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[동방신기] Dbsk, Tvxq, Thsk Official Thread 4

Guest Ringy

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Guest e`PSY

Credit on the picture

Reuploaded Teemania @ ONETVXQ.COM

Does anybody know where this picture is from? but Yoochun looks so good!

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Guest blaze

Congrats boys!

I'm more proud of the fact that their sales increased, adding onto their already highest-selling single as opposed to them "beating" another group.

180K. O_O Wow.

Songs I can't stand: We Are! and Kiss the Baby Sky don't exist to me. I've never been able to sit through those songs. Ever. There are a few other tracks. DBSK has their fair share of less than stellar songs, lol.

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Guest toolooloo

WHOA BABY :w00t: AMAZING! LOL, Im so proud of them! <3 Now we just have to wait for the Weekly Charts :X

The boys had overcome so much stuff this year eh? Tokyo Dome, Triple Three etc. lol <3 It is really there year in Japan. :]

What are the boys up to now? The tours done, so what now? Promoting Stand By You right? lol

.EDIT. AH! & I DONGBANGED a page. :D

all i know is they have to finish their asia tour,, anation, smtown concert, and then i know that they are preparing for their krn album set to release late this year or beginning of next year. but for now i think rest of july is sort of their semi-break well atleast onscreen..(they prolly have recording stuff or w/e) cuz a nation and sm town concert starts in august im thinking.

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Guest jgal16

Congrats to the boys getting 180k in just the first week... Does that mean this is their best selling single?

Songs I cant stand: There are some songs that I didnt like at first when i heard the cd version but once they performed it I start to like it. But there is just this one song that I cant ever like even when I saw them perform it live which is TOGETHER.

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Guest minh_89

what i dislike about fandom in general is when fans think that it's necessary to 'beat out' another group. im more happy when i see dbsk beat their own records... it's amazing that they're selling 180K in less than a week. The numbers are staggering and im glad to see that Tokyo Dome has brought more attention to Stand By U. The live performances of this song were just so amazing.

Found this interesting on iscreamshinki :

[TRANS] 090706 Tohoshinki, "We feel blessed as our dream concert at the Tokyo Dome has ended successfully."



Tohoshinki's dream to be able to stand on the brilliant stage of the Tokyo Dome, since their debut in Japan in 2005, has finally successfully come true.

Tohoshinki had 2 days of Lives at the Tokyo Dome, and their Japan National Tour "Tohoshinki 4th Live Tour 2009 - The Secret Code -" attracted about 300,000 people.

1) What are your thoughts on having concluded a long tour consisting of 9 cities and 21 performances?

Compared to our previous tours, there were more Lives this year, and there was an increase in the feeling of wanting to complete this properly.

Through the national tour we're able to experience the different cultures in different parts of Japan, and we could get first hand knowledge on each city's food and local specialties, this is a different kind of enjoyment in itself.

It still feels like the tour has not ended. Especially because the last stage was at the Tokyo Dome, the feeling is unbelievable.

Since our debut in Japan, the members have always said "I hope to have a Tokyo Dome concert one day". To be able to realise this dream, we feel really blessed.

2) During the tour, were there any small happenings?

We managed to take time out of our schedules to go to the hot springs with our dancers, band and staff to destress. We were able to see a side of the staff that we don't commonly see, and it gave us a good chance to bond, it was very meaningful.

3) Which performance location is the most memorable, and why?

It seems like the members all agree that it's at Sapporo. This is because Xiah Junsu was injured and couldn't participate in the dance portions, but the performance at Sapporo was when he was almost fully recovered, and from the Sapporo concert onwards, Junsu could dance with us again. Also, we could once again show everyone a perfect stage that consisted of the 5 of us. (T/N: ;_________;)

4) What special preparations did you make for the Tokyo Dome?

In addition to all the performances we had previously, we also prepared the members' solo and duet performances. In a big arena that can house 50,000 people, we wanted to find the perfect way to engage everyone effectively.

Thus, right in front of the main stage, there are smaller stages, and in order to close the distance between us and the audience, there was also a stage that could rotate. The number of backup dancers also increased. We also added movable carts on the stage to achieve a special effect.

The best thing about have such a huge space like the Tokyo Dome is that we can add on to the performance contents effectively.

5) How do you feel about being the first Korean group to stand on the Tokyo Dome's stage?

Although being the first is not that important to us, but we have always regarded standing in the Tokyo Dome as one of our aims since we began our activities in Japan, and to be able to achieve this sooner than we thought made us really happy.

When we first entered Japan as newbies and heard that Japan's top artistes perform at the Tokyo Dome, the members often said things like, "When can we have our own concert at the Tokyo Dome too?"

When we look back at that period of time when we worked hard to achieve our goals, to be able to now stand on that stage, and together with 50,000 people, to breathe together, sing together, we really feel so moved, and so blessed.

Source: [DNBN + heyjj]

Translation credits: mandasoh@iscreamshinki.net

Shared by: iscreamshinki.net


has it been shared?

this was a really great interview. I think it's sweet how they chose the Sapporo concert (i expected it to be Tokyo Dome!) as their most memorable because that was when Junsu recovered from his injury <3 plus it's cool that they spend extra time hanging out with their staff. no wonder their dancers always speak so fondly of them on their blogs.

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Guest afterglow.

congratulations!! they sold nearly 30k on the 7th day! that's almost unheard of for tohoshinki lol. guess tokyo dome helped. XD

did anyone see the oricon post on dnbn? haha dnbn fans always provide the best gifs.

When we look back at that period of time when we worked hard to achieve our goals, to be able to now stand on that stage, and together with 50,000 people, to breathe together, sing together, we really feel so moved, and so blessed.

you can tell how much they treasure and are grateful for their fans' love and support. sigh.. those boys. <3

the fact that they worked their butts off to achieve their goals one by one make all of these achievements much more satisfying and rewarding.

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Guest KY5354

When do you feel most proud as a DBSK fan?

I feel most proud of them when they accomplish each dream one by one, dreams they never dared to dream.

To achieve those dreams not through a stroke of luck but through their own hard work and determination over the years.

And to act with such grace and humility even after achieving them.

I feel proud because they never take their achievements for granted, never expect to win awards, never assume they will achieve something easily just because they did the previous year(s).

And I feel proud when they smile and forget all their sweat and tears as soon as they see the fans' support. When they thank the fans with such sincerity. When they shed tears when they are overwhelmed with emotion at what Cassiopeia or Bigeast do for them.

And I feel proud to be part of a fandom that does wonderful things...for the boys (eg blue ocean) as well as for others (eg charity donations).


Which song(s) do you skip?

Quite a few. I think there are probably a lot of songs that I've only played once (or never) on my iTunes. >.<

Off the top of my head, I skip Rainbow (off Mirotic), Box in the Ship, Thousand Year Love Song, Zion, Break Up The Shell, Phantom, Get Me Some, Free Your Mind (OMG I hate that song!)...DBSK have some really amazing songs and then they have some really badddd songs.

Actually it's mostly their older stuff I think, but not because they sound Bsb-esque (I love Bsb! haha).

Some songs, I wasn't too keen on until I heard them live. Eg. Rainbow (off T), Together, Remember, Tonight, Proud (I know, shoot me!), We Are!...

And Congrats!!! To the boys for achieving their EIGHTH (??) daily Oricon number 1!! And to hit 180K! *amazed*

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Guest jedi_baby

Yeah! Tokyo Dome! Thanks to everyone who posted links of fancams. Colors ~Melody and Harmony~ is definitely my new favourite song. I can't wait until it gets released officially. I've already been listening to the audio rip from fancams on repeat.

I have a question about Tea For Two. Does anyone know what Yoochun says at the end? It sounds like "Yeah, one for you... and one for me. From now on...????" I thought I heard he say "from now on, I love to dance" but that doesn't seem to fit.

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Guest jer_sweety

kyaaaaaaah... so sexy and hot... it made me forgot

that he's the cutiepie xiah junsu of dbsk/thsk. he looked

so manly dancing like that... can i dance with you susu??

our dorky jaejae... :lol: :lol: i love this guy so much...

Yoosu.... susu face in here was so small... i think all of them had

lose a lot of weight... you better take care of your health guys

and have enough rest now... and MINNIEEEEEEEEEEE..........

i don't know what to say, cute, handsome, manly, sexy, etc...

I can't wait to hear your wild soul TD performance...

Does anyone has a copy of changmin WILD SOUL performances in tokyo dome??


CONGRATS guys for being number 1 in Oricon daily yesterday.

But i doubt if they're going to be number 1 today. Arashi fans

might buy a lot today to get the first rank back.

But i know that it's already a great achievements for the guys..


LMAO.... hehehehehe.. the gifs are so hilarious...

What show did chunnie do the rabbit dance??

and YOOSU jumping...wahahahhahahahahahhaha

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Guest XiahxTiffany

When do you feel most proud as a DBSK fan?

I'm actually proud all the time idk why

well one reason is cause im like only boy fan that i know of near me

and i just know that the boys are amazing and somehow always improve

Which song(s) do you skip?

idk i sometimes skip songs even though i love

these days ive been not listening to Wrong Number and Secret Code album

the Tri Angle album i skip most of them

other than that the korean albums i listen to

and most japanese ones i listen to

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Guest clicheterms

seriously, guys? people are seriously arguing because they think themself a better fan than others? seriously? yeah, it sucks when some people are all over them only 'cause they look good, but there's no need to patronize anyone.

as long as you know how appreciate them for what they do, you're a good enough fan. just 'cause you appreciate for their looks as well doesn't suddenly take away any brownie points from you. i can appreciate their music, their hard work, and junsu's booty - doesn't mean i'm any less of a fan than anyone else.

i'm most proud as a fan when their efforts and their talents are recognized, when their hard work pays off, when people who initially brushed them off come back and realize they were wrong to do so, when all of us as fans support each other and cooperate to be fans that the boys would be proud of.

<3 tiffo

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Guest ladyelhisa



Well...I feel very proud of them when other artist like them says that they are great. Also, when they perform in such great places (like in Tokyo Dome). and ,of course, when they win awards! :lol: Then, when they perform live performances, DANG! I just can't stop being proud of them whenever they perform live. Also, the fact that they can compose beautiful songs. :D


Hmm...probably rainbow, beautiful you, A whole new world, trick, sky, secret game, break up the shell and nobody knows. I get bored listening to them. :mellow:


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Guest beibe87


1. Does anyone know whether the stage in Tokyo dome was different with their previous stages? except for the size...did they made some changes on choreography as well? did they add more lighting effects or any other effects on stage? coz i thought they might have different/ or slightly different with previous concerts since it's TOKYO DOME! i thought they also have different stage director since yunho mentioned it in previous interview..correct me if i'm wrong..

2. Does anyone know if there is any schedule for the boys in Korea after a-nation???? usually, they will go back to KOrea and appear in some shows after achive something BIG in Japan..remember 'the star show' or other interviews when they came back after achive their 1st oricon?

3. Do you guys think that SM/Avex will send them to go overseas as a reward after finish their tours as well as make a photobook like they did in 2007 after they finished their 'five in the black' tours?

thanks in advance..^^

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Guest Toink3

THSK - 4th Live Tour TSC - Tokyo Dome

















Yunho SiGned Ball @ Tokyo Dome





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Guest changminlv


I felt proud when I could show something good bout them for my friends ( since i live in US and my friends didn't bout DBSK or Kpop) and have a good result.

THE SONGs I CAN'T STAND : box in the ship,

ORICON DAILY #1 I feel so proud!! :P Tokyo Dome and #1 at the same time like a dream for me

i don't have any words to say right now ^^

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Guest lovejae

The boys deserve some rest now after the huge success of 2 nights at Dome, it sends chill down my spin whenever I look at the blue ocean ~ so beautiful :blush:

When do you feel most proud as a DBSK fan?

Like someone said, I feel proud of them the most everytime I see them performing on stage, esp in Japan. The first one that touched me is their Heart, mind & soul concert, they truly sing with all their heart, mind and soul despite the fact that there were only 200-300 people attended. And look at what they've achieve now ~ 50,000 audiences, we can see how much they strived to get to that position.

Which song(s) do you skip?

Oh seems like many ppl here don't like Nobody Knows while I like this song the most in The Secret Code album :lol: (even more than TAXI abit, maybe bcoz that funky style song suits my taste LOL). All of their songs are OK to me except Tri-angle and Free your mind ^^

edit: I topped the page ^_^ sr nothing to share :D

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Guest jOLyN_TVXQ

Is there any DBSK song you just can't stand?

there are a few song i would skip..

1. We Are (although is there in my playlist, i skip it all the time)

2. Zion

3. Rainbow (Mirotic)

4. Together

5. Tri-angle

When do you feel the most proud to be a dongbangtoho fan?

when i receive news about how other recognise the boys...on what the boys have achieved...^_^

that will be my proudest and warmest moment...i feel proud when they prove to the world, they are just more than pretty face..

i feel proud when i see they breaking their own records.. and now i feel like im just like a proud mother looking at the kids achievement

Congrats on getting #1 in oricon chart...XD

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