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Lg Ice Cream Phone Looks Delicious :p


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Guest aquateal

^ lol even if the lollipop comes out it's gonna be the same as the ice cream if not worse. Ice cream does have korean on the keypad, and if yours doesn't, that might be because it is the GSM version? if lollipop comes out in gsm version for sim cards (which no ones really sure if it will), it's gonna change just like the ice cream and the limitations on texting in korean and keypad and all the other things are gonna be changed as the ice cream did.

anyway overall most of the koreans who had both say they prefer ice cream :P wooooo how can they not <3

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So lately my phone keeps having the roaming icon on the top of the screen (big annoying "R"), but I know I'm not roaming. It just reallllllyyyyy bugs me because it won't go away =.='

Can anyone help me? :(

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honestly, i dislike the service & i have the recent new 3g sims,

it doesnt matter about what sims card. it's the phone

& it's not all that great, the settings you expect all koreanized & prettiful

but the only pretty thing about it is the front.

the settings sucks, you can't send text msgs in korean.

the texting doesn't even have korean letters on the keypad

so it's hard to know where the letters are for some of you.

i'm use to sending text in korean, but this phone gave me a

huge disappointment... -___-

i have debates on this phone like A LOT.

& lollipop is coming out, so i'm selling this.

& NO i'm not advertising, so don't ask me. i won't be

selling it here, thanks! (:

Um, but didn't you check out info for the phone anywhere before you bought it? The unlocked versions do NOT have Korean and are modified for their international releases--there are like, 60 pages talking about it. . Like someone else mentioned, it's highly doubtful that the Lollipop or any other Korean phone would have the Korean letters on the keys. That would be too weird for foreigners who don't know Korean.


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Guest vietlord

honestly, i dislike the service & i have the recent new 3g sims,

it doesnt matter about what sims card. it's the phone

& it's not all that great, the settings you expect all koreanized & prettiful

but the only pretty thing about it is the front.

the settings sucks, you can't send text msgs in korean.

the texting doesn't even have korean letters on the keypad

so it's hard to know where the letters are for some of you.

i'm use to sending text in korean, but this phone gave me a

huge disappointment... -___-

i have debates on this phone like A LOT.

& lollipop is coming out, so i'm selling this.

& NO i'm not advertising, so don't ask me. i won't be

selling it here, thanks! (:

you're just embarrassing yourself with most of the points you made (:

but I agree, the texting sucks, at least for me.

I set it on t9, but 1/10 times it sets back to the normal keypad, so that messes me up.

Also when I reply to "A" it says "Sending to B"

But it gets sent to "A". It's not that much of a deal, unless you're texting something personal and you think you sent it to the wrong person.

There are rumors that the lollipop is going to be released in the UK.

But don't expect anything, the lollipop would not go anywhere else most likely.

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i'm thinking of getting this phone..

i read the posts above..

msupky said it crashes..

why do you mean it crashes?

does it happen very often?

also.. i read some reviews abt it hanging..

has anyone experienced this problem?

is this a 3g phone?

can mp3 songs be used as ringtone?

is this phone a good buy..?

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Guest angelicious

i love the look of this phone, its so cute and i love flip phones

but i haven't had a good experience with LG phones..

my last one started off working fine.. but after a while the call quality got really bad to the point where the receiver couldn't hear me at all even though i could hear them perfectly

i have a nokia phone atm.. the quality's good, but nokia designs are starting to look ugly

so i'm thinking of buying this one

i've heard mixed reviews about this phone though.. some say they haven't had any problems, but a number of people say the phone will turn itself off??

so just wondering..

does anyone have this phone?

and how long have you had it for?

and have you had any problems with it?

and also, can you surf the net on it? :P

any feedback would be appreciated, thanks! :D

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I have a question, I'm thinking about getting the Ice Cream and I live in Canada (Waterloo/Kitchener) and I was wondering how would you rate the phone (like 10 being the best). And how about the T9 option? I was browsing through the forum and so far, it kinda seems bad. And what is GSM? And if I were to get a plan with rogers or fido, will the ice cream work? As well as the overall quality of the pictures being taken.

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Guest vietlord

Lol, we should really write up an Ice cream faq. the same questions are always being asked haha

kk, im not quoting you guys since theres 3 of yous, so just look for the question you want.


CRASHING AND HANGING are basicly the same. it freezes or turns off by itself. sometimes the only way to fix it is to take out your battery and putting it back in.

GSM, simply put, you use sim cards. there are a lot of things about GSM, such as freq, bands and all that. but you can easily google that.

Yes, you can SURF THE NET, (using WAP) since the phone is unlocked, you will have to set up your ports and proxies yourself. (call in your service provider or just google the settings). You can also install web browsers (I use operamini)

NO, it's not a 3g phone

ROGERS AND FIDO are the only two you can go with since this is a gsm phone.

Your hands have to be really still to take GOOD PICTURES

T9 is good, you can add your own words to the dictionary

YES you can use FULL LENGTH MP3 SONGS as your ringtone

The phone also chips easily... but you can just get a replacement housing for $30 on ebay and go to a shop for them to switch it around, so it's all good. not many cases are out for the phone. I wanted a hard plastic case, and the only ones that are available have stupid cut outs on them, really no point to the cut outs since the light can go through the CLEAR plastic. i still bought the case though lol.

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I'm considering getting this phone when my contract ends, but I want to get people's opinions on the calling service. Can the people on both ends of the line hear each other clearly? Is there a lot of white noise? &, is the speaker loud and clear?

thanks in advance. ^^;

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Guest x3mamegoma

mehhh... sometimes when i insert the charger port to the phone the screen fades to black and just stays black , then i would either have to take the battery out or hold the power button :( my pink lg kf350 T___T and yesterday.. atleast 3 people i called said that they couldnt hear me they said i sounded like i was far away from the phone , when i first had the phone i asked if they could hear me well, and yes they did. had it for a month now D: and now complaints!!!!!!1 mehhhhhh~ a perfect phone for me but so many problems..

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Guest ZoidbergMD

Lol, we should really write up an Ice cream faq. the same questions are always being asked haha


The phone also chips easily...

lol i agree about the faq thing for potential buyers.

"chips easily" ... what do you do with your phone? O_O

ookay so i actually came here to do 2 things, ask a question and write my review of this phone haha~

Question: have any of you had trouble with sending txt's? such as not being able to send the txt and the phone would freeze up for a little bit till you close and open it up again... or was that just a network problem?

And now onto my review of this phone

I have the blue(pistachio) one

I bought my phone used for 140 off of craigslist :P

the previous owner had it for 2 months

I've had it for 3 weeks now

appearence wise very nice, tons of compliments on this phone (I got bored of the LED lights tho :P)

simple and i really like the weight and feel of the phone, easy to grip, nice and slim in real life so it easily slides into your pocket.

Call quality for myself is still quite alright, but I send more sms then I make calls (unlimted txt ftw)

texting is easy with the large keys, T9 has expandable dictionary so its all good. Unlike others i've never had a problem with the phone switching off T9 to abc

camera quality is meh, nothing special. Requires excellent lighting and as mentioned in other posts a steady hand for a good picture.

the phone is nice and loud, although i still wish they put a speaker of the exterior cause the sound is muffled a bit when its closed. alarm and ringtones cut off after 40 of so seconds (don't quote me on this :P)

hmm i dunno what else to say, I've had a few moments since i've had it where the phone would slow down and sometimes freeze for a bit, but fixed as soon as i flipped it shut and opened it up. So far i've had little grief with this phone. Hope it won't develop any major problems.

overall a simple easy to learn and use phone, would never pay the full price for this phone though, def not worth 200 bucks. If you've got 200 bucks to blow, i'd say get a smartphone haha

wow i wrote more then i expected >.<"

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Hey guys, I was wondering if there is any way to delete words from the T9 dictionary? I made a typo and it saved somehow and now it keeps popping up whenever I try to write that word (without the typo!).

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Guest itislorraine

Do you guys know how much SD memory card capicity on the lg kf350 can hold? I tried 4GB (it worked), but, when i tried 16GB, it didn't work :X.

I'm thinking about getting a bigger sd memory card since i need more space :X

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Guest krnangel2012

lol i agree about the faq thing for potential buyers.

"chips easily" ... what do you do with your phone? O_O

ookay so i actually came here to do 2 things, ask a question and write my review of this phone haha~

Question: have any of you had trouble with sending txt's? such as not being able to send the txt and the phone would freeze up for a little bit till you close and open it up again... or was that just a network problem?

SO sorry to cut off your post, but just wanted to answer this question.

this happens to me quite often.. you're not alone (:

like i type out my text and the person i'm sending it to and it just freezes.

and when i close it, it' still frozen.. so i have to take out the battery and put it back in. it's a hassle.

PLUS it doesn't even save in my draftsss so if my text is really longg i get frustrated ):

and i never know when it'll happen.

THAT and my only other problem is my UP button sometimes doesn't work.

i have to press it numerous times >.< it sucks.

i'm kinda getting tired of this phone... still cute & STILLLLL get compliments on it, though.

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^haha yeah, i am getting tired of this phone too.. the speaker sucks. i can barely hear and when i listen to mp3 on speaker it sounds so meh. :/ its awesome how you can easily block people from the phone ahah and exterior look is <3 people always compliment on it too :P

however, ill be sticking to an american phone on my next phone

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Guest vietlord

I've had this for a while but what's pissing me off is that you cant have any privacy.

You can't put a password on your text msgs, call logs or contacts.

if you can, someone please tell me how ._.

any passwords are useful actually.

And the phone's default pin code is 0000 correct?

It's not working on my phone ._. and i didnt change it

are there any other default pins out there? (this is for the security page)

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Guest andishouted

Hii, Today I bought my LG Ice Cream (blue) at a tmobile store .. :P. Price was 220$. After I read the reviews AFTER I bought it, I was like.. crap I got ripped off x_x. But anyhow, Even though it's charging, it looks really cute. But My question is,

The phone comes with a disc, and I just installed it onto my laptop, so i was wondering.. What does the disc do, does it like let you transfer things from your Comp to your phone without a SD card? Cause I lost mine and I haven't had the time/money to get one O_O" So yeah, thanks in advance :D

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