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Having A Bad Day? Wanna Rant? Right This Way!


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Guest glamorousCHIC

i hope the coldness will make u realize how repulsive u are. Lying doesn't befit disheartened people w/c u assume yourself to be..

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Bad awful day yesterday. So many mistakes at work, to come home and be messaged by the SO that they want to spend xmas alone because he felt that since we moved in different cities we are living different lives. john teshed up. We made so many plans to visit each other and planned about my visit for a week for the Christmas holiday. Now I will be spending Xmas alone and broken up. Then to top up, just found out on the same day that my cousin is in the hospital because of a heart attack.

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Guest FusionGT2

When it rains it pours.. said it once, said it a billion times. First comes injurying self at work, then comes car breaking down (a new car mind u), then payments rise up, then loans lurk out, then rent, then utilities...F...M...L.

If i had one wish it'd be a friggin kid again so I dont gotta put up with all this BS adults go through. School? I MISS YOU SO...i wish you were part of my life instead of these damn bills to pay.

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Guest savoir vivre

Does it matter? 

it doesn't, coz you'll always be the second best.

too much of everything is just as bad as having almost nothing of everything..

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Guest lollilollilollitop

life. . . .

and everything in it just wants me to rant all the time~

i sound like a grumpy fat British girl

(even though i do look fat)

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Guest LovTvxQ

stop being a mean bully, you're not the one to say those things to me, just because i don't react like how other loud and defensive people do and you can do all you like. you're overconfident, you think you're so cool, stop flirting because it doesn't work AT ALL. i worked my richard simmons off and all you did was crapping poop.

to the others thinking that hiding in the shadows of the loud and mean, it doesn't make you any better at all. the irony of the fact here is that, people look up to those snobbish and ignorant meanies who doesn't give a damn to other ppl's feelings, and even though they may be the victims of bully, they in return start making other ppl's lives difficult by being mean as well because it makes them feel secure. COME ON PEOPLE, kindness SAVE LIVES.

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Guest finesse.

‎+ She's so ugly, and so stupid, she is a pinkberry!!!

-Please, can you stop talking about yourself? Do you think I'll just stand here listening to you insulting my best friend?!?!!!!

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Guest finesse.

I still don't like the extreme and extensive demands for reviews. I understand if you want to know that people are reading or if there's something wrong with your story, but you don't have to force out silent readers like it's a sin to read and not comment . ><!

If you're that type of person then I assume you're just one of the plenty people I've met online (not necessarily here) who just write and post their stories in order to get praises.


If you don't even care about the quality of your fic, than why should I read it?

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Guest KiwiHoshi

I hate my parents. I really do...but then, I feel guilty because aren't we supposed to love our parents? I guess some small part of me loves my parents (mostly out of guilt.) 99% of the time, I hate my parents. Why is it taboo to hate your parents but it's okay to hate your husband or someone else? If your husband hurts you, it's okay to divorce him, right? So why is it not okay with your parents? If they hurt you (whether physically or emotionally), shouldn't it be acceptable to divorce them and hate them?

My parents treat strangers better than me. And, they don't care if they trash my image...as long as it makes them look better. They spread lies about me, that even my relatives believe (because my relatives are too stupid and too quick to believe every word that drops from my parents' mouths.) My grandparents believe I'm irresponsible, selfish, feel entitled to everything, can't manage money, ungrateful, and lazy...all thanks to my parents lies.

When I was young, I used to wonder if I was adopted...sometimes, I even hoped I was. I'd notice my parents would treat me differently from my siblings. I don't have a baby book, and I've only ever seen one or two baby photos. Later, I started to wonder if maybe I was kidnapped. It was the only thing that could help me understand why my parents treat me so.

And I know my mom wishes my cousin were her child. She's "gorgeous", as my mom and even my aunts feel the need to splatter in my face. Not just with that sentence, but with a long list of how she was gorgeous as a baby, in pagents, and even now. Thanks for rubbing it in my face that I'm not and never was; I'm not even worthy of being told I'm pretty. Straight away, my mom had to put my cousin's graduation photograph in a frame resting where everyone can see. (Might I mention, that this frame had been empty for 10 years. The other picture frames around it are empty and have been for over 10 years too. Not one photo of me.)

My parents don't deserve my love, nor anything from me. I'm not going to give them anything either.

Children don't get to choose their parents. I didn't choose them, so why did they have me? They had a choice.

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