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Lee Byung Hun 이병헌 Byunghun Lee


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I was about to post this too, but I wanted to reply to you & Hyc first; had to wait 10 minutes to post another message.

Okay, I'll upload the pics to photobucket later. Will keep the ones I really like in their original size maybe? Hehe.

Rubie, is it just me? Soompi is really....really slow tonight, I have to wait a while for every single operation.

OOPS.. :blush: .. you know rubie is synonymous with redundancy :sweatingbullets: .. the moment I see something LBH-related.. can't stop myself from posting it. :sweatingbullets: *hugs*

But it's also great that if we have more discussions/variety in postings (more members posting).. we don't have to wait the 10 minutes interval to continue to post.

I thought it's just me and my erratic pc.. going back and forth like crazy.. on a tired-snail pace. :wacko: Maybe soompi is a bit slow but still alright, I think. Just be more prepared.. save whatever you want to post.. because.. anything can happen... and it usually do.. as a sign for some maintenance, etc. :sweatingbullets:

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Guest kdramafanusa

OOPS.. :blush: .. you know rubie is synonymous with redundancy :sweatingbullets: .. the moment I see something LBH-related.. can't stop myself from posting it. :sweatingbullets: *hugsH*

But it's also great that if we have more discussions (more members posting).. we don't have to wait the 10 minutes interval to continue to post.

Rubie, it's great that you posted the article here so that I can reply again without having to wait. =)

Sometimes, I have to run to another thread & come back.

Oh Rubie & Hyc, I just re-posted the links you shared about BH+SH event at SSH's thread. I should ask you whether it's okay to do that first, I'm sorry.

The maintenance schedule seems to change right? It's not at the same time lately, I get caught off guard in the past few days.

So bad, I still haven't learned my lesson about backing up yet. I'm used to Soompi editor.

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Rubie, it's great that you posted the article here so that I can reply again without having to wait. =)

Sometimes, I have to run to another thread & come back.

Oh Rubie & Hyc, I just re-posted the links you shared about BH+SH event at SSH's thread. I should ask you whether it's okay to do that first, I'm sorry.

The maintenance schedule seems to change right? It's not at the same time lately, I get caught off guard in the past few days.

So bad, I still haven't learned my lesson about backing up yet. I'm used to Soompi editor.

Hahaa.. my turn to reply without having to wait.. ^^ ..

Sure.. no problem at all with sharing the BH & SSH goodies, the least we can do. It's only the previous stuff & clips that we can share these days. Anything new with LBH and SSH (together!).. that'll be the day :lol: but from the looks of it.. both actors are just sooooo terribly busy with filming, etc. :mellow:

The daily maintenance are quite fixed although it might change from time to time but sometimes.. there can even be an emergency maintenance which we can never be sure of.. when it'll suddenly popped up.. :sweatingbullets:

Btw.. I'd love to read any sort of complete translation (based on the Chinese subs) from the SSH-LBH2001 clip. I've only read some informal gist for it through fans' discussion but have not seen any complete transcript on it.

It'll be sooooooo much appreciated. Totally. :wub:

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Guest kdramafanusa

Btw.. I'd love to read any sort of complete translation (based on the Chinese subs) from the SSH-LBH2001 clip. I've only read some informal gist for it through fans' discussion but have not seen any complete transcript on it.

Rubie, the computer I'm using now has no audio. I can't associate the dialogue with the right person at times. Strictly going by the subs for now. Will edit this translation when I can play the clip on another computer. Please feel free to edit this post if you can read Chinese as well.


MC#2: Shin Dong-yeop (SDY)

Question to LBH: What's your first impression of SSH?

His impression of you is not very good. {H: i guess 1 of 2 MCs said this jokingly}

LBH: He seems like Japanese in some ways. The 1st time I saw him, I feel that he's not Korean. The impression he gave me is not bad. We filmed together. Later when it's time for us to eat, he told me that I'm his idol and asked if he can see me as a brother?

He's very well mannered {respectful} toward me; at that time, I feel that he's very {}

SDY: He's like that toward us too. {referring to himself & MC#1}

MC#1: I feel that a beautiful female would not hang out with another beautiful female.

SDY: Definitely cannot be together.

MC#1: But men are not like that. When 2 handsome men are together, they would feel that my appearance is better than yours. Do you compare? {meant to ask whether the scenario applies to them?}

LBH: Not everyone's that way. There are times when I see him.

MC#1Come, let's continue fighting/arguing...

MC#1 or SDY: I'm really happy to have us 5 handsome men on 1 program.

MC#1 or SDY: It's said that SSH often calls LBH on the phone.

SSH: Because we are both actors. And he's my favorite idol. We used to work/film together so I really like him.

He says that to everyone {H: did BH say this?}

SSH: These 2 especially helped me a lot. Taught me many things when I just debuted. For the entire lifetime, I will never forget them. {H: i think he pointed to MC#1 & SDY? Not sure. In SH's biography, BH & SDY are listed as 2 of his best friends - along with SJS & KSW}

SDY to BH: Do you want to say anything to him?

LBH: I heard that he's very popular in Taiwan. {H: Autumn In My Heart set viewership rating record in TW during its broadcast there}

SSH: Hong Kong too.

BH hit SH, then they both laughed.

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Rubie, the computer I'm using now has no audio. I can't associate the dialogue with the right person at times. Strictly going by the subs for now. Will edit this translation when I can play the clip on another computer. Please feel free to edit this post if you can read Chinese as well.

aWww.. this is so awesome :w00t: .. it's like real-time dialogue.. which it actually was. :P

I can't read or understand Chinese, unfortunately (have to rely on sweethearted kind souls ^^). :sweatingbullets: But hope our Ching (Hyc) or ylin can help you fine-tune the transcript, if you like. It's sooo awesome.. I've never read the dialogue like this before... so complete. :blush:

Thanks H.. HUGG!!! :wub:

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OOPS! I see our other H.. AutumnLeaves at the thread. *waves*

Please please please don't be confused.. now there are 2 H hunnie-girls at the thread. :blush:

H, our girl-hunter from the UK :wub: .. and H.. our kdramafanusa from the US. *hugs!*

Both shared the same H in their names. :blush: :sweatingbullets: Must be the "Hunnie" factor.. huh.. huh ^^

I have it. too.. if I go by my real name. Hehee.. :rolleyes:

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Rubie, the computer I'm using now has no audio. I can't associate the dialogue with the right person at times. Strictly going by the subs for now. Will edit this translation when I can play the clip on another computer. Please feel free to edit this post if you can read Chinese as well.


MC#2: Shin Dong-yeop (SDY)

Question to LBH: What's your first impression of SSH?

His impression of you is not very good. {H: i guess 1 of 2 MCs said this jokingly}

LBH: He seems like Japanese in some ways. The 1st time I saw him, I feel that he's not Korean. The impression he gave me is not bad. We filmed together. Later when it's time for us to eat, he told me that I'm his idol and asked if he can see me as a brother?

He's very well mannered {respectful} toward me; at that time, I feel that he's very {good at observing others} ~ I think wat BH meant was that SSH knew that he should "be nice" to BH as he is someone whom SSH can follow and learn from

SDY: He's like that toward us too. {referring to himself & MC#1}

MC#1: I feel that a beautiful female would not hang out with another beautiful female.

SDY: Definitely cannot be together.

MC#1: But men are not like that. When 2 handsome men are together, they would feel that my appearance is better than yours. Do you compare? {meant to ask whether the scenario applies to them?}

LBH: Not everyone's that way. There are times when I see him.

MC#1Come, let's you guys continue fighting/arguing...

MC#1 or SDY: I'm really happy to have us 5 handsome men on 1 program.

MC#1 or SDY: It's said that SSH often calls LBH on the phone.

SSH: Because we are both actors. And he's my favorite idol. We used to work/film together so I really like him.

He says that to everyone {H: did BH say this?}

SSH: These 2 especially helped me a lot. Taught me many things when I just debuted. For the entire lifetime, I will never forget them. {H: i think he pointed to MC#1 & SDY? Not sure. In SH's biography, BH & SDY are listed as 2 of his best friends - along with SJS & KSW}

SDY to BH: Do you want to say anything to him?

LBH: I heard that he's very popular in Taiwan. {H: Autumn In My Heart set viewership rating record in TW during its broadcast there}

SSH: Hong Kong too.

BH hit SH, then they both laughed.

Hi kdramafanusa,

You translation is perfect. I just did some minor changes in pink (based on the chinese subtitles) but you can still fine-tune it after you listen to their conversation, think that will be most accurate :)

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Guest kdramafanusa

I just did some minor changes in pink (based on the chinese subtitles) but you can still fine-tune it after you listen to their conversation, think that will be most accurate :)

Ylin, thanks for checking & filling in the spots for me.

Sure.. no problem at all with sharing the BH & SSH goodies, the least we can do. It's only the previous stuff & clips that we can share these days. Anything new with LBH and SSH (together!).. that'll be the day :lol: but from the looks of it.. both actors are just sooooo terribly busy with filming, etc. :mellow:

Rubie, I am more excited about older stuffs b/c I lost all of mine & they are harder to find nowadays. I am so grateful to everyone here for finding/sharing all these precious/hidden treasures.

I finally read the BH & SH's interview on KHS show (at BH's Fan Club), they are similar in many ways like SH said.

During interviews for his latest movie Fate, SH mentioned liking Tony Leung (as an actor) too; he likes his performance in "Infernal Affair" alot. :)

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Rubie, I am more excited about older stuffs b/c I lost all of mine & they are harder to find nowadays. I am so grateful to everyone here for finding/sharing all these precious/hidden treasures.

I finally read the BH & SH's interview on KHS show (at BH's Fan Club), they are similar in many ways like SH said.

During interviews for his latest movie Fate, SH mentioned liking Tony Leung (as an actor) too; he likes his performance in "Infernal Affair" alot. :)

Apart from what BH thought about SSH's previous army ordeal mentioned in the article.. there's the video message clip of him welcoming SSH back from the military and two more video-messages from SSH to BH during the latter's Tokyo Dome 2006 fanmeet as well as last year's Arena Tour Event.

Hope we can share those again, good time to compile them at the fan club too (Ching, ylin ^^ everyone).. pity rubie, huh.. huh.. hunnies... I can't possibly remember everything. Very blurr.

Thanks so much to our kdramafanusa for the wonderful translation transcript for the SSH-LBH 2001 clip. I'll post this up at the fan club, too :blush: .. well done! :wub: Yupyup.. both BH & SSH really do have some similarities between them.. mainly due to the influence of each other. :rolleyes:

ps: btw.. thanks Ching for the BH-SBS2003 award clip on MU, really appreciate the sharing! :wub:

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Guest kdramafanusa

Apart from what BH thought about SSH's previous army ordeal mentioned in the article.. there's the video message clip of him welcoming SSH back from the military and two more video-messages from SSH to BH during the latter's Tokyo Dome 2006 fanmeet as well as last year's Arena Tour Event.

Hope we can share those again, good time to compile them at the fan club too (Ching, ylin ^^ everyone).. pity rubie, huh.. huh.. hunnies... I can't possibly remember everything. Very blurr.

Would love to see these again too, Ching & Ylin have these clips? :)

If any of these have subs, I am more than happy to translate them for us; I always need help from friends here too of course. :)

Rubie, thanks for keeping everything organized & up-to-date for us.

P.S. I don't have Mr. SWM's contact.

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Would love to see these again too, Ching & Ylin have these clips? :)

If any of these have subs, I am more than happy to translate them for us; I always need help from friends here too of course. :)

Rubie, thanks for keeping everything organized & up-to-date for us.

P.S. I don't have Mr. SWM's contact.

I might have them.. uhh.. somewhere but this blurpanda will have to sort.. like hundreds of BH clips.. :wacko::sweatingbullets: .. yupyup.. I deserve hundreds of snowballs too. :sweatingbullets: But I do remember the clips have Japanese subs as the events had taken place in Japan.

But lets hope & try.. we'll find some more goodies to share. :rolleyes: rubie trying terribly to be organized with hundreds of clips .. dl-ed like crazy & saved from over the years.. I'm soooooo reluctant to count them.. might be a thousand over.. LOL nahh!!.. just too many to count.. :blink: *panda faints!*

I believe Ching and ylin are more organized & focused with BH updates in the recent years. :blush: rubie is just the "talk-more" panda :lol:

ps: LOL.. thanks dear H.. I'm definitely tripping over in high density HDS.. :lol: can't get BH.. want to contact his manager.. *hoopless hopeless case* ^^

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A Happy 3rd Anniversary A BITTERSWEET LIFE April 2008


A Bittersweet Life 달콤한 인생

Posted by luna6, 3 June 2006

Release Date : April 1, 2005

Country : South Korea

Director: Jee-Woon Kim

Starring: Lee Byung-Hun, Kim Young-Cheol, Shin Mina

Runtime : 120 Minutes

Editor Rating : 7.5

Plot Synopsis : Loyal Sun-Woo has been faithfully working for his crime boss Kang for 7 years. While having dinner with Kang, Sun-Woo is asked to perform an important favor for his boss. Kang is leaving for a short 3 day trip to Shanghai and during that time he wants Sun-Woo to watch over his young mistress, Hee-Soo. Kang explains that he has suspicions that she may be seeing someone else. He also warns Hee-Soo, “Be Smart, Things are going good for you now. But the world is not that easy. You can do 100 things right, but 1 mistake can destroy you.” If Sun-Woo notices any type of indiscretions on the mistress’ part, he wants to be notified immediately. At first Sun-Woo faithfully follows his boss’ orders and chaperons Hee-Soo as his loyal henchmen. Unfortunately Sun-Woo soon starts to develop feelings for Hee-Soo. Shortly afterwards, Sun-Woo discovers that Kang’s mistress is indeed seeing a younger man and Sun-Woo is torn between his loyalty to his boss and his affection for Hee-Soo. He must now decide whether to inform his boss about Hee-Soo’s affair or keep silent . The consequence of this decision will then set course for Sun-Woo to seek revenge for what he cannot have.

SWEET bite :lol:


BSL cake credits to rosekko ^^

Movie Review : After a poetic introductory scene, the viewer is introduced to Sun-Woo sitting in his nightclub eating dessert. He is informed by an employee that there is a disturbance in the private room area. The viewer is then treated to a Scorsese like scene, ala Goodfellas, where the camera follows Sun-Woo as he makes his way through his nightclub. He gets to the back room and asks the gentlemen causing the disturbance to leave within the count of three. After the 3 seconds passes, Sun-Woo charges at the three thugs like an Olympic gymnast and does some distinctly Asian kicks and chops. With that stylish beginning “A Bittersweet Life” kicks into high gear and becomes an exhilarating 2 hour ride. The movie was directed by Kim Jee-Woon (A Tale Of Two Sisters, The Foul King, A Quite Family) in an impressive action movie meets film noire style. There were scenes where you would recall the influences of Goodfellas, Carlito’s Way, Scarface, Oldboy and Sympathy for Mr. Vengeance, but the way they were incorporated into A Bittersweet Life was purely complementary and not plagiaristic. The cast of characters were, mostly, impressive and some notable performances were done by Lee Byung-Hun (haven’t seen him in a good movie since JSA) Jeong-min Hwang (You Are My Sunshine, A Good Lawyer’s Wife) and Mina Shin (Sad Movie, Madeleine). There was a particularly riveting escape scene that brought to mind Oldboy, that was great in the “how the hell is he going to get out of this?” kind of way. If I had to nitpick at some things, the cinematography towards the second half became distracting with its overly excessive color hues. The actors that played the gun dealers were to cartoonish and seemed out of place in the film, but their scenes were brief. Besides that, absolutely enjoyed A Bittersweet Life for being a fast paced gangster movie meets film noire with a heart.

Credits: lunapark6.com

A Happy 3rd Anniversary A BITTERSWEET LIFE April 2008

Just added another photo collection at the LBH fanclub and BSL soompi fanclub ^^

Photos of LBH and Dir. KJW at A Bittersweet Life's 1st Anniversary :wub:

Do check them out and please join our fanclubs, too. :blush:

BSL 1st Anniversary pics & updates at LBH fanclub or here at our BSL fanclub

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Guest kdramafanusa

Rubie & all, I'm not sure if this clip was posted yet.

Rubie, I can't find your original message in this thread; I can only quote what I re-posted in SH's thread.

February 7, 2004 - Lee Byung Hun gave his Japanese fans a pleasant surprise with the singing of theme song from film 'JSA' during his fan-meeting on 2/7 at Seoul Grand Hilton Hotel


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Rubie & all, I'm not sure if this clip was posted yet.

Rubie, I can't find your original message in this thread; I can only quote what I re-posted in SH's thread.


Hi! Thanks for the YouTube clip, I've actually seen it but the visual of the clip isn't that good.. huh. :mellow: Let me just get the links for the original clips from the 2004 fanmeet.. believe it or not.. I've just found them again accidentally :o.. all links still ok. :sweatingbullets: Phew!!!

Sure hope the original clips from leebyunghun.com have better visual & audio.

Yup.. I know.. it can be .. :wacko: .. trying to find the original post but I've already posted the original fanmeet message (+ more pics) at the fanclub. too.. for easier access :blush:

But.. please give it awhile for the page to upload slowly as there are A LOT of BH pics at the Galleria. ♥ A must for BH fans!

» LBH FanMeet 2004 (with SSH, Jo Sung Mo)




Unfortunately, there weren't any translation/subs for these clips. The interviews in Korean/Japanese were quite long :sweatingbullets:

Found & copied these 'links' as they are, originally posted in the original EverythingLBH thread from soompi 2004. :D

Clip 1 - 10.5MB

This is the introduction clip and LBH said his greetings in Japanese, a few light-hearted moments here, the fans were teasing him or something

Clip 2 - 17.9MB

LBH singing 'live' the theme of JSA

Clip 3 - 24.7MB

Interview clip on stage

Clip 4 - 20.8MB

Interview clip on stage

Clip 5 - 33.1MB

SSH interview clip (longer version) on stage with LBH

LBH - 14.7MB

Fans' reaction, SSH, close-up interview with LBH, various drama clips, gifts to fans

Source: Byunghun & Rubeurs, www.leebyunghun.com, PlanetBH0712. Copied from cari.com/EverythingLBH

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Seize the Day by kimchibabe at LBH fanclub



he is one person who does not stay idle. he works hard, he plays hard. in latin, they say "carpe diem" (seize the day) and this is exactly what he does. he makes every second count. maybe that's why he was wearing beads on his arm during his birthday, at Tokyo Dome and in the ICWTR shoot. he stopped wearing a watch, maybe because he finds it distracting, he wants to concentrate on the task ahead, not see if he's on schedule. he's so systematic....so enchanting...so enhancing.

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Read with caution... harsh words abundance.. or not.. :mellow:

Korean Presence Increasing in Hollywood


ps: LBH was never in Shiri the movie (as his other never-confirmed supposedly appearances in 3-Iron, Taegukgi) .. although I seriously wouldn't mind seeing him in the drama remake.. for Shiri.. if it actually materializes, which will be co-written by All In scriptwriter... but .. that's just me. :mellow:*rambling*

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Guest jicks

^I just read that article but I didn't sense anything really harsh... or perhaps I'm just not having a sensitive day?? XP

Two things that really left me in awe from that allkpop article:

Daneil Dae Kim was on 90210?????? lol

LBH has an IQ of 155 O______o!!!!!!! And he's looking so great for 37 XD

I don't see LBH's venture into the American film industry as an attempt to "conquer Hollywood" per se, as a professional artist I believe he wants to challenge himself to see how far he can go. There are so many other great producers, directors, movie-makers etc outside of South Korea that I'm sure true actors just want to try to work with. And it's not like he's completely abandoning his home industry either.

Also yeah, I'm not sure where they pulled Shiri from as one of Byung Hun's movie credits ?O? And I don't 100% agree that Everybody Has Secrets is his "best known" work.

BTW, I did watch Hero... Byung Hun's appearance was short but def sweet. I enjoyed watching him hang out w/ Kimura & it's really got my appetite worked up for I Come With The Rain ^^

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LOL.. it's probably just me (the always OTT-panda :blush: ).. having been there before.. :sweatingbullets: .. on previous BH highlight they did. :ph34r: But definitely agree with you, jicks.. especially on BH's Hollywood venture, very well said. ♥

The highlight on EHAS.. while it receives very opposite effect from fans of BH.. either one loves or loathes it.. I think it's mainly because the movie was quite well received in Japan after the quite huge promo it had as Byunghun's comeback to the big screen after sweeping Asia with All In. But as much as I love EHAS and will always enjoy the movie, personally I'd prefer BH to be more known for his critically-acclaimed movies like BSL, JSA. :mellow:

But yup .. he does have a high IQ.. probably one reason he breezes through university despite the almost non-appearance in class due to non-stop newfound acting work. :blush: I think an aunt/relative had him taking the Mensa test (or something).. I only read this from somewhere.. :mellow: .. although BH himself had acknowleged the fact.. he did not elaborate.

Thanks for sharing your Hero thoughts. Indeed BH and Kimura actually hit it off really well.. even from the first day. Can't wait to watch Hero myself.. and of course, ICWTR.. soooooooooooooon.

--- GBW unrelated.. off-topic..

What a surprise.. our 8tv is airing Korean tear-fest 'A Moment to Remember' tonight :w00t: .. which I just lovelovelove.. although minus all the very lovey-dovey scenes, of course. Seeing JWS.. aish.. feels like.. 'closer to BH'.. weird HDS panda.. huh.. LOL. but seriously.. :sweatingbullets:

So far, LBH have not acted with SYJ.. yet.. but after AMTR.. I think JWS & SYJ make a very good-looking onscreen pair. :wub:

I have to really take note.. maybe.. one of these days.. the station will air BH's movies as well. :rolleyes: :blush:


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