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[Drama 2009] Boys Over Flowers / Hana Yori Dango 꽃보다 남자


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dunlop09 and blue_angel_1004,

I dont think that JH is her first love either. :) But somehow Jandi thought like that. I remember when she said to the picture of MSH in the episode 8 " Because of you, I can say goodbye to my first love too".

However, may be I am wrong here. Yeah, you can't feel or do anything when you are with JP. LOL. His enthusiasm and vitality will take you away..

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Guest rainbow9

Sorry to cut your post... According to Korean netizens, JD faints into the pool from anemia, and JP saves her. So her almost drowning has nothing to do w/ her shoulder. Yes, I guess this is the twist from the manga because in the manga, Rui saves Makino.

Thank you blue_angel_1004 for the info. I am so happy that JP saves JD instead of JH. So, the PD is working his magic to make it so that JD and JP will find their way back together. Oh, such great news and for you to share it. Thanks again :w00t:

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"Dull" is not the best translation. A more accurate translation is "numb" or possibly "stunned." Although you didn't address me, I'll try to explain on their behalf based on my earlier post. "I've always thought JH was not really JD's first love (he was merely a crush) and she really experienced the meaning of being in love through JP. The way she sounded so bittersweet while describing her first love solidified for me that even JD finally realized that JP was indeed her first love."

I think that part was a hard one to translate. Like when she sees that person, everything seems to go numb and she feels nothing else but him...something like that. It was meant to be a compliment, but when translated into english it doesn't really sound like one, lol.

Yeah ..."dull" meaning lost in translation. If you remember during that scene, JK talked about meeting JP and how heart raced. She asked JD if she felt that way before like maybe with her first love. So she wasn't specifically asking about JD's first love but the feeling of being in love. Lastly, if she was talking about JH, why deny it the next day when JK said so in front of JH and JP? She and JP no longer were together.

JH was puppy love. JP is an adult-I-want-to-spend-the-rest-of-my-life-with-you love. That is what I meant by fleeting. She felt no hurt that JH went after SEH. She didn't pine for him when he was in France. Compare that to what she went through with JP and JK in the picture. No doubt she was talking about JP when she answered JK.

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It is JD not JK in the pool scene. JP said that he cant let anyone save her twice.

I love the PD so much. LOL

After ep 16 I keep wondering how the two idiots JD and JP could make up after they had gone so far. Hurting each others, engagement, blah blah..but now they have a reason to believe that they love each other.

But poor JK and JH . They have to see that scene.. It would be hurt for both of them.

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Guest polaris

Just curious....

Jandi got into Shinhwa High with a "swimming scholarship." But then she quit swimming. So...who is paying for the tuition?

Jihoo?? :blush: haha j/k

maybe there's a swimmers insurance.. :rolleyes:

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It is JD not JK in the pool scene. JP said that he cant let anyone save her twice.

I love the PD so much. LOL

After ep 16 I keep wondering how the two idiots JD and JP could make up after they had gone so far. Hurting each others, engagement, blah blah..but now they have a reason to believe that they love each other.

But poor JK and JH . They have to see that scene.. It would be hurt for both of them.

wow which scene and which episode did he say that he cant let anyone save her twice?????

LOL where???

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Guest polaris

I think that part was a hard one to translate. The word they used was like dull in a numbing sort of way. Like when she sees that person, everything seems to go numb and she feels nothing else but him...something like that. It was meant to be a compliment, but when translated into english it doesn't really sound like one, lol.

yea that part could be "lost in translation" if translated literally.. Basically I think she was trying to describe ..how she can't keep her thoughts straight, that JP seems to have some magic over her when they are together...time, space and social barriers just disappears.??

---also about JD's first love.. I too think like some other posters that JH was not her first love but a crush.. You know like crushes we have on Lee Min Ho and F4...or that hot friend of your brother.. We dont know them that closely so we can't really call them our first love.. but definitely a girl can fantasize.. and that I define as a crush. ^^ :blush:



The more I thought about JD's first love.. I thought for sure that she was talking about JP ... BUT the PD made it kind of ambiguous that it COULD possibly be JH she's talking about..

some koreans believe that first loves can never last. That they should be encased in memory. Also JDs description that her head empties of all thought (like a floating feeling) could match to JH rather than JP. With JP .. it's more firey. They argue alot but there's warmth and romantic tension in their spats. On the other hand... JH is like a white in shining armor to her.. he may be perfect on paper.. so he seems more "dreamy" to her than real and her heart never crosses over that boundary.

.She instead is mysteriously drawn to JP in regard to LOVE. JP is not the kind of person she imagined herself to be in love with but nevertheless.. it is JP that she has given her heart to.

so I guess the PD is leaving it up in the air for viewers to make their own guesses. :rolleyes:

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Guest kriza_09

I just rewatched epi. 16 for the 4th time.. LOL..

but every time I watch it, I always pick up something new...

At first I always felt weird how Jandi can just ask Junpyo's help and they act like nothing happened in Macau...

But that's not actually the case... Junpyo is the one who talked to her first (when he looked for her to ask about her swimming and explain himself about the engagement)

So when she found out about Gaeul's date, she was so freaked out and the first name she could think of (after Jihoo) was Junpyo.. her mind was fully occupied with worry for Gaeul and anything else is secondary.. besides, he was nice enough to her the last time they met, right? he didn't ignore her... *if anyone should feel weird, it should be Jandi feeling weird that Junpyo who was so cold in Macau can suddenly warm up to her again*

And I really love the scenes where they were stalking Gaeul-Yijung... while Jandi was too worried about Gaeul to think about their own situation, Junpyo wasn't... you can clearly see that his mind was wandering off somewhere else.. when Jandi unconsciously used Junpyo's body to hide her face, she remembered about their own situation.. and you can clearly see how Junpyo was caught off guard by that 'hug'... and after that, their faces really show that even though they were talking about Gaeul-Yijung, both of them were actually thinking of the Macao incident... they both looked like they really missed the times when they were together... and when Jandi looked up at the hotel, her eyes were brimming with tears... *i think they're both awesome actor and actrees!!!*

it was repeated during the scene when they were in the hotel room with the candles... you can clearly see that Junpyo had something in mind that he couldn't tell Jandi... and the scene also confirms their characters.. Junpyo kept bringing up the engagement while Jandi tried to avoid that topic by talking about Gaeul... it shows how Jandi always runs away from her problems by focusing her mind on something else (which is also what she did at the clinic with Jihoo later)..

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Guest shamien7

wow which scene and which episode did he say that he cant let anyone save her twice?????

LOL where???

Huhu...yeah, i would love to find just any reason to re-watch the episodes again..hehe...cant wait for that rescue scene...

Geez mr.pd...dont think we're stupid...we know what you're doing...we count every junpyo shirtless scene okay... :lol: :lol: :lol:

Whoa..i never thought the 'dull/numb' word meaning is soo deep! Thanks for clarifying it girls, thats y i love this thread so much! :lol:

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wow which scene and which episode did he say that he cant let anyone save her twice?????

LOL where???

I mean this picture that somebody just post in the previous page (JP save sb in swimming pool) and we wonder who is that girl? Jandi or JK.

From DAUM they said that JP will say that.

Not sure which EP, may be 17 or 18?

Here is the picture


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I mean this picture that somebody just post in the previous page (JP save sb in swimming pool) and we wonder who is that girl? Jandi or JK.

From DAUM they said that JP will say that.

Not sure which EP, may be 17 or 18?

Here is the picture

thanks babe. i thot he said that in previous episodes or something. but it will be cool if he were to say something like that.

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I just rewatched epi. 16 for the 4th time.. LOL..

but every time I watch it, I always pick up something new...

At first I always felt weird how Jandi can just ask Junpyo's help and they act like nothing happened in Macau...

But that's not actually the case... Junpyo is the one who talked to her first (when he looked for her to ask about her swimming and explain himself about the engagement)

So when she found out about Gaeul's date, she was so freaked out and the first name she could think of (after Jihoo) was Junpyo.. her mind was fully occupied with worry for Gaeul and anything else is secondary.. besides, he was nice enough to her the last time they met, right? he didn't ignore her... *if anyone should feel weird, it should be Jandi feeling weird that Junpyo who was so cold in Macau can suddenly warm up to her again*

And I really love the scenes where they were stalking Gaeul-Yijung... while Jandi was too worried about Gaeul to think about their own situation, Junpyo wasn't... you can clearly see that his mind was wandering off somewhere else.. when Jandi unconsciously used Junpyo's body to hide her face, she remembered about their own situation.. and you can clearly see how Junpyo was caught off guard by that 'hug'... and after that, their faces really show that even though they were talking about Gaeul-Yijung, both of them were actually thinking of the Macao incident... they both looked like they really missed the times when they were together... and when Jandi looked up at the hotel, her eyes were brimming with tears... *i think they're both awesome actor and actrees!!!*

it was repeated during the scene when they were in the hotel room with the candles... you can clearly see that Junpyo had something in mind that he couldn't tell Jandi... and the scene also confirms their characters.. Junpyo kept bringing up the engagement while Jandi tried to avoid that topic by talking about Gaeul... it shows how Jandi always runs away from her problems by focusing her mind on something else (which is also what she did at the clinic with Jihoo later)..

kriza_09, very well written^_^ I agree with you. The whole time they were together even though JD was spying (Worst spy in history....please DO NOT hire her!!!! hahaha) I can clearly feel their unspoken emotions, especially when JD bumped into JP and he awkwardly put his arms around her. I was :blush: when he shared his coat with her from behind...every little actions indicated their love for one another.

The clinic scene with JH was beautiful, it was a beautiful metaphor put into actions with just a mop...words were not even needed. You are right, JD hides or runs away from her problems and I love how JH is so in tune with JD's feelings...perhaps he even know her better than she know herself. JH knew she needed to cry, she needed to let out her pain...yet she was hiding behind a facade (denying her pain and pretending everything was fine) by focusing on the mop and cleaning.

The whole was it JH or JP that JD was thinking of? After my 3rd watch!!! LOL, I just confirmed the whole JH-JP first love that it was 100% JP she was talking about. Even though the word "dull" was lost in translation, just by JD's tone of voice, body language, her eyes...definitely good acting from GHS, I knew she was talking about JP. Of course reading what other posters wrote also confirmed it. :D

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thanks babe. i thot he said that in previous episodes or something. but it will be cool if he were to say something like that.

LOL. I am not that dumb :P ..He he..

Forgive me, I am so happy so I can not explain clearly. Just love JP more and more. Finally, he confesses his love again. Now we can not say who loves Jandi more, JH or our beloved Goo Jun Pyo...

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Since we are clarifying....

When JP confronts JD about why she is no longer swimming and she says she quit. She also said you followed me just ask me that. What did JP say to her? Something about being accused and wanting to know if its true, right? Those two sentences by JP were confusing to understand.

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It is JD not JK in the pool scene. JP said that he cant let anyone save her twice.

I love the PD so much. LOL

After ep 16 I keep wondering how the two idiots JD and JP could make up after they had gone so far. Hurting each others, engagement, blah blah..but now they have a reason to believe that they love each other.

But poor JK and JH . They have to see that scene.. It would be hurt for both of them.

Is it true? When will we be able to watch that scene? I'm dying for waiting ...omg... :w00t:

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Since we are clarifying....

When JP confronts JD about why she is no longer swimming and she says she quit. She also said you followed me just ask me that. What did JP say to her? Something about being accused and wanting to know if its true, right? Those two sentences by JP were confusing to understand.

He doesn't understand why she can no longer swim or why JY says that it is his fault. He doesn't know yet that she hurt her shoulder when she shielded him. He wants her to confirm that she is not swimming and tell him the reason why.

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By saving JD, does that mean that JP got over his phobia of swimming? Hmmm...true love does make people do crazy things or even forget about their phobias. Oh well.....JH saved JD before in New Caledonia, so I guess, now it is JP's turn.

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