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[Drama 2009] Boys Over Flowers / Hana Yori Dango 꽃보다 남자


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Guest ethopia

when is the 2nd OST coming out again??... sorry forgot... i think someone mentioned it already... but i completely forgot...

*listening to the OST* right now... i love "one more time" coz i remember the scene of JP and JD when they were on a bridge

and the sunset background (after the sweet kiss on the streets) and JP grabbed JD's hand and they walked hand in hand :)

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Guest pop_corn

hehs, thanks musiquejunkie for the videos! GHS was really bubbly and cute inside! She's uber talented too, composing that song! :D

andddd, im patiently waiting for epi 18 like a baby!

my ship is slowly turning towards JD-JH ;x

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Guest cesqa

hihi! does anyone know where I can watch this with eng subs? thanks! I saw part 1 with eng subs but can't find part 2.


can i have the link for part 1 then???

i haven't watch any :(

thanks a bunch :D

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Guest polaris

The youtube link that was posted up previously for the 2nd part of Happy Together was not in synch with the picture and sound so here are the ones that are in synch.

Happy Together (3/05/09)

Summary of The first part: GHS talks about her real life event from her past. She knew a boy who also had curly hair like JunPyo. One time she fell in the water and since your clothes sticks to your body when it gets wet she was really worried.. but the curly hair guy made everyone look away and make sure that she was ok. Also she knew a boy from hakwon who was the best fighter (taekwondo) in the whole region of Inchon. He began to like GHS. One of GHS's good guy friends got on the bad side of the fighter guy and so the fighter guy dragged GHS's friend to fight him. All the Hakwon kids came out to view the fight and GHS went after them to save her friend. When the fighter guy went to throw a punch.. GHS interceded and grabbed his fist. At that moment the fighter guy completely stopped and surrenedered the fight. (because he had a crush on her) but since then all the hakwon kids were saying the best fighter in the Inchon region was actually GHS. ^^ She saw him again one day in front of a game room and he had bandaging on his fist and he also had a broken/missing tooth. When she saw him closer.. she realized that he had stuck a cigarette through the missing tooth hole... ^^ they then say that GHS seems like Jandi even in real life.

Hyun Joong's story is of his first car that he got from some nuna when he was in highschool. It was such a junk car that when he hit the breaks the car would spin around three times. HE took it to school one day and usually high schoolers dont drive so his teacher was really surprised when he opened the car door and saw Hyun Joong there. In winter when it snowed.. he couldnt open his car door so he would throw some hot water on the door.. but then it would automatically freeze again.. so finally he gave up and thought to himself that he will try driving it again when spring comes. ^^ Also the car had a sun roof but he didnt realize the sun roof could close completely until he went through a car wash. Water started pouring through the sun roof and he tried to block it with some trash and his own hands.. However, since it was such a junk car, he treated it roughly, but since it was his first car and he was really attached to it.

KIm Joon's story is that he has really bad coordination, always bumping into things and getting hurt ever since he was young. He's the type to even trip over his own feet and fall. Also he would enthusiastically open a door to go out and it would hit him in the face. This time in New Caledonia.. everyone didnt get much sleep including himself so one day he was walking around and he walked right into a tree and got a cut on his forehead. Since everyone was so tired.. then didnt notice Kim Joon walk into a tree than fall down. He didnt want anyone to worry so he kept it secret and asked his makeup artist to cover up the wound on his forehead. Then they mentioned that Hyun Joong also fainted on set once .. He was really stressed out and collapsed so they took him to the hospital. WHen he woke up.. he felt bad that precious money from the drama budget was used for his medical attention so he said he felt quite irritated with himself for it.

Kyu Jong's story is that he really loved sports since he was a young boy. In school they let you try alot of sports so you can find one that you like and are good at. At first he picked tennis.. but when the teacher saw him with the tennis racket.. he said this was not his sport and advised him to go try golf. So Kyu Jong went to learn golf.. but when the teacher saw his swing.. he said no no that's not right either and sent him to bowling. That didnt work out either. One thing he was good at was bouncing a soccer ball with his feet so when the teacher saw him do that, he let him try soccer. However, throughout the whole season the ball never came to Kyu Jong so all he ended up doing was running along the side lines yelling "Good! Awesome!Awesome Goal!! haha~~^^Also, he had a traumatic memory when someone pulled down his pants and underwear as well from behind while everyone was watching. Then he was sent to basketball. He said this was tougher because he did the same thing as he did in soccer (running on the side and cheering "Jo Ah! (awesome! Good!!)) but there was much more running back and forth since the court was smaller.


I'll translate part 2 and 3 later.

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Many thanks to those who shared the 3 songs & their respective lyrics from the 2nd OST :)

ethopia, for some reason I seem to remember reading somewhere in here yesterday? the other day? that it was coming out next week if I'm not mistaken

musiquejunkie, thanks for sharing GHS's links here, although really, they should be shared in her personal thread and not here since its not BOF related.

I wonder if they're going to try to incorporate GHS singing another little song in BOF somewhere..I think it would be so sweet if, after JP and JD got back together, JP requested a song from JD ^__^

anjelae PLEASE EDIT YOUR POST and take the %7Boption%7D tags off..pictures are not to be quoted.

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Guest AngelEagle

I dunno if this has been shared, it's hard for me to trackback pages since the the movement is kinda fast.

2nd OST

Sendspace or Mediafire

a zip that contains 3 full songs from SS501, T-Max feat. J, and AST'1. and it's NOT a ripped from drama version.

So I wonder, when will the real OST be released? I wanna grab this one and have been browsing for it on Yesasia to preorder but have no luck yet.

Thank you so much chiara.

I'm so loving the second OST.

i kinda don't like the idea of wedding of JP and JK. if its true. i would say that i still prefer the original where Shigeru back off after she knows about Domyouji and Makino. she might try to seduce domyouji even she knows about them but her friendship with makino is much stronger, thats why she choose to let go of domyouji. if the rumors are true and if the speculation is true where JP will runaway with JD. looks like JK still want to pursue JP till the end. i would totally hate her if thats happened (well i don't hate her now).

in J-ver (idon't know if its happened to manga), Domyouji try to back off infront of shigeru, shigeru's parents, and his mom but before he can say anything shigeru suddenly interfere and revealed she wanted to back off. she knows that domyouji is trying to say it but for domyouji and their company she back off and make it looks like its her own decision. so i'm guessing they will do the same thing where at JK-JP's wedding JP wanted to back off but before he can say it JK interfere and made it looks like she is the one who back off. so her parents wouldn't be mad at JP and to shinhwa too.

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Guest EnVogue

Hey guys, just wanted to share the videos from Lee Hana's Peppermint which GHS was on!!

GHS & Seungri: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=auYi6UB7dkI...re=channel_page

GHS's composition: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XXC9srxSLUw...feature=channel

credit: CodeAnalysis

GHS is so talented ... love the song she composed, it's so pretty! :)

omg soo damn cuuuute xDDD

ii wouldnt consider her as my nuna but as my dongsaeng

hye-sun nuna we love you hahaha

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Someone clarify something for me:

Does this drama make you feel that JH and JD are more fitting to be together than JP & JD?

I don't feel JH and JD have a deeper connection. I think JH is a wonderful friend and that's as far as see I their connection going? Due to present circumstances it's true that they appear on screen together a lot and in harmony, compared to the JP chaos of the moment, I'm in full support of their friendship but otherwise it's a big bag of blah.

If they had such a deep connection I would hope he would fight for her instead of being a passive pushover. (Yeah! I said it!) LOL.

To each their own, there are JoonDi shippers and JanHoo shippers and we'll all see what we want to see.

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Hey guys, just wanted to share the videos from Lee Hana's Peppermint which GHS was on!!

GHS & Seungri: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=auYi6UB7dkI...re=channel_page

GHS's composition: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XXC9srxSLUw...feature=channel

credit: CodeAnalysis

GHS is so talented ... love the song she composed, it's so pretty! :)

Thanks so much for sharing musiquejunkie. GHS's song composition was just so sweet and the melody matched her voice. I wish someone would translate the words of her song. Is there anything this young lady can't do? She sings, composes, acts, paints, has already directed a film and her book is due to be released this month.

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Guest peanutboy

oh no...it's not a Jihoo-Jandi wedding

Event..wedding photoshoot event ..like promotional event of the company. sorry..I thought those photo can be quite cute..and treasured memories for Jihoo. and according to the manga. there are many Jandi's boys.including politician's son. I presume that ther writer combine all of the boys into Jihoo.

and this is only a rumor..coming from 18-20 eps scripts(maybe false) on the net. there are saying that the writers and PD purposely leaking the script to see how the ppl react. so that they can change..since this drama is LIVE show.( shoot today morning then airing same night) anything can be possible.

-Another Jihoo holic spoiler rumor -script

#9. Jihoo's room/ night

Jihoo in bed himself. Jandi checked his fever. Jandi put cool tower on his forehead and watch Jihoo's tear dropping. after a while Jandi decide to wipe out the tears with her finger. That moment Jihoo hold her hand( still closing his eyes). He hold her hand on his eyes and cry like a baby.Jandi's face is also sad. Fade out. -I think this is related with his grandfather.

PS. I'll try not to post spoiler rumor from now on. it's wasting of time.

and 18-20 eps scripts are spread among netizens. I don't want to read, and ppl say its OK. with sweet scenes (maid)included.

thank you for your post, i thought it was interesting. a jh/jd promotional wedding photo shoot seems more plausible than a jp/jk wedding. especially since 40 fans won a contest to watch the bof filming on set on 3/6 of jd working as jp's maid in jp's house. maybe the jh/jd photo shoot finally pushed jp over the edge...lol. sounds like the script has already moved our joondi couple past the fiance arc and jk will soon be out of the picture. maid arc...yay!

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Guest ahsieee

whew~ everyday when i come back to the forum.. there's another 10+ pages!

i am SOO excited for the extension! i still would be SO much happier if they extend more..

but i am still so happy there will be 1 more ep!!

thanks so much for the vids of GHS! she's really well-rounded~

LOVE the 2nd OST.. can't wait for it to be release :]

i'll have to add that to my ever-growing collection~ in a few days i'll have the BOF calendar!

i'll post pictures once i get it :D

JD + JP or JD + JH .. i wish there were 2 JDs so everyone could be happy!

i HATE that someone like JH has to be alone

it was posted a while back, but the translated letter by KHJ for his fans on the SS501 site...

he is absolutely adorable :]

he said july for the fan meeting- I AM SO THERE!

can't wait til monday!!

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Hi gals,

I tried to check pages back and make sure I am not reposting news. This veteran actress will be in Ep19 next week.


My guess is she will probably play the head of maid role in JP's home. She will contribute to bringing our couple together!

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Guest bieroe

Hi gals,

I tried to check pages back and make sure I am not reposting news. This veteran actress will be in Ep19 next week.


My guess is she will probably play the head of maid role in JP's home. She will contribute to bringing our couples together!

owwww!!! i loveeeee this woman!!!! she'll be a very good tama!!

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Guest Valentin

bieroe: When quoting posts with images, please remove the [ IMG ] tags. We are not permitted to quote pictures here, and the last thing any one of us wants is to have this thread closed just because people were carelessly quoting posts with images in them.

On another note: I think that actress is the same one who played the grandmother in Coffee Prince? In which case - good choice!

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really need help from someone to let me know where can i watch BOF special eng subs in utube...???? :tears:

HELP ME!!!!!!!!



Here are the Eng. subs for the NG cut (F4 Talk Show Special)

credits to hoonfamily @ youtube.com


It was posted just ONE Page before your question.

It might not be the full cut but its not difficult to search for Eng Subs with the Youtube search engine.

Part 1 - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D84kFpRPAl0

Part 2 - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=utzNXAHZo9w

Part 3 - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cuYB1zuonss

Part 4 - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NngX67pZWes

Part 5 - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GrPsOb8c8Nc

Part 6 - not posted

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