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Guest coreana

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Guest Pikachu

The news at korean time 18:20 said that the MBC director in charge of drama confirmed that YEH, JJH, KJH would attend the performance of goong2. here is the link to the news:


wow,is it true? can I believe it?


By saying they, I meant YEH, JJH, KJH the three main characters.....!!!

OMGOMGOMGOMG! THE WORLD IS GOOD AGAIN! I can love JJH again!! (unless he says something bad in the coming days/months) XDDD;;

but wow.. I'm happy those 3 are back.. now I just hope the rest of the cast (esp Kang Hyun and Jang Kyung.. and Kang In.. and well the monkey trio and CG's trio and Hyo Rin and ... okay everyone) sign in .. or they don't report those kind of stuff? XDDD

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Guest mizzlinhie

I don't think they would report about those casts because they're not the main ones. But I hope they'll be back, i love seeing Kang Hyun and Jang Kyung together :) they're such a kute couple lolz .

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Guest helenou

Hearing that YEH, JJH and KJH have confirmed for Goong 2 is such a good news, a great news !!!! :w00t:

we have been waitng for this news for such along time, well at least for me it was a long time ahaha

ive got my glass for the champagne, wait for me im coming hahaha need another bottle to celebrate? :lol:

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Guest smelissa

wow...havnt log in for long time due to my school projects...

n i missed like 40 pages from the last time i logged...whooo go go go GOONG forum...

first, i want to thanks for the subbers....realllly appreciate it..

second, whoaaaaa, we need to celebrate...due to YEY, JJH and KJH are confirmed in GOONG 2..

whooooooooooooooooo coollllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll

last but not least, lets keep this forum alive til next year...yea....

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Guest mintoro

Glad to hear the great news that YEH, JJH and KJH are coming back for GOONG 2!!!! I read the news from JJH thread... hehe...

but I'm thinking if they r just special guest or lead for goong 2... ??

well of course all of us here hope that they're the lead for goong 2 right!

ARHG... I;m just crazy about the news

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Guest andie

OMG OMG OMG!!!! :w00t::w00t::w00t: The best news ever! I felt like I just won the lottery or something! :P Raising my glass here to everyone for one big toast! :blush:

I can sleep peacefully now, but come to think of it, this news is bound to keep me awake all night! The excitement and the anticipation is killing me!!!! In just a few months, we get to see the real Shin-goon again in action!!! *faints*

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Guest Pikachu

Glad to hear the great news that YEH, JJH and KJH are coming back for GOONG 2!!!! I read the news from JJH thread... hehe...

but I'm thinking if they r just special guest or lead for goong 2... ??

well of course all of us here hope that they're the lead for goong 2 right!

ARHG... I;m just crazy about the news

What do you mean special guest? XD Of course they're lead. XDD!!!

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MBC 드라마국장 “ ‘궁 시즌2’ 윤은혜 주지훈 김정훈 모두 출연할 것

it means something like mbc drama goong season2, yeh jjh and kjh ALL will be casted in it.

omg.. i need champagne

It is this true? Yay! That is really good news and one we have all been waiting for. Thanks for translating for us.

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Guest hajjah


party...party...time,this current news make smile ,make me laugh,make me.......everything........

LOVE Yeh and Ji Hoon!!!!!!!!!!!!!

:D:w00t: yeay....for the first time i own page

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Guest mcmug

oh that means they use 'respect form' (honorific)... i shall not add my comments here and let someone else come along and burst my bubble :lol::sweatingbullets:

one thing i find it quote puzzling is why lovers in dramas (many dramas in fact) still address each other with 'ssi' when they are well.. suppose to be lovers, aren't they supp to act like close pals who call each other by first names

yap i find that weird too...that's why i like what Shin and CG called each other....Babo Shin...Shin Goon...Min Lang Pyeon...Shin Chae Gyung...that's so much closer to life

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Guest mytafan

According chinese.chosun.com, KJH (Yul) said that if he can arrange his plan, he hope to be in Goong II. When asked about the rumour of YEH and JJH, KJN answered that until the last shooting, both of them used "respectful words" ( I dont' know correct words) to each other, he thinks maybe they are very close, but not "in love".

Actually, I'm wonder because of KJH 's statement . We can remember the last ep 24 in Macau clearly ( we are goongers truely :D ) doesn't get YUL so he didnt attend in Macau with our royal couple so how can he know they still speak "respectful words" . I cannot understand . Anyways, whatever is behind , I dont care because our royal couple will close together again in season 2 . I hope they are a real couple or "close friend " . I start to watch goong again with sub . OMG they are so sweet together in ep23&24 . I cant lose my eyes . I hope and pray for them . they are so perfect together . what a pity if they dont be lovers . :P;)

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one question remains... wad bout.. SJH aka hyorin? wadever happen to her?

too bz actin in the ghost story? lOlx..

LOL! Haha... Amanda-dear, you still got "it" when it comes to her.... :lol: hahaha...

I was giggling like a maniac all by myself here in my office, and suddenly, can't help to remember all those good ol' times when we goongers were using these beautifully-created words, "ho-toot", "toot^2" for HR, puehehehe~~

And now, this great news today.... I was like :D all the way~

This really is called for great celebrations! Woohoo~~! ^_______________^

Finally they gave us something to be hopeful for. And now, it gives a bit hope to look forward to Season 2, coz sooner or later, we'll hear more news (good ones, I hope) about Season 2...

"who's the new writer?, whose gonna be the 2nd leading girl if SJH is out?, what about those three-musketeers? *all of them should come back, otherwise it's gonna be weird -.-* ",

and soon to read about their shooting schedules, meaning more pictures to look forward to... etc etc..... Ahhh~~ the excitements are endless! :lol:

Thank you hopelisa for bringing us the hope this great news! ^^

Goongers are still rockin'!! :lol:


About the suggested pairing up of Yul with Choi Sang Gong, hmmm.... :huh:

she looks old enough to be called 'noona', me thinks :P

Let Yul with Kang Hyun or some other girl, now that'd be interesting to see how it'll develop :haha:

But I do want Choi Sang Gong to be with someone though ;)

Afterall, she got the bouquet :ph34r: hihi~~ :P

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Guest mcmug

in actual fact KJH is 26...Choi Sang Gong (not sure of her real name) is 28...only 2 years diff...they look kinda cute together

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in actual fact KJH is 26...Choi Sang Gong (not sure of her real name) is 28...only 2 years diff...they look kinda cute together

hmm... ya, but Yul is supposed to be only 19 in the drama, so they probably wouldn't do that. they'll have to add another girl, probably as Yul's new love interest since KJH has signed on!

okay, if Yul's going to be in the drama I'll watch part 2. Unless he has a diminished role! :P

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About the suggested pairing up of Yul with Choi Sang Gong, hmmm.... :huh:

she looks old enough to be called 'noona', me thinks :P

Let Yul with Kang Hyun or some other girl, now that'd be interesting to see how it'll develop :haha:

But I do want Choi Sang Gong to be with someone though ;)

Afterall, she got the bouquet :ph34r: hihi~~ :P

Shenny!!! *huggles you*

I agree.. Yul & Choi Sang Gong would look a wee bit freaky together. She's too uptight and he's too boy-ish.. I'd prefer Choi Sang Gong and one of Shin's bodyguard.. @__@ Okay, forget that.. she's too authoritive for them.. Oh what the hell, Gwang Nae Gwan it is then > <

We will start the countdown soon *poking Pikachu* to February 2006 *at least we hope that they're gonna be on schedule* =)

About the side-story, I'm pretty sure we're gonna see more of Kang Hyun & Jang Kyung actions.. well more like he's chasing her around, kekekeke... and our poor Kang In will be all by himself, looking for Hyo Rin's replacement to fit in his "buggy" .. > <

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Guest spygurl72

hmm... ya, but Yul is supposed to be only 19 in the drama, so they probably wouldn't do that. they'll have to add another girl, probably as Yul's new love interest since KJH has signed on!

okay, if Yul's going to be in the drama I'll watch part 2. Unless he has a diminished role! :P

ahhhhhhhhh i wanna cry

how could they add another girl for yul

it only 6 eps :(

i wish it longer i cant get enough

but i wish it really happen so yul dun need to wait for chaegyung again in next 2.5 million years

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Guest tomitofruit

Shenny!!! *huggles you*

I agree.. Yul & Choi Sang Gong would look a wee bit freaky together. She's too uptight and he's too boy-ish.. I'd prefer Choi Sang Gong and one of Shin's bodyguard.. @__@ Okay, forget that.. she's too authoritive for them.. Oh what the hell, Gwang Nae Gwan it is then > <

We will start the countdown soon *poking Pikachu* to February 2006 *at least we hope that they're gonna be on schedule* =)

About the side-story, I'm pretty sure we're gonna see more of Kang Hyun & Jang Kyung actions.. well more like he's chasing her around, kekekeke... and our poor Kang In will be all by himself, looking for Hyo Rin's replacement to fit in his "buggy" .. > <

I dunno. I somehow feel that if yul gets a girlfriend he won't be yul anymore. His character is kind of that depressed type and you feel so bad for him especially because he likes chaegyung so much. Maybe its harsh for me to say this... maybe he'll devote his life to religion?

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Guest daisy_changstah

SUBS FOR 22-24 are out! I'm so HAPPY!

Also, knowing that all three main character, JJH, YEH, KJH are coming back in GOONG 2... I couldn't be happier!!!!!

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Guest miss adorablexd

thanks for the subbers hard work! i really enjoyed this drama! the ending was very satisfying, i was pretty shocked that the sister got to be queen and how shin would make such a decision. Near the end when he was wearing those shorts -_-... nope they gotta go! LOL i think they look so weird. men capris.. o.O I hope in the next drama Yul will find that perfect person for him, it made me sad to see how his life is so lonely... i liked the part when they were walking through the palace saying how they would go back to how they use to live. cant wait till goong 2 comes out !! =DD

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Guest honeebee

OMG! i just finished watching GOONG and it's the best korean drama i've watched so far. Full house used to be my fav but this is so much better. THANK YOU to all the subbers because without them i wouldnt be about to understand one word! and OMG! so happy that JJH and YEH will be back for season 2!!! i wonder what will happen??

is there a season 2 of the manga version of goong? if there is, what happens in it??

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