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[Drama 2009] Boys Over Flowers / Hana Yori Dango 꽃보다 남자


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Guest cassiopeia


Junpyo with young Minji

credit: dcinside

OMG ...... look at her smug face!!! Hahahaha .......... she sit on the hottest one's lap anyway ..............

As posted in Lee Min Ho's page,

Madee some themes for following phone models :




5320 XpressMusic, 5700 XpressMusic, 6110 Navigator, 6120 Classic, 6121 Classic, 6124 classic, 6210 Navigator, 6220 classic, 6290, E50, E51, E65, E66, N71, N73, N75, N76, N78, N79, N81, N81 8GB, N82, N85, N92, N93, N93i, N95, N95 8GB, N95-3NAM, N96, N96-3


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Lee Min Ho Hanbok

As Goo Jun Pyo

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Guest kinella

^ hyunjoong beat minho...

wat a surprise..

well, HJ is not called 'the walking statue' for nothing

you may think he is not a good actor but gosh, can you really deny he is stunning?

maybe minho is more 'charismatic' in this production but hyun joong is the prototype of the asian pretty boy: his face, body and even his personality (outside BOF) shine

not to mention tripleS are probably voting like crazy for Leader ;) (yay tripleS girls!!)

dear production: can we make JanDi stop walking like a toddler/troll an pout all the time? it's getting annoying and makes the character look like an idiot while JanDi is the main heroine of the drama and it's actually a very cute and strong character

also, let's hire a professional make up artist 'cos the make up of the last 2 episodes was awful especially for JD and JH

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Guest Airine Pratama

Is Makino hair in the manga as short as Jan Di's hair? I haven't read the manga but i recently download the manga scan ... From vol.1 her hair is long ... Is she gonna cut it later?

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Is Makino hair in the manga as short as Jan Di's hair? I haven't read the manga but i recently download the manga scan ... From vol.1 her hair is long ... Is she gonna cut it later?

Yes she will have a shorter hair sometime later in the manga. some stuff happened why she needed to get it cut. :P

dear production: can we make JanDi stop walking like a toddler/troll

HAHAHAHAHHA! i thought i was the only one who noticed it. LOL. but i thought it was cute how she walks like that :lol:

yea, its just me who's a BOF worshippper. i dont see any flaws in the drama at all. PFFFT.

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Is Makino hair in the manga as short as Jan Di's hair? I haven't read the manga but i recently download the manga scan ... From vol.1 her hair is long ... Is she gonna cut it later?

Yeah, Makino in the manga has short hair from half way through the series. I think GHS chose to have short hair to distinguish herself from the other countries' Makino character.

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Guest sscrumb

JP/Domyoji: Some have been complaining that JP is not as violent as Domyoji supposed to be. I think that’s a valid point but IMO JP being less violent than his counterparts does not make him lesser of Domyoji than the others. I think people need to understand that Domyoji is not just about violence, there are other sides to his character that are just as important. I feel JP will show us the other traits of Domyoji better than the previous ones. I’m talking about the gentleness, the childishness and even perverted side of Domyojis. I’m sure the producers have good reasons for curbing down on JP’s violence. But to me even if he is not as a animal-like, he is still violent, I mean what kind of guy would grab girls by the collar in a very threatening manner, unless he has tendency for violence when things don’t go his way.

But make no mistake, JP character will go through many changes and developments. He still thinks he can buy things with money, even love. Hence he’s showering JD with money in the hope she will return his feelings, and asking her if is there is anything that can’t be bought with money. Well he soon will find that out. I remember in the last chapter of the manga when Makino asked Domyoji what his dream was and he pointed at her saying now he now has the only thing he thought he can never have.

Jandi/Makino: Those of you who think she is been annoying and indecisive, then you in for a long ride. From what I remember manga-Makino was just like that, to the point where I was close to giving up on the manga. She kept on running away from Domyoji and pushing him aside. While I understood in the first few chapters her reasons for doing so, she did become really annoying later on with her persistence of ignoring her feelings towards Domyoji.

I think what we have to understand is no character in BOF is perfect, because it’s not just Domyoji who will go through changes in the story but even Makino. In the manga she acknowledges that some part of her personality has changed since she fell in love with Domyoji and she even came to like those changes. BOF is about the journey both Makino and Domyoji go through to find out they really meant for each other despite all the obstacles they face and it’s their destiny no matter how hard they try to fight it (well in this case its only Makino ).

tottyfruity, I agree with your comments in general and specifically about JD/MT. She did became much more indecisive later on in the story. The reason I'm concerned is that she doesn't seem very strong NOW, so it makes me worried about where they will take her later.

The only thing about making GJP/DT less violent and emotionally combustible is that it was a marked counterpoint to JH/HRui's, calmness. All of the characters play off each other so when you change something in one character - it affects the other characters and if you don't counterbalance the challenges well, character decisions seem off balance after a while.

I do think that the changes that the Korean team made with GJP are interesting. LMH is doing a great job portraying him. DT/GJP has to be played by someone with a lot of charisma and LMH is doing that really well. I don't mind that GJP is less violent in fact, they have done such a great job of re-imagining the GJP character that I totally accept him.

My quibbles are that this team (and I mean production -writer/director/editor) seems to lose focus sometimes and I questions some of their decision making. I think the actors overall are doing a great job with what they've been given. LMH has been given a great re-imagining of GJP/DT. I'm not sure the reimagining of JT/MT has been as successful.

I've just recently become acquainted to the HYD/BBF world and I loved the japanese version BUT, I also really enjoyed the the first four episodes of BBF and was really willing to go for the ride - even when I noticed certain things with the characters that seemed a little off I was enjoying it overall. It wasn't until episode 5 and 6 that I started to have qualms about some of the things that were showing up on the screen..

For instance, GJP can't swim....so traumatized that he can't save JD when she is drowning... so what is he doing going on a kayak in the open water? Why is he so comfortable in a pool in general if the kidnapping incident was so traumatic? This criticism is based squarely on the korean drama premise. The kidnapping of GJP by his bodyguard was a great story decision but they are wasting it by not following it through logically. I'm annoyed because it's small stuff like this that really shows the overall quality of a series.

The production team have great material to work with so I think its natural that they are being held to a higher standard - which is another reason that some people are making comparisons. They love the story and the characters and feel protective of them. It's true that Boys Before Flowers should eventually be judged on its own merits but when the production team chose to adapt a beloved and famous story that has had previously successful adaptations, they must have known that they would be subject to comparisons.

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Guest irezumi

@ AiRiNe<3KDW ....In the manga, Makino's hair is long until she gets tricked by Junpei who uses her as bait. He cuts her hair and sends it to Domyoji to lure him so Junpei can his revenge for Domyoji harmed his friend who was like a brother to him.

^ Jan di isn't really weak now I think, in this adaptation I think they've made her more human, she is strong at times but sometimes she isn't. But yes, maybe they are trying to show that Jan di will grow strong due to what she goes through?

I suppose GJP was on a kayak so he probably didn't care and maybe he was too annoyed with the whole Ji Hoo and Jan di thing, he just did it on impulse?

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For instance, GJP can't swim....so traumatized that he can't save JD when she is drowning... so what is he doing going on a kayak in the open water? Why is he so comfortable in a pool in general if the kidnapping incident was so traumatic? This criticism is based squarely on the korean drama premise. The kidnapping of GJP by his bodyguard was a great story decision but they are wasting it by not following it through logically. I'm annoyed because it's small stuff like this that really shows the overall quality of a series.

That's a good point. But maybe his traumatic fear stems from actually being in the water. I'm not a good swimmer either (although I don't have a phobia about swimming) but I don't have a problem with being on a boat. The fear strikes when I'm in the deep end of the pool and realize that my feet can't touch the ground. Maybe it's the same with GJP and hence, he can't learn to swim.

The significant point to take from GJP's fear of swimming is not that he's afraid of water per se, but that for such an athletic guy, he can't swim. Period. That is more than enough to signify his vulnerabilities.

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Guest lord_jedi

Yeah honestly, it's kind of unfair when people are criticizing what Jandi's character is doing in respect to yelling, kissing jihoo, etcetera in the series, because, if i remember, that's what Makino did in the manga, the japanese version, and the taiwanese version.

I’m actually excited to the Korean version since Koreans are known to be better in making love stories. And I’m happy that the director took a different approach but what I’m sad is the weak storyline and script.

I have nothing against the main actress. I personally didn’t think she's ugly. How can she? She is supposed to be plain and that’s what she is. And I think she is a pretty good actress although not yet in the league of other top Korean actresses.

What makes me disappointed is the way the director and producers approach the drama. There’s a different between eating like a pig and eating excitedly. There’s a different for screaming for nothing and scream out of frustration.

Yes, Makino is also like this but somehow, she managed to make her character somewhat lovable and very strong. And I can’t see that in Goo Hye Sun’s portrayal as Jan Di. And there’re no bond between the F4. It’s like Yi Jung and Woo Bin are followers of Joon Pyo and no Ji Hoo in the picture. :( The friendship is what makes the manga beautiful.

Tsukasa is mad when Rui dated Makino but you can still the bond between the two. Which in my opinion is amazing. Ahhhh… I still can’t believe that I like the Japanese version better… I used to hate Japanese dramas… -_-;

HYD shouldn’t be taken too seriously, it’s a fairytale and light entertainment, and escapism from the real world, for me anyway. I decided to stop being too much of a critic and just sit back and relax (yeah right like we can do that, too many angst moments in this drama)!

Jus enjoy the ride guys, I sure am! :)

PS: sorry for long post!

That’s what I told my sister. Not to have any expectation so that I won’t be disappointed. But I’m used to dramas with strong plot, storyline, and script regardless of how pretty or hot the actors are. And this drama lacks all those things except for the eye candy part. T_T

They are good in showing how handsome and rich F4 are ... The location and fashion in this drama are great ... But the storyline build up so weak ... Even the main couple is lack of chemistry ... I guess they've been wanting to be different from the other version so much that some strong point of HYD itself is missing ...

Oh and i'm not criticizing Lee Min Ho, Goo Hye Seon, or Kim Hyun Joong ... It's not about the actor who's playing ... But it's about the character and story development ... Not convincing enough and lack of emotion like what i get from the Japanese version ...

Couldn’t agree for more. The Japanese version has solid storyline and character developments. Although they are not as pretty as the Korean version but they managed to make audience falls for their personalities…

I hope Mr. Hyun Joong wouldn’t be so stiff in the coming episodes. >_< Come on, make your fans proud. ^^

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I must be the only one in the whole world that thinks Jihoo is the least attractive of the F4. :P

I also noticed that continuity issue regarding the swimming/water phobia sscrumb, regardless of whether it was impulse or not - if he couldn't save a friend from drowing, there's no way he could be doing paddle-wars on a kayak with Ji hoo. I mean, a kayak isn't like a boat, they're very easy to tip! I'm actually surprised that when he lost his oars, that instead of panicing he was annoyed!

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anneyong haseyo to everyone..can u please help where i could download the ost of this series...im desperately trying to figure out where it is?....

a very big big thanks in advance:D:D:;d

You can try to find the song from 4shared.com..There you can find all the songs from BOF OST..

Or you can download all the songs of BOF OST from daum ---> please look at the first page of this thread..

Huangsy had posted all the links to download all the songs from BOF OST in daum..

Enjoy!!! :)

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Guest betchay

Is Makino hair in the manga as short as Jan Di's hair? I haven't read the manga but i recently download the manga scan ... From vol.1 her hair is long ... Is she gonna cut it later?

Yes she will have a shorter hair sometime later in the manga. some stuff happened why she needed to get it cut. :P

I watched the anime version.. so funny & cute Makino's mom gave her a wrong cut thats why rui needed to cut it again. :lol:

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Guest musiquejunkie

The reason for posting this is to defend GHS and letting fans of BOF know more about this girl. There's so many Kim Bum, Hyunjoong, Minho fans but not much appreciation posts for this girl...

I'm quite a fan of GHS since pure 19 and i adore this girl's personality, she's very down-to-earth.

But i feel kinda bad for her in BOF because she receives so many critics over her overreact in the comedy parts, she just make makino more like an anime girl... I like her a lot. I think lots of people are not foreseeing the quiet parts, where she really shows that she can cry and act.

The way she overreacts is because of that's how the director wants this version of Makino acts like... she never overreacts like this in her other dramas...

I don't get it when the fans of this drama blames her for not liking Junpyo although i kinda disagree for her not directly rejecting Junpyo and not pushing Jihoo away during that kiss. I can understand why Jandi don't like Junpyo, because her first impression of him is very bad. He's a school bully in her eyes and she hates the fact that he's so aggressive and did those pranks to her. Of course, you can't possibly expect her to like him SO suddenly even though Junpyo did lots of things for her but they're very one sided. Furthermore, she got a crush on Jihoo sunbae... it makes it even harder to make her like Junpyo.

But she's on the way of realization that she likes him because through ep 6, it shows that she feels for him and is grateful for what Junpyo did. At least, she's not getting annoyed or disliking Junpyo that much as before.

Anyways, i don't really understand why people keep saying that she looks old and not pretty..... especially the chinese fans in baidubar... i feel bad for her. She's one of the famous ulzzang in korea, it's just that she's not that famous with overseas fans. I like her with long hair although i do think jandi's hair is not that bad and that's actually following the manga closely.

GHS gonna release an album pretty soon, she belongs to the YG family which i'm sure quite many of you didn't know it.

She got heaps of talent in art, directing and also singing. It was said in the news that she composed over a 100 songs, such talent.

I love her voice, she got a nice voice... but she gets nervous easily when she sings on stage...

She sings LIVE very well -

Image SPAM of GHS

Eye-candy guys are cute but so is eye-candy Goo Hyesun..

She looks like a doll because her skin is so white and flawless, plus her eyes are THAT big and she's known for her natural beauty<33

I love her sweet smile<3333









^from a CF with Jo In Sung, they look so good together<33










Just wanted to say that I totally agree with you! :) Goo Hyesun is absolutely beautiful and I don't think she looks old. I love her personality and I can't wait to see her character develop more in BOF!

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labacookie- You brought up some excellent points about JP's character and especially his mother as well with this quote below.

So far, from the portrayal of the F4, i feel like it really is a sense of boredom that the 3 of them even participate in the hazing, YJ is a prime example of this, nothing surprises them or even excites them, its the same for them day in and day out. So when JD comes along and fights back, JP is at first annoyed, yes and the rest of them are amused but then it becomes fun for them again, there is an element of surprise now for them to see what JD would do, how she would react.

As for the mother, from the little glimpses we got of her, i would defintiely agree with you and say that she is extremely foremiddable and someone, one should always be on the lookout for as well. However, if you really look at it, in today's society, although not uncommon, its rare that you see a woman running an international conglomerate period. I think i can see why JP is attracted to those type of women and his sister is also the same way as well but she is so much more warmer than his mother.

I do think that his mother thinks with her head when it comes down to JP bc he will be the one who will take over the empire and as of right now, she cares not only for protecting their name but also her son as well. Can you imagine a mother whose child was kidnapped by a trusted servant, that must have been enough for her to not only be OVERprotective of him but also makes her more detached due to the traumatic experience.

Jun Pyo is a different kind of bully from Domyoji. He doesn't do things out of a feeling of powerlessness, so much as a feeling of boredom, and perhaps a bit of loathing for those he feels are beneath him and yet around him. He doesn't necessarily feel helpless concerning his life; he's just a jerk with nothing better to do, and no one around him with any interest in telling him he could spend his time not being a jerk.

His mother, while "scary", doesn't give the feeling of absolute cold calculating cruelness that the Japanese mother does. She's certainly not one to be trifled with, but perhaps because the series is longer, we haven't been able to fully grasp just how low she can be. The story about the F4 being captured by private police was supposed to be terrifying...but kind of seemed ridiculous. In any event, the mother character doesn't seem to be as withdrawn from her son as the other version, even taking great care in how he is portrayed by the media.

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Guest sscrumb

The significant point to take from GJP's fear of swimming is not that he's afraid of water per se, but that for such an athletic guy, he can't swim. Period. That is more than enough to signify his vulnerabilities.

blueangel1004 To me, the most interesting takeaway about the whole swimming thing is that it is a result of a six year old (in korean years 5) GJP being kidnapped by his bodyguard - someone who was in charge of protecting GJP - and almost dying. This sets up a whole host of trust and betrayal issues that hopefully will payoff later for the character. It is already paying off with GJP's reaction to JD and JH - this is not a guy who will trust easily and so will be even more devastated when he feels like he is being betrayed. It brings out his frustration and vulnerability by not being able to save JD, gives him a physical limitation but also sets up a whole range of emotional vulnerabilities. This is why I LOVE that they thought this bit of backstory for the GJP character. It is a character point that works on many levels.

Linwe just reminded me that when I saw GJP kayak out, I was like, huh...why is he in the water...when GJP LOST his paddles and was just mad, not frightened my reaction was...come ON! You've got to be kidding!

I'm sure eventually I'll get over being irritated by this kind of thing. It's just that the production team has so much to work with...good actors, big budget for production values....great characters...aarggh....probably just needed to get it off my chest. Again, not helping that I just finished the Japanese version that got so many things so right.

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In J.version, Akira pairing up with Sakurago (the one who set Makino up and use her to take revenge on Domyoji)

I'd like to correct you on this. In the J version, Akira did NOT end up with Sakurako...ever. in HYD2 she is off studying in Australia and only makes a few appearances - and when she does come back, she has a boyfriend already. Akira is very much single and very much into older women (b/c his mother acts in a very child-like manner and he also has younger twin sisters who cling to him). There is no mention of any girlfriend at any point.

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blueangel1004 To me, the most interesting takeaway about the whole swimming thing is that it is a result of a six year old (in korean years 5) GJP being kidnapped by his bodyguard - someone who was in charge of protecting GJP - and almost dying. This sets up a whole host of trust and betrayal issues that hopefully will payoff later for the character. It is already paying off with GJP's reaction to JD and JH - this is not a guy who will trust easily and so will be even more devastated when he feels like he is being betrayed. It brings out his frustration and vulnerability by not being able to save JD, gives him a physical limitation but also sets up a whole range of emotional vulnerabilities. This is why I LOVE that they thought this bit of backstory for the GJP character. It is a character point that works on many levels.

Linwe just reminded me that when I saw GJP kayak out, I was like, huh...why is he in the water...when GJP LOST his paddles and was just mad, not frightened my reaction was...come ON! You've got to be kidding!

I'm sure eventually I'll get over being irritated by this kind of thing. It's just that the production team has so much to work with...good actors, big budget for production values....great characters...aarggh....probably just needed to get it off my chest. Again, not helping that I just finished the Japanese version that got so many things so right.

He was 8 years old when he was kidnapped.

And i completely agree with you, the kidnapping incident brought alot of emotional/mental issues with it for JP. I think its a great twist that the writers inserted in there. You could almost say that it justifies his behavior or perhaps explaines alot of things.

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Guest ellee1812

to c_gunawan541

i totally agree with you. i dont understand why ppl are so mad with JD for not liking or appreciate JP even though they KNOW that in manga JD must be with JH first then there's a love triange but eventually JD and JP will be together. isnt this how the story goes? we should expect the story goes like that. so why the fuss?? and no im not a big fan nor being bias. peace

cant wait for ep 7!!!!

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'Boys Over Flowers' Alternative Info, Resources and Download Post



- Fixed and added more links for eng subs

- Added link for live version of SS501's song.

- Included links for posts with fanmade graphics.

- Etc...

Comments, Suggestions, Opinions:

Post here Guestbook or PM me

Special thanks to everyone that helped by providing resources and links here or that send me a PM, or posted message on the guestbook!



Kim Joon & Kim Bum:

Their characters seems the most close among the F4.














who else thinks kim joon ( akira / woobin ) looks japanese ? well sort of.

I do! eheheheh Kim Joon really looks more japanese than korean.

I think he's also doing a great job on this drama. I hope he recieves more lines and also more love from HYD/BOF's fans.

I'm quite a fan of GHS since pure 19 and i adore this girl's personality, she's very down-to-earth.

But i feel kinda bad for her in BOF because she receives so many critics over her overreact in the comedy parts, she just make makino more like an anime girl... I like her a lot. I think lots of people are not foreseeing the quiet parts, where she really shows that she can cry and act.

I like her. She's a great actress. I think she's great on the emotional scenes and on the scenes she's not overreacting. In the first episode I thought she wasn't overreacting a lot. But as episodes passed, I confess I didn't liked when she overreacted or tried to hard to look young and cute (when she did that, she looked even older than she was). But I don't think all this is her fault. She was great in other dramas, so I think the problem is the director... I'm sure he's the one that wants her to act like this. I think the director should just let her act naturally like she used to do. When she's acting natural she's awesome and looks young.

Koo hye sun has the talent and the looks for Jandi, but the director is guiding her badly. :/

Overall, if LMH wasn't Junpyo, I'd probably wouldn't be religiously watching this drama. I would probably watch it later when subs are released so I can skip around since I already know the main storyline.

Well, I think Lee Minho became one of the reasons why I get excited to see the episodes. I always watch his parts more than once because I like how he acts paying attention to every single detail of his character from the slight movements to the tune of the voice.


^Love this pic...

Has anyone tried watching the MKV. HD Raw files with the eng softsubs by WITHS2?

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