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[Drama 2009] Boys Over Flowers / Hana Yori Dango 꽃보다 남자


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Guest XiahxTiffany

this drama is a love story if nobody knows


2 more episodes and its done :(

for some reason i dont think they are going to extend it :(

PDs and scriptwriters and etc ... think!!! DO U WANT US TO SUFFER!! 0_0


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Guest green.teax

does JH have that much charm and does he have that much chemistry with JD...that 5 minutes of car washing/hair cutting is enough to cause an uproar? obviously not right? because you guys have been staunch supporters of the Jundi couple and JH doesn't appeal to you. So why the heck are you guys getting your guns out and pointing them to JH over 5 minutes of bff bonding...in the same episode that JP and JD hugged, danced, stargazed, kissed (hallelujah) and confirmed their love for each other?

I think most of us(me) isn't saying that it's JH's or KHJ's problem, its just that I some of us think that time could've been more useful in by including some of the later scenes since they only have 2 episodes left, yet with so much more to cover.

I liked your brick reference too~ xD

No matter how much I dislike some parts of B.O.F, as a whole, I'm still obsessed with it. Teeehee. ^^

EDIT: I also think it's because we want a good ending for BOF, not a rushed one. Which is why they shouldn't waste a lot of time, unless its pertinent to the storyline.

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Guest eka_chan


소을은 이정이가 스페인에 유학간다고 하는데 다녀오고 나서도 가을양 옆에 빈자리가 있음 자기가 들어가겠다고 하고ㅋㅋㅋㅋ 아 이정이 스페인이 아니라 스웨덴

Yi Jeong is going to study abroad in Spain (or Sweden), (okay this second part is kind of ambigious... people can correct me if they want) it says even though he has left Ga Eul didn't forget him (there's an empty next to her. i don't get this part)

from: telzone @ daum

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Guest Banana Peel

Yay spoilers! Thanks to everyone who spoiled me for today ;) hehe.

*sigh* I'm going to feel super bad for JH in the last two episodes.

1) He's going to get rejected by JD.

2) His grandpa is hospitalized.

Poor guy. :/ There BETTER be something nice to end his story with.

Maybe he should go abroad to study? But I really hate those type of endings.

Where they say byebye and you don't even know what's up next!

Plus, YJ&GE better have a good ending. OH PLEASE, none of GE leaving to study abroad or something and leaving YJ behind! That would suck! Why heck , I don't want ANY of the characters leaving (focusing on F4, JD&GE) I want a ending with all of them happy TOGETHER. not separated here and there. =)

Does anyone know WHY or HOW JD&JP go on a namsan date or wherever they go

AFTER he loses his memory? I mean, JP obviously forgets about JD. so Why? >>; or HOW?



소을은 이정이가 스페인에 유학간다고 하는데 다녀오고 나서도 가을양 옆에 빈자리가 있음 자기가 들어가겠다고 하고ㅋㅋㅋㅋ 아 이정이 스페인이 아니라 스웨덴

Yi Jeong is going to study abroad in Spain (or Sweden), (okay this second part is kind of ambigious... people can correct me if they want) it says even though he has left Ga Eul didn't forget him (there's an empty next to her. i don't get this part)

from: telzone @ daum

Yi Jung goes to spain to study abroad, and when he came back,

he tells Gaeul that he will fill in the empty spot ( as in lover, person, etc. not a hole or anything -_-)

Basically, it looks like a happy ending for them =)

thanks for the spoiler!!

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Guest Bontaku

I think a lot of the censorship is down to BOF fans too.

I mean look at this:

10,000 netizens voted on a poll with the title "Is there too much kissing in Boys Over Flowers?" and 57% said "So what?" while 43% said "There's too much."

credit allkpop

Sorry for cutting your post.

If this is true, I find it shocking because if BOF kissing scenes are real kissing scenes to them, Korea should stop all imports of American movies and dramas (at least). Me kissing my pets are more loving than the 2 of them. I rather they don't kiss as it is so anti-climatic.

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Guest ml_87

well, as i remember, before episode 22 and 23, BOF thread is full of excitement and happiness cauz we expected that those episodes will be JoonDi (and Soeul almost kiss ^^). but after tuesday, this thread turned oppositely . everyone is angried, right? yes, i understand.

but guys, we should support BOF til its very last minutes!! since reading blueangle's spoiler,i'm still happy now. i was quite discouraged when reading the fake spoiler posted by me! but i think i can believe in Korean PD one more time! they are very good at making surprising so why dont believe in a wedding at the end :D

ps: sohki, funkindagirl , ths guys! love that somone shares my interest :D

Bontaku: Me kissing my pets are more loving than the 2 of them -> i laugh a lot becauz of u! ha ha!! yeah, maybe, at the end we'll witness a 30 second but ddep kiss of JoonDi :D

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Does anyone know WHY or HOW JD&JP go on a namsan date or wherever they go

AFTER he loses his memory? I mean, JP obviously forgets about JD. so Why? >>; or HOW?

JD and JP go on a Namsan date (cable car) AFTER JP recovers his memory. The script instruction for the Namsan kiss is 지긋이, which roughly translates to "adoringly." Of course, this kiss happens after the high school graduation so it is up to the director to change it as passionately or innocently as he sees fit.

And, this is not a spoiler and so not confirmed (let's call it a speculation?), but there is a rumor going around that they pre-filmed a wedding in Macau and a honeymoon in New Caledonia, which may be used as some of the scenes in the blank script for after the time jump. This is not by my spoiler source, so I'm not sure about the reliability of any of this speculation. Just thought it was interesting so I thought I'd share.

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Guest shamien7

Sorry Moderator, this is an off topic...

Does someone know what's next after BOF?

Our critical BOF withdrawal syndrome... :(

After this, they gonna bring BOF to Japan i believe...

well, as i remember, before episode 22 and 23, BOF thread is full of excitement and happiness cauz we expected that those episodes will be JoonDi (and Soeul almost kiss ^^). but after tuesday, this thread turned oppositely . everyone is angried, right? yes, i understand.

but guys, we should support BOF til its very last minutes!! since reading blueangle's spoiler,i'm still happy now. i was quite discouraged when reading the fake spoiler posted by me! but i think i can believe in Korean PD one more time! they are very good at making surprising so why dont believe in a wedding at the end :D

ps: sohki, funkindagirl , ths guys! love that somone shares my interest :D

No worry ml_87, despite all our hatred toward the PD & scriptwriter, we all definitely gonna support BOF till the end...for the sake of BOF casts' hardwork and sleepless and restless days and nights...its the love-hate relationship after all...we all love the BOF casts ;) and we hate the devil's advocates PDnim n Miss scriptwriter <_<

BOF fighting!! :lol:

p/s: Geez...i really gonna miss you all girls...*sniff* :tears:

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sorry to disappoint all you JunDi shippers out there but by now I think we all know how it's going to end.

JanDi is NOT going to end up with JunPyo. Why? Hello! Did anybody catch the major foreshadowing going on in episode 21...or was it 22? I think it was 21. The one where they do the wedding shoot? DUH!

Hint: The episode with the scene where JiHoo is looking at the photos and then he digs out his mom's ring and just happens to set it down next to the picture. And then the camera focuses in on the picture, and slowly but surely drifts from the picture to his mom's ring and then fades out.

Not to mention the fact that the old man practically told the entire world she was JiHoo's future wife. BAH, I'm not surprised at all. Judging by the way things have turned out, it's safe to assume a Yun-Geum ending.

But not to worry. Even though JanDi's husband is JiHoo, her soulmate is JunPyo! It all works out to easily. They're trying to tell us something by showing the all too comfortable (but I must admit extremely adorable) scenes between JiHoo and JanDi. <3

Ah well, tis just my assumption. Who knows. The PD may just surprise us. Anyway, two episodes left! Fingers crossed people!

*BTW I'm a definite JiDi (JiHoo+JanDi) shipper but that doesn't mean I made up those scenes nor did I pull them out of my a$$. Don't believe me? Rewatch the episodes!

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Guest F4fan

And, this is not a spoiler and so not confirmed (let's call it a speculation?), but there is a rumor going around that they pre-filmed a wedding in Macau and a honeymoon in New Caledonia, which may be used as some of the scenes in the blank script for after the time jump. Not sure though.

ROFL. Its too funny if that is the case because all of them detested their time in New Caledonia. KHJ said on Happy Together that if his future wife wants to honeymoon in New Caledonia, its grounds for a divorce. I think New Caledonia has been banned from their vocabulary.

sorry to disappoint all you JunDi shippers out there but by now I think we all know how it's going to end.

JanDi is NOT going to end up with JunPyo. Why? Hello! Did anybody catch the major foreshadowing going on in episode 21...or was it 22? I think it was 21. The one where they do the wedding shoot? DUH!

*BTW I'm a definite JiDi (JiHoo+JanDi) shipper but that doesn't mean I made up those scenes nor did I pull them out of my a$$. Don't believe me? Rewatch the episodes!

I wouldn't be counting my chickens too soon or be crowing just yet. Of course those things happened in those episodes but you seem to have missed all the scenes that showed it won't be a JH-JD ending.

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Guest danick

Seriously...again seriously...more Jihoo and Jan Di scenes? Aarrggghhh....

PD, are you still wasting too much negatives? We already get it, they are close friends but there are so many things you could have explored in the story with the those precious minutes. The car washing scene??? Seriously!

Darn it, I mean if they really want to give more scenes dedicated to JH and JD, do something more, I mean make them talk to each other, I mean give us new development in the relationship instead of just telling us over and over again that he is falling for her, we know that already! Or maybe KJH...err... I mean JH is not convincing enough so he needs more screen time to convey his message. :P

Just imagine, if they cut down those scenes, they no longer need to extend the series.

With regards to Jan Di's studying for college, i read somewhere that apparently in the manga or it was indicated from the anime version that Jun Pyo made sure her university tuition fees been paid full.

So, if there would indeed be a time jump, it would only mean that she'll be able to finish university and it would make sense to the statement she said in a previous episode that she'd like them (JP an JD) to be equals. I know they can never be equal in terms of money but if she will be able to get a degree it would mean something else, right?

]And yes, I still maintain that my view: Why wish for a JH-JANDI ending when we all know that it is Jun Pyo who makes Jandi happy!

Who Says, You Asked?

JANDI, who else! Try watching the BOF episodes again, maybe this time you will get it!

Can't wait for Episode 24!!!

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Guest Sarah.

PLEASE! Can anyone tell me the song name and artist that plays during the scene where joonpyo is drunk in the end of episode 23?? and he is playing with that stuffed animal game thing?

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Guest lemonsorbet

what im curious about is how theyre going to redeem the devil woman in just 2 episodes.. a whole series wouldnt be enough after all shes done! :fury:

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Guest EYN514

JD and JP go on a Namsan date (cable car) AFTER JP recovers his memory. The script instruction for the Namsan kiss is 지긋이, which roughly translates to "adoringly." Of course, this kiss happens after the high school graduation so it is up to the director to change it as passionately or innocently as he sees fit.

And, this is not a spoiler and so not confirmed (let's call it a speculation?), but there is a rumor going around that they pre-filmed a wedding in Macau and a honeymoon in New Caledonia, which may be used as some of the scenes in the blank script for after the time jump. This is not by my spoiler source, so I'm not sure about the reliability of any of this speculation. Just thought it was interesting so I thought I'd share.

Oh MY!! I would be soo ecstatic if that happens :) I can't wait!!!

NO doubt the ending won't be the same as the Japanese version, but I really hope it would be much much sweeter and more promising. Please, no 5 sec ending kiss. *Crossing my fingers*

Flowerpot my dear, you always amaze me with your comments. I had tears in my eyes after I finished reading your post (from laughing of course).

LEt's hope the scriptwriter and the PD won't disappoint us....

Btw, we should really stay away from the spoilers/preview, but knowing me I probably can't do it. So I'll be waiting for your update blueangel

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I wouldn't be counting my chickens too soon or be crowing just yet. Of course those things happened in those episodes but you seem to have missed all the scenes that showed it won't be a JH-JD ending.

Firstly, sorry for the cut post.

Secondly, look hun. I didn't ignore those parts. I'm just saying, it points in that direction. Yes JanDi loves JunPyo, but that doesn't necessarily mean they end up together. I'm not saying those weren't lovely scenes. They were. But they weren't screaming I'M FORESHADOWING!!! LOOK!!! LOOK AT THE MAJOR FORESHADOWING HERE!!!! But hey, that may just be me. XD

Like I said, there's two episodes left. However it turns out I just want a happy ending. Especially for SoEul and JiHoo because they've been to the edge of the abyss and back again. They deserve a little sunshine. And so does JanDi. But then, I suppose that's what JiHoo is to her. He's her sunshine on a cloudy day. Because he takes care of her. Because he wants to protect her, BECAUSE he loves her.

But like I said, it ends how it ends. Doesn't matter to me, as long as it's happy. Though I'm leaing towards a JIDI ending, I'm totally cool with a JunDi ending. That's not to say, it's going to turn out that way. But based on what I've seen, and the major MAJOR foreshadowing going on, I'm not seeing a JunDi ending.

But we shall see! Two episodes left! FINGERS CROSSED PEOPLE!!!

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Guest eternitygoddess

sorry to disappoint all you JunDi shippers out there but by now I think we all know how it's going to end.

JanDi is NOT going to end up with JunPyo. Why? Hello! Did anybody catch the major foreshadowing going on in episode 21...or was it 22? I think it was 21. The one where they do the wedding shoot? DUH!

Hint: The episode with the scene where JiHoo is looking at the photos and then he digs out his mom's ring and just happens to set it down next to the picture. And then the camera focuses in on the picture, and slowly but surely drifts from the picture to his mom's ring and then fades out.

Not to mention the fact that the old man practically told the entire world she was JiHoo's future wife. BAH, I'm not surprised at all. Judging by the way things have turned out, it's safe to assume a Yun-Geum ending.

But not to worry. Even though JanDi's husband is JiHoo, her soulmate is JunPyo! It all works out to easily. They're trying to tell us something by showing the all too comfortable (but I must admit extremely adorable) scenes between JiHoo and JanDi. <3

Ah well, tis just my assumption. Who knows. The PD may just surprise us. Anyway, two episodes left! Fingers crossed people!

*BTW I'm a definite JiDi (JiHoo+JanDi) shipper but that doesn't mean I made up those scenes nor did I pull them out of my a$$. Don't believe me? Rewatch the episodes!

Don't count your chickens before they hatch. LMH as well as KBS/Group 8 has CONFIRMED there will be a happy ending --> Jundi ending.

And JH's grandfather told JH that he doesn't approve of JH+Jandi.

Not to mention the very reliable spoilers have revealed that JD turns down JH's ring.

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PLEASE! Can anyone tell me the song name and artist that plays during the scene where joonpyo is drunk in the end of episode 23?? and he is playing with that stuffed animal game thing?

The most popular question of the day: Where can I find the song that was played at the end of episode 23/ during the bus scene....

O.k. I think that this question has been asked way to many times today. If you go back about 5 or six pages, I posted a link to the song, in Korean it's called Gasume Au tuk kae dane na ba by A &T (Credit to Hoonfamily). You can also go this link:


Flowerboys, which is Youtube user Lyptikas blog site. If you ever looking for songs or episodes, you can go to this site. She has the full version that you can listen to before you download it with translations. Also if people are looking for songs, I think that the moderators have posted links on the first page.

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Guest fiferdodo91


Does anybody know the song that plays at 7:23 (The sunrise Ga Eul & YiJung)? It's not on either of the soundtracks and I really want it T_T

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Guest nysophia_x_ii

Don't count your chickens before they hatch. LMH as well as KBS/Group 8 has CONFIRMED there will be a happy ending --> Jundi ending.

And JH's grandfather told JH that he doesn't approve of JH+Jandi.

Not to mention the very reliable spoilers have revealed that JD turns down JH's ring.

yeah, that's the main fact, that JH's grandfather told JH that he clearly does not approve of JH+JD. they have been separated for so many years, and JH's finally come to realize his grandfather's pain. he's not going to fight to marry JD because he won't want to hurt his grandfather. i definitely don't think there will be a JH+JD ending. in fact, i think the scriptwriter made this such a triangle so that people would be nervous for the last episode. because everyone already knows the ending, and she wouldn't want everyone to be so expectant for the ending. but indeed, the drama, I THINK will end with JP+JD together ^^

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ok i have a feeling this thread is gonna to be close again because i can see alot of spam going on despite several warnings given. In order to protect this thread , someone may create boy over flowers forum besides from soompi. Any takers to create that because i have no idea how to create. Those who are interested can PM me, i can try to help.

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