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True Blood

Guest sirce

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Guest CorrectionYourWrongImRight

lmao this eps was good. the ending was sooo funny

and im happy that jason is become better LOL

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Guest keirasketch

So the actors who play Eric and Pam are totally growing on me. I thought Pam was a little too "old" looking at first but then I remembered she's supposed to look like a soccer mom, which she does. Eric and Pam are my favorite personalities in the books so I have really high hopes for the actors playing them. I think Eric's voice is hot!!!

Does anyone else think Jason Stackhouse is stealing the show? I know he's a manwhore and all but I think he's shown more sides to him than any other characters on the show. I extremely enjoyed his one on one with the vampire until he yelled at the vamp but then he redeemed himself when he brought some blood back.

The promo says there's only 3 more episodes left?!

omg I'm totally with you

Eric's voice is so HAWT AKJDHFLAKUEHFALKJDFHA I love them Swedish folks

and Jason is a nice kid.. so it's so sad to see him get mixed up with that crazy betch :o I hope nothing bad happens to him later.. but prolly will



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Jason freaked me out... he's a tree hugger now... but i'm interested about what the vampire said about Amy. i wonder how psycho she really is, she seems too good to be true to just come outta no where.

It was pretty funny when sookie woke up to see naked sam sleeping at her bed.

Tara's also gonna get exorcized so i wonder how that will go! Lafayette was funny as usual ranting about the secret sauce being mayonnaise. i like how he says it!

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Guest NanaMun

ugh, Jason's girlfriend is such a vagine! I hope she gets what she deserves!

I'm sooooo excited for the next week's ep. So much anticipation! The previews are intense! Poor Bill :(

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Guest CorrectionYourWrongImRight

im downloading this weeks eps as i write! im so freakin pumped!!!

ill BBL with comments! MWAhahahahah

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Guest keirasketch

im downloading this weeks eps as i write! im so freakin pumped!!!

ill BBL with comments! MWAhahahahah

where do you download your eps? D:D:D:D:D:??????

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Guest CorrectionYourWrongImRight

^mininova.org !! .:lol:

i cant believe its still not done!! :tears:

EDIT: OMgg the beginig was ammmazinggg i literally teared up!!!

Sam: sookie.. im a shape shifter!

sookie:*sookie drops body scrubber* shut the fock up! :o

or or or ! my other fav

excersist lady: hold out your hand

*tara sticks out palm*

*lady spits in it*

tara:*shocked* youuu NASSSTTTTYYY beetttchh!!!!


wow taras demon was CREEEEEEEEEEEEPPPPYY!!

ps. whats with the new SPOILER tags?? theyre awful

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Guest tofu plushie

Last night's episode was sooooooo good :D So many surprises even though I've read the book. I guess they will go down the road with more supernatural creatures.

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Guest dumpyfledgling

I know a lot of people enjoyed this week's episode but I found it rather boring until the end with crazy Amy. I like the interaction between Sookie and all the vampires so I didn't really enjoy watching the two separate stories unfold. I know I'll get tar-and-feathered for this but I'm starting to dislike Stephen Moyer as Vampire Bill.

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Guest keirasketch

the last episode was a bit boring for me because of lack of Sookie x Bill moments

but I guess this needs to happen for the story to move on D: we can't have dirty graveyard sex all the time lol

but holy mini cooper, Amy's gonna get it soon D:D:D:D:D: that crazzzzzzzy betch, poor Jason akdjhfakhfa

I wonder how long we'll have to wait until the next season comes out

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omg... the season is over?!?!?!

amy is Crazy!!! why would she do that??? scared that the vampire was going to take jason???

this episode was kinda slow.... i hate how sookie was acting towards sam... and how she was all sissy and not mad when she needed him (when she was chased around in the bar)... sam is a good guy... and i hope that tara is able to just suck up the whole scam and just be a good person, it was obviously working for her, i don't see why she quickly reverted back to her old ways.

overall.. very boring/mildly angry/annoying episode.

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Guest NanaMun

I can see where people saw annoyance in the episode due to lack of main character interactions. That could mean no one really cares for the Sam/Tara arc. I honestly thought it was a tension builder of what's to come, so I was pumped as hell.

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finally. I have caught up.

Sam is one interesting...character.

He's got a sad past. no wonder why he doesn't like talking about it.

Sookie usually doesn't annoy me, but in epi 7&8 SHE SURE DID.

I don't know why...

I love the way Eric talks.

I wish there were more scenes with him in them. lol

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Guest marasshi

finally. I have caught up.

Sam is one interesting...character.

He's got a sad past. no wonder why he doesn't like talking about it.

Sookie usually doesn't annoy me, but in epi 7&8 SHE SURE DID.

I don't know why...

I love the way Eric talks.

I wish there were more scenes with him in them. lol

I totally agree with you. I stopped watching for a while because of her.

(And I really liked her character before. She gets weird the day after she has sex with Bill. -_-)

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Guest NanaMun

^yeaaah, I was thinking the same thing. I kind of got irritated everytime she mentioned Bill randomly.

Bill's expressions to Jessica...priceless. The girl is annoying but, it was still funny.

Agh, each episode that goes by, I become more sympathetic to Jason :( Poor baby.

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Guest dumpyfledgling

I'm starting to find Sookie incredibly boring. She's so vanilla when there's no vamp around to spice her up. Luckily, this week's episode we saw a little more of everyone else and a lot less of Sookie. Although I will admit she's created herself an interesting man-which, stuck between a vampire and a shapeshifter.

The Bill and Jessica scenes were hilarious. I liked how he was trying to be all serious but she was all hyper like a little kid in a candy store, dropping the F-bomb. "You're the worst maker ever!" "WHY?!" On that note, I wish the actor Eric was more charismatic like the book Eric. Maybe we just don't see enough of him but I always liked how Eric was a little goofy or had a sense of humor. I'm finding him too serious. It's only the first season, right?

Does anyone else think that Jason prancing around in his whitey-tighties was funny? I feel bad that he always gets the raw end of the deal though. He really liked crazy Amy. I'm glad she's gone though. She made Jason too complex when he's really just a simple guy.

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