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Having A Bad Day? Wanna Rant? Right This Way!


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softochre said: I's so frustrated. My eyesight is getting worse everyday. I went to get a Lasik evaluation but I'm not a candidate. My eyes are not stable as of now, so I was told to come back in 4 to 9 years. To make it worse my eyes went from -8 to -12 in the course of 3 years (remember, 20 is perfect vision).

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Guest roastedmilktea

Why am I so socially awkward? I wish I was one of those people who naturally attracts people to them, but instead I think I scare people away. 

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The moment I stepped into the workplace, I knew it was not going to be a good day.
Lets just say I just sent my manager an e-mail about the unacceptable and unprofessional behaviour of a fellow co-worker today. I am not a nurse, but she dumped her responsibilities for one of her patients onto me - a CONFUSED patient who fell earlier in the day! The patient was at risk of falling again, yet she made me watch the patient and try to settle her down whenever she tried running away. To make matters worse, she put both of us at risk when she almost fell and grabbed onto me!
I do not mind people who are slow or not that bright, but lazy people? They are the ABSOLUTE WORST!

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Guest nana544

I miss my bed.
A friend is staying over and she is taking most of my side!!!
Okay, time to roll someone over the bed!

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I AM REALLY HATING THE WAY THINGS ARE RIGHT NOW. Can't even reply to me because you are so busy. You don't even give yourself time. It's making me angry. I would be okay if you could just message me more often. I don't even bother charging my phone as often anymore because you're too busy to reply anyways. I'm done, I'm always the one who has to wait in every relationship. 

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damyoungji said: The moment I stepped into the workplace, I knew it was not going to be a good day.
Lets just say I just sent my manager an e-mail about the unacceptable and unprofessional behaviour of a fellow co-worker today. I am not a nurse, but she dumped her responsibilities for one of her patients onto me - a CONFUSED patient who fell earlier in the day! The patient was at risk of falling again, yet she made me watch the patient and try to settle her down whenever she tried running away. To make matters worse, she put both of us at risk when she almost fell and grabbed onto me!
I do not mind people who are slow or not that bright, but lazy people? They are the ABSOLUTE WORST!

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Guest motherducker

It infuriates me that people do not know how to microwave leftover pizza properly. 
Anything that's 1min - 2min will make the crust too hard and the rest of the pizza soggy. 

All you need is 20 - 30 seconds, fo' reals.
Every year, hundreds of pizzas are thrown away from not being microwaved properly. Please do not be a contributor to this and pass the message along to your fellow pizza lovers. 

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I know that I usually don't say negative stuff but today was just so...err!!

Ohmygosh! I'm so mad because I forgot to do my homework and forgot my phone! Such a hassle!

Not just that, when I was in the library, this creepy a.s.s guy asked me if I want to make love with him because he thought I was cute. Like, for reals? I'm not interested! Not just that, he keeps walking around my area and watching me! F-ing creepy! Now, I do not feel safe at the library at all and I love going there!

Gosh! Just want this day to go faster!

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Guest yummiqueen

ugh i know you dont like kpop and i never forced you to like kpop. why have to be so judgmental about it when you know nothing. sigh sometimes i dont know how and why we are still friends. first from best friends to friends and later ... strangers i feel like one by one i am losing my friends, even had days where i go by not talking to anyone at all... 

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Guest roastedmilktea

Maybe I'm just too uptight and traditional but it annoys me to see people who are in relationships being physical with other people. I don't understand why so many people I know do this and are okay with it.  Learn to set some boundaries once you are in a relationship people! We are not kids anymore! It is not okay to sit on another person's lap!

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Guest motherducker

Oh jeez, I'm just as awkward on the phone than I am in person.

Ah well, at least the person on the other line doesn't have to see my awkwardness in action.

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