't really see the chemistry between Junpyo and Jandi. I can totally see Junpyo's love for her but Jandi? Sometimes i feel as if she cares more for Jihoo than Junpyo.

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Guest PhuongNguyen

I have yet to watch the Japanese version so my opinion may change once I do; but for right now, my favorite is Boys Before Flowers. I won't lie, this version have many moments that left me faustrated and annoyed, but it's addicting nevertheless. Goo Jun Pyo is absolutely lovable; but it's true... I don't get the "rich, spoiled and selfish" vibe from him. Yes, you do see him show it during some part, but for the most part... you actually see him as a really caring and considerate guy (in which he's not really suppose to be?). Regardless, I think that if every version were exactly the same, makin different version would be rather pointless? I mean, if I wanted to watch a person play something that is EXACTLY like another person; why not just watch the other person? When I watch Boys Before Flowers, I don't find it like Meteor Garden at all (other than the storyline), and that's a good thing imo because I'm watching it to experience a different spin on the story. I find myself rooting for ZaiZai and Shancai to be together in Meteor Garden while I find myself rooting for Junpyo and Jandi in BBF. It really feels like 2 different show, so comparing it would be like comparing an apple and an orange. I do have a preference, but I really can't compare the characters.

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Guest qkrcjdfla

I haven't seen Meteor Garden, but between HYD and BOF...HYD is by far the better of the two

in every episode there are at least two scenes where Goo Hye Sun gets on my nerves, but I never experienced that with Inoue Mao

and although Hyunjoong's adorable, that boy couldn't act if his life depended on it. Oguri Shun is <3

overall, Japanese F4 > Korean F4

...except for Domyoji/Joonpyo. I can't choose ^^

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Hana Yori Dango hands down! Although the characters are not as good looking as the Korean counterparts, overall, I find them most suited/better actors. They don't annoy me as much I guess. (I think Kim Bum & Lee Minho did a better job though.) In addition, when watching the Korean one, I was really into it at times, but utterly bored as well & forwarded many parts. For the Japanese one, however, I was actually immersed the whole time. The Chinese one...ehhh, classic, but almost fails in all categories in my opinion. (no offense...I'm Chinese & willing to admit the Chinese one was the worst of the three.)


OGURI SHUN IS THE PERFECT RUI. Not just in looks, but acting.

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Guest xxxxxxx

I watched both the Taiwanese and Japanese and currently spazzing over the korean version. I liked all of them but props goes to Korean Version.

The Taiwanese was the first one that I watched and I did like the cast but I thought it got too long in my taste and barbie was starting to annoy me. Japanese version was also good but I didn't exactly fall in love with them nor was I really ecstatic. Season 2 didn't appeal to me as much. As for the korean version, I've been in love with it. Perhaps its the cast , I don't know but I found this version to be deeper ? I also liked it because of the Yi Jung and Ga Eul relationship was being more focused. ( the japanese relationship kind of bored me) I admit, the korean version does has its ups and downs though.

I must say, I liked Jerry,Minho and Jun (:

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Guest XJShinoda

Hands down for Hana Yori Dango!!!!!

You might not find the casts of the Japanese version as attractive as the Korean, I admit it myself that i thought the Japanese F4 were kinda disappointing. Not until I watched the drama myself, i fell for them. <333 MatsuJun is simply the best Domyouji, he presented it sooooo well, fancinating!!! Also for the Japanese Makino, no doubt she's the best!!! She's such a commoner in the drama, from the way she dresses and the apartment where she stays, it's so much alike with the manga version. As for Rui, generally i think everyone is agree with me that Shun did well in the drama. It'll be much better if there's more Soujiro x Yuki scene. XD

In fact i was anticipated for the BOF when they announced that they're making a korean version, and Kim Hyun Joong is in it, so i NEED to watch it. And the leading actress turned out to be GHS, who i thought is pretty and good enough to take up the role. Not until i watched the drama by myself that i INSTANTLY got irritated with Jan Di, her exaggerative act was driving me off... No offence, she's just so not suitable for the character of Makino. As for Hyun Joong, i should have known that he's better off with singing. = = Kim Bum, no doubt he's very good looking, but he just too young to play as a playboy and womanizer. As for Lee Min Ho, he's ok, but not as close as to the character itself, he seems to be doing the best among the rest. Except for the part that he's too gentle (?!), and it somehow relates him to a typical korean drama guy, if you know what i mean.

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