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[Drama 2009] Boys Over Flowers / Hana Yori Dango 꽃보다 남자


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i've been frustrated with this drama for so long that it's about time i vent it out...I want to LOVE this drama but as everyone is saying, it's making no more sense and so out of it....the pace was so fast in the beginning (which I loved) but because of the fast pace the PDs skipped out on one of the most important stories, the development of Jandi and JunPyo's love story....seriously, he starts liking her out of nowhere...and than she never responds to his love until it's too late....it makes no sense for them to want to be together because they barely had anytime together, as a couple when BOTH felt the same way, yet they are supposed to be great lovers with chemistry...I would of rather had a slow pace beginning to get us to understand why the like each other so much than it being fast paced...all the flashbacks that the PDs are showing now look so romantic but when they actually happened in the episodes, they were so little and Jandi was didn't like JunPyo so the butterfly feeling is there but not as strongly as it should be..Jandi has lost the personality that makes commoners proud, they are supposed to have PRIDE...yet Jandi has not once stood up for her pride against the Mom...JunPyo has become weak too because he doesn't even fight for his love, stood up against his mother once...and his fiance is starting to look A LOT like a lover (did you see all those stares?) and not someone who he is forced to be with...but what upsets me most, Jandi-JiHoo, JunPyo-Monkey and EEJung-GaEul have WAY WAY better developed love stories than Jandi-JunPyo...with the way it's going now, it wouldn't surprise me if WooBin's story becomes more developed than Jandi-JunPyo's love story...

If this wasn't based off of a famous manga, it would make sense for Jandi to end up with JiHoo because their relationship is SOO much deeper and understanding.

I really agree with you... this series has not done a good job of convincing the viewers of the JD/JP bond, which really sucks because what they have is supposed to be extremely special and ultimately strong. After all, in the end, even evil mama kang is supposed to come around.

I don't refute your last statement either, although by my posts, it's obvious that I am strongly advocating that JP/JD NEED to be together, I can totally understand why people are on the JH/JD ship. But those are gripes that I have with the writers and PDs. :sweatingbullets:

I feel like the writers took advantage of the fact that the story is relatively well-known and many viewers are supposedly familiar with the plot and the fact that JP/JD are the main couple, so they kind of slacked off on portraying that relationship on screen, which is regrettable. Although I'm not saying that the series should just be 100% JP/JD scenes, because all of the other characters and cast in this series are very interesting as well, I feel that viewers have been shorted out of what could have been a more well-rounded interpretation...


In regards to JK, she is supposed to redeem herself in the end, realizing that if she hangs on to JP, she'll always be 2nd fiddle, even if she could make JP like her, or even slightly love her, he'd never feel as strongly about her as he loves JD. So eventually, she will help her two good friends be together, because she's a good person, who believes in true love. She doesn't want to just marry for money or just because her and JP are a good match according to their backgrounds and family ambitions. All this time when JK is trying to be with JP, she is doing so by trying to get him to LIKE her, not by bullying him or anything like that, which she very well could have done, which is another reason why I don't hate her character. I think all girls have had that experience... when you're trying to get someone to like you.

It's one of the very very positive things about this story is that many of the female characters in this story are self-empowering... SH/shizuka who gives up her family wealth to try to forge a path based on her own abilities, JD/Makino who perseveres through her poverty and financial inferiority, and JK/Shigeru who (eventually) realizes that she is too good to just be a 2nd fiddle to a man who is really in love with her friend.

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Guest aurelie

1) There's really NOT that many episodes left...

2) They're gonna have to start re-building their relationship soon. Like real soon. Like next episode soon cuz Jandi's gonna be going in to work as a maid.

3) Really? You'd stop watching? But all the waiting and stuff is all part of the drama culture...it's more fun that way... :) Isn't it worth it to keep going for the few short weeks left of living in all the hustle and bustle of waiting for the next episode?

YEAH for the fans of joopyo & jandi they are going back together very soon don't worry (probably in episode 21 but jp will begin to recapture jandi's heart when she will be his personal maid lol in episode 20 can't wait to see the preview lol gjp will be very exited by the news lol). WE ALL KNOW THE TRUTH THEY BELONG TOGETHER AND SHE LOVES HIM EVEN WITH THE FIANCEE AROUND OR THE EVIL MOTHER FIGHTING!!!

i hear somewhere that the mariage is not jp & jk but jd & jh but it's a not true ( jk lies to jp and the story in the island will begin with jp who reconfess his feelings toward jandi) lol remember in the manga the fiance bring them back together :w00t:

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Guest eternitygoddess

So I'm watching Ep. 19, and apparently the F4 have turned into the Emo 4. Jihoo walking around in the rain, YJ getting richard simmons drunk with mother, brother, father, and first love issues, JunPyo as unhappy as ever, Woobin becoming randomly suicidal...

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Guest j-fer

If the future spoilers are correct JH-JD wedding photo shoot and JP-JK wedding and amnesia arc - there doesn't seem to be anytime for them to rebuild their relationship.

According to the written preview of 20, it seemed like JD is going to be spending more time with JH and JP is going to spend some more time with JK . I don't see much rebuilding of the JP-JD relationship at all.

Aren't they planning to extend the series? So that JD and JP will have time to mend their relationship. Or are they extending it from how the original HYD ends? (which I don't know because I haven't watched the other versions or read the manga) I wonder if they're even going to end it in the same way...

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Guest samgirl

if episode 20 preview is true, JP will be spending alot of his time with JD, but with mom finding this out is a real problem good thing the old maid and JK will come to the rescue.

after i watched the whole episode with subs, i do not hate JK's character that much anymore, it is like she's testing both, she wants to see for herself how affected JD will be if she shows up with JP around her and I particulary like how she makes up excuses for JP and JD to meet. although sometimes i wish she'll leave them alone. lol

i forsee JK asking help from f3 to get these two together anytime soon, maybe in ep 20 if they can cram it up there, and personally i would like them to just drop the amnesia part to give way to MORE JD and JP loving hehhee but if they have to throw it in, make sure that they do it like in the Japanese version wherein it only took 2 episodes ( if i remember it correctly )of that drama to have JP regain his memories

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Guest F4fan

Aren't they planning to extend the series? So that JD and JP will have time to mend their relationship. Or are they extending it from how the original HYD ends? (which I don't know because I haven't watched the other versions or read the manga) I wonder if they're even going to end it in the same way...

Its only been extended 1 episode to 25. So that's a total of 6 episodes left. With the potential spoilers, I see them splitting apart much more.

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Guest funkindagirl

I feel like the writers took advantage of the fact that the story is relatively well-known and many viewers are supposedly familiar with the plot and the fact that JP/JD are the main couple, so they kind of slacked off on portraying that relationship on screen, which is regrettable. Although I'm not saying that the series should just be 100% JP/JD scenes, because all of the other characters and cast in this series are very interesting as well, I feel that viewers have been shorted out of what could have been a more well-rounded interpretation...

Yeah I agree. It does feel as though the writers just expected us to go along with the JP/JD relationship after they first set it up...yet they fail to develop it because we're SUPPOSED to just GET that they have the ultimate love for one another that triumphs everything else.

Yet I dont see how JP/JD are going to get back together now

It doesnt seem like anything JP does from here on in would be convincing enough to justify them getting together again because they've OVERDEVELOPED the JH/JD and JP/JK relationships to the point where I just think it doesnt make sense for a JP & JD relationship.

Although i desperately want to feel it makes sense..but they're making it kinda hard to do so!

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Guest honeybeat44

im with kelcy im gonna stop watching to b/c it's really draggy and i

keep getting the feeling that by the time the series end jandi will be with ji hoo and

jun pyo will be with jaekyung

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Guest zaizai00

I know that yi jung and ga eul aren't the main focus of the drama, but since they are the sub plot love story... anyone feel that the PD seem to have amnesia about the scenes that happened before. I mean in the beginning, yi jung was being an richard simmons and he totally deserved the water, but then like the next day, ga eul and yi jung are happily painting and re-decorating jan di's room and ga eul is still doing the pottery. anyone else confused?

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Guest switcme

I agree with the fact that I don't mind the fillers. I want all of F4's stories. I want to know what they're all about.

But I disagree that the problem lies in directing/editing/screenwriting. There's a lot that goes into a production, and if you think doing all that for a movie is hard, doing all that for 25 episodes of a drama is even trickier in a lot of ways. So what we might think is random or useless actually may help the mechanics of the story out in the long run.

People are getting so complain-y...

I think the problem is that everyone's just impatient for the next episodes so they're grasping at little things to nitpick over...

Just remember guys that all this stuff that's pissing you off is necessary for the progression of the story ^^;;

You read my mind, lilnahnah. Thank you so much for this post.

But really, let's love and respect this show through and through. I know they are up for a blast (great ending) that will make Boys Over Flowers a unique yet classic on its own, F4 story. Ok?

Support BOF - all the way!!!! :)

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Guest marsdust

Ok, I really need to vent out about Jun Pyo´s mom here.

That old hag has taken EVERYTHING from Jandi, when the series started she has her family together, their own apartment and the dry cleaner´s business which was all owned by her family. So they were not rich but they seemed to manage given the fact that she had decent cLothes, cellphone, etc. That $(/&%(% witch took it all, SHE EVEN HIRE THAT GUY TO TORTURE HER OWN SON that crushed Jandi´s shoulder so yeah SHE ALSO TOOK THE SWIMMING AWAY and to top it off she keeps appearing just every once in a while to basically only to insult her.

I haven´t read the manga, I only watched the japanese version, and in it I didnt hate her as much.

I REALLY WANT JANDI TO TELL HER SHE KNOWS WHAT SHE´S BEEN DOING and make the old hag feel like richard simmons cause her own son hates her and then I want her to fall off a flight of stairs so she´ll stay paraplegic and STUCK ON A STRAPPED BER FOR THE REST OF HER MISERABLE LIFE ALL ALONE!!!

That character is just plain evil, I hope they change the original storyline and she gets what she deserves!!!

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:tears: very dissapointed seeing how this drama turn out !!!

it started off good with funny & amusing storylines supported

with strong performance of the characters (actors).

but too bad this drama starts mess up in the middle

from eps. 11 onward .. it has mismatch scenes, super-fast but disordered storyline, DRAGGING & OVERDONE "fiancee" scene (3 eps. only should be enough plssss !!!!) ...

... i think the PD is getting snobbish with this drama high ratings .. then neglected the original storyline of Hana Yori Dango with its super cute main couple .. which makes this drama famous in the first place :(

*im on "NO BOF" strike* :wacko:

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Guest doremii*


^ I agree, mama Kang is just evil :ph34r: I take back what I said in the beginning about how she cares about JP because she is just a pinkberry now. I guess the reason the writer decided to make JD so mute in scenes with mama Kang is to show how much classier and well mannered she is compared to mama Kang (who at times just seems crazy with her constant yelling and attempts to slap JD), although to me it just makes JD seem weak. I really want to see a confrontation scene between JD and mama Kang where JD actually talks.

I know that yi jung and ga eul aren't the main focus of the drama, but since they are the sub plot love story... anyone feel that the PD seem to have amnesia about the scenes that happened before. I mean in the beginning, yi jung was being an richard simmons and he totally deserved the water, but then like the next day, ga eul and yi jung are happily painting and re-decorating jan di's room and ga eul is still doing the pottery. anyone else confused?

yeah that lost me completely.

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Guest tofumui

Ep 20 Text Preview

thanks springfiry for the episode 20 preview translation.. so that means Madam Kang will be in the house same time that JanDi is also there as JunPyo's personal maid?? hmm i totally didn't expect that..

springfiry, thank you for the text preview of Ep20. Oh gosh!!!!!!!!!!

I am sick of watching JK monkeying around JP and JD. How many more episode she is going to be in??? I don't think I can tolerate her presence anymore, it is becoming unbearable.


I read from another forum that JP will get to see the pictures of JD/JH in wedding attire (courtesy of JK), he will get majoy jealous. Then F3 (possibly with JK onboard as well) will team up to trick JD going to the island, there she will spend a day with JP. JP will confess his feelings. And then something will happen there (him diving into the water!!) and cause JP to lose his memory. I know most previews/spoilers turn out to be not true, but just want to throw it out there.

WHAT?!? are you serious about the rumour.. this will be so sad cuz there aren't that many episodes left and JunPyo still has to lose his memory..

time to go watch episode 19 now.. ahh and this begins another week of waiting for the next 2 episodes.. why does the time pass by so slowly..

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Hopefully there will be a scene coming up where Jandi finally, "in so many words," tells off the Madamn like Shan Cai (Barbie Xu) did in Meteor Garden. It was one of the more powerful scenes in that drama. I don't remember how Mao's character handled it in Hana Yori Dango, but Barbie was on fire in this scene. :fury: I still maintain that MG was much better than HYD, although I thought both were quite good. This one can still be the best (despite all of the behind the scenes tragedies) if they can pull it together in a cohesive way for the home stretch. It certainly has the best looking people and Goo Hye Sun is light years ahead of the two previous actresses, talent-wise. ;)

P.S. Softsubs for episode 19??? :sweatingbullets:

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Guest spirtual_affection x3

hope the spoilers aren't real because that means the ending for BOF is either rushed or it's going to be DISAPPOINTING.

does anyone know the kid actor who plays little ji hoon?!

he's soooooo cute

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After hearing that sentence from JK, I forgave her for yesterday ep.

" Fool, if you continue to say what I like to hear, what am I supposed to do?"

It is really Ha Jae Kyung. :D I love those words. I can see that JK just loves JP more after he said that he will not give up both love and friendship. JK is hurt by hearing that, but she is also glad because JP is exactly the person she dream about. Tough, sincere, and fervid. She was not wrong when falling for him. Poor her. The more she loves him, the more she realises that she must give up from now on.

I totally understand why JP is so unclear. He does not know what should do to take Jandi back. Will she give him another chance? Will she forgive him for all the things he has done. Junpyo is afraid and puzzled, that's why he asked her about their promise. I wonder, what would happen if Jandi could say " So how about the stain in Macao, did you really mean it by your heart?"

Both of them are hurt very much right now. I hope that the wedding and amnesia will bring them together and realise that how much they love each other.

But poor my angel JH. Once again, he can not confess to Jandi that he has feeling for her. He kissed YJ which means that his answer was a lie. How could PD do that to him? My JH.. I really want him to be happy...He is derseved to be happy..

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Guest iJaney

"Love or Friendship?" - Jaekyung

"Both. Since my dictionary doesn't have the word give up." - Goo Jun Pyo

ahh, i just love that. :D

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Guest beckyvang17

hey..i was wondering where i can find the ringtones from their cellphones? hmm...i tried looking but couldn't seem to find any...so if you guys could please help me out... ^__^


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