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[동방신기] Dbsk, Tvxq, Thsk Official Thread 4

Guest Ringy

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Guest dbskmagic


You're indeed the best boyband in the world! (atleast for me..) :P

I hope they visit Philippines atleast a day. Or any South East Asian countries. lol, They're so popular here in the Philippines. Btw, It's like a dream come true for DBSK! omg~ I feel like crying right now,..I can't say anything more but CONGRATULATIONS! I know they're the best!

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AWESOME! yaya!! its over awwww..all their hardwork finally paid off! congratulation boys !and guys thanks alot for the updates and stuff and yunjaechun cried awww..they must be so proud and so touched. :tears: and the blue lights were awesome the fans did great!

i am sooo proud of them^^

haish...thts it i'm going off the thread :huh::mellow: ..its suppose to be a memorable night and i dont want to spoil it with negativity.

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is that yahoo news correct because stand by u only sold 150,000 copies unless i am blind and miss something here

300.000 is for the number of the CD shipped from Avex, which mean the number of CD that Avex had distributed to be sold to various retailers, both in Japan and outside Japan. It's not necessarily the number of the CD sold to the customer.

Oricon chart only count the number of CD sold to the customer domestically in Japan (even then, Oricon doesn't provide the exact number, because they didn't cover the whole CD retailers). So, CD sold overseas (for example: CD sold from YesAsia) are not counted towards the Oricon chart.

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Guest dbsgdec

The Dome is over?!!! T___T Jaechunho cried? omoooo I wanna see leadersshi cry T__T Thats so touching.

Congratulations TVXQ.

Dreams come true.

Tokyo Dome in Japan.

An achievement that will never be forgotten.

Now the world awaits you.

The bigger stage is yet to conquer.

This is just a beginning.

To that greater, possible future.

I wanna cry T___T I'm soo happy. Tokyo Dome. Finally.

When will they broadcast Tokyo Dome concert? They will, right?

C'mon mina-san! No more negativity. This is a big day. A moment in history for our boys!!! TOKYO DOME!!!

I wonder how they are feeling right now.

Anyone know whether they sing the same song list as yesterday?

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Guest kashmier

i'm a silent lurker here, i like thsk but some of the comments here are so over the top.

you love to praise their looks more than their talents, you love fan service and couple thingy.

i like thsk for their talent and live perfs and yet when i come here all fans spazz about is their looks and their hairs or couple fan service.

i hope you people realize this, lots of my friends like thsk but they don't like this thread.. so full of superficial fangirl comments.

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Guest tohoblaq

OMG!!! The blue lights look so beautiful!!! A BLUE ocean for once. I bet the boys were surprised.

I'm soooo proud of them. Even more today than yesterday! I can't wait to watch the DVD. I can't decide whether I wanna watch the first night or second night. But the RED OCEAN is always priority, right? The blue lights were on the whole night or did they switch back to red lights?


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Guest forevertw0


I'm so proud of them ....

Their Dream has become Reality

They deserve a standing ovation ...

To those who are not able to see them in Concert, we will definitely see them one day ..

Keep the faith !!

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Guest kieuthuha_231


the 4th live finally ended

oppa have done really good

I don't have the chance to watch Ur wonderful perf but I have the feeling that U 5 did it wonderfully, right

I look forward to watching the LIVE DVD

hope it will be put soon


DBSK is ALWAYS the best, wherever and whenever

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The blue glowsticks are breathtaking~ Here's a larger picture:


Omg so they did something like in Five in the black?

I have to see this!

The scene must have been very pretty.

They had red, white, and now blue. Maybe they will go pink one day =D

But no matter what color the fans are holding, their hearts will always be the color of dbsk<333

thanks for sharing.

congrats to our boys

sorry i'm little lost

but why blue BALLOONS

:X ??

Its not balloons, its a lightstick.

Remember during five in the black where the whole auddience turn off their red light stick and instead a white one showed up during asu wa kuru?

Well its the same thing also, but im not sure which song this was for.

i'm a silent lurker here, i like thsk but some of the comments here are so over the top.

you love to praise their looks more than their talents, you love fan service and couple thingy.

i like thsk for their talent and live perfs and yet when i come here all fans spazz about is their looks and their hairs or couple fan service.

i hope you people realize this, lots of my friends like thsk but they don't like this thread.. so full of superficial fangirl comments.

wow you dont look at other artist threads in the k-music section do you?

All the threads in the k-music section have girls/goys spazzing.

I thnk you miss out a lot of comments where a lot of us have posted about their singing, dancing, songs and albums.

Maybe consider backtracking? ;=[

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Guest hoado

Congrat~ Congrat~ to our beloved boys

I'm so proud of them and I feel really really happy for them. THSK, I love u much much much ^O^

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Guest chyna

i'm a silent lurker here, i like thsk but some of the comments here are so over the top.

you love to praise their looks more than their talents, you love fan service and couple thingy.

i like thsk for their talent and live perfs and yet when i come here all fans spazz about is their looks and their hairs or couple fan service.

i hope you people realize this, lots of my friends like thsk but they don't like this thread.. so full of superficial fangirl comments.

I agree with you. I actually liked DBSk because of their talent and professionalism on stage. This is what sets them apart from other kpop bands. they set REALLY HIGH STANDARDS when it comes to their work and they DELIVER.

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Guest LeaYuri


Tohoshinki's Tokyo Dome performance has just ended succesfully and that's how it mades my day.For some reasons,reading fanaccounts makes me got teary eyes.I dunno whether I even have chance to meet them in future.I love all members almost in the same level.Just like Changmin is my hubby and the rest four are our children.So,there's no favorite member and such.I was proud for being TVXQ fan and that's why I keep the faith that even with any obstacles and setbacks,I'll eventually manage to be the part of The Red Ocean! ;)

Sayuri Jaejoong Im waitin for ur next fanaccount.Tell us what u've experienced with ur sis in Tokyo Dome. B)

Question,Once they hold a concert in Tokyo Dome for the first time,does it means they'll organize it for the next and the following years?

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Guest passion8

I'm so glad that they managed to end the tour without any further injuries and i know that the dvd will be great. Hopefully next year they will be able to secure the Oricon Weekly Album no 1 spot with a better album. Now that Tokyo dome is over, we have A-Nation to look forward to until next month. sigh, this leaves no time frame to save money at all- too many things, too little time, not much money left.

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Guest ladypetruci

Congratulations to DBSK! Finally their dream to perform at Tokyo Dome has came true. Thanks to all the fans who contributed their comment on the boy's performance and not forgetting those pictures...love u guys so much for doing that..and I hope one day I can watch them performing life in Malaysia.....hope it will happen!! :lol::):P:D

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Guest bravetears

Its not balloons, its a lightstick.

Remember during five in the black where the whole auddience turn off their red light stick and instead a white one showed up during asu wa kuru?

Well its the same thing also, but im not sure which song this was for.

i read sumwhere that the blue lightsticks were meant for the 'Stand By U' song <333

congratz thsk..n thank u for making me believe that big dreams arent impossible to be achieved if u work hard.

now come back to Korea. Cassiopeia misses u guys. seriously. ngehs~

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Guest mandasoh

i'm a silent lurker here, i like thsk but some of the comments here are so over the top.

you love to praise their looks more than their talents, you love fan service and couple thingy.

i like thsk for their talent and live perfs and yet when i come here all fans spazz about is their looks and their hairs or couple fan service.

i hope you people realize this, lots of my friends like thsk but they don't like this thread.. so full of superficial fangirl comments.

And I hope you realise how offensive your words are.

Yes, we spazz over their hair and their looks and their fan service and whatever.

But if you think just because we do that, it means that we do not recognise their talent, then you and your bunch of friends are way off the mark.

While we make "superficial fangirl" comments, we also buy their Singles/DVDs/Magazines/Goods and whatever their management company throws at us.

Not because they look good on the cover, but because we appreciate their music and we want to support the music that they make.

If you missed all the comments about how "XXX is not in good form today... XXX's voice cracked... today's performance wasn't that great...", then you weren't looking hard enough. We obviously care about the music they produce.

If you can say honestly that you buy all their products in support of their music career and never, ever spazz about them, good on you. But don't come dissing the people here, thinking that you're better than us. You're not. Period.

//BRB TO ADD NEWS. Don't wanna waste my last post. *roll eyes*

[FAN ACCOUNT] 090705 Tokyo Dome, Short Japanese Fan Account

Entry title: Tokyo Dome

Time: 22:04 (Japan Time)


Anyeon~ ^□^

It has ended..........

Today's surprise for the members,

during Stand by U, the whole Dome lit up with a deep blue colour,

using blue pen lights.

There was a very moving aura.

I was immersed in it, and can still feel it lingering even when I left.

Those who attended, please take care......

(T/N: Only translated the Dome parts^^)

Source: [yukabon's room]

Photo: [tour2009.toho-jp.net]

Translated by: mandasoh@iscreamshinki.net

Shared by: iscreamshinki.net


I wanna see the blue lights during SBU.



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OMG! The concert was amazing!!

The blue lights are gorgeous.

Fans are so coordinated!

Gosh, BOLERO and LOVE IN THE ICE perfs were amazing!!

My breath was literally taken away and I was on the verge of tears the whole time.

After they finished I finally cried. xD

And no, I didn't go to the Dome..

I called my friend there and listened to it through her.

I waited all night for it and it was soooooo worth it.

Thanks Uru!

My dreams came true!

I got to hear them perform it live. :wub:

I'm so incredibly happy!

Congrats to them for delivering such amazing performances!!!


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Guest akiocyn

Wow, I'm a silent reader but now I can't stand to leave some comment here hahaha~!

But sorry for my poor english first >_<

I really THANK YOU GUYS for sharing the fancams, lyrics, news, pics and GREAT FAN ACCOUNTS of TSC concert here!!!

I'm not able to watch their Mirotic concert and so as their TSC concert... *miss them so much*

but the fan a/c and pics really touched me, and as if I was really there with the boys and fans lol~

I love [Colors] so much! The 2nd great work from the soulmates =)

And if I'm not mistaken, the blue sea project was prepared for Stand By U???

Really can't wait to buy the DVD!!

So proud of THSK and Cassiopeia+Bigeast!!

[TRANS] 090704 TSC Final In Tokyo Dome - The Secret Quiz (Day #1)

%7Boption%7D http://i42.tinypic.com/2mfywle.jpg

This is a question from Jejung!

So, what is this?

Please answer using 3 katakana letters!

Source: [candyminja@naver]

Translation credits: mandasoh@iscreamshinki.net

Shared by: iscreamshinki.net


Ahaha I'm so happy that I guess the correct answer! LOL!!

The quiz is kinda fun haha!


I don't know if i should categorise this as sharing or news... haha

Just wanna share my story..

Anyway, this is about Junsu's twin - JunHo - in China.

So.. My sister and me were chatting in MSN (she lived in Sydney and me in Melbourne).

And then she told me about one of her best friend is in the same school as a Korean celebrity.

I was like, "is there one..?" I really don't know any Korean celebrity that is currently studying in China, i mean, if their career is in Korea, why do they have to study in China.

Sorry to cut your post.

Wow!!! Same class as Junho?!

I can definitely understand the girls feeling that trying to being close with him... as he's the twin brother of Junsoo!!

For me I surely will be really nervous to be at the same class with him lol~

I wonder how's his mandarin? Should teach Junsoo too haha~

One after the other. I can imagine why Chunnie got so emotional. I'm going to burst into tears already lol Goes to show how amazing

and deserving the boys are of a concert in Tokyo Dome. The two hardest, vocally challenging and

beautfiul songs at the end. How much love and skill the boys must possess to make this absolutely amazing...

True true, I agree with you.

LITI and Bolero, they were dancing, singing, jumping, running here and there etc throughout the wholeeee concert but can still perform these two songs nicely... *goosebump* lol~


I'm from Malaysia too!! *waves* Ya, I really hope to see them again in Malaysia!! Let's fighting ^_^

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