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=*= Half Asian Actor Michael Copon Vs Taylor Lautner. The Battle For Next Twilight Movie! =*=


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taylor looks more like a wolf to me? thats what i thought when i saw twilight, he's a wolf. and i didnt even read the books then.

new pics of taylor



he still doesnt look big enough to be jacob black though?

what u guys think....

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Guest KuYA II


he looks pretty big, i think its just the height that seems to bother me a bit.

but if that is the latest picture then wow i'm impressed he did bulk up pretty well.

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well, they kinda look alike and if taylor can pack on the pounds then i choose taylor i mean comeon he already had the part it'll make me feel weird if Jacob was changed if they didnt have him in the first movie i would've pick michael

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Guest winterofdiscontent

Michael Copon's pretty hot, but New Moon wouldn't be the same without Taylor Lautner (and his hideously long hair).

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Guest iLOVEjelly

I don't think Michael Copon deserves to get the part, I'd rather have Taylor stay as Jacob. I mean, if you're gunning for the part of Jacob at least do SOME research about the series. However, I also agree that Taylor does not really fit the description of Jacob in New Moon..mostly because of his height. If they NEEDED to cast a replacement, my vote would go to Steven Strait.

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he looks pretty big, i think its just the height that seems to bother me a bit.

but if that is the latest picture then wow i'm impressed he did bulk up pretty well.

michael copon is 6'2 and i really think no matter how big taylor gets...michael will stil physically look more the part..

I don't think Michael Copon deserves to get the part, I'd rather have Taylor stay as Jacob. I mean, if you're gunning for the part of Jacob at least do SOME research about the series. However, I also agree that Taylor does not really fit the description of Jacob in New Moon..mostly because of his height. If they NEEDED to cast a replacement, my vote would go to Steven Strait.

how do we know michael didnt do any research?

and michael has been trying hard to have his big break for quite a while

anyone remember him on power rangers? lol

i found this on another website


Michael Copon was born on November 13th, 1982 in Chesapeake, Virginia, USA. Michael Copon was cast by the Fox Kids Network as Blue Ranger Lucas less than a year after he graduated from Deep Creek High School (2001).

Copon can't believe how quickly he advanced from high school senior and defensive end on Deep Creek's football team in 2000 to print model in Los Angeles to Blue Ranger. People in Chesapeake say that Mike Copon is a nice kid. Religious. A little shy. Handsome. ''A sharp-looking kid,'' said his football coach at Deep Creek, David Cox. "I'm not surprised that he's gone this far this fast.'' George Kartis is a local photographer and agent who probably sent Copon on his way when he alerted folks in the Los Angeles modeling mix about Mike's husky good looks. One day, Copon is working for Los Angeles Models and Talent, and the next day he's auditioning to be a Power Ranger. Kartis says what others say about Copon. ''Mike's a religious, great-looking kid with a very supportive mother.'' That would be Monica Zelasko.

His decision to pursue acting was made on a total leap of faith, a move this native of Chesapeake, Virginian, is no stranger to. "My parents taught me to follow my heart."

That advice is paying off. When Michael Copon ditched a lucrative modeling gig in Hong Kong, little did he know he'd wind up on The WB. Copon's first big break came when he was cast in One Tree Hill on The WB as Felix, a hunky new dude on the block who's got a serious affection for danger. Here, Copon, who also happens to be an ex Power Ranger (think Lucas a la Power Rangers Time Force), fills you in on what's coming your way.

My character is: "A jerk! But, he's also funny and playful. I think the playful part is starting to rub off on me, but other than that I am nothing like him. For one thing, I can read for hours and hours. I don't think Felix's ever owned a book."

My hoops dream: "In my free time I like to play basketball. I don't play as much as I should. I don't know yet if they're going to have my character on the [basketball] team, but I sure wouldn't mind."

Being in the spolight is: "Definitely, quite an experience. Before I came to Los Angeles, I had no idea how many different types of women there are. The girls here all have their own sense of style. It's very cool."

Making out like a bandit?: "Who's Felix going to make out with first? I dunno. I think the lead girls are really turned off by him because he's such a jerk. They're definitely too good for him."

Growing up, I was: "In my own world. I was a little heavier than I am now. I wasn't popular. I spent most of the time focusing on art. It's so ironic because by high school I looked totally different and the girls who wouldn't give me the time of day in 7th and 8th grade were suddenly all over me. I'm grateful for the way I grew up. I didn't rely on my looks or anything for happiness. I think that's [kept] me grounded."

TV Shows"One Tree Hill" playing "Felix" (2004 - present)"Power Rangers Wild Force" playing "Lucas Kendall" (2002) Filmography Power Rangers Time Force: Dawn of Destiny (2002) .... Lucas Kendall

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Guest anniejo

well, it's really sad if taylor's gonna be replaced in the sequel :tears: ...of course, i like the original cast. :(

but if it's really necessary to recast him.... :unsure::sweatingbullets:

i prefer steven strait instead...coz i think he's perfect to play the part.

while i was reading the book i kinda imagining him...bcoz he sort of fits the description of jacob.

and besides, he kinda look like the "older taylor" in some ways.

don't you think? :sweatingbullets::) hehe!


don't get me wrong :sweatingbullets: ...i also like michael copon...i love watching him in one tree hill!

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Guest XTINE__

^ Oh wow... Steven Straight DOES have a Jacob Black vibe to him...

BUT, since we're on the topic of Michael Copon vs. Taylor Lautner... I knew about this whole ordeal about Taylor possibly being replaced, but I had no idea Michael Copon could possibly be the new JB. I know, where the hell have I been? LOL. Hmmm, I have to say, I'm really undecided on this one. I mean, I think both are deserving of the role but there are pros and cons to the both of em, which is why I'm a little torn.

First off, Taylor Lautner:

He's already been sucked too far into this whole Twilight phenomena and his fan base is continuously growing, so, of course it could get a little-or, for some, very--weird if all of a sudden the role of Jacob is replaced with someone else, someone the audience hasn't already grown accustomed to. Plus, the guy is working soo hard to bulk up for the role (although he already has a pretty fine bod LOL), and it'd be sad if all of his efforts went to waste, especially considering the fact that Jacob has a much much bigger part in the second book/movie.

Then, we have Michael Copon:

Omgosh, when I saw the subject title.. I thought his named sounded familiar, and then when I saw the pics, I realized it's the guy who played Felix on One Tree Hill. Mmm, he's so hot. But that's beside the point ahahahaha. Why I think Michael would make a good Jacob? Because like others have mentioned, he's just bigger and suits the character of Jacob, according to the second book, more. Sure, Taylor can bulk up, but really, there's nothing a boy can do to force himself to grow taller... Or is there!?!? LOL. Going with Michael would be staying true to the pure essence of the second book. Plus, the fact that he looks like an older version of Taylor helps too haha. But with Michael as an option, it definitely puts a whole different perspective of the Jacob scenes in one's head, and I guess people can take that as either a good or a bad thing. I guess another con would be that he really didn't read New Moon, but just read cliff notes on it? LOL. Of course, I'm sure that would change if he did nab the role.

Overall, I don't really know. It's either stay true to the hardcore fans of the movie/actors and go with Taylor, or stay true to the hardcore fans of the book--as well as the storyline of the novel and its author--and go with Michael. And I just find it so coincidental that they both have the same agent!! haha. Gooosh, I'm glad I'm not the one who has to be making these decisions AHAHA. Hell, if it was my job, I'd put Taylor in the early first half of the movie; then after Bella finally sees him again after his looong absence, it'll be Michael HAHAHA. And then she'll be just as shocked as she's supposed to be (like in the book) at his transformation. Smart huh? .. Okay, not really lol. But either way, I'm just glad that JB gets to finally get rid of his long hair in New Moon (at least I hope the movie with stay true to that part). AHAHA.

Well, I wrote a really long post! OOPS! LOL, yeah, I tend to go overboard with the talking when it comes to Twilight LMAO. :P Hopefully, I didn't kill those who read my whole post with boredom. tahahha. :)

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noo!!! If make up can make Brad Pitt look like a teenager in Benjamin Button, Make up can make Taylor a 25 year old man!!

Taylor is soo much cuter than Micheal. I hate it when they change the cast. Let Taylor be, i love his smile! (and eyes!!)

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noo!!! If make up can make Brad Pitt look like a teenager in Benjamin Button, Make up can make Taylor a 25 year old man!!

Taylor is soo much cuter than Micheal. I hate it when they change the cast. Let Taylor be, i love his smile! (and eyes!!)

did they really make brad look like a teen in ben button?

i have yet to see the movie i really wanna see it

^ Oh wow... Steven Straight DOES have a Jacob Black vibe to him...

BUT, since we're on the topic of Michael Copon vs. Taylor Lautner... I knew about this whole ordeal about Taylor possibly being replaced, but I had no idea Michael Copon could possibly be the new JB. I know, where the hell have I been? LOL. Hmmm, I have to say, I'm really undecided on this one. I mean, I think both are deserving of the role but there are pros and cons to the both of em, which is why I'm a little torn.

First off, Taylor Lautner:

He's already been sucked too far into this whole Twilight phenomena and his fan base is continuously growing, so, of course it could get a little-or, for some, very--weird if all of a sudden the role of Jacob is replaced with someone else, someone the audience hasn't already grown accustomed to. Plus, the guy is working soo hard to bulk up for the role (although he already has a pretty fine bod LOL), and it'd be sad if all of his efforts went to waste, especially considering the fact that Jacob has a much much bigger part in the second book/movie.

Then, we have Michael Copon:

Omgosh, when I saw the subject title.. I thought his named sounded familiar, and then when I saw the pics, I realized it's the guy who played Felix on One Tree Hill. Mmm, he's so hot. But that's beside the point ahahahaha. Why I think Michael would make a good Jacob? Because like others have mentioned, he's just bigger and suits the character of Jacob, according to the second book, more. Sure, Taylor can bulk up, but really, there's nothing a boy can do to force himself to grow taller... Or is there!?!? LOL. Going with Michael would be staying true to the pure essence of the second book. Plus, the fact that he looks like an older version of Taylor helps too haha. But with Michael as an option, it definitely puts a whole different perspective of the Jacob scenes in one's head, and I guess people can take that as either a good or a bad thing. I guess another con would be that he really didn't read New Moon, but just read cliff notes on it? LOL. Of course, I'm sure that would change if he did nab the role.

Overall, I don't really know. It's either stay true to the hardcore fans of the movie/actors and go with Taylor, or stay true to the hardcore fans of the book--as well as the storyline of the novel and its author--and go with Michael. And I just find it so coincidental that they both have the same agent!! haha. Gooosh, I'm glad I'm not the one who has to be making these decisions AHAHA. Hell, if it was my job, I'd put Taylor in the early first half of the movie; then after Bella finally sees him again after his looong absence, it'll be Michael HAHAHA. And then she'll be just as shocked as she's supposed to be (like in the book) at his transformation. Smart huh? .. Okay, not really lol. But either way, I'm just glad that JB gets to finally get rid of his long hair in New Moon (at least I hope the movie with stay true to that part). AHAHA.

Well, I wrote a really long post! OOPS! LOL, yeah, I tend to go overboard with the talking when it comes to Twilight LMAO. :P Hopefully, I didn't kill those who read my whole post with boredom. tahahha. :)

i think it is so cute and adorable that ur so into the twilight and wrote so much ahhaha

i read everything u said

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taylor!!!!!!!! all day everyday! his features stand out wayyy more than that other dude! =/

how when they look so similar


taylor!!!!!!!! all day everyday! his features stand out wayyy more than that other dude! =/

how when they look so similar?


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btw ENews got the story wrong...

Ben Barnes is not trying out for the role of Jacob Black but for the role of Aro

me i absolutely hate it when they change the cast during the middle of filming...

to me at first when i heard that Taylor was going to be Jacob i was totally against it but after watching the film he totally changed my perspective on him... and when i saw the interview of him with MTV about him gaining all that muscle mass for the role i was so impressed...

also he looked a bit older than he did during the Twilight movie...

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Guest Atmosphere.


And dang. he's 1992 o__o

but you know what.. taylor looks more of the serious indian guy looking 0.0

so i think it's better to have him. cause he can look innocent and evil at same time.

but i just can't picture michael looking innocent and evil at the same time. he looks

like an evil man straight o_o

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Guest starcaption

I think he looks a lot better than the current guy.

But,, that magazine article? Don't praise yourself before you do the job, that's not cool.

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