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►►YG________♠ 21 (2NE1) Official Thread ♫♪


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i was just wondering

the girls are now living all together right?

in a dorm/apartment yeah?


and i think the reason they don't have a come back performance this week

might be because it's exam time for korean students...and min ji is still going to school

so may be she has to concentrate on getting done with the exams first before performing

i'm not sure though

just guessing :]

a news that is related to 2NE1

[이데일리 SPN 박미애기자] '여자 빅뱅'으로 불리며 데뷔 전부터 큰 화제를 몰고 있는 4인조 여성그룹 2NE1의 데뷔 무대에 YG엔터테인먼트 식구들이 총출동한다.

2NE1은 오는 17일 SBS '생방송 인기가요'를 통해 지난 6일 공개된 데뷔곡 '파이어'(Fire)의 첫 무대를 갖는다.

이 자리는 '파이어'의 첫 무대일 뿐만 아니라 2NE1의 공식 데뷔 무대로 YG엔터테인먼트 소속 가수 및 직원들도 함께 해 응원할 예정이다. YG엔터테인먼트의 수장 양현석 대표와 2NE1의 프로듀서를 맡은 원타임의 테디도 자리할 것으로 알려졌다.

6일 인터넷 홈페이지를 통해 뮤직비디오와 함께 공개된 2NE1의 '파이어'는 레게풍의 빠른 힙합곡으로 테디가 작사·작곡했다.

'파이어'는 공개 직후 도시락, 싸이월드, 엠넷, 소리바다, 벅스 등 음원순위에서 1위를 차지하고 있으며 뮤직비디오는 공개된지 하루 만에 200만 클릭수를 기록하는 등 진기록을 이어가고 있다.

2NE1은 박산다라, 박봄, CL, 공민지 네 명으로 구성됐으며 YG엔터테인먼트에서 4년간 트레이닝을 거쳤다. 박산다라는 필리핀에서 가수와 연기자로 인기를 얻었고 박봄은 이효리와 함께 CF에 주연으로 동반 출연하며 얼굴을 알렸다. 또 CL은 팀의 리더이자 뛰어난 실력자로 공민지는 무용가 공옥진 여사의 손녀로 눈길을 끌고 있는 2NE1은 빅뱅의 뒤를 이을 YG엔터테인먼트의 차세대 주자로 데뷔 전부터 뜨거운 관심을 받고 있다.

credit: 러블리지디 @ bbvipz


thx for the news...but it was 2 years ago right?

feel so bad for sandara

went through so much

her dad is just >< :[

oh well, at least she's still happy now

and she has the whole yg family and the fans to support her anyways

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Guest khiks

another thing to think about their debut stage....

their HAIRSTYLES!!!!

I'm wondering if they'll let Dara's hair down on their Debut stage....

yes I love her palm tree hair but Dara is way way beautiful when her hairstyle is simple

it compliments her features =)

loving 2NE1!!!!

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Guest kenchynne

i just want to share this news



GMA(TV station) news Korean posing as Sandara Park's dad arrested for estafa


Korean posing as Sandara Park's dad arrested for estafa, he ____(name) Park issued a bouncing check into a private institution on late 2005, 300,090 pesos worth of the check but because of the interest 500,000 pesos will be the payment by the complainant, Park didn't denied the alligation, he said his business got bankrupt, and that's his bank account got empty, he promise to pay little by little his debt!

sorry for the bad translation

credits: GMA news

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Guest cindy--rox

^Thanks for that bit of news. From what I know, her dad abandoned her and her family at the peak of her career. So why would he just pop up out of nowhere?

Ppl are really crazy about searching stuff up on Dara since she previously had a career. She did do some crazy things too. Like that "sexy" photo shoot she did for that one magazine but she's krung-krung for a reason.

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Guest vip_gd


speaking of their debut stage. i think dara should let her hair down. wouldn't it be a headache to have that palm tree on your head? it's a strain on your follicles.

btw that scene is not plagiarized. it's just a played out part, obviously they're gonna think of something related to indian culture/heritage. themes are also accepted.

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Translation of the vid:


April 21, 2007 || Philippines || Source: GMA News

A korean man introducing himself as Sandara Park's father is arrested of Estafa after the checks that he issued worth 390,000 pesos at a private lending institution during 2005 bounced(?lol). Because of interest, the complainant is now asking for 500,000 pesos. Guilty, Mr. Park is not denying the allegation and admits the bankruptcy issue he went through because of the failure of his business making him short of funds for his account. He promised he'll slowly pay the debt.

Credits: April @ YGSECRET21.com



Yes, I do agree. I do understand most of the 2ne1 fans cause its not like the formation of the group was publicized just a month ago. YG's previously unnamed girl group was introduced to the public a year and some months ago if I'm correct. There were no certainties with the members and no assurance that they'll even debut this year. We were boiling and ready to explode.. And finally the time has come.. The girls are like our babies (not biologically-speaking of course).. Most fans unknowingly treat their idols like one.. Guiding them through every step of the way, nagging, everything.. And I'm sure you people know how enthusiastic a parent can be when they're proud.. Honestly, fire for me really is a good song regardless of being a fan or not.. So I'm sure everybody's just proud.. I hope some people will understand that. BUT I do agree with aly.. Let's tone it down a bit cause we're sending bad vibes to some people. We also represent the girls in a way. Most people base their judgments on a band through their fans. The idols and fans are always together.. without the fans, there'd be no band and vice versa.. If we do something not in accordance to what everybody thinks is right, not only we will be judged but 2ne1 will also..

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Guest patak.ulan

I have a little concern ~

I read blogs like allkpop, seoulbeats, popseoul, and kbites (I read but never really post comments xP), and it seems lately people are getting annoyed by some of the fans that are being too "cocky" or "arrogant", by bringing down other groups and such.

Please don't be like that. It's really making the 2NE1 fandom look bad. -_- This group is still new and they still have a long way to go. So, be careful how you show your 2NE1 pride or whatever you want to call it. Surely, I don't like to be generalized as an "annoying 2NE1 fan". Not cool, yo.

i agree.

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Guest cindy--rox

OMG! Just learned from a friend that YG and Teddy are gonna be at 2NE1's stage debut to cheer them on!

I wonder if they'll feel the pressure?

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Guest mika.16

For 2NE1's debut, YG Family will be there to support them! (incl. Teddy!!! maybe big bang..?)

I dont know if they will actually be on stage with them tho. maybe possible!

cant wait!

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I doubt they will be on stage with 2NE1 lol.

And it's like common sense for YG and Teddy

to be there that day because they want to cheer

2NE1 on. YG still attends Big Bang concerts, so I

wouldn't expect any less.

But this is what I heard from a space creature ...

"the reason why every family member is rushing

home is to be present at the debut stage and cheer them on"

so this would explain why Se7en is back in korea? 8D

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Guest babiiv214

^ Oh for real? They'll be there?! YAY!!!

Hope Bigbang will be there too as their sunbaes looking after their hoobaes y'know even though both are noonas to them, LOL!

Man, can't wait till these girls debut!

YG family's debut stage always has been very big and well-budgeted,remember Bigbang's? It was awesome.

Now, I'm wondering what concept will the girls debut stage be, will it be street? or Futuristic-glam?

Whicever one they'll choose, I hope they get great style and new, not their MV clothes, not that I don't like those, I just want it to be

something new, they always get awesome clothes,

maybe not the leotards, LOL! Coz i noticed BOM in the street version when it was CL's solo right after Dara's, she was adjusting her leotards (since you know it's very fit, LOL!) it's around 2:01, maybe some of you caught that since it's very quick, but yeah, it would be bothersome if they'll perform on stage especially since they got sick choreography and they're moving a lot.

Ooh szai! Got any new news for us?

Man, I still can't get in Ygsecret

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Guest Banana Peel

The girls are still the top searches (korean singers) on Naver:


Dara is # 6

Bom is # 9

Minji is # 11

& CL is # 12

I guess those netizens are still busy trying to dig up stuff. :lol:

Thanks for the info :)

I can't believe CL is the least searched out of all the members :o

I actually that she'd be at least 2nd.


I just can't wait till they debut!

I really hope that they use the 'street MV' style in their first performance!

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Guest Sicketh

maybe not the leotards, LOL! Coz i noticed BOM in the street version when it was CL's solo right after Dara's, she was adjusting her leotards (since you know it's very fit, LOL!) it's around 2:01, maybe some of you caught that since it's very quick, but yeah, it would be bothersome if they'll perform on stage especially since they got sick choreography and they're moving a lot.

LOL! I had to check, it was very quick but she did adjust it. I can imagine how uncomfortable it is dancing in that. LOL. :lol::P

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Guest crashandburn

"the reason why every family member is rushing

home is to be present at the debut stage and cheer them on"

so this would explain why Se7en is back in korea? 8D

That would be so cool to see YG family cheering 2NE1 on their debut performance. xD

All the members are in the top 15 serched, I'm suprised CL is the last among them.

About their debut, I'm also curious about what they'll wear too... Maybe the space version outfits?

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Guest cindy--rox

Thanks for the info :)

I can't believe CL is the least searched out of all the members :o

I actually that she'd be at least 2nd.


I just can't wait till they debut!

I really hope that they use the 'street MV' style in their first performance!

Have you tried searching up CL? Out of everyone, she's the hardest to dig up information on. You gotta know your way around the internet to find unknown info on CL. She's just really hard to dig up dirt on. Sometimes it drives me crazy...

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Guest yongwonhi

^ probably netizens trying to dig up stuff about CL, because... there really isn't much about her o.o

i seriously like don't know anything about her AHHA

but i think she's my favorite now! i love how she's so fierce in the MVs and it seems like her personality is so strong! i can see why YG made her leadah =]

omg the 17th is so far away. .___.


aghhHh i topped a page and i have nothing to share. =[ if anyone would like me to put anything on this page just for the heck of it, let me know! haha

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Guest vip_gd

i can understand that order

when i search dara, stuff from her her previous career and drama show up putting her first.

when i search bom, pictures and solo stuff for eg. we belong together, anystar..

when i search minji, selca pics, cyworld etc etc

but when i search CL..

just a few pics ... and cars xD

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Guest bloodyme

hey you guys look what i found...


2NE1 single FIRE is in the vote list of ChartCentral Philippines....

its not yet in the top 10...

so all filipino fans of 2NE1 !!

lets bring 2NE1 in the philippines..!!!!

just go to the site...

the url is in the picture.. since its not allowed to post it...

then vote....

you can vote every hour.... yeah les bring them to the top 10

so that thier MV can be played in MYX Daily top 10....

(not only filipinos can vote.. i think any one can vote...)

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