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[Drama 2009] Boys Over Flowers / Hana Yori Dango 꽃보다 남자


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i really like how everything is going... it's been really good so far and the acting is getting better and better... i liked HYUN JOONG's acting in the recent episode... he portrayed the hurt, angered young adult real well...compared to his acting at the beginning..he's improved alot... for one moment, he looked like LEE DONG GUN... hahaha... i know peeps alwase said that he looked like him but this time, he really looked like him...lol... it's jus sad that he's been so bz that he's losing alot of weight and i wish he would gain some more... he jus keeps getting skinnier...

Sorry I have to cut short your post.

Really I didn't know the HYUN JOONG looks like LEE DONGGUN? I guess that's is why he's one of my korean favorite actor now aside from LDG.they're both good singers, they both play a lot of instruments. Thanks

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Guest dreampryncezz

You know...with all the inconsistencies of the plot, I don't know how much apologizing GJP has to do.

Jandi saw him doing a lot of stuff. If I were her shoes, I would be very annoyed at the emotional rollercoaster he put me through, even if it's b/c of his mom. Looking from Jandi's pov:

1. he confesses his love to Jandi by TEXT then leaves for 6 months without saying anything

2. she comes to visit and he basically insults her

3. he comes to the airport, basically making it seem like he wanted to confirm that she leaves the country and get the hell away from him

4. he gets engage and ignores her at his birthday and goes out with another girl

5. he then HUGS her at the skating rink

6. he explains to her about the engagement

7. then ignores her

8. starts dating another girl, KISSES her, flaunts the relationship in front of her, hugs another girl without wearing a lot of clothes, potentially SPENT A NIGHT together with another gril

9. then moves next to Jandi and asks Jandi if she still believes in the promise

Call me crazy, but I that boy is giving too many mixed signals. I won't be satisfied if JK helps put them together b/c it doesn't make any sense. Whatever his explanations is, if Jandi just accepts him back because he does something super romantic for her, I think that'll make her a weak character. I hope she stands up for herself and shows him she doesn't need him to be with her. Albeit, she already has been doing that, but I hope that when he confesses his feelings, she'd give him a little bit of a hard time before just telling him she likes him.

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Guest kimngoc266

that's the reason why i really enjoy the amnesia part. but if the PD makes BOF like the manga, why the have to drag the fiancee part this much. it's really tiring. so we have to see her for 9 episodes (13-21) :angry:

Your analysis is wonderful. It's well said.

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Guest Brittany

Who's gonna play Umi Nakajima? How many episodes' she going to appear in? Does she really love our Tsukasa Junpyo?

There're so many questions in my mind right now. Since I didn't expect a new character, it's just a bit surprising to know ppl are casting a new face or a special guest... :)

Oh, I'm thinking of something funny~

Everyone here keeps on asking... why are there so many JP-JK / JH-JD scenes... why don't they focus more on the main couple JP-JD... why, why and why...? Right?? I also questioned myself the same thing multiple times... lol~ I finally end up with an answer. It does sound weird but it might be the right one... lol

What about... Goo Junpyo is the main character in both of the manga and BOF drama... whereas~ Kim Hyunjoong is actually the main lead here???

LOL LOL I don't even understand what I'm saying B) heeeeeee~

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whereas~ Kim Hyunjoong is actually the main lead here???

Not to offend any KHJ fans, this analysis is base purely on one's acting ability, but if this was the case, I don't think I would have pass the 1st episode of this drama. KHJ has the same facial expression abit whether sad or angry. I also recall the character Rui hardly ever smile, KHJ smiles every 5 minutes.

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Guest tchq90

Not to offend any KHJ fans, this analysis is base purely on one's acting ability, but if this was the case, I don't think I would have pass the 1st episode of this drama. KHJ has the same expression abit whether sad or angry.

Thanks to Lee Min Ho and Kim Bum; otherwise, BOF would very well be a disaster like GONG S.

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Guest F4fan

I am thinking that since Kim Bum and LMH are releasing singles, the 5 leads should get together and sing a song on the 2nd OST. LOL!


I would add GHS along with LMH and Kim Bum

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Guest flower pot

I just noticed... Junpyo learnt that Jandi can now no longer swim because of him from Yijung but he didn't look guilty nor remorseful to me at anytime at all when he saw her again after that...

(I mean he broke down at the pool by himself but when he saw Jandi again, it's as if he was already over that...)

The old Junpyo would have not let that incident go the next time he sees Jandi...

DARN... Where did Mama Kang put up her brainwashing school?

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Guest pkourav@yahoo.com

wow so many pages... it really is popular and its very hard to read everyone's comment.

Im very glad i never read the manga, seen the other drama versions so i can fully enjoy the drama, the actors, the stories.

Even after 19 episodes and all the things that happened to Jandi, i cant root for her. I dunno why...

The only person i dislike more than her is Mama Kang.

I really like monkey, she makes me laugh and cry. I liked when she prepared Jun Pyo breakfast, that was very sweet, and the comment she made about hating to eat alone at a huge table. If the drama wasnt based on a manga, i would have prayed for Jun Pyo to end up with monkey til the end.

JiHoo and his flashbacks with his grandpa made me cry even more.

EeJung, his father, his mother, his brother, the girls, the pottery teacher and Ga Eul, that is all well written... That is a nice change from JP/JD/JH/Mama Kang sh***.

Woo Bin... I didnt know he was the son of a mob! Not enough screen time for this boy, and he deserves more. But Its true that if the drama is only 24-26 episode long, then they had to sacrifice a character.

Jandi's family was very fun to watch at the beginning, but they got very annoying...screaming and crying... Hope they're happy eating fresh tuna though

Ive read somewhere but i dunno if it was news or just rumors, that the PD wasnt going to follow the manga storyline anymore.

Anyway, i want more of Jun Pyo's nuna!!! She's one of my favorite characters, if not my favorite!!! Strong and classy woman.

Im done with my feelings about the drama so far. Hope i didnt offend anybody.

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Guest toggle45

Has the preview for episode 20 out yet? I just checked youtube and couldnt find any.. :sweatingbullets:

the long previews usually come out late friday night/saturday morning or afternoon. the short previews are usually uploaded after that, like saturday night/sunday.

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^ Actually i thought the short previews actually comes out first on friday , before long previews for both episodes comes out...

I am thinking that since Kim Bum and LMH are releasing singles, the 5 leads should get together and sing a song on the 2nd OST. LOL!

Sorry to cut your post , but that would be a nice idea. HOWEVER , the actors seem stretch pretty thin these days filming , so doubt they have the time to go and record a single and insert it into the episodes soon enough. What a pity right. But maybe at the end they could do a nice MV on the show and sing a version of one of the songs used on the show together , that'll be a consolation.

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Guest F4fan

the long previews usually come out late friday night/saturday morning or afternoon. the short previews are usually uploaded after that, like saturday night/sunday.

That has been my experience too. Monday's and sometimes Tuesday's long preview on Friday night (US time). Tuesday's long preview on Saturday night. Monday's short preview on Sunday night.

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Guest flower pot

If the amnesia arc really happens and JoonDi only gets to reunite on the last episode...

The KBS staff better be prepared to hold office in the gutter coz i just have a feeling that JoonDi Fans are gonna burn their building down... *myself included* wahahaha!

Why do we have to prolong this agonyyyyyyyyyyy... i mean lent is coming up but i have other sacrifices lined up and my JunDi ship is definitely not one of them!

I swear if the amnesia arc happens... I'd much rather have amnesia myself so that i can forget the nightmare of how little we got of JoonDi for this second season...

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Guest irezumi

I'm getting quite frustrated with the way BOF is going, they are dragging it out way too much, I'm finding it boring actually and that's rare of me to find a drama boring. And the link between JanDi and Junpyo's relationship is like dissolving away.

JiHoo and JanDi are oh so chummy and spending every second together, yes they are meant to be good friend but it seems otherwise.

Comparing the time, JiHoo and Junpyo have spent with JanDi, JiHoo comes tops, not to mention, he's there whenever something goes wrong.

Junpyo just pops into JanDi's life when he feels like it, he just seems like a possessive jerk honestly, stalking her by getting people to take photos of her. He hasn't given JanDi much at all. They had one official date and that was before JanDi liked him, after that he gets all arsey, heads off to Macau and tells her to go away. And Junpyo doesn't seem to establish that he doesn't want to marry JK to JK herself.

They might as well just make JiHoo and JanDi get together. JiHoo's character is getting overused.

Urgh episode 20 and 21, JK is still in it. Like ffs, just get her out, distract JiHoo with his grandfather and make me believe that Junpyo and JanDi are meant to be together.

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Guest inaho

i like the amnesia arc in the manga cause UMI was completely rebuff by tsukasa when he found out that that she was pretending to be Makino

she was completely rebuff in the most humiliating way but knowing that this is BOF korea, its very uncertain how they will play the whole thing

and I know a lot of people are fussing about the whole UMI arc but you know what I'm just really looking forward for Monday's episode and JK being kicked out of the whole picture, I'm just anticipating the upcoming episodes, I just want JK and Mama Kang out of the picture and evrything will be so much better and I'll rant on UMI later, what's important is we get to see some JOONDI lovin' man and more of WONBIN....

does anyone have the link for the preview for the 20th episode? if so please kindly pm me or posts it here.......puhleash!^_^

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Guest EYN514

I've been a silent lurker fan of the show and I have to say this: they'd better throw in a few more kiss scenes to placate all the disgruntled Joondi fans! Cos seriously, all that angst and separation should build up to something no? and it better not be another sunlight silhouette shot. they arent in high school no more!! :P

Come on, JP is in college now. I want some REAL kisses between him and JD not just a peck on a lip. He's a teenager with RAGING hormones. Be realistic here PD => hahah let's just pray that will happen. I would be looking forward to the amnesia part IF I see some heavy make-out OR seeing JP half naked in a pool (that'd be extremely nice).

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Guest flower pot

Sharing these very, very nice JunDi fanarts to satisfy our thirst for the real thing...











Credits: Lunarsea @ baidu


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