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The Filipino F4

Guest thua

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Guest sugarcrimeSR

No ! No more remakes of this drama!



Let's see .. Thai, Japanese, Korean ..

now Filipino @_________@

haha I had the same reaction..

I watched Hanadan and MG, and I think I'll stick to those. im done with this!

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Guest lilsh0rtnancy

Honestly, I LOVE the love story between Tsukasa and Tsukushi and I love almost all of the characters in the manga, so I will watch every single version that they are willing to dish out. With a love story like this and characters who are so lovable, I don't think you can go wrong unless you dishonor the writer and fans by straying away from the original story. As long as the actors and actresses look the part (which from the pictures, I think they do), even if they are new actors/actresses, I'm pretty sure they'll do well and become popular, like the previous stars in the past.

And why are there so many people whining about this? The original is there, just go watch that.

I'd like to see a remake of this manga every decade :D

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Guest rosethorne

i wont be watching this but the second dude got a cute smile :]

That's Robi Domingo :) Here's a bigger and more recent picture of him. (taken this month for his new show called Boystown)


We asked him once if he was auditioning for the role of Lei/Rui/JiHoo but he says that there isn't even an audition yet. The Filipino remake of BoF/HYD/MG is probably just a rumor...or ABS-CBN is really being quiet about it XD Either way. BoF is going to start airing on Monday here in the Philippines and ABS-CBN is really pulling all stops in the pluggings and stuff. Anyhoo, if ever there is a real remake of this, I honestly think Robi fits the character of Rui since he's (Robi) pretty much regarded by PBB fans as the "too-good-to-be-true" guy of the show. However, I can't really think of any Filipino fitting AhSi/Tsukasa/JunPyo's role :huh: Well, there's Gerald Anderson but having him means pretty much casting Kim Chiu as JanDi/Tsukushi/SanCai, otherwise the KimErald fans would go balistic. As much as the Gerald-Kim-Robi triangle is being looked forward to by quite a number of fans, I really don't think KimErald's fit for this project since they did the My Girl remake. Hmmm, let's just see what comes out of this rumor...as far as I can tell, this supposed remake is scheduled on 2011.

Just for fun though, here's Robi with a "Lei" haircut ^_^ (these are pictures taken about 2 months ago)



comparing the two pics, it looks like he gained a bit of weight which is good because we warned him that he was starting to look frighteningly skinny before. :(

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i am a filipino and all, but PLEASE!

dont ruin HYDDD~ D:

i never liked the localized versions of those asian dramas. D:

it's quite degrading.

sorry for such opinion, if ever i did offend someone.

i am a Filipino. not that i'm being unpatriotic or anything, but honestly, i'd rather watch those dramas originally made by Filipinos for the Filipinos. because to adopt something of a different culture, giving it a different feel, uh... it is just plain unsuitable. it doesnt at all give that same feeling you had when you watched that original version, making it... uh... unacceptable (and even laughable). really. magiging katawa-tawa at kaawa-awa lang talaga tayo.

they should just stick with dubbing. that i can still tolerate.

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I seriously wonder why hana yori dango is this popular.

Its a good manga but not good to the point that many countries need to make a remake out of it.

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Guest strawberrydeath

not another remake?! i mean, why can't they just TRY to make their own hits and not just copy others? it's not like there isn't any originality left in the world. and, honestly, i don't think their remakes are good. i don't mean to offend or anything. i'm just speaking out my mind.

gah. they're just making another HYD version, hoping it would also be a hit. *sigh*

ugh. and there's also this "Stairway to Heaven" remake. --- just suddenly popped in my head... he he...

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Guest tiffanydawn

Exactly , who says YOU have to watch it , right? Honestly , some people here make such ignorant comments. Its not like they are aiming it at us , they are aiming it at the Philipino audience.

I really hate how bias some people are here. Honestly , I dont see anybody bashing on the Korean version of HYD yet are so quick to judge on both the Mainland version and Philipino version. Get a grip.

i agree with you :D

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Guest keuraeion

.STOP! no more remakes of this drama *even though i am a filipino*


.those 3 versions are already fine with me.


just make an original story rather than making another remakes

were having so many remakes of asian dramas.


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Guest geekake

i know that when filipino's remake stuff i get mad.. but seriously

i hate it people f*cking bashes on flips' like seriously why is that mostly people

expecially those ASIAN types (korean, japanese, chinese ect. ) get mad if it's something

filipino. Like seriously, they even exlude them saying that they're not asians.

Ughh.. and don't get me wrong here, i'm half filipino. NO RACIAL.



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Guest blueberry007

Oh wow, adaption after adaption, maybe America next ahaha, I wonder how that'd work.

I actually don't mind the adaptions so far though, they fixed the plots so they weren't like exact remakes of each other, buut I just wonder how many time you can do that before it gets repetitive. I honestly loved Meteor Garden, I enjoyed Hana Yori Dango just because it was simpler. I adore Boys Over Flowers (Korean). I've never watched a Filipino drama, maybe I'll try?

But if those guys are the Filipino F4, I don't think it's a good representation. 99% of my friends are Filipino and I have a lot of them. Those guys all look mixed. I dunno, maybe I'm just ignorant or something.

I agree with you, lets watch it first before we make any judgement.

those guys are filipinos, they may be mixed (most probably) but they are still pinoys. But if your thinking that they dont represent the filipinos well (your probably thinking that filipinos are not so good looking) well think again. You say 99% of your friends are filipinos but how many are they? filipinos just like other asians have below, average, and above average looks. Some are dark skinned while others are fair, you should meet more filipinos.

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Guest hershey

ah let em at er.

A lot of people in that country are most likely

excited for this :)

I'll probably watch it to compare.

I really don't why people are getting pissed

because of this umm just don't watch it and keep

your mouth shut.

I agree with Tonyc402 too.

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Guest gelinex3

NOTE: I registered to this forum just for this thread, to be honest. ♥

I've read the previous posts and I agree to most.

I am Filipino living in the Philippines. As seen on my avatar, I am a fair-skinned Filipino. It is because I am a mix of Filipino, Chinese and Spanish; so don't ask anymore why I don't look Filipino. ;)

Here are some quotes from this thread. ♥


They have everything there, Philippines Next Top Model, Philippine Idol, etc.

Makes the country look cheap ~ (==" )

I agree. I am Filipina and it does make my country cheap.

oh jesus... this is gonna suck... i'm already embarrassed for the philippines

What more for a Filipina like me? Though I'm not pure, I consider myself as Filipina.

Especially when it comes to singing, Filipinos really nail it in.

Don't underestimate their looks. ~

Also I feel like the half-Filipinos are getting all the attention.

The full-blooded ones are always caught in the cold.

Well, most of the time.

Not most of the time but EVERY TIME.

But I think the Philippines can be a much better country.

Yes, we can be and we should be. I miss those days that Koreans were even dependent on my country.

i am so sick of the Hana Yori Dango/Meteor Garden story.

even if I am a Filipino, i hate it when Filipinos have a re-make of a hit show.

I hate it too!

omgg seriously?!

i'm filipino and

no disrespect.

but they always

COPY every single

show that is popular

Ugly betty, My girl, kim samsoon

and now BOF

and out of all the people

they pick sarah geronimo


someone save us from her

overly dramatic acting.

she just tries way to hard

to be cute.

No wonder why people around the globe call Filipinos unoriginal and imitators.

why can't the philippine entertainment industry do something better than remakes?? i mean, there are many talented young artists and directors out there. why can't they just be original?? how sick is that??

and btw, about the Filipinos looking all mixed, to all tell you Philippines is one melting pot country and this issue is nothing because many have invaded the country from spanish, american, and japanese... and there are a lot of chinese, koreans, and even indians living in the country and when i said A LOT i meant it..lol..so there you have it, there is no really typical Filipino because all of us are mixed... other than the fact that most are dark skinned..

I so agree! Well, to be honest, a lot of Filipinos want to be fair-skinned. Some even say I'm lucky to be half-blooded which is an evidence of not being nationalistic. Filipinos are always mesmerized by foreigners ~ probably because of the foreign influences due to our history being conquered by foreigners.

Spain - 333 years

U.S.A - some decades

Japan - 3 (but worst) years

oh my goodness. no freaking way >_<;

i wonder how this one's gonna turn out haha.

one of the boys looks mad hott though (:

Who's the 'mad hott' boy though? ♥

err why rayver? HAHA. i don't think he can pull off the role :DD

i want Enchong in the F4. HAHAHAHAHA. :)

Enchong? errr.

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i already knew something like this was coming. but hey, i'm not surprised. what with all the other Philippine-- version of numerous shows around the world.

come on Philippines. surprise me more. no offense, i'm a proud Filipina, but these things kind of make me not. >_>


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