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[Drama 2009] Boys Over Flowers / Hana Yori Dango 꽃보다 남자


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Guest marvie_carl

share this JP & JD gif's...

don't know if already posted...





Joon Pyo gif's...











Jihoo gif's...







Soulmate"s gif's..




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Guest eternitygoddess

while 43% said "There's too much."

:blink: :blink: :blink:

Korean teens must have some LOWWWWWWW hormonal rates.

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Guest soonjap

I think a lot of the censorship is down to BOF fans too.

I mean look at this:

10,000 netizens voted on a poll with the title "Is there too much kissing in Boys Over Flowers?" and 57% said "So what?" while 43% said "There's too much."

credit allkpop

Unless allkpop cites a credible Korean media source for this so-called "poll", it's baseless. Most of the "news" that comes from this website are rumors/gossip and generally useless.

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Guest Valentin

blue_angel_1004, can I just say how much I am so, so, so grateful to have you on this thread? You are a godsend, and I want to thank you so, so, so much for sharing all of these drool-worthy spoilers with us!

It's good that they're not going to use the time jump technique to add even more (unnecessary) angst to the story. I suppose it'll only be good scenes after that, but the best scene of all? An ending scene of the entire family - i.e. Joon Pyo, Jan Di, their kid(s) (ha ha), and the kids' grandparents and aunt. Ha ha. Maybe the secretary can even be their godfather. ;) Or maybe the F3 will be their godfathers. And it will end with Joon Pyo and Jan Di star-gazing, with their kid(s) sleeping in their arms. Okay, now I'm just driving myself insane with these made-up images in my head.

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Guest soonjap

:blink: :blink: :blink:

Korean teens must have some LOWWWWWWW hormonal rates.

Try to refrain from generalizing, please. You can't assume that all 10,000 people polled were teenagers and even if they were, it doesn't mean that they would have to have low hormonal rates. Maybe they just have higher standards. Regardless, the point here is, just like you wouldn't want to be assumed for anything, don't do the same to others.

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Guest ypark

so is there an official ost 2.5 album coming out? so many new songs in episodes 22-23 that weren't in the ost 2 album!

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I think a lot of the censorship is down to BOF fans too.

I mean look at this:

10,000 netizens voted on a poll with the title "Is there too much kissing in Boys Over Flowers?" and 57% said "So what?" while 43% said "There's too much."

credit allkpop

And Im assuming netizens that do online voting are actually YOUNG people too. Yet a high proportion think there's too much kissing in BOF? UNBELIEVABLE.

I think there's too much of a double standard with the official censorship. These kind of scenes ADD to the story of the drama.

You probably get much worse on the music programmes with little girls dancing around on stage in miniskirts.

:phew: please... American teen dramas make korean dramas look like children's play...

seriously i want more kissing... and not just the touching-of-the-lips kind of kiss...

realistically... if you're in love with someone wouldn't there be skinship involved???

and now im not only talking about kissing... i want to see more hands holding etc

to me one of the reasons why i think that the JunDi's relationship is so underdeveloped


i feel soo perverted after i reread my post :sweatingbullets:

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Guest funkindagirl

Unless allkpop cites a credible Korean media source for this so-called "poll", it's baseless. Most of the "news" that comes from this website are rumors/gossip and generally useless.

I doubt anyone would waste time and effort to make up a poll and its results. And how can a poll be rumours or gossip...it actually took place...people voted.

This is not exactly a news article its just an interesting observation into what BOF fans think. Obviously it does not represent everyone but 10,000 is a lot of people so I dont think you can completely disregard it. Poll voting is very common in Korea...it doesnt mean it has to be serious, but results are results and that gives us an idea of what people think.

You can't assume that all 10,000 people polled were teenagers and even if they were, it doesn't mean that they would have to have low hormonal rates. Maybe they just have higher standards.

Higher standards?

Lol, that might come off a little bit insulting to some people.

So all of us who want a bit more visible AFFECTION from JP & JD as they are the MAIN couple of a LOVE story, all have low standards??

This isnt just about us wanting loads of kissing scenes because we're all hormonal. :mellow:

Its because we want JP & JD's love to be portrayed in a REALISTIC AND ROMANTIC way.

And I dont think I should feel apologetic in any way for wanting that.

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Guest rainbow9

LMAO, my stomach is hurting so much after reading this! Especially Woobin and Yijung discovering their LOVE for each other and moving to San Francisco or Long Beach! hahahahaha.

flower pot....I kept re-reading this paragrahp^_^ If only Jandi takes your advice, all JoonDi fans will be in heaven!

On the other hand, I was thinking that if I were in Jandi’s shoes and would want to leave Junpyo with a wonderful memory, I would have probably rented a hotel room, do the 37 positions of the Kama Sutra with him and then leave him while he’s wiped out sleeping… NOW LET’S SEE IF HE WOULD NOT TURN HELL OVER TO FIND ME after that… But *sigh* how can I forget that this series takes place in Fantasyland Korea where teenagers never get horny and overly in love couples are contented with lip pressing

OMG, I'm speechless and giddy at the same time. You are a riot and you are right. JP would search to the ends of the world for JD if that was to happen. Hehehe. Hopefully something like that would happen offscreen ;) ....LOL Don't kill me.....running away to hide :vicx:

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Guest bitter SOOweet

........ JP's gonna get amnesia...?

-______________- oh god... how did i not see this one coming?! haha ;; such a drama lol.

but yeah i wonder how that's going to play out and when exactly....

gah i can't believe next week is the end of BOF

i really don't know what i'm going to do afterwards.


i hate that bittersweet feeling after finishing a drama that i'm totally addicted to =[

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Guest ml_87

what? 43% said that it's too much kiss in BOF?

no no!! to me, it's too few kiss scenes? sorry but i think only the swing kiss is a kiss. others? just lip touch!! (the french kiss cant be seen) i wish JD do sth with her lip, like open or move it. but she just stayed there :D (yeah, i know that her mouth is still hurt)

if there're just 10 scenes after the tiem jump, i think there'll be no wedding. so disappointed! i always love to see joonDI's honeymoon! oh, i forgot, i'm sure there'll be some caledonia scenes at the last epiosde. th pix JP holding JD's hand!!

ps: anyone thinks that my sign and my avatar are beautiful? :D

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To ml_87 :D I Do I Do I Do :D in response to your p.s. question!

I really am curious to see how they fit all the storylines for all the characters into these last two episodes. Can't stand when things seem so rushed and

there are not smooth transitions. And when they leave us hanging and wondering what happened to certain characters. Drives me nuts!

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Guest funkindagirl

what? 43% said that it's too much kiss in BOF?

no no!! to me, it's too few kiss scenes? sorry but i think only the swing kiss is a kiss. others? just lip touch!! (the french kiss cant be seen) i wish JD do sth with her lip, like open or move it. but she just stayed there :D (yeah, i know that her mouth is still hurt)

if there're just 10 scenes after the tiem jump, i think there'll be no wedding. so disappointed! i always love to see joonDI's honeymoon! oh, i forgot, i'm sure there'll be some caledonia scenes at the last epiosde. th pix JP holding JD's hand!!

ps: anyone thinks that my sign and my avatar are beautiful? :D

LOL...yeah I wish JD wasnt so stationary either. JP's having to do all the work. Im sure he'd like her to help out. :lol:

She looks so unresponsive for most of the kisses which is why I also consider the swing kiss as the only proper kiss. The rest were way too short and just had touching lips.

I really would like a wedding scene though because we had so much of the 'wedding theme' the last few episodes with JD dressed up as a bride with JH for pictures and JP almost marrying JD.

But I want to forget all that by finally seeing them have their own wedding. Otherwise it'll be sad to always have that memory of JH getting the chance to be JD's 'groom'

ps: haha I LOVE your avvie & sig. That is my all time favourite LMH picture. He's smouldering in that black shirt.

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I think I finally get it. Or at least a part of it. So many posters, including me, have expressed their frustration that the so-called Season 2 has been very strange, namely bc we don't see JP and JD fighting together for their love. Totally agree there. The script is all over the place and the directing is bad and everything is just BAD, BAD, BAD.

I've been re-watching the better episodes and there are several occasions when JP wants to help JD and she tells him to back off. Remember after the Geum Family was selling coffee and rice cakes on the highway and JD tells JP to back off if he wants to remain her boyfriend? Back off as in butt out; this is my fight not yours. Then, at their zoo date, she again tells him that she doesn't want him to protect her bc that way she will be on the same ground as him or something to that effect. Basically, she's saying that she's not going to just stand by and let JP do all the fighting. Instead, she's going to suffer with him and fight in her own way for their love.

So, Ms. Amateur Scriptwriter, a rotton tomato award to you for totally botching up your attempt to show a strong JD. May you go down in the annals of Korean dramas as the worst SW ever. Koreans have a phrase, "parachute" which refers to the idea of nepotism. I think based on what the SW has shown us, I would have to say she is a prime example of a parachute. I'm willing to concede that she comes up with some cute dialogues every so rarely, but she sucks at writing an entire drama all on her own. Someone else posted that the Season 1 portion is based on the manga and that is where the manga ends. Starting with Season 2 is where the SW's real talent, or lack thereof, would be evident and most of us seem to agree that she's shown no imagination, no creativity, and no originality. If anything, all she's revealed is that she has a cruch on JH.

Note: I am not saying that she is a parachute since I have no idea whether or not she is one. All I'm expressing is my own opinion that she has shown she is not qualified for the job she was given.

I am just so disappointed that as this drama ends, rather than filling this thread with discussions of how much we're all anticipating the ending and re-living our favorite moments, most of us are just bracing ourselves for a rotton ending to a rotton season 2. Despite starting off with a bang double-bang, it appears as though the drama will end with a thunk.

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Guest ainne92

Although there are a lot of things wrong with the drama....we should still give them credit for knowing what appeals to us and making BOF very entertaining and making us fall in love with the characters <3.

Thanks for the spoilers!! IDK why but for some reason reading them just gets me more excited no matter much how I don't like some of them 'coz they're sad or depressing and having to see JH's face staring into nothing. lol!

Oh and for the Time Jump thing..I hope they make the last JP/JD way bettter than the other one's and not see a 5 sec. awkward looking "kissing scene". They should be old enough to have a passionate kiss! LOL!

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Guest kimngoc266

No point complaining in this forum...the Group 8, PD or scriptwriters do not have the time to come here and read at all...

Post it at KBS World will still give us some hope that the staff in KBS World webpage will read it...


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I'm not surprised that the rating stay around 31-33% because the Korean fans are aware of how the PD/scriptwriter will treat the couple JD/JP........ Giving us so many photos of JD/JP during filming but when it comes to actual screening, it's so pathetic.... :angry: (thinking that by releasing so many pic of JD/JP, the fans will think they have alot of screen time together....i think the korean fans knew their trick already)...

It is probably too late now, but people go to this website to voice your opinion, let the PD and the scripwriters know that they made a big mess of BOF season 2.

I enjoyed reading all your spoilers and opinions, it was fun.

I guess we can't have any high expectation for the ending. That way, we are not going to get disappointed like the past few episodes.

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Guest eternitygoddess


can someone tell me what violin song is playing during the scene where GE "faints" on YJ's shoulder?


around 6:40 ish

I've been looking all around for it but I can't find it.

Also the song that played during the YJ's flashback scenes on the roof prior to his godzilla scream?


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Guest kishycathiee

So.. I was reading through this thread, and now I'm like "Whoaa, I didn't know Long Beach had gay parades!!"

LOL well anyways, I feel so bad for JP because JD doesn't really treat him right! With her lies, and just leaving him in the cold.

My gosh. But I feel bad for JD too because President Kang is like.. going apemini cooper on her and what not.

I'm enjoying all the drama though. I don't really like it when nothing happens D:

Can't wait 'til next monday!! Ep. 24! Woo!

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