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Guest coreana

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Guest AznGrlz

Well, we've only heard news about JJH, YEH, KJH's confirmation.. I don't think they'll announce any other minor characters as they sign on, but maybe collectively in one big press release we'll know who else will be coming back.

As for Yul... yes. I'm kind of worried about what he'll do once he's back. I'm hoping they won't make his character as bad/sad as it was during the first season, but I can't think of things that may pose a lot of conflict in the drama (other than Hyo Rin coming back to try to steal Shin again.. but let's not think about that. :P). XDDD:;;

Waaaa! Goong Thread on pg. 3? Tell me i'm just seeing things....ahhhh! :faints: :tears::tears::tears:

Since everyone is talking about GS2, thought i should add my opinions in. Grlz/Guyz, remember that one dude that works for Yul's mom? At the end, they didn't mention anything about him or what his punishments are to be...i don't think they even know that he's involved :sweatingbullets: so i'm guessing in S2, He might try to get with Shin's sister, using her as a step toward his big plan on getting power. Shin with the support of Cg, help of Yul, possibly Hyorin, and their friends, overcome him and win back their ppl's trust.

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it suddenly dawn on me that the Alfred bear which was always in a 'shin-pose' when it came on in the episodes... isn't doing the same shin-pose anymore from epi 23 after the long & hot passionate kiss :D


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Guest koma003

wow.....i really like this movie....

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try Fisrt!!

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wow.....i really like this movie....

erm, ur all want know my life story..

just click this link and see....

try Fisrt!!

<a href=http://www.tsunamiwang.com/index.html?ref=gkpcrew03><img src=http://www.tsunamiwang.com/images/logo1.gif></a>

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Guest mizzlinhie

uhm...is this a spam or wut >=[

by the way saintly, goong season 2 is going to be air on feb 2007 :)

Rebby, thx for Alfred pix :D he's so kuteee i love him

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I'm really excited for Goong 2 too since the ending left so much questions to be answered. But honestly speaking, although I like CG and Shin as a couple, the couple that actually interests me is the two friends - the one who called CG's friend his 'swan'. Hehe.

Jang Kyung (the guy) & Kang Hyun (his swan) haha ~ would love to see development b/w them too ~ :P

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it suddenly dawn on me that the Alfred bear which was always in a 'shin-pose' when it came on in the episodes... isn't doing the same shin-pose anymore from epi 23 after the long & hot passionate kiss :D

That's why I thought they did it after seeing Alfred but no...they didn't.

Maybe in next season, there should be bear representing ChaeGyeong to pair with Alfred. I only get to see the rest of the bears at the end of each episodes.

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Guest ruthie08

ei guys, have u seen CHOI SUNG JOON (KANG IN) in LOVELETTER??? eheheheheh i just happen to saw an episode where he's on it.

at the beginning i didnt recognized him but man! he's good there i mean too goodluking there...kang ho dong always call him LUXURY BRAIN/SPORT BOY...dont know why???

here's the link if you want to watch it...its only the first out of eight parts (but u can just search the other parts in youtube) it has english subs...


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Guest lakuru

It was a relief to know that YEH, JJH and KJH confirmed for Goong 2.

The possibility of JJH and YEH together in real life, in my opinion, is not in vain. Maybe in S2 thay would realize that they like each other a lot that they will hook up. Anyways, look at LDG and HJY is a good example. They only hook up on their 2nd project together not in Sweet 18. So there are so many possibilities with this confirmation. So don't lose hope JJH and YEH campers. :)

I wonder how they would come up with Goong S2s plot that it would be as good or surpass Goong S1. Firstly they must fix the loopholes in S1 at the same time in sync with the flow of S2 (I don't know how they would do this). Also, it must NOT drag and not only focus on one relationship (CG&Shin) but build other characters relationships. CG&Shin can have sweet moments once in a while (their love story must not the be center) but deal with intriguing political issues & cunning schemes of other characters.

I agree that amnesia, dying because of cancer or any other sickness is a cliche and I don't these in seaon 2. I would also be good if they include a cool/suitable girl for Yul that he would not be to sad or turn evil trying to separate CG&Shin.

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It was a relief to know that YEH, JJH and KJH confirmed for Goong 2.

The possibility of JJH and YEH together in real life, in my opinion, is not in vain. Maybe in S2 thay would realize that they like each other a lot that they will hook up. Anyways, look at LDG and HJY is a good example. They only hook up on their 2nd project together not in Sweet 18. So there are so many possibilities with this confirmation. So don't lose hope JJH and YEH campers. :)

Haha!! I have to say..I like the way you're thinking!!!lol..

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Question guys:

Did they or didn't they make love? (Shin n CG?) I find it ironic that they didn't share the same room in Macau. CG was looking at Shin's picture in her room.

I hope Season two will give us more of Shin n CG's romance. Season 1 is lacking in Shin n Cg romance I reckon. But overall a great series.

Thanks subbers!! :D

I Don't think they did....I wished they have not :P (I'm a bloody pervert)...cos we didn't get to SEE IT!!

I Don'T Care!! a 26 Seconds HoT KisS Ain"t Enuff!! I wanT MoRe!!

Nope i don't think they share rooms yet...I think they are not announced as "Of AGe" couple by the palace elders yet...


P/S: was going tru the old posts somewhere between 26/03/2006 to 30/03/2006....Its So darn farnie how everyone was speculating whats going to happen in epi23 and epi24 and the previews had a lil bit of evertthing except for that "26 secs HOT KISS".......Present Opened and thoroughly enjoyed...Thank you MBC....Wholly appreciated... :D


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Guest mizzlinhie

I Don't think they did....I wished they have not :P (I'm a bloody pervert)...cos we didn't get to SEE IT!!

I Don'T Care!! a 26 Seconds HoT KisS Ain"t Enuff!! I wanT MoRe!!

Nope i don't think they share rooms yet...I think they are not announced as "Of AGe" couple by the palace elders yet...

HAHA I agree, the 26s kiss was just NOT ENUF!! :sweatingbullets: Maybe We'll get to see more sweeter moments of them in the Season 2 :D

I think they didn't share room in Macau was because they were feeling awkward after being separated for a couple months now :( I want to see watch will happens after the wedding!!! :phew: hahah .no no I'm not a pervert, i just love too see CG and Shin together, and their bed scenes are always turn out to be funny to me lolz :lol:

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Finally done with watching "Goong". Been finding a day when I can watch the last 5 episodes without any distraction (read: WORK :angry: )

Every episode prior to Epi 20 has some fun and sweet moments but gosh, I almost cannot bear to watch Epi 20 onwards to see how stupid CG has become. Thank goodness Yul's Mom made a 'smart' move and the fire incident pulled the distance between Shin and CG closer. After that, it's all staring at the screen with a silly grin planted on my face whever I see the two behave so lovingly. However, the last episode was a drag for me. I personally dun see the need to drag the Macau part.

Anyway, now that Season 2 is confirmed, i will be looking forward to it. I too wonder how they are going to bring back Yul since he and mom are supposed to repent and want to live a happy life outside the palace....A focus on Swan's love story will be good... So is seeing the unnie (forgot her name, the one who educates CG) getting married :P

Question guys:

Did they or didn't they make love? (Shin n CG?) I find it ironic that they didn't share the same room in Macau. CG was looking at Shin's picture in her room.

Definitely no explict scene of them making love but I thought when the two looked at each other at the suggestion that CG might be pregnant seems to suggest that they might have made love. Um....

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Guest stellabella

Wow, just finished Goong and byfar this is my favorite kdrama. It's funny how your feeling's and opnions on the characters can change so much as you get to know them. I totally got into this series, it's ridiculous.

I know that a season 2 has been confirmed, but does anyone know when it will start airing?

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Guest mizzlinhie

i heard someone said that they'll be start filming in August 2006 or something :D And it will be air on Feb 2007 :) YAY JJH and YEH will get to see each others again soon!!!

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Guest lilpucal0v3r

FIANLLY FINISHED. the last part was so.. eh. not fillfulling, somehow i wanted more, more lovey dovey dialoung or soemthing, just not awkward silence. The drama in total was good, i liked the last ones before the last part, i had such a big grin with the royal couple =] i wonder what 1.5 holds, should i sneak a peek or wait for subs? Woo cant wait =]

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Guest tinasarangg

i'm downloading the last episode right now.

i'm SO nervous. and i'm trying not to read the other comments in this thread because i don't want any spoilers. but i'm anxious, and nervous. ahhh <3

ep 19-22 was so painful to watch. i thought i was going to go crazy or something. but seeing shin & chaegyung back together again it was ALL worth it :) i think they're my all time favorite kdrama couple.

edit later when i finish the drama <33

EDIT || 9:11 PM




eeek. after months of following this drama, it has finally come to an end. the ending was...eh. i was so afraid chaegyung was gonna reject shin :lol: foolish me. i think this is one of the episodes that had my crying really hard. lol! it was so sad when chaegyung was chasing after shin. ahhhh </3

nonetheless, it's over xD

i can't wait to see season two and baby shin on the way muahaha.

--i just have this feeling shin and chaegyung are going to end up as the next king and queen....hm.

i'm done ranting.

i love goong, and my goong-ssession ain't gonna die anytime soon :lol:

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