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Lee Byung Hun 이병헌 Byunghun Lee


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LOL! @p.v.wong, you didn't realize that the Youtube clip already appeared, well done. Keep it up, ok ^^
Thanks to @ylin too, for the clips.. looks like both of you girls are super quick.laughing.gif
Saw the clips at PlanetBH, lucky for us that fans had recorded the Japanese tv interview segment with LBH recently.
As this is a fabulous treat, bringing up the clips on a new page.

February 17, 2014
Challenge to Lee Byung Hun's nonstop comedy 

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cute_chick.gif V O T E  V O T E  V O T E  V O T E  V O T E pwettybunny.gif

Round 3: Short Essay | Shippers' Paradise Valentine's Day Contest

Obviously our last participation but we still want to try, right? Against All Odds.

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Daebak @rubie!! You are indeed our most honored ambassador to write the essay for the 3rd round competition for the Hunnie Couple. It felt so much like reading an excerpt of an auto biographical get-to-know how the couple went through a sentimental journey of love.  Sincere thanks to you for all the hardwork and unconditional support for Mr & Mrs Lee. 

You deserve  smallkiss.gif ,emotbighug.gif and 2351377sh.gif.


EDIT : Also thanks to @lbhfanhk for the awesome post - great sharing chingu.  So wonderful to see @ylin's post on LBH latest update - gomapta chingu. 
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Thanks to the highlight at Angel 70's BraveHuman fan-blog <3

Thanks Felicia for helping to vote, it really means a lot! And everyone who voted tq.gif Merci beaucoup!
Round 3 Voting dateline : February 24, 2014
Palli Palli! Help spread the word, too!

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Annyeong, fellow LBH fans!

I LOVE watching LBH in dramas and movies. He is the best k-actor (for me). :)>-
I was wondering if anyone here has watched "Asphalt, My Hometown" - LBH's first drama. Is it good - I mean, really good?
I've been dying to see his first drama, but it's not available on any streaming sites. My only option is to buy it. Frankly, I've never bought a drama on DVD before - which begs the question, is it going to be worthwhile purchasing this drama? :-S

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^ Annyeong @h2ogirl to LBH soompi.welcome.gif So sorry for the very late response but certainly very happy to meet you here. It's always a great feeling meeting fellow Byunghun fans.
Hmm.. "Asphalt, My Hometown".. to be frank, no one really mentions the drama here because it's been a really old series featuring a very young LBH. I have not seen the drama and probably not even sure of the captures from the drama if came across. @mistymorning might have watched this earliest work of Lee Byung Hun but really not sure about it. Can't say if the series is really good or if the acting is worth watching, with no disrespect to LBH, he was pretty 'green' at the time and got criticized a lot being a new actor. But still it'll be great if we'd have some actual feedback on this.
Really sorry that it's not a reply that answers anything but really happy to meet you here. And thank you for voting at the contest thread, saw your id icon there. ^^
Nevertheless, please join us in talking and sharing about Lee Byung Hun here. Would love to know your favorite LBH movies and dramas.. let's compare notes, shall we! laughing.gif

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February 22 was the 9th Anniversary since actress Lee Eun Joo's death in 2005.
Here's a segment on KBS2's Movie is Good featuring the late actress' work including 'Bungee Jumping of Their Own' with LBH. Thanks to PlanetBH0712 for the highlight.

February 22, 2014
KBS2 영화가 좋다 E375 140222 - 번지점프를 하다

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Copied from PlanetBH0712 <3 Source: VOGUE Japan
139f575afe7028bd69d312d2c093e9ee_bigger. VOGUE Japan: EDITOR's PICK

『VOGUE JAPAN』 飯田美穂子 ブログVOGUE JAPAN エグゼクティブ・フィーチャー・エディターのエンタメ・ダイアリー。
2014.02.23ハリウッドスターになったイ・ビョンホンの「LBH ON TOUR 2014」、次は3月25日&26日!
text : Mihoko Iida
こんにちは、VOGUE JAPANの飯田美穂子です。
vj_1.jpgYokohama Bay
LBH ON TOUR 2014 公式パンフレット
思えば、VOGUE JAPANで初めてイ・ビョンホンさんを取材させていただいたのは、2009年9月号のこちらの企画でした。
Setouchi Jakuchou and Lee Byung Hun in VOGUE JAPAN 2009 September issue. Photo: Takuya Uchiyama
それから、いろいろな方々のご尽力でこの対談が実現し、その後もイ・ビョンホンさんには何度もVOGUE JAPANにご登場いただけました。
スクリーンショット 2014-02-20 15.43.07
Lee Byung Hun in VOGUE JAPAN 2012 March issue. Photo: Williams & Hirakawa
Lee Byung Hun interview in VOGUE JAPAN 2013 April issue.

今やハリウッド映画の『G.I. ジョー』シリーズや『RED リターンズ』のキャストに加わっているハリウッドスター。
今回のツアー「LBH ON TOUR 2014」は、名古屋をはじめ、大阪、仙台、福岡、横浜と8回に渡って行われました。
Congratulations to the entire staff and the great man himself, Lee Byung Hun, for putting on a fun-filled and immensely entertaining one-man show. Thank you all for creating the magic and hope to see you back in Vogue Japan! -- Mihoko Iida 펌 : http://www.vogue.co.jp/blog/mihoko-iida/archives/1026

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February 24, 2014
Lee Min Jung “My husband Lee Byung Hun, he cheered me to enjoy work” Source: Innolife Korea
Actress Lee Min-Jung mentioned about her husband Lee Byung-Hun.
Lee Min-Jung attended the production presentation of ‘Cunning Single Lady’, MBC new Wednesday-Thursday drama at Yeoksam-dong, Gangnam-gu on 24th.
Lee Min-Jung said about Lee Byung-Hun as an actor, “I don’t know him in detail because I have never worked with him, but I heard that he is very meticulous in scenes. He analyzes character specifically, and sings into the work. His effort is imitable.
Married on August last year, she mentioned about her cheers of the husband. Lee Min-Jung said, “Lee Byung-Hun asked little about the drama, but he asked if the drama is interesting. He cheered me that he wishes me to enjoy the work. I was depressed about starting on Thursday, but he said that it can bother me but efforts can make good result.”
Lee Min-Jung also said that she can express more emotions after the marriage. Lee Min-Jung said, “I don’t know how it will be applied to the work, but I feel many things after the marriage. It is said that woman who delivered baby has emotions ten times as large as before. I do not have a baby yet but I think I can feel more emotions than my maiden time.
‘Cunning Single Lady’ will be aired on 27th, following ‘Miss Korea’.

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